[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Caching pages in browser

2007-02-07 Thread spambob
With s:cache you cache part of pages serverside - i.e. a dynamic part of a page 
that changes from time to time but is expensive to compute.

With meta tags in html headers you cache whole pages clientside - you can tell 
the client to ask everytime if theres a newer version available, to use the 
current page for 24 hours, ... (have a look at the html spec)!

Those 2 have nothing to do with each other. Simply use client side caching if 
your page hasn't changed and the client has the current version - this saves 
you cpu time  bandwith and cost just a bit of thinking ;)

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Caching pages in browser

2007-02-07 Thread lowecg2004
I assume you mean browser page caching.  I came across this problem with an 
application that required a login to see customer transaction data.  
Essentially you could login, view financial data and then log out, after which 
hitting the back button would show browser cached pages from the previous 
session.  Obviously this caching could potentially reveal sensitive data to a 
user other than the original customer.

Adding the following meta tags to all my pages (regardless of whether they 
contained forms, s:link, etc) prevented the browser from caching the pages:

meta http-equiv=Expires content=-1 /
  | meta http-equiv=Cache-Control content=no-cache /
  | meta http-equiv=Pragma content=no-cache /

This worked well and our application functioned normally after retro fitting 
the meta tags, however it did cause a problem for our client which may or may 
not be an issue for you.  Our application made heavy use of the commandLink for 
navigation.  This mechanism requires a HTTP post when the link is selected. The 
side effect of this is that whenever the user selects the browsers' back 
button, after adding the meta tags the browser has to request a fresh page from 
the server.  Because the original page was generated as the result of a HTTP 
post, this causes the browser to issue a Resend Posted information warning 
(or something like that) every time the back button is used.  This is ugly and 
is not particularly intuitive and was unacceptable to our client 

We got around this by replacing all commandLinks that were used purely for 
navigational purposes with s:link. s:link generates a regular HTML link that 
allows navigation using HTTP get which solves the browser message problem.  One 
caveat to this solution is that if any navigation requires values from other 
components on the page or those values are to be saved for later you still have 
to use commandLink to submit the form data.

Regarding performance: in our case (in fact most cases), security requirements 
superseded performance requirements, so we had no choice but to turn off 
browser page caching. That said, you can still get good performance by adopting 
one or more of the following:

1.  As mentioned in previous posts, if a page is particularly expensive to 
render then caching the expensive page fragments using s:cache is a simple and 
very effective strategy (e.g. a table bound to a datamodel that requires a 
complex database query).  
2.  Introducing appropriate caching policies for external page resources 
(css, js, images etc) can help to reduce unnecessary server requests and save 
3.  If your generated pages are large and your users? connections are slow 
you could add a compression filter to your application.  I've used the 
following compression filter successfully in a Seam application which will cut 
HTML page sizes by 80% over the wire:


Hope this helps,


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Caching pages in browser

2007-02-06 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Perhaps by page caching they mean stuff like s:cache

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Caching pages in browser

2007-02-06 Thread lightbulb432
I'm not quite sure what you're saying ... so we should not cache pages in 
browser but can still use things like s:cache?

How does s:cache change anything...doesn't the page in the cache still need to 
be re-executed when accessed? And if not (i.e. it's already in HTML), then 
how's it any better than browser caching?

Is it true that browser caching with Seam is never a good combo?

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