[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Feature request regarding nested conversations

2007-11-05 Thread wschwendt
Hi Pete, thanks for your post and please excuse my late response, too.   I 
hardly followed this forum in October and therefore didn't notice earlier that 
you posted a response in this thread. 

  | Wolfgang Schwendt wrote : And the following approach is not  viable 
either: We cannot simply access a component from the parent conversation and  
call a property Setter of this component with the ending result of the nested 
conversation supplied as argument for this Setter.
  | This is what you are supposed to be able to do.
  | Wolfgang Schwendt wrote : The reason is that when a component from the 
parent conversation is called while the nested conversation is still in 
progress,  the ManagedEntityIdentityInterceptor saves  wrappers for the called 
component in the scope of the nested conversation (!) and not the scope of the 
parent conversation.
  | I'm 90% sure this is a bug.  Do you have a JIRA issue open for it? Can you 
point me at it if you do? I need to review it carefully with Norman.

ok, if one is really supposed to call a component of the parent conversation in 
order to transfer the result of the nested conversation, the behavior looks 
indeed like a bug.By the way, in the meantime another thread regarding the 
problem was opened by Denis Karpov in late October:

Therefore, as requested and in face of the second thread, I opened a JIRA issue 
at the weekend (you probably have noticed it already). 

  | anonymous wrote : I'm puzzled by the fact that Seam offers nothing yet in 
this regard.  A feature like that would be highly useful when modeling complex 
flows and composing them of one or more subflows.  I hope that an output-mapper 
gets added to Seam, in order to avoid having to resort to ugly hacks such as 
writing from the nested conversation to the parent conversation scope.
  |   | 
  | Even if you were able to write attributes back to the parent conversation 
do you still think this would be useful?

from a technical point of view, it would not be necessary.It would already 
be a big improvement if it was possible to transfer state to the parent 
conversation by way of an explicit method call (invocation of a component of 
the parent conversation).

Nevetheless, from a software engineering perspective, an output mapper feature 
could still be very useful.  But I'd need to write a more detailed explanation 
about that,  with this post I just want to mention the JIRA case.   And such an 
output mapper feature would have to be carefully designed.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Feature request regarding nested conversations

2007-10-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sorry about the delay getting to this thread.

wschwendt wrote :  One problem is that unfortunately Gavin King appears to be 
no longer present on this forum (yes, I understand that he's probably awfully 
busy and cannot answer mundane support questions here).

If you can persuade it us it's worth us looking at we can distill it down for 
him and see what he says (yes, its worth looking at IMO :) ). Gavin is busy 
with Web Beans atm.

anonymous wrote : And the following approach is not  viable either: We cannot 
simply access a component from the parent conversation and  call a property 
Setter of this component with the ending result of the nested conversation 
supplied as argument for this Setter.

This is what you are supposed to be able to do.

anonymous wrote : The reason is that when a component from the parent 
conversation is called while the nested conversation is still in progress,  the 
ManagedEntityIdentityInterceptor saves  wrappers for the called component in 
the scope of the nested conversation (!) and not the scope of the parent 

I'm 90% sure this is a bug.  Do you have a JIRA issue open for it? Can you 
point me at it if you do? I need to review it carefully with Norman.

anonymous wrote : I'm puzzled by the fact that Seam offers nothing yet in this 
regard.  A feature like that would be highly useful when modeling complex flows 
and composing them of one or more subflows.  I hope that an output-mapper gets 
added to Seam, in order to avoid having to resort to ugly hacks such as writing 
from the nested conversation to the parent conversation scope.

Even if you were able to write attributes back to the parent conversation do 
you still think this would be useful?

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Feature request regarding nested conversations

2007-10-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Feature request regarding nested conversations

2007-09-20 Thread jacob.orshalick
Very good point Wolfgang.  I also questioned the forum on this and posted a 
solution to the issue in the following post:


This is how I am destroying the conversation stack.  As per the semantics, 
destroying the root, destroys the entire stack.  Hope that helps.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Feature request regarding nested conversations

2007-09-20 Thread wschwendt
Thanks, Jacob.  Great solution.

