[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: generating forms programatically

2007-11-30 Thread jcruise
The renderers are just the metadata-driven generic form templates. I chose to 
use facelets to generate the forms rather than building custom jsf controls 
because it has such great composition functionality. I considered writing a jsf 
control for a custom grid or panel that was driven by my metadata model 
components. However, that seemed like hard, error prone work and it would be 
difficult to keep up with the state of the art in JSF gui's. In essence I 
didn't want to be building yet another JSF GUI lib. So I use facelets to 
dynamically build the higher level UI abstractions on top of the component set 
du jour.

The form templates (renderers) basically just loop over metadata using 
c:forEach to insert fields components into the page. I use facelets source tags 
for the "master" field component (to make the parameter passing nice), and 
within that I use ui:include with an expression for the src attribute to 
dynamically include correct jsf tags for the particular field type.

The essence of this approach is that the c: tags are processed before the rest 
of the jsf lifecycle processing, so they effectively act as a component tree 

Hope this helps.


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: generating forms programatically

2007-11-29 Thread steshaw
Thanks J! That sounds similar to what I am thinking except that I prefer avoid 
custom XML and would more than likely build up the configuration (for the 
Facelets templates to forward to) in code.

Your framework classes are what I am thinking of as my "FormBuilder". They use 
whatever metadata they can get their hands on but can be overridden where 
necessary. The "custom facelets resolver" was the missing piece for me. Thanks 
so much for your post.

If you have time I'd love to hear more about your ideas. Still not sure about 
the c: logic tags in the "generic renders" - why do you need it? Why do you 
need to build a renderer?

Have you been able to separate layout from the component tree construction? 
i.e. can you build a form with metadata and then lay it out in the Facelets 
template specifying different parts of the form in separate fieldsets for 
instance? This is the approach taken for the tail end of the article Improving 
JSF by dumping JSP.


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: generating forms programatically

2007-11-29 Thread jcruise
The general strategy that I used was:

1. Build some framework classes that know how to extract basic field level 
metadata from ejb/hibernate config info at runtime. Automatically extracted 
metadata includes types, lengths, relationships etc. I also provide attributes 
in these framework classes to add additional decorations (editable status, pick 
list options, custom templates types etc.)

2. Provide an XML based config that allows me to specify the data 
configurations that should appear on each form in my system, and the facelets 
template to be used to draw that form (e.g. a panel renderer, a grid renderer 
etc) and the view id for that form.

3. Provide a custom facelets resolver that selects the correct rendering 
template for each form defined in my config when the user navigates to a 
particular URL. In this way I don't have to have actual facelets pages on disk 
for each form.

4. Build some generic renderers that use the metadata provider classes in 
conjunction with the c: tags.

I can support 10s or 100s of entity types in my system supported by only a 
couple of generic renderers.

I don't know if this is all a great idea, but it works for me!


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: generating forms programatically

2007-11-29 Thread gonzalad
Hi, you can also look at http://code.google.com/p/krank/.

I've never used it, and never tested it. Perhaps it can help you...
RichardHightower is involved in this project.

Downsides : it doesn't build on top of Seam.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: generating forms programatically

2007-11-29 Thread steshaw
J, I've seen an example in my searches that used the c: tags to help with a 
little logic (choosing between a "display" set of components and an "edit" set 
of components I think). That could certainly have some uses. However, is it 
possible to inquire about annotations and other meta data about bean properties 
using only c: tags? Can you show an example, maybe I'm missing something.

I feel at that point, even if possible, that it is too much logic in the 
template. I cannot imagine that refactoring c: tags in Facelets templates would 
be much fun :) - I imagine we don't even have "extract method". With 
templating, and Facelets in particular, aren't we trying to avoid logic in the 

I would love to do as Peter suggest and do it "with code". I'm just struggling 
to find the appropriate place to do it. Btw, I am hoping to reuse the 
s:decorate component from within my code, along with any other useful 
components. Creating my own component set seems to be quite a bit of trouble 
though, looking at Hightower part 4 article (seems to be at least one bug in 
there too). However, that is certainly one option that I am considering (it's 
so annoying how you have to create a Component and a Tag and a mention in the 
taglib.xml file!). I recently discovered Ajax4Jsf/RichFaces CDK which could 
help cutting down the boilerplate with that. Peter I noted that you have had 
similar thoughts on your blog :).

It seems that JSF templating convolutes the creation of the component tree and 
the template/layout itself. If I could create my component tree with code and 
lay them out in a template (amongst more static components I guess), things 
might be heading towards my ideal scenario.

I will certainly follow up with the Facelets list. Thanks for the thoughts. 
Keep them coming!

I've also come across an old article from 2004 "Improving JSF by dumping JSP". 
I haven't finished yet but it's starting to talk about the idea of using a 
programmatic view handler (instead of JSP in this case - perhaps before 
Facelets was around) where you can construct the component tree "in code". A 
custom view handler could be hard to sell to the team though :(.


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: generating forms programatically

2007-11-28 Thread jcruise
I dynamically construct forms using the c: tags. These allow you to manipulate 
the JSF component tree and dyanically select uicomponents to include based on 
your application metadata. You can't do this using tags like ui:repeat which 
don't change the component tree. The downside of using the c: tags is that the 
interactions between them and the rest of the page can get really confusing, 
and you end up working fairly close to the JSF lifecycle machinery during 


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: generating forms programatically

2007-11-27 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Part4 and his two articles there on facelets I think are what I meant. Thanks 
for enumerating your reasons for not using s:decorate - you are correct, and 
they aren't something we can easily address.

You are probably best doing something like this with code - you should discuss 
this on the facelets mailing list as there are lots of facelets experts there.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: generating forms programatically

2007-11-27 Thread steshaw
In Hightower's "JSF for non-believers" anti-FUD series? I cannot find it. He 
talks about creating your own components in part 4 but I don't think it covers 
dynamically constructing components at runtime.

s:decorate serves it's purpose and certainly deals with some aspects of 
boilerplate but it isn't a complete solution for me by itself. It doesn't build 
a form for me based on a bean and it's meta data (using appropriate input 
controls and labels etc). Neither does it solve the maintenance problem related 
to turning on and off ajax support for "on the fly" validation.

You can't do this kind of thing with facelet compositions alone, can you? 
There's going to be reflection and logic for choosing appropriate input 
controls etc...


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: generating forms programatically

2007-11-26 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Yes, you can programmatically create component (trees) using Facelets and JSF 
but its a pita - Rick Hightower I think deals with this in his JSF series on 
developer works.

However I would prefer to do it using Facelets compositions. What do you 
particularly not like about s:decorate?

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