[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Modeling simple process(tasks)

2006-07-19 Thread dlipski
This was my mistake I used this attributes in  not in .

At the end I found solution for my problem:
mapping fragment:


Listing avaliable actions for user:

Map> instancesGrouped = new 
  | for(TaskInstance task : tasks)
  | {
  | ProcessInstance process = task.getToken().getProcessInstance();
  | List instances = instancesGrouped.get(process);
  | if(instances == null)
  | {
  | instances = new ArrayList();
  | instancesGrouped.put(process,instances);
  | }
  | instances.add(task);
  | }

After task performing:

  | JbpmContext ctx = workflowConfig.createJbpmContext();
  | TaskInstance task = ctx.loadTaskInstance(taskId);
  | Token token = task.getToken();
  | task.end();
  | token.signal(task.getName());
  | ctx.save(token);
  | ctx.close();

This solution is generic, modyfing process doesn't force any changes in the 
client code, whats more adding new tasks requires only adding code for handling 
this tasks. Of course i need some mapping between task names and Java code 
(displaying some special UI forms) but this is obvious (for me).

I'm gratefull for any comments.


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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Modeling simple process(tasks)

2006-07-19 Thread cpob
Open tasks are cancelled, if you use that bit of code for the task-node.

The GPD doesn't really support it, you can only do that by editing the XML.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Modeling simple process(tasks)

2006-07-19 Thread dlipski
"cpob" wrote : "kukeltje" wrote : and add  an action that cancels all other 
parallel tasks if one is acted upon
  | I don't think that's needed... The task node can be configured as 
signal=first end-tasks=true, right?
  | That will let the first task signal to the next node and cancel all open 
tasks, at least from my understanding.

Any idea why open tasks aren't cancelled ? 
Does Eclipse designer support end-tasks attribute and signal ?
I'm using jBPM 3.1.1

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Modeling simple process(tasks)

2006-07-19 Thread dlipski
Ok so I accept 'transformation' as one step of the design process.

So how to transform such situation:
1)shop creates order - order is in state 'created'
2)supplier can create or reject order. When accepts order go's to 'accepted' 
state, but have to provide some additional data. When rejects order go's to 
'rejected' state.

And there is one more requirement, all tasks that have to be performed by end 
users should be displayed in one generic way, this mean that if i add new 
action to 'created' state and deploy new process definition UI should display 
one button more. But end users have different permissions, some can only reject 
some can do both. One thing that is not generic is set of action which are 
implemented in Java.

At first glance i wanted to do this with task nodes but this causes some 
problems which i can't solve.

Now i want to do this with wait states. Where 'created', 'accepted', 'rejected' 
are wait states and 'accept', 'reject' are transition between them. But this 
aproach have few disadventages:

1)I can't use swimlanes. If in the future order after supplier acceptance 
should be accepted also by shop user WHO CREATED ORDER how to achive this ?

2)Actions now represents user tasks which should be represented by tasks.

3)Can i have one general action ex. 'modify order' and use it in different 
places in process and configure it to let users modify only quantities and 
somewere else let user modify only prices ? Or i have to do two distinct 
actions ?

Do u see any more ?

If u have any idea please help.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Modeling simple process(tasks)

2006-07-19 Thread dlipski
anonymous wrote : solve it with other process constructs
maybe i have short imagination, but i dont have more ideas ;)

anonymous wrote : We never have and never will focus on an engine/language that 
can be fully used by an enduser 
So i've misanderstand the general idea.

Once again thanks for your help and patince ;)


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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Modeling simple process(tasks)

2006-07-19 Thread kukeltje
It is not as common as you think, at least not the way you try to solve it. 
We've never had this question before from someone who was was not able to 
(simply) solve it with other process constructs. 

IMO it is not a complex solution using parallel task, but if you want the end 
user to do it, maybe it is. We never have and never will focus on an 
engine/language that can be fully used by an enduser (read all Toms Blogs 

The 'transformation' is also addressed in these blogs (The IDS-Sheers ARIS / 
SAP thing)

All this will not mean more 'complex' nodes will never be introduced but not on 
the short term

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Modeling simple process(tasks)

2006-07-19 Thread dlipski
anonymous wrote : would cost me (personally) to much free time
In my opinion it does mean that existing possibilities are not sufficient, 
because it is common and simple situation so it should be easy to model it.

anonymous wrote : Some suggestions are made above
If you are talking about this one with parallel tasks i think it's too 
complicated for such simple case.

anonymous wrote : It is the combination of how *you* want to draw/design the 
I want to design it as simple as it is possible, because in the future it will 
not be changed by system architect/programmer but by system user.
Maybe i made same wrong assumption here.(but why not ?)