I'd like to see that included in Seam.  And btw, we need the endRoot attribute 
for the end-conversation element, too.

Otherwise we cannot really end the entire conversation stack when a nested 
conversation throws an exception.

  | // pages.xml
  | exception class=javax.persistence.OptimisticLockException
  | end-conversation endRoot=true/  // end all conversations up to 
top-level long-running root conversation (inclusive)
  | redirect view-id=/error.xhtml
  | messageAnother user changed the same data, please try 
  | /redirect
  | /exception


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Feature request regarding nested conversations

2007-09-20 Thread jacob.orshalick
I raised a feature request in JIRA for this:


Maybe it could get included in the next release.

I would also like to see a feature for more out-of-the-box continuation support 
with nested conversations.  While the solution I've been using works, it would 
be nice if you could specify @Begin(nested=true, snapshot=true) to get this 
behavior auto-magically.  Turn it on only when needed to avoid needless memory 
usage on the server.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Feature request regarding nested conversations

2007-09-19 Thread matt.drees
Hi Jacob,

So you're not using a SMPC.  I guess I tend to assume everybody uses them. :-)  
My bad.

So I understand more, but I'm still missing a few pieces.

jacob.orshalick wrote : ...Seam has taken a snapshot of my Person entity in 
the outer conversation on nesting (which didn't have the new addresses).  The 
original Person instance will be reverted back to should the user back up to 
the original edit Person screen and submit.  Seam retrieves the outer 
conversation by id on submit and restores the state of my Person object at the 
time of the snapshot which doesn't include the new addresses.

It seems like you're embellishing Seam's behavior a little bit.  It's my 
understanding that when you begin a nested conversation, Seam doesn't take a 
snapshot, it just creates a new empty container, and prevents you from 
storing new objects in the parent container.  While in the nested conversation, 
new objects are stored in this new container, and lookups look there before 
looking in the parent container; there's no automatic cloning going on.  And if 
a user backbuttons out of a nested conversation, then there's no restoring 
going on, either; the nested container is simply not there, so new objects get 
stored in the parent container and lookups look there first.

So, to get the behavior you're talking about, I think you'd need to manually 
clone the person object when starting a nested conversation.  The original 
state Person would stay in the parent conversation, and the new cloned Person, 
which might be edited, goes in the nested conversation.  I'm guessing you must 
be doing this cloning manually somehow to get the behavior you describe, but 
you speak as if it's automatic.  Could you explain a little more or show some 


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Feature request regarding nested conversations

2007-09-19 Thread matt.drees
jacob.orshalick wrote : 
  | 1.  Does the snapshot of the Conversation context include a snapshot of the 
*managed entity*?
  | 2.  If I make changes to the Person in the nested conversation, since this 
is a *managed entity* does it make any difference in the semantics of the outer 
vs. nested conversation?
  | 3.  Will I still be able to revert back to the outer conversation snapshot 
of my Person object as I can with a detached entity?

I think I need to better understand how your detached-entity system works in 
order to intelligently answer these, but I'm pretty sure you'll find that 
seam-managed persistence contexts and nested conversations don't behave how 
you'd like them to (ie, like continuation servers).  Here are some posts that 



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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Feature request regarding nested conversations

2007-09-19 Thread jacob.orshalick
Thanks for the excellent information and the informative links Matt!

anonymous wrote : It seems like you're embellishing Seam's behavior a little 
bit. It's my understanding that when you begin a nested conversation, Seam 
doesn't take a snapshot, it just creates a new empty container, and prevents 
you from storing new objects in the parent container
  | So, to get the behavior you're talking about, I think you'd need to 
manually clone the person object when starting a nested conversation. The 
original state Person would stay in the parent conversation, and the new 
cloned Person, which might be edited, goes in the nested conversation.

You are absolutely correct Matt! I suppose I am embellishing Seam's behavior ;) 
 I am cloning the Person object when starting a nested conversation which would 
obviously be problematic when using an SMPC since the instance would no longer 
be managed on cloning.

