[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Problem using ProcessImageTag

2007-08-05 Thread dleerob
Okay so it's missing :) I figured it was using jsf, but unfortunately I haven't 
used jsf before, so when I looked through the source code, I found it difficult 
to try and figure out what was going on. And I needed to figure this out for a 
demo on Monday, so I didn't have time to learn jsf. I think I need to spend 
some time reading up and playing with it sometime. Not knowing jsf really makes 
working with/learning the jbpm-console difficult.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Problem using ProcessImageTag

2007-08-03 Thread dleerob
I am having the same problem.

I am using JBPM 3.2.1, and integrated it into my own webapp.
I am not using JSF.
I am using the ProcessImageTag.java,  but when the image comes up, there is 
simply the red rectangle border being displayed, but the actually process image 
is not being displayed. If I do a view source on the resulting page, this is 
the section where the image should be:

  | table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=566 height=541
  |   tr
  | td width=566 height=541 
style=background-image:url(processimage?definitionId=2) valign=top
  |   table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0
  | tr
  |   td width=246 height=46 
  | /tr
  | tr
  |   td style=background-color:transparent;/td
  |   td style=border-color:red; border-width:4px; 
border-style:groove; background-color:transparent; width=200 height=48 /td
  | /tr
  |   /table
  | /td
  |   /tr
  | /table
Now, I am using the jbpm-console in tomcat 5.0.28, and it all works fine. The 
process image is displayed correctly, so I know it works. But in my own webapp, 
using the same database etc, not using JSF, only the red rectangle outline 

Anyone know what I am doing wrong?

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Problem using ProcessImageTag

2007-08-03 Thread dleerob
Okay, so the processimage?definitionId=2 kind of gave it away that I am in 
need of a servlet. I could not find any ProcessImageServlet in JBPM 3.2.1. I 
ended up taking it from the JBPM 3.1 jbpm-console, and it worked. Where is the 
ProcessImageServlet located in JBPM 3.2.1, and how would someone know it even 
exists? I can't find it anywhere?

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Problem using ProcessImageTag

2007-08-03 Thread kukeltje
it is verschwunden. jbpm 3.2 uses jsf components for this as you can see in the 
3.2.x console sourcecode.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Problem using ProcessImageTag

2007-04-27 Thread Froschfinger
I dont understand why it doesn't work. I did everything right and there still 
only the red rectangle for the active task. The CSS-File is ok, too. Thought 
that it maybe the problem but it isn't. The processimage is in the database and 
the gpd.xml,too. I really need help because i have a presentation where i have 
to present it. 

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Problem using ProcessImageTag

2007-04-27 Thread mputz
Do you have the declaration of the org.jbpm.webapp.servlet.ProcessImageServlet 
in your web.xml? Do you get any errors?

Regards, Martin

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Problem using ProcessImageTag

2007-04-26 Thread Froschfinger
Maybe i have to say it,too. I use normal JSP, no JSF. Probably it is a problem 
with the gpd.xml. In your source code you have under src/ressources/gpd a
version.info.xml do i have to include it,too and if yes, where and where should 
i mention it within the code or configs.

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