This looks excellent!

I used a different approach. I modified the seam antlr grammer so it would 
recognize the macros, and replaced it with a home made injection tag 
(<wiki:inject name="macroname" factory="wiki.macroname('param1','param2')" />)

I then run the facelet compiler over the content, leaving it to create the 
components. The inject tag works just as a normal UI:include: It includes a 
facelet with the same name as the macro, but it additionaly calls a factory 
method on a seam component named 'wiki.', which creates a java bean that is 
then passed to the included facelet. That way i can have a different bean for 
each macro, based on the params the user supplies. (The params are supplied to 
the factory as strings)

My approach has several obvious downsides:
Compiling the text every time is time consuming
No form submits, since the components disappear after they have been rendered 
(i think)

The pros: I can back every macro with a bean, which is created based on macro 

Next i am thinking of implementing markers, that can give text some semantic 
meaning that is a bit more advanced than the normal tags.

The beauty of seam is that it just makes it so easy to implement!

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