The reason the approach works is performing the merge at the end.  The detached 
instance is merged back with the attached managed instance.  Thus, whichever 
instance it finds first during the lookup (the clone in the nested conversation 
or the original in the outer conversation) is the instance that is merged.

Thanks for increasing my understanding here on use of SMPCs with your 
information and the provided links.  The approach I've used works well for my 
client (who have many of these mother-child scenarios and do not require an 
SMPC) but it is important to note that this is not viable for managed entities.

One question.  If I cloned my Person in the nested conversation and then merged 
the clone to retrieve the attached instance, I'm assuming I would now have the 
same reference in both my outer and inner conversation.  Is this assumption 
correct?  Thanks again.

By the way, on an unrelated note, how are you guys crediting quotes (e.g. 
jacob orshalick wrote).  I want to make sure I'm giving credit where credit 
is due :)

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Feature request regarding nested conversations

2007-09-19 Thread wschwendt
matt.drees wrote : Hi Jacob,
  | So you're not using a SMPC.  I guess I tend to assume everybody uses them. 
:-)  My bad.
  | So I understand more, but I'm still missing a few pieces.

As for Jacob's approach, I think I roughly understand what he wants to achieve 
with his use of nested conversations, but so far I cannot completely follow 
either because some details of his approach are still unknown to us.

matt.drees wrote : 
  | jacob.orshalick wrote : ...Seam has taken a snapshot of my Person entity 
in the outer conversation on nesting (which didn't have the new addresses).  
The original Person instance will be reverted back to should the user back up 
to the original edit Person screen and submit.  Seam retrieves the outer 
conversation by id on submit and restores the state of my Person object at the 
time of the snapshot which doesn't include the new addresses.
  |   | 
  | It seems like you're embellishing Seam's behavior a little bit.  It's my 
understanding that when you begin a nested conversation, Seam doesn't take a 
snapshot, it just creates a new empty container, and prevents you from 
storing new objects in the parent container.  While in the nested conversation, 
new objects are stored in this new container, and lookups look there before 
looking in the parent container; there's no automatic cloning going on.  And if 
a user backbuttons out of a nested conversation, then there's no restoring 
going on, either; the nested container is simply not there, so new objects get 
stored in the parent container and lookups look there first.

Exactly, I already thought the same yesterday evening.  Jacob has repeatedly 
mentioned that Seam saves snapshots, but I think that is not really the case. 
  Seam manages contexts which are conceptually map-like data structures that 
associate context variable names (Strings) with object values.   As regards 
contexts and nested conversations, when a new nested conversation is begun, 
Seam does in fact NOT clone the objects to which context variables from the 
parent conversation are bound. When a component class is annotated with  
@PerNestedConversation,however, any component instance of the same name 
that might exists in the parent conversation is invisible to its child 
conversations.   This may lead to instantiation of a fresh component instance 
in the scope of a nested conversation when a @PerNestedConversationcomponent is 
being looked up.   Do you make use of this @PerNestedConversationcomponent 
feature, Jacob?

Alternatively, regarding Jacob's mentions of saved snapshots, I was wondering 
whether perhaps he interprets the side-effects of the 
ManagedEntityIndentityInterceptor as saving of snapshots.  As described in my 
first post in this thread (#1),  when a conversation-scoped component of the 
parent conversation is called from a nested conversation, the 
ManagedEntityIndentityInterceptor saves its wrappers for Entity fields
or Entity collection fields in the scope of the nested conversation and not the 
parent conversation.   It follows that once the nested conversation context is 
destroyed and the parent conversation resumes, these saved wrappers are gone, 
too  (if I'm not mistaken).This may appear to be a reversion to a previous 
snapshot,  but it is a reversion only as far as Entity fields or Entity 
collection fields are concerned.  All other fields no wrappers are saved for by 
the ManagedEntityIndentityInterceptor  are not reverted to old values.

