[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: SFSB vs SLSBs for implementing actions in a conversation

2007-02-20 Thread lawrieg
I've been mulling over all the posts overnight and I have to say that I'm still 
a little bit confused...

If I understand correctly, what is being said is that there are three quite 
different approaches to take when writing Seam apps (but you might use 1  2 

1. Implement all your conversational code in Stateful Session Beans. Each SFSB 
will implement a number of related use-cases (conversations). You would use an 
EJB3 Extended Persistence Context which has the scope of the SFSBs lifetime.

2. Implement all your conversational code in SLSBs and hold your conversation 
state in some other components and inject/outject them on your SLSB on every 
method call. You would use the Seam-Managed Persistence Context as this has the 
scope of a conversation. (Although, like  Christian says, this seems like 
making work for yourself unless you are passing very small amounts of state and 
want bookmark-ability) 

3. Implement all your conversational code using Seam-managed Javabeans. You 
would use the Seam-Managed Persistence Context as this has the scope of a 

Now where I'm getting bit lost (and I might be being a bit thick because I'm 
full of flu and didn't get much sleep last night) is how you would actually 
implement the Seam-managed Javabeans approach. How does Seam know to make a 
regular Javabean into a Seam-managed Javabean (and does this bean now basically 
mimic a SFSB but with Seam storing its state in the Session)? Have you got to 
extend EntityHome to get this functionality?

Also, if you were going the SFSB or the Seam-managed Javabean route, would you 
tend to implement all the related use-cases (/conversations) for a particular 
business area in the same one bean? Say you also had a requirement to display a 
list of Customers (and provide each row with view, edit, delete links), would 
you implement this functionality in the same bean as well?



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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: SFSB vs SLSBs for implementing actions in a conversation

2007-02-20 Thread petemuir
lawrieg wrote : Now where I'm getting bit lost (and I might be being a bit 
thick because I'm full of flu and didn't get much sleep last night) is how you 
would actually implement the Seam-managed Javabeans approach. How does Seam 
know to make a regular Javabean into a Seam-managed Javabean (and does this 
bean now basically mimic a SFSB but with Seam storing its state in the 
Session)? Have you got to extend EntityHome to get this functionality?

  | public class Foo {
  |private EntityManager entityManager;
  |public void bar() {
  |   // Do some SMPC related operation
  | }

Also, to make life easier, you could just extend EntityController.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: SFSB vs SLSBs for implementing actions in a conversation

2007-02-20 Thread lawrieg
Thanks again for your help Pete - I feel I'm getting close to that A-ha! 

Are you saying that all you have to do to make a Seam-managed Javabean 
component is inject EntityManager and mark all methods as @Transactional and it 
will then give you the same behaviour as a SFSB (i.e. the only difference is 
that Seam handles storing and fetching the component's state from the Http 
Session instead of SFSBs EJB container-managed state management)?

I suppose what I am really trying to grasp is whether you can use a 
Seam-managed Javabean component exactly like you would a SFSB? Or do you have 
to code your apps differently?



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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: SFSB vs SLSBs for implementing actions in a conversation

2007-02-20 Thread petemuir
lawrieg wrote : Are you saying that all you have to do to make a Seam-managed 
Javabean component is inject EntityManager and mark all methods as 
@Transactional and it will then give you the same behaviour as a SFSB (i.e. the 
only difference is that Seam handles storing and fetching the component's state 
from the Http Session instead of SFSBs EJB container-managed state management)?

From a user perspective, yes.

anonymous wrote : I suppose what I am really trying to grasp is whether you can 
use a Seam-managed Javabean component exactly like you would a SFSB? Or do you 
have to code your apps differently?
  | Basically yes, it works the same.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: SFSB vs SLSBs for implementing actions in a conversation

2007-02-19 Thread petemuir
Just to complicate it even further you can use Seam managed JavaBeans with 
methods marked @Transactional and an SMPC instead (these are by default 
conversational - e.g. EntityHome).  I tend to use these instead of SLSB/SFSB

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: SFSB vs SLSBs for implementing actions in a conversation

2007-02-19 Thread lawrieg
Thanks for your reply Pete. Could I ask why you prefer this strategy over using 

I can't seem to find anything in the docs or by searching the forums that gives 
an idea as to how to choose the most appropriate strategy for a particular app, 
so I'd be really grateful for any advice you can offer me as I'm feeling a bit 
lost... Or perhaps there is some helpful documentation / forum posts that I've 
missed to which you could point me?

Many thanks,


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: SFSB vs SLSBs for implementing actions in a conversation

2007-02-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Well, since you need to keep conversational state somewhere, that would only be 
possible with a SFSB. I don't see how SLSBs can do the same? Sure, you can hold 
your conversation state in some other components and inject/outject them on 
your SLSB on every method call, but why would you when there are SFSBs?

The EntityHome etc. components that come bundled with Seam are equivalent to 
conversational SFSBs, they are implemented as conversational Seam-managed 
JavaBeans because not everybody who wants to use them has an EJB 3.0 container.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: SFSB vs SLSBs for implementing actions in a conversation

2007-02-19 Thread lawrieg
Thanks Christian - So if I understand you correctly, you are saying that your 
first choice would always be to use SFSBs unless you were not running in an 
EJB3 container, in which case you would be limited to using the built-in Seam 
components (EntityHome, etc) to hold conversational state?

But there's no reason you shouldn't use EntityHome and the other Seam 
Application Framework components if you are running under an EJB3 container, 



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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: SFSB vs SLSBs for implementing actions in a conversation

2007-02-19 Thread petemuir
Tbh I haven't found much difference between one strategy and the other - you 
don't have to write interfaces with Seam Java Beans (+1), its fewer 
annotations, and I generally have no need of anything a SF/SLSB gives me over a 
JavaBean ( + I use the EntityHome/EntityController stuff very extensively and 
the SF/SLSB's and they don't fit together very neatly atm).

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: SFSB vs SLSBs for implementing actions in a conversation

2007-02-19 Thread chuckadams
SLSB's work pretty well when everything is passed through request parameters, 
because the resulting page is always bookmarkable.  Search pages are great with 
SLSB's.  SFSB's on the other hand are great for wizards and carts, and pretty 
much anything you would stick into the session. 

There's a school of thought that believes you should do everything in stateless 
beans, but the same school tends to love shoving everything into the HTTP 
session to compensate.  This always struck me as a giant leap backward ... 
thankfully Seam came around to make SFSB's cool again, and conversations are, 
well, the main reason I use Seam.

As for whether to use SFSB's or plain JavaBeans, I expect that when Seam is 
renamed to EJB4, the distinction between EJBs and POJOs will go away entirely ;)

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