[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Signal a task on a html form submit

2007-06-05 Thread cahimoped

I just come to add precisions on my previous solution (it can eventualy help).

Finally there is a big problem with the previous solution : you can't control 
the result of the servlet and the task is always validated. It didn't matter 
for me so far... but now I need it.

So I came back to the old solution and I'm now validating my task and 
everything in the servlet with the taskInstance ID I get in EL like that : 

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Signal a task on a html form submit

2007-05-30 Thread cahimoped
I just solved my problem. I was trying to get my taskInstance to be signaled 
with code when I thought about another solution :

I don't put a dataform inside my form but the form inside my dataform. This way 
the default transition button can still work and I just have to put some 
javascript on it like that : 

  | f:facet name=header
  |   Envoyer un fichier local 
  | /f:facet
  | jbpm:datacell
  |   f:facet name=header
  | Selectionnez le fichier a envoyer :
  |   /f:facet
  |   form name=uploadFile enctype=multipart/form-data 
method=POST action=uploadSuivi   
  | input class=file type=file name=suiviXLS/  
  | input class=text type=hidden name=nomProjet 
  |   /form   
  | /jbpm:datacell
  | jbpm:datacell
  |   f:facet name=header
  | h:outputText value=Actions/
  |   /f:facet
  |   tf:transitionButton transition=OK value=Envoyer 
  | /jbpm:datacell 
  |  /jbpm:dataform 

It works well, my task is validated, the next task is created, my servlet is 
called and my file saved... I'm happy but I'm feeling very stupid to think 
about that so late. I knew this should be easy :)

Btw I think a little more documentation must be written on EL (some examples 
would be great) and since jBPM JSF tags are still here in the new admin console 
and usable from jBPM and JSF users, I think they deserve a little Javadoc like 
the official JSF one : 
That's absolutly not a urgent task... but it would help...

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Signal a task on a html form submit

2007-05-29 Thread cahimoped
Ok I post you some code and informations... It will not say more that I already 
said... but ok let's go.

Here is my task :

task-node name=Creer bilan
  | task name=bilanCP
  | assignment actor-id=#{CP} / 
  | /task 
  | transition to=Evaluation DP name=OK/transition
  | /task-node

Here is my association in the forms.xml :
form task=bilanCP form=bilanCP.xhtml/

Here is my bilanCP.xhtml (displaying well) :
!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN 
  | html xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml;
  |   xmlns:ui=http://java.sun.com/jsf/facelets;
  |   xmlns:c=http://java.sun.com/jstl/core;
  |   xmlns:h=http://java.sun.com/jsf/html;
  |   xmlns:f=http://java.sun.com/jsf/core;
  |   xmlns:tf=http://jbpm.org/jsf/tf;
  |   xmlns:jbpm=http://jbpm.org/jsf;
  | form enctype=multipart/form-data method=POST action=uploadSuivi
  |   jbpm:dataform
  | f:facet name=header
  |   Envoyer un fichier local 
  | /f:facet
  | jbpm:datacell
  |   f:facet name=header
  | Selectionnez le fichier a envoyer :
  |   /f:facet
  |   input class=file type=file name=suiviXLS/
  |   input name=nomProjet type=hidden 
  |   input name=tokenId type=hidden value=#{token.getId}/  
  | /jbpm:datacell
  | jbpm:datacell
  |   f:facet name=header
  | h:outputText value=Actions/
  |   /f:facet
  |   button class=button type=submitEnvoyer/button  
  | /jbpm:datacell
  |  /jbpm:dataform   
  |   br /
  |   jbpm:dataform   
  | f:facet name=header
  |   h:outputText value=Fichier distant modifie/
  | /f:facet
  | jbpm:datacell
  |   f:facet name=header
  | h:outputText value=Actions/
  |   /f:facet
  |   tf:transitionButton transition=OK value=Faire suivre le fichier 
au DP/
  | /jbpm:datacell
  |   /jbpm:dataform
  | /ui:component
  | /html

and here is my servlet :

import java.io.File;
  | import java.io.IOException;
  | import java.io.PrintWriter;
  | import java.util.Iterator;
  | import java.util.List;
  | import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
  | import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
  | import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
  | import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem;
  | import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItemFactory;
  | import org.apache.commons.fileupload.servlet.ServletFileUpload;
  | import org.apache.commons.fileupload.disk.DiskFileItemFactory;
  | public class UploadSuivi extends HttpServlet {
  | private static final long serialVersionUID = -7214369336993351418L;
  | private FileItem fichier;
  | private String nomProjet;
  | private String tokenId;
  | public void service(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse 
response) throws IOException {
  | if (!ServletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(request)) {   

  | throw new RuntimeException(Not a multipart request);
  | }
  | try {
  | // Create a factory for disk-based file items
  | FileItemFactory factory = new DiskFileItemFactory();
  | // Create a new file upload handler
  | ServletFileUpload upload = new 
  | // Parse the request
  | List list = upload.parseRequest(request);
  | // Process the uploaded items
  | for (int i=0; ilist.size(); i++) {
  | FileItem item = (FileItem) list.get(i);
  | if (item.getFieldName().compareTo(suiviXLS) == 0) 
  | fichier = item;
  | }
  | if (item.getFieldName().compareTo(nomProjet) == 
0) {
  | nomProjet=item.getString(); 

  | }
  | if (item.getFieldName().compareTo(tokenId) == 0) {
  | tokenId=item.getString();   

  | }   
  | }
  | // save the file
  | File uploadedFile = new File(C:/+nomProjet+.xls); 
  | fichier.write(uploadedFile);

[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Signal a task on a html form submit

2007-05-29 Thread cahimoped
I forget to say it again : I know I may I misunderstood the documentation. I 
d'ont say it's a bug... but in case I read well it can be... I just don't know 
and I'm curious about it. 