I'm not sure however whether Jacob's snapshot behavior is caused by the 
ManagedEntityIndentityInterceptor.   If a Seam component is an  Entity, no 
interceptor is added by Seam, thus no ManagedEntityIndentityInterceptor either.

matt.drees wrote : 
  | I'm guessing you must be doing this cloning manually somehow to get the 
behavior you describe, but you speak as if it's automatic.  Could you explain a 
little more or show some code?

we need to know exactly how Jacob's does the management of Entity instances.  
How are they accessed,   are context variables bound to them, and if so, with 
what scope?

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Feature request regarding nested conversations

2007-09-19 Thread wschwendt
our posts have just overlapped, Jacob.  Wasn't aware of your latest follow-up 
when I clicked the submit button.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Feature request regarding nested conversations

2007-09-19 Thread wschwendt
and it should always read ManagedEntityIdentityInterceptor,
not ManagedEntityIndentityInterceptor

(was using copy  paste to save some typing and always copied the mistake name 
with an additional 'n')

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Feature request regarding nested conversations

2007-09-19 Thread jacob.orshalick
Not a problem Wolfgang, I hope that my post cleared up a lot of your questions.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Feature request regarding nested conversations

2007-09-19 Thread wschwendt
baz wrote : Very interesting thread.
  | i like to give a new usecase (or workflow)
  | We have a search screen, where the user can search for an object(e.g. an 
  | When navigation to the show/edit screen ocurs a conversation is started and 
the object(the experiment) is shown.
  | Now the user can work with the object(the experiment)
  | What comes in now is a subworkflow. This workflow uses a nested 
conversation and could be started on any page. When this subworkflow ends, the 
nested conversation ends and redirection to the starting page occurs.
  | (...)
  | My question is how this kind of workflows can be correctly implemented with 
seam and conversations? For now, it seems to me that it is nessacary to deliver 
results from the nested conversation to the outer conversation.

This exactly is the motive why I opened this tread:  to request a better (or 
more elegant) way to transfer state (an ending result) back to the parent 
conversation when the nested conversation ends. 

From a modeling perspective, it makes a lot of sense to model a use case (or 
an activity or workflow) as a composition of sub use cases (or 
sub-activities).  For example, in UML use case diagrams you could define 
include- or extend- relationships between use cases.  In activity diagrams 
it is possible to model the invocation of sub activities etc.

When using Seam for the implementation, these models eventually would have to 
be mapped to Seam-based code.Clearly, Seam's nested conversation feature is 
somewhat limited as long as it is akward to transfer state back to the parent 
conversation (eg. if artificial POJO classes just for this state transfer have 
to be written).

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Feature request regarding nested conversations

2007-09-19 Thread matt.drees
jacob.orshalick wrote : 
  | One question.  If I cloned my Person in the nested conversation and then 
merged the clone to retrieve the attached instance, I'm assuming I would now 
have the same reference in both my outer and inner conversation.  Is this 
assumption correct?  Thanks again.

That's my understanding, yes.  I haven't thought enough about it, but maybe you 
could get continuation-like behavior with SMPCs through careful use of merging. 
 In particular, I wonder if you could create a new persistence context in the 
nested conversation, merge everything down to it from the parent context, do 
your editing, and then when you're done, either merge everything back, or flush 
the child persistence context and refresh the appropriate entities in the 
parent context.

jacob.orshalick wrote : 
  | By the way, on an unrelated note, how are you guys crediting quotes (e.g. 
jacob orshalick wrote).  I want to make sure I'm giving credit where credit 
is due :)

Click on the quote button to the far right of someone's name, and it'll show 
you the additional syntax you need.  Took me a while to catch on, too. :-)

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Feature request regarding nested conversations

2007-09-19 Thread jacob.orshalick
wschwendt wrote : This exactly is the motive why I opened this tread: to 
request a better (or more elegant) way to transfer state (an ending result) 
back to the parent conversation when the nested conversation ends.

