hi guys

here's my problem:

  |    <task-node name="confinuar">
  |       <task name="deseja continuar" swimlane="default">
  |          <controller>
  |             <variable name="decisao" 
  |          </controller>
  |       </task>
  |       <transition name="t end" to="end">
  |             <condition>#{ contextInstance.variables.decisao == 'sim' 
  |       </transition>
  |       <transition name="repetir" to="decidir o destinatario">
  |             <condition>#{ contextInstance.variables.decisao != 'sim' 
  |       </transition>
  |    </task-node>

While running the task instance i only get "repetir" on transitions list. 
Shouldn't I get a empty list to signal and then jbpm evaluates the transition? 
Or is something wrong with my conditions that could afect something?

btw currently according some post i read, conditions support both beanshell and 
EL, but which is adviceable to use, since beanshell i guess it's more complete 
it should be used, but the greater part from the posts I read are EL.

thanks in advance

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