[jboss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: Communication between JSR 168 Portlets

2007-08-12 Thread explorer
I think you are talking about IPC. There are good examples based on events in 
samples... Have a look at them... Specifiacally, PortletA, PortletB in the 
samples events package.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: Communication between JSR 168 Portlets

2007-08-12 Thread anders3
I think you should consider the second page to be the same portlet
or you should make a menu "link to the other portlet"

In the first case it is the same portlet.
In the second case it works as the menu system works. (Only difference your 
link comes from another portlet .. not the menu)

A third case could be called IPC Inter portlet communication. The best design 
is to avoid this.

The basic idea behind portlets in JSR 168 is independence. It does not specify 
You can ask. Was the JSR 168 team sleeping ... doing a bad job? 
I think No. I think the JSR 168 team did a fair job.
You should think about portlets as independent units.
At the wildest linked together like a menu...

By such a perception I believe you will end up being happier...
The benefit from portlets for you shoud be the power of combining portlets into 
a portal.
The benefit should not be another way of combining components.
Components are much better combined in frameworks like JSF

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