I absolutely agree with you guys that this is a must if you could simply carry 
the required state changes (and maintain the snapshot of the original 
conversation for back-button purposes) the problem would be resolved.  The 
issue is if you directly write into the parent conversation, the back-button is 
always going to cause problems in master-details scenarios unless a snapshot 

e.g. if Person has addresses added and this is updated to the parent 
conversation, backing up to the page that does not show the addresses will 
still persist the addresses on submit as they are a part of that conversation. 

Spring Web Flow provides a very elegant solution to this through its 
continuation approach but warn of the potential for high-memory usage.  This 
could be limited if you could specify ONLY the objects that need a snapshot 
(which is essentially what I've been doing by cloning).

matt.drees wrote : I wonder if you could create a new persistence context in 
the nested conversation, merge everything down to it from the parent context, 
do your editing, and then when you're done, either merge everything back, or 
flush the child persistence context and refresh the appropriate entities in the 
parent context. 

This is definitely, interesting, will have to look into it.  It would be nice 
if the @PerNestedConversation (which was mentioned before) or some other 
annotation indicated this type of snapshot behavior.  Currently, it looks like 
it simply means the object is not visible to the nested conversation and is 
recreated if needed (the documentation also says don't use it).  This would be 
an easy way to specify only which objects you wanted a snapshot of to limit 
memory usage in a continuation approach.

Any other thoughts?


By the way, thanks for the tip on the quotes Matt :)

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Feature request regarding nested conversations

2007-09-18 Thread jacob.orshalick

I completely understand your problem, but it seems that most of the posts I see 
about nested conversations are somewhat puzzling to me so I would like to hear 
some opinions on their usage.

I have been using nested conversations in situations where I require a 
continuation server implementation.  After a lot of thought, it seemed that 
this was the most logical usage of nested conversations given their state 
snapshot behavior.  I have successfully implemented some very complex page 
flows with master-details editing relationships and all issues with the back 
button have been alleviated.  The user is free to navigate as they please!

The main issue that comes in with conversations is the master-details editing 
where the master controls the persistence of the data.  For example, a Person 
and their Addresses:

1. Select Person for editing which displays a Person edit screen
2. Select Add Addresses which forwards to a secondary screen
3. Addresses are added and the screen is submitted which updates the in-memory 
4. The Person edit screen is redisplayed with the Addresses added
5. The user then uses the back button to return to the original Person edit 
screen and submits which persists Person with new addresses

If a single long-running conversation was used, you end up submitting addresses 
that were not intended by the user (at least not what they saw on the 
browser-cached edit screen) since the Person was updated in the conversation 
context.  If the conversation is nested for the Address details screen, the 
addition of addresses does not affect the outer conversation.  In other words, 
we have a snapshot of state prior to adding the Addresses.

We do NOT end this conversation when the Addresses are submitted.  Instead we 
continue the nested conversation on the new Person edit screen.  Now, if the 
user was to back up to the original Person edit screen, the snapshot of 
conversation state is restored (the outer conversation) unaffected by the 
user's actions.  If the user then submits, the state is persisted consistent 
with what the user sees.

By updating the outer (parent) conversation backing up to the original Person 
edit screen has the same effect as using a single long-running conversation.  
Data is persisted that the user did not intend.  This is because we no longer 
have a snapshot of the browser cached state at that time.

I hope this makes sense.  If not, I can clarify.  Thanks.


By the way, a workaround in regards to updating parent conversation state you 
can always use a non-Seam POJO which maintains mutable state.  Any class not 
annotated with @Name, will not be managed by Seam and thus, will not be 
reverted back to the outer conversation state when a nested conversation ends.  
All changes to the internal state of the object will stick in the outer 

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Feature request regarding nested conversations

2007-09-18 Thread wschwendt
A great thank your for writing a response, Jacob!  I already felt that most 
users on this forum aren't interested and don't  care about the feature 
request, even though it's a feature not freshly conceived by me, but a feature 
which is already available and proven in Spring Web Flow.

I'll read your post later this evening and then think about your use of nested 
conversations (the master-detail editing).  Perhaps I'll understand then why 
the output-mapper function still misses in Seam.

