[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Nested conversation - passing selection to parent conver

2007-06-13 Thread petemuir
I don't understand why you are using a nested conversation... Show some code :)

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Nested conversation - passing selection to parent conver

2007-06-13 Thread thatrichard
Trying to answer that question has made me that a nested conversation is in 
fact not necessary - inappropriate even.

I've now collapsed the conversations, but the following problem remains - here 
is the code :)

The flow is as follows (relevant code in bold)
1.  The Registration form conversation starts with the enterClaim method (first 
bit of code)
2.  The user clicks a link in the form (not shown) which calls the 
enterClaimant method on the RegistrationEditorBean.  This shows Tab 1 (JSF code 
3.  The user clicks the select link on that tab, which calls the selectClaimant 
method on the RegistrationEditorBean.  This method creates and installs a 
PartyFinderClient (more on this soon) and displays the FindPerson Form (JSF 
code below).
4.  The user searches and the results are shown using the Find Person Results 
Form (shown below).
5.  The user selects the link for the relevant person and this invokes the 
select method of PartyFinder (code below)
6.  PartyFinder.select looks up the PartyFinderClient and (i) passes it the 
selected party so that it can handle the assignment and (ii) redirects to the 
page specified by that PartyFinderClient.  In this case, the PartyFinderClient 
assigns the party to a field in RegistrationEditor.registrationData and returns 
to Tab 1.

(I use PartyFinderClient because there are a number of fields that require the 
same selection process so the PartyFinderBean cannot know what to do with the 
data.  I'd love to know if there is a more elegant way to do this)

When the user makes their selection it all works, except that the 
RegistrationEditorBean's data field is now null.  If I remove the 
@In(required=false) tag from the setRegistrationData method then this problem 
disappears - but of course, I need the injection because I might be editing, as 
opposed, to creating the registrationData.  Since I am outjecting the instance 
of the registrationData, why is that outjected instance not being passed back 

Hope you can make sense of all this!


(I'm using method injection as opposed to field injection because, as far as I 
can see, there is no other way to ensure that nested objects (e.g. 
submissionInfo) are created on demand)


  | ...
  | @Name(registrationEditor)
  | @Stateful
  | @Scope(ScopeType.CONVERSATION)
  | @Conversational
  | public class RegistrationEditorBean implements RegistrationEditor { 
  | private RegistrationData data;  
  | @In
  | private Session session;
  | @Logger
  | private Log log;
  | @Out
  | public RegistrationData getRegistrationData() {
  | if (data == null) {data = new RegistrationData(); 
data.setSubmissionInfo(new SubmissionInfo());}
  | return data;
  | }   
  | @In(required=false)
  | public void setRegistrationData(RegistrationData data) {
  | this.data = data;
  | }
  | @Begin(flushMode=FlushModeType.MANUAL, join=true)
  | public String enterClaim() {
  | return /forms/registration/claim;
  | }
  | public String enterSubmission() {
  | return /forms/registration/submission;
  | }
  | public String enterClaimant() {
  | return /forms/registration/claimant;
  | }
  | public String selectClaimant() {
  | PartyFinderClient client = new PartyFinderClient() {
  | public String cancel() {
  | return /forms/registration/claimant;
  | }
  | public String select(Party party) {
  | data.setClaimant(party);
  | return /forms/registration/claimant;
  | }
  | };
  | client.install();
  | return /forms/party/find-person;
  | }
  | ...
  | public void save() {
  | session.save(data.getSubmissionInfo());
  | session.save(data);
  | session.flush();
  | }
  | ... 
  | @Destroy @Remove
  | public void destroy() { }
  | }

Registration Form JSF - Tab 1

  | ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
  | !DOCTYPE html
  |   PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN 
  | html xmlns:f=http://java.sun.com/jsf/core;
  | xmlns:h=http://java.sun.com/jsf/html;
  | xmlns:ui=http://java.sun.com/jsf/facelets;
  | xmlns:s=http://jboss.com/products/seam/taglib;
  | xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml;
  | head
  | titleRegistration/title
  | /head
  | body
  | ui:composition xmlns:rich=http://richfaces.ajax4jsf.org/rich;
  | template=registration.xhtml
  | ui:define name=tab
  | div name=tabset-actions /
  | div 

[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Nested conversation - passing selection to parent conver

2007-06-13 Thread petemuir
Try using @In(create=true) and a @Factory to instantiate missing objects.  This 
will allow you to use field injection as well.

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