[jboss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: WSRP with Portlet Container only

2009-06-11 Thread chris.lap...@jboss.com
Still lots of work to do though...

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: WSRP with Portlet Container only

2009-06-11 Thread jhalmes
Hey guys, the $50 was a joke.  I have looked at the code and I have no idea how 
much it would take to get you guys to fix this, but I know my company won't pay 
for it, but my dev team would probably chip in some money, that part was 
serious.  Sorry if the joke didn't come across, it wasn't meant as an insult.

Thomas, if you read the thread you'll see that I was asked if I would be 
willing to buy support.  I think the phrase "So now you can sit and wait or 
step up and help." is a bit of a cheap shot.  I've really just been trying to 
get info, not imply that the work you're doing isn't appreciated.  Honestly, it 
is frustrating that my preferred application platform is the only one that 
doesn't support this feature yet, and I have a requirement to deliver it.  I 
know that's not your fault and you're working with limited resources.

But if you're serious and you want the help, I am not as committed this summer. 
 If you "step up" ;) and give me some advice and ideas on where to start I'll 
start reading through the code again.  My biggest issue is I have no idea what 
your future design plans are.  If you and Chris support me and answer my 
questions when I'm not sure of what some of the code constructs are for, I'll 
take on the project this summer.

What do you say?


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: WSRP with Portlet Container only

2009-05-20 Thread thomas.he...@jboss.com
Exactly, it is planned anyway. There is no need to argue about the usefulness. 
Now there is no need to argue about the usefulness of most Jiras neither. If 
the priority was lowered is that like all default tasks it got the priority of 
'Major' assigned, we preferred to lower the expectations as it wasn't planned.

Also keep in mind that we do accept contributions in terms of code 
contributions which would be much more rewarding than giving money away.

So now you can sit and wait or step up and help.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: WSRP with Portlet Container only

2009-05-20 Thread chris.lap...@jboss.com
We're not arguing the usefulness of such a feature. We're just saying that 
there were other priorities that needed to be addressed first.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: WSRP with Portlet Container only

2009-05-19 Thread jpviragine
Some App servers (like IBM Websphere) supports PC + WSRP OOTB.
Not always the customers needs a full portal solution

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: WSRP with Portlet Container only

2009-05-19 Thread chris.lap...@jboss.com
Yeah, no kidding, eh? :) That is sure to motivate me to work on it!

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: WSRP with Portlet Container only

2009-05-19 Thread thomas.he...@jboss.com
Wow $50 !

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: WSRP with Portlet Container only

2009-05-19 Thread chris.lap...@jboss.com
There are only 2 votes for this JIRA issue, none of which seems to be yours... 
We only have limited time and resources and have to prioritize things. 
Priorities change. Votes for features influence which ones we work on...

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: WSRP with Portlet Container only

2009-05-18 Thread jhalmes
The JIRA priority got bumped down?!  I was doing my bi-annual check in on this 
requested feature and found that JBPORTAL-2186 is now optional?  I could have 
sworn it was high priority last time.

Apparently I'm the only person that wants to publish content from my 
application via WSRP standards without running a full portal, eh?  There has to 
be at least 2 of us since I didn't open the original JIRA issue.

Seriously, I don't view this as a "feature" as much as a "design requirement" 
of a portlet container.  Why should I have to run an entire portal server to 
serve up portlets via standards?  I thought that was the whole point of the 
portlet container project?  The Sun openportal and apache portlet container 
both included WSRP from the beginning so I've been expecting it to show up in 
the jboss container.

I was under the impression that this was going to be included in the "next 
version" of the portlet container but its been a year since I've been asking 
about this.  I'm guessing by the priority you're not crazy about WSRP as a 
standard?  Unfortunately I have a requirement so I'll have to choose between 
running the resource expensive portal just to server a single portlet which is 
really just a wrapper of an iframe back to my main app or switching to another 
server to host it.  I don't like either option.

What would you do?  I just need to be able to serve my content via WSRP to 
another portal.  Am I barking up the wrong tree?

As for paying you for support, it would depend on how much and how fast I could 
get the feature.  I'll send you $50 myself if you'll do it this week.  If 
that's not enough I could pass the hat around the dev team, how much would it 
take?  :)


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: WSRP with Portlet Container only

2008-11-05 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
We have to balance all the requested features and what we can support before 
making any decisions on this. It basically boils down to market demand vs. 
development/support cost.

For example, would you be willing to buy support for a WSRP + PC only solution?

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