PS: Your workaround for transferring state to the parent conversation state, 
with a non-Seam POJO placed in parent conversation scope, is  smart.   One of 
the simple workarounds I tested was to fake a write access to the parent 
conversation at the end of a nested conversation.
This can be done, given that the underlying  store for the Conversation 
context is the Session scope  (entries for a certain conversation are stored 
with a special generated key that includes the conversation id).  If we know 
the format of this key and generate this key ourselves, we can write to the 
parent conversation scope.  It should only be kept in mind that by doing 
this we completely bypass Seam's support for Entity passivation (when an entity 
instance or a collection of entity instances is regularly saved in conversation 
scope, ie. not with the described fake write,  Seam wraps the Entity instance 
into a  special wrapper class such as org.jboss.seam.contexts.EntityBean or 
org.jboss.seam.contexts.EntityBeanList and then saves this wrapper class 

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Feature request regarding nested conversations

2007-09-18 Thread wschwendt
wschwendt wrote : A great thank your for writing a response, Jacob!

Sorry,  I have to sell an 'r'. It should read:

A great thank you_ for writing a response, Jacob!

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Feature request regarding nested conversations

2007-09-18 Thread jacob.orshalick
No problem.  I would welcome any input from other forum members as well.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Feature request regarding nested conversations

2007-09-18 Thread matt.drees
jacob.orshalick wrote : 
  | If a single long-running conversation was used, you end up submitting 
addresses that were not intended by the user (at least not what they saw on the 
browser-cached edit screen) since the Person was updated in the conversation 
context.  If the conversation is nested for the Address details screen, the 
addition of addresses does not affect the outer conversation.  In other words, 
we have a snapshot of state prior to adding the Addresses.

Hi Jacob,

I wonder if you could explain this a little more; I don't completely follow.  
It seems to me that if you have a (managed) Person entity in the parent 
conversation, and (in a nested conversation) you add an address to it 
(something like person.addAddress(newAddress) ), the newAddress will not be 
directly in the parent conversation, but it will be directly referenced by 
Person, which is in the parent conversation.  And thus entityManager.flush() 
would cause newAddress to be persisted, even if the user backbuttons out of the 
nested conversation.

So, I'm guessing you're not doing a person.addAddress(newAddress) kind of 
thing.  What are you doing?

Thanks for the posts, guys!  I think nested conversations need to be discussed 

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Feature request regarding nested conversations

2007-09-18 Thread jacob.orshalick
Hi Matt,

Thanks for the response!

Actually I am doing a Person.setAddresses(listOfAddresses) when the Address 
details page is submitted.  This sets the list of addresses for the Person in 
the nested conversation not affecting the parent conversation.  The reason is 
that Seam has taken a snapshot of my Person entity in the outer conversation on 
nesting (which didn't have the new addresses).  The original Person instance 
will be reverted back to should the user back up to the original edit Person 
screen and submit.  Seam retrieves the outer conversation by id on submit and 
restores the state of my Person object at the time of the snapshot which 
doesn't include the new addresses.

I hope that clarifies the scenario a little bit...

You bring up an interesting point with respect to the EntityManager.  I will 
have to test this point using the Seam managed persistence context.  I do not 
know the effects of nesting on the Seam managed persistence context and whether 
it is included in the state snapshot.  Currently my implementation does not 
require a Seam managed persistence context as we always perform a fetch join 
when dependent objects are needed and merge() on final submit.

Thus, I am keeping my entities within the scope of the conversation context.  
This ensures that nesting the conversation will maintain a state snapshot of my 
entity in the outer conversation context regardless of changes to the entity in 
the nested conversation.

Maybe an expert on the effects of nested conversations on a Seam managed 
persistence context could shed some light on this?