As i said at the biginning I'm using jBPM for few days and never used any other 
workflow system. So maybe problem lies in the way i want to change processes in 
the future. I thought that this shuld be made by customer, not system 
programmers/designers etc. Thats why i want to model easy cases easly. 

Maybe i don't understand the process of designing, deploying processes.
I imagine that process is designed by customer and after that it is deployed by 
system developers. Of course developers can add something to process (only 
actions?) but this should be invisible for process designers. I think that 
process deployers shouldn't transform process design to some different form 
which fulfil technical requirements.

Yours suggestions may work but they are to complicated, this problem can be 
solved much simplier: adding possibility to link tasks with transitions. But 
this is only newbie suggestion.

anonymous wrote : 
  | If you still want to draw it like you do now, maybe jBPM is not the best 
engine for your needs.
I want to draw it easly, and im looking for easy solution (parallel in generaly 
isn't easy). Maybe it isn't the best solution, but don't understand me wrong, i 
respect your work, i see a lot of good solutions here but it's hard to imagine 
for me that such simple case must be designed in some strange way.

Thanks for your support

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Modeling simple process(tasks)

2006-07-19 Thread kukeltje
A complete example would cost me (personally) to much free time. Some 
suggestions are made above.

Besides that, technical issues are imho not the limitation here. It is the 
combination of how *you* want to draw/design the process on a low level in 
combination with the existing functionality of an engine. The latter is not 
changed easy (for complete free flexibility develop it in java/c#/...), nor 
does it need to be changed (imo) since taking another view on the process (on 
the more functional level) it can be designed differently. If you still want to 
draw it like you do now, maybe jBPM is not the best engine for your needs.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Modeling simple process(tasks)

2006-07-19 Thread dlipski
anonymous wrote : This functionality can be achieved in other ways.
Give me at least one complete example. I'm wondering how you wan't to achive 
this, because in my opinion technical reasons shouldn't have influance on 
process design.


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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Modeling simple process(tasks)

2006-07-18 Thread kukeltje

Regarding the question on adding it. I do not think it will be. This 
functionality can be achieved in other ways. 

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Modeling simple process(tasks)

2006-07-18 Thread dlipski
If connecting task with transition is such big problem maybe add such feature 
to future version ? How about that ?

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Modeling simple process(tasks)

2006-07-18 Thread dlipski
"kukeltje" wrote : it cancels ALL open tasks indeed
Which tasks will be canceled ?
1)User tasks
2)Process instance tasks
3)Process definition tasks
4)All tasks 

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Modeling simple process(tasks)

2006-07-18 Thread kukeltje
There is a jira issue for this with a fix. Patch jbpm yourself if you want it 
fiexed now, or wait for the (yet unscheduled) next minor release

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Modeling simple process(tasks)

2006-07-18 Thread dlipski
So what is the solution ? For now i name tasks and transitions in some 
convention and these way i connect them. But these have some influence on 
process designers which I want to minimalize. Nevertheless i will lokk for some 
better solution, and i hope we find something.

Good luck ;)

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Modeling simple process(tasks)

2006-07-18 Thread cpob
Oh wow, ouch.  Yeah, I assumed it maintained the relationship to the current 
task-node.  :)

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Modeling simple process(tasks)

2006-07-18 Thread cpob
"kukeltje" wrote : and add  an action that cancels all other parallel tasks if 
one is acted upon

I don't think that's needed... The task node can be configured as signal=first 
end-tasks=true, right?

That will let the first task signal to the next node and cancel all open tasks, 
at least from my understanding.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Modeling simple process(tasks)

2006-07-18 Thread kukeltje
it cancels ALL open tasks indeed, FOR NOW ;-) cause that is a bug. It should 
only cancel tasks in the same task-node

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Modeling simple process(tasks)

2006-07-18 Thread dlipski
anonymous wrote : If you have a single task node with three tasks, and you want 
to leave the node after ONE task is complete? 
anonymous wrote : Why not just have 3 separate task nodes with one task a piece?
Tasks instances are created when token comes to task node, so when i'm one step 
before (as u said in node with 3 transitions) i don't know witch transitions 
user can take (permissions rules).

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Modeling simple process(tasks)

2006-07-18 Thread kukeltje
and add  an action that cancels all other parallel tasks if one is acted upon

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Modeling simple process(tasks)

2006-07-18 Thread cpob
If you have a single task node with three tasks, and you want to leave the node 
after ONE task is complete?

Why not just have 3 separate task nodes with one task a piece?  The 'task 
selection' would be the page before hand, which would select which transition 
to go to (which would decide which task node to go to)

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Modeling simple process(tasks)

2006-07-18 Thread dlipski
We had to missanderstand.

