Hi there,
            I'm planning to implement a data-mining/analysis application (using 
WS-Eventing framework), which would get some data from a number of third party 
providers and analyse it.

I'm assuming my analysis application would be an Event Consumer (sink) 
WS-Client, which would subscribe to Event Producer(source), responsible for 
third party data providers? Do you think my understanding is correct at this 

Actually, my scenario is that I have a number of clients to whom we're sending 
some requests and in return getting some response. So in nut-shell what i'm 
looking for is a kind of analysis application, through which I can monitor what 
was sent to which client and what I got in response(success, error, warning etc 

So do you think that with the help of WS-Eventing framework I can take care of 
the above scenario?

Secondly, I have also read about JMS-Notification framework similarly based 
upon Producer-Subscriber design pattern. So can anybody suggest, which one is 
more robust and beneficial over the other?

One good reason I can think about WS-Eventing framework is that the 
communication is going to be in the form of SOAP, so Event-Consumer endpoint 
can be implemented in any language be it php, c#, asp etc etc. 

In-case of JMS-Notification, it is going to be Java dependent. Is this 
assumption true and what other reasons there can be to give preference to 
WS-Eventing over JMS-Notification?


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