[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Seam-gen build corrupts images

2007-07-20 Thread trickyvail
Seam 1.2.1.GA

I have experienced corrupt image files when creating new seam-gen projects in a 
Linux environment (Debian & Ubuntu) for some time. When creating a new seam-gen 
project in a WindowsXP environment the file corruption does not occur.

There are only 3 files that are effected by this problem:


So it has not been a big deal to copy the files over manually.

I've done a little research into the problem and I think it is related to the 
use of a filterset in the ant copy task on lines 602-605 of the seam-gen build 
file $SEAM_HOME/seam-gen/build.xml

The ANT documentation (http://ant.apache.org/manual/CoreTasks/copy.html) says:
anonymous wrote : Note: If you employ filters in your copy operation, you 
should limit the copy to text files. Binary files will be corrupted by the copy 
operation. This applies whether the filters are implicitly defined by the 
filter task or explicitly provided to the copy operation as filtersets. See 
encoding note.

When copying the contents of the image directory within a copy task (without 
any filters) the file corruptions do not occur.

Would it be appropriate to post a JIRA issue with a patch?

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - seam-gen build

2007-03-25 Thread atao
I work under Eclipse, with seam 1.2.0PATCH1

In the build.xml of a project created by seam-gen, the targets "explode" and 
"buildtest" are lauched after each change of a file. But then the target 
"compile" is not lauched. 
So after any change in a java file, "compile" must be lauched by hand.

Is it on purpose or did I miss something?

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