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Feature request regarding nested conversations

2007-09-18 Thread jacob.orshalick

Thanks for the information.  Yes, I understand how the Seam managed persistence 
context works, in theory.  I suppose my question relates more to how the Seam 
managed persistence context maintains managed entities with respect to nested 

So if I have an entity in my outer conversation, say Person as before.  I 
loaded my Person instance in the outer conversation with a Seam managed 
persistence context which means my Person instance remains managed for the 
course of the conversation.  Now I navigate to the Address details page which 
nests a conversation,

1.  Does the snapshot of the Conversation context include a snapshot of the 
*managed entity*?
2.  If I make changes to the Person in the nested conversation, since this is a 
*managed entity* does it make any difference in the semantics of the outer vs. 
nested conversation?
3.  Will I still be able to revert back to the outer conversation snapshot of 
my Person object as I can with a detached entity?

I will have to create an example that tests this behavior with attached 
entities as I know it works with detached entities.  If anyone could provide 
any insight, that would be great.  Thanks again.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Feature request regarding nested conversations

2007-09-18 Thread wschwendt
Jacob,  as for my previous post, I wrote it as some sort of summary a further 
discussion can be based on.   This also allows other readers to follow this 
thread more easily. 

As for your other questions, I have to think about some things first before I 
can write a follow-up post that tries to address these other issues.  

Regards, Wolfgang

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Feature request regarding nested conversations

2007-09-18 Thread jacob.orshalick
anonymous wrote : if I think of breadcrumbs and the conversation stack (- 
6.7.5. Breadcrumbs), the use of nested conversations goes into a direction much 
similar to the composition of subflows

This is a good point, and I have discussed this at length with my colleagues.  
But, if you think of nested conversations as continuations 
(http://www.brainbell.com/tutorials/java/Continuation_Servers.htm),  the 
implementation of the Seam conversation model suddenly makes perfect sense.  I 
actually posted the breadcrumb issue you raise as a topic:


Actually, simply filtering the ConversationStack by view-id yields the expected 
results from breadcrumbs with the continuation view of nested conversations.  I 
can post the filtering code if you or anyone is interested.  It is simply a 
component that wraps the ConversationStack.

I will soon be posting an extended seam-booking example with an accompanying 
article that will illustrate the continuation approach in-depth.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Feature request regarding nested conversations

2007-09-18 Thread matt.drees
By the way, I didn't realize this:

wschwendt wrote : And the following approach is not  viable either: We cannot 
simply access a component from the parent conversation and  call a property 
Setter of this component with the ending result of the nested conversation 
supplied as argument for this Setter.The reason is that when a component 
from the parent conversation is called while the nested conversation is still 
in progress,  the ManagedEntityIdentityInterceptor saves  wrappers for the 
called component in the scope of the nested conversation (!) and not the scope 
of the parent conversation. So once the nested conversation scope gets 
destroyed at the end of the nested conversation, the saved wrappers  for the 
component from the parent conversation get destroyed as well.

I can't help but think this wasn't intended; I'm guessing 
ManagedEntityIdentityInterceptor is intended to be transparent.  (Side rant: 
it's not transparent, and has caused me some pain.)

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Feature request regarding nested conversations

2007-09-18 Thread baz
Very interesting thread.
i like to give a new usecase (or workflow)
We have a search screen, where the user can search for an object(e.g. an 
When navigation to the show/edit screen ocurs a conversation is started and the 
object(the experiment) is shown.

Now the user can work with the object(the experiment)

What comes in now is a subworkflow. This workflow uses a nested conversation 
and could be started on any page. When this subworkflow ends, the nested 
conversation ends and redirection to the starting page occurs.

Now imagine that our object(experiment) consists of many parts 
(analysis,mtplate,samples and so on). Could it be good  design to create some 
of this parts in a subworkflow? And if so, how can i get hold of the assembled 
object in my outer conversation? 

This gets more complex when you are aiming to an object hierarchy
An experiment has  mtplates and analyses. Now when editing an analysis, this 
analysis has to be associated with an mtplate. But if none exist, it must be 
created. After creation of the mtplate there is no connection between analysis 
and the created mtplate because the mtplate belongs to the experiment. 
I hope you see my point. 
My question is how this kind of workflows can be correctly implemented with 
seam and conversations? For now, it seems to me that it is nessacary to deliver 
results from the nested conversation to the outer conversation.


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