I know that there is few solutions for this problem, but what i'm trying to say 
is none of them take adventage of provided with jBPM task nodes and very easy 
to use API for retriving task assigned for actor (pooled or performed).

In addition none of these patterns considers user permissions whitch in jBMP 
can be assgined only to tasks. So i couldnt just create node with few 
transitions with different conditions(as in Exclusive Choice patter) because i 
dont't know how to assign permissions to these transitions. Whats more i don't 
know how to query (via provided API) workflow engine for actions avaliable for 
user (such as getTaskMgmtSession().findTaskInstances(actorId)).

Imagine that I have very simple UI: one page for every process instance. In 
this page i have table where number of rows = number of process instances.
In the columns i have buttons each for task that user can perform. So if task 
instance t1 is in task node with 3 tasks there will be 3 buttons in these row. 
When user click button i know witch task he want to perform, after completing  
task i want to read FROM PROCESS DESIGN whitch transition i should take and 
afther that the user will return to the same form. But there will be diffrent 
buttons in row coresponding to these porcess instance because token is in 
different task node. Offcorse i can use some namimg convention for task and 
transitions ex. task1 and after_task1 but in m opinion it is not good idea. 

So i have to immortal questions:
1)how to map such situation
2)how to query for task for user grouped by task node (or process instance)

anonymous wrote : As Ronald said, think out of the box... 
What do u exactly mean... ?

Thanks for your help

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Modeling simple process(tasks)

2006-07-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The problem *is* simple, as is the solution. As Ronald said, think out of the 
Task nodes are nothing else than special states... The patterns on the 
workflowpatterns site all use states with transitions, so the mapping should be 
fairly easy... 


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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Modeling simple process(tasks)

2006-07-18 Thread dlipski
Your solution:
anonymous wrote : - set a variable in each task, have just one transition
  | - use a decision to direct the process 
Have few disadventages:
-adding any tasks invloves modifiaction of decision
-technicals details have influence on process design, so it is not 
understandable for process designers.

Once again why thre isnt simple way to connect task with trasition ?
And once again how to get nodes where are some tasks witch user should perform ?

Sory for my inquisitiveness but i cant imagine that such simple cases causes 
such problems.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Modeling simple process(tasks)

2006-07-18 Thread dlipski
anonymous wrote : The situation is not uncommon, the way you model it is
So what is a common way ? But dont reference me to workflow patterns because 
they dont use task nodes, task instances, and other jBPM specifics so in this 
situtaion are useless. 
I have to use tasks beacouse it is only way(only in iBPM ?) i can apply 
anonymous wrote : model it differently
I try to model it differently but i don't know how (look at subject of my first 
anonymous wrote : create custom pages
What are pages ? pages == nodes ? I didn't remember these term from 
anonymous wrote : BPM currently does not do evertything automagically
Do u see any magic here ? where ? ;) Connecting tasks with transitions is magic 
In my opinion not.
Your solution:
anonymous wrote : - set a variable in each task, have just one transition
  | - use a decision to direct the process 

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Modeling simple process(tasks)

2006-07-17 Thread kukeltje
The situation is not uncommon, the way you model it is. Look at the workflow 
patterns site to see what comes close, look at the jbpm testcases for these 
patterns and think out of the box, model it differently. Or create custom pages 
with just one transition in it. jBPM currently does not do evertything 
automagically, nor will it ever fully do. 

Things to consider:
- set a variable in each task, have just one transition
- use a decision to direct the process

Again, dare thinking out of the box. If it does not seem to work in the way you 
did it, maybe you should do it differently

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Modeling simple process(tasks)

2006-07-17 Thread dlipski
Maybe some one knows sites where i can found same example processes ?
It's hard to imagine that there isn't simple solution for such (in my opinion) 
common situation.
Nevertheless i have second question:
How i can get list o tasks for user grouped by task node ? Or better how to get 
task nodes where user have some tasks to perform, and then get only these 
tasks. (considering task assignments)

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Modeling simple process(tasks)

2006-07-17 Thread dlipski
Thanks for your help, but swomlines aren't solution to my problem. I have 
problem with assigning transition to task. For example, I have task node with 2 
tasks t1 i t2 and have two transitions from this node: tt1 and tt2. Now, when 
user u1 performs t1 i want to move token through tt1 and when user performs 
task t2 I want to take tt2.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Modeling simple process(tasks)

2006-07-17 Thread antitrust1982

If I understand well you want to create a task for few poeple who have some 
different roles. In order to do this you can use in your process model the 
"swimlane" which permit you to define a specific role to a task and put some 
poeple who can execute this task. I'm putting the link in order to see you what 
is it specialy. 


I hope I help you


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