[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: No auto-id for jbpm when running on Oracle

2008-12-16 Thread janvandeklok
Ai Martin shame on me!!!   

We have  2 hibernate.cfg.xml deployed in the jboss server: 1 that comes with 
the JBPM installation and 1 that was generated by SEAM for our application.

Since JBPM did create-drop the jbpm tables and that behaviour was NOT specified 
in the JBPM hibernate.cfg.xml  but was specified in the SEAM hibernate.cfg.xml  
 I thought hibernate was just using the SEAM configuration file. In the SEAM 
configuration file the proper oracle dialect was set, in the JBPM configuration 
file it was not!!

I changed the dialect and now the id generation work as does the hot 

Thanks Martin  I owe you one

What puzzles me however  is that the  JBPM hibernation reacts on the 

property name=hbm2ddl.autocreate-drop/property 
specified in the seam config file,

while in the jbpm config file the following property was set 
!-- Automatic schema creation (begin) --
  | property name=hibernate.hbm2ddl.autonone/property
  | !-- Automatic schema creation (end) --

I'm not a hibernate expert but these configuration files are using different 
keys for the same behaviour. That seems strange doesn't it? 

Any way, Thanks for the help Martin.


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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: No auto-id for jbpm when running on Oracle

2008-12-16 Thread mputz
If you have created the jBPM tables using the provided jbpm.jpdl.oracle.sql 
script, a sequence should have been created, too:
create sequence hibernate_sequence;
The mapping files are held pretty generic when it comes to id generation:
id name=id column=ID_generator class=native //id
This allows Hibernate to select the appropriate strategy depending on the 
configured db dialect, for Oracle it will be 'sequence'. Hibernate then calls 
the sequence (by default, if not further specified, the one named 
'hibernate_sequence') when new rows are inserted.

Have you set the dialect in hibernate.cfg.xml?

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: No auto-id for jbpm when running on Oracle

2008-12-16 Thread kukeltje
No, no shame on you... But... I've got to make a statement

You see Jan, even if Oracle is not (officially) supported (yet), it does work 
and there are great JBoss consultants/engineers/support staff/qa-people and 
unmentioned forum addicts that are able to help you out FOR FREE and get it 
working. Now try that at Bea/Oracle/ ;-)

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: No auto-id for jbpm when running on Oracle

2008-12-16 Thread mputz
go, Ronald, go...! 

and Jan, I'm glad to hear your issue is resolved!

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