What I want now is another solution to get my process instance, token or 
whatever so I can signal my task in my servlet. I'm sure there's an easy one 
somewhere but I just don't imagine it yet...

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Signal a task on a html form submit

2007-05-29 Thread kukeltje
anonymous wrote : Ok I post you some code and informations... It will not say 
more that I already said... but ok let's go. 



differs from tokenId=tokenIdItem.getString();

and the accompanying form tells more about the 'correct' implementation than 
single lines of code, so please let us be the judge of whether it tells 
more/enough ok ;-)

What does the generated form look like in the browser? Does the token field 
have a value?

Maybe try something like #{task.token.id)

Whow... now I see where you go wrong..

you do a token.getId instead of token.id.. 

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Signal a task on a html form submit

2007-05-29 Thread cahimoped
I doesn't work better with id at the end or/and with task in the begining.
My field remains empty (and empty in the browser too if not hidden).
I tried idParameter instead of id only too (I see that in a jbpm:bind... just 
in case...) and it doesn't work better.

Right now I'm trying to add the processInstance ID to the context variables 
with an action. That way I'm sure I'll get it in my servlet. It doesn't work 
yet but it will... I hope it will :)
Too bad I have to add code and use a process variable for that though...

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Signal a task on a html form submit

2007-05-29 Thread estaub

I see a lot of instances on the forum of folks who have problems with EL and 
don't (apparently) have any way to  dig into what they've done wrong beyond 
inspection of their code.  It's much more common with transition condition 

Do you know if there's any way to turn on EL tracing so that, e.g., in this 
case, he'd see somewhere in a log a No Such Field 'getId' error message?

-Ed Staub

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Signal a task on a html form submit

2007-05-29 Thread kukeltje

This is generic EL stuff ig you have e.g. a class Token with getter/setter 
like getId/setId, in EL you have to use token.id to have access to it.

If it is the jboss imp, it uses log4j, so turning on debug at the rootlevel 
(and reducing it to the correct classes/packages if you see some interesting 
stuff) is what I normally do. 

In the webconsole I see something like:

  | jbpm:dataarea
  |   h:inputHidden value=#{returnViewId}/
  |   h:inputHidden value=#{tokenId}/
  |   ...
  | /jbpm:dataarea

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Signal a task on a html form submit

2007-05-29 Thread estaub

anonymous wrote : This is generic EL stuff ig you have e.g. a class Token 
with getter/setter like getId/setId, in EL you have to use token.id to have 
access to it.
Yeah, I know... it's just that we all do bonehead things like this once in a 
while and need a hint about where we screwed up.  The log can provide this - 
maybe.  I haven't used it in this area, so I don't know what log output is 
emitted and whether it is useful.  I was hoping you might - I guess not, though!

anonymous wrote : If it is the jboss imp, it uses log4j, so turning on debug at 
the rootlevel (and reducing it to the correct classes/packages if you see some 
interesting stuff) is what I normally do.
Yes... I'm getting a sense that a lot of folks don't have the experience base 
for this to be an reflexive thing to do.  I'm starting to wonder if it makes 
sense to include a log4j.xml in the config, just to steer folks toward taking 
advantage of it.  

I guess JBPM may migrate at some point to use Seam's EL implementation 
relatively soon, so researching into specifics about log capabilities in the 
current implementation may not be that useful in the long term.  

-Ed Staub

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Signal a task on a html form submit

2007-05-29 Thread kukeltje
Oh... regarding these logoutputs, I have some experience in combination with 
seam and there is explicit logging on getters/setters not found on debug level. 
Sometimes even at error (not sure when exactely)

There was a configfile at the debug level, but afaik, there has been a change 
in policy lately to at least leave the console output with not that high a 
level and have the fileappender contain more detailed output, so not only look 
at the console

And yes, if it was up to Gavin et al, jBPM would make the switch to their EL 
impl asap (not sure if that one runs on jdk 1.4 though

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Signal a task on a html form submit

2007-05-28 Thread cahimoped
Just some precisions :
- I spent lot of time trying everything (taskInstance, processIntance and not 
only token) in my expressions and I never get any answer. I don't know why 
since it works well with any simple variable (with #{var['myvar']}).
- This input code is in a modified form file created by the GPD. I need to have 
2 solutions here : the first is a normal transition link and the second the 
file upload. They lead to the same unique transition to the next node.

I searched the documentation and I understand that the way I do it should 
work.. is it a bug? (I'm not know EL enough to figure myself)
I searched in all the test cases and I didn't find any example of that... did I 
miss one?

I lost nearly a day on that so if you have any little idea... even if it may 
seem stupid... I'll take it and test it.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Signal a task on a html form submit

2007-05-28 Thread kukeltje
- you describe you deployed 'a servlet' how can we know what goes wrong if you 
do not show the code
- you do not describe what versions of the gpd, core etc, - how do we know what 
is the original form (you made 'a' form in 'the' xhtml form file)
- why do you come to the conclusion that after reading the docs you understand 
that the way you do it is correct?


if you are not more explicit, people cannot help you

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