Several suggestions listed below.

Using, jems-installer-1.2.0.CR1.jar and

Following seam_reference.pdf Chapter 2. Getting started with Seam using 

In 2.1 it says "add your JBoss installation to the JBoss Server View".

There are two choices, JBoss / JBoss v4.0 and JBoss Inc / JBoss AS 4.0.

Suggestion 1)

Would be nice if documentation says which to use.

I pick JBoss Inc / JBoss AS 4.0.

In 2.2 it says "add the project using New -> Project... -> Java Project."  The 
leads to a problem for me.  (Some error message about a directory.)

So I try "New -> Project... -> Java Project for Existing Ant Buildfile".  That 
almost works.

Suggestion 2)

If correct, please say "New -> Project... -> Java Project for Existing Ant 

There is still a problem.  In build.xml (the last delete task in target 
"clean") ... myproject/exploded-archives/myproject.jar not found.  The problem 
persists through attempts to build and clean.

When I run ant from the command line I get som success.  It deploys.

The root cause appears in target "clean" the last delete with the fileset not 
finding the dir of the fileset.

Suggestion 3)

In target name="clean" for the last delete add a failonerror="no".

Still more problems... I find out things are done differently within versus 
outside Eclipse.

So when I run ant outside Eclipse it deploys (by target "deploy") a file 
myproject.ear, when I run ant inside Eclipse it deploys (by target "explode") a 
directory myproject.ear.

In target "unexplode" the delete of ear.deploy.dir fails if it encounters the 

My workaround hopefully will be to clean or undeploy or unexplode with ant from 
outside Eclipse if I deployed (or exploded) from outside Eclipse, and from 
inside if from inside.

Suggestion 4)

Document that command line and Eclipse deployment don't mix.  Reason:  One uses 
archive files, the other uses exploded directories, which makes Ant tasks choke 
if they collide.  Workaround:  Must undeploy one (command line or Eclipse) 
before deploying the other.  After deploy must undeploy, after explode must 

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