Re: Create New Entity -> Page Round Trip & Update autoincrement

Hello all, 

I am new to seam & JSF in general, I have searched the forum for this problem 
and could not find anything related.  I am using an application that was 
generated by seamgen. 

I have an entity, called status.  If I create a new status, the proper table is 
updated, but upon the round trip from the server, the page does not contain the 
autoincremented ID from the status table.  Subsequently, when I try to add 
related information or update it without going back to the list to select it, I 
get an error, because the ID = 0, which of course is incorrect. 

I'm sure there must be a common way to handle this type of situation. 

I have the status id mapped as follows in my xhtml fragment:

  |             <s:decorate id="idDecoration" template="layout/edit.xhtml">
  |                 <ui:define name="label">id</ui:define>
  |                 <h:inputText id="id"
  |                        required="true"
  |                        disabled="#{statusHome.managed}"
  |                           value="#{}">
  |                     <a:support event="onblur" reRender="idDecoration" 
  |                 </h:inputText>
  |             </s:decorate>

Can anyone give me a push in the right direction?  Ideally, I want the id field 
to appear as a hidden field so the user does not see it.

I am using seam 2.0.0CR1. 

Thanks in advance, 


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