[jboss-user] [Microcontainer] - Re: Alternate .war deployment

2008-09-12 Thread alesj
"BobMcWhirter" wrote : 
  | 1) Am I off-base thinking that the RailsDeployer could/should create a 
WebMetaData, for consumption by the typical .war deployer already baked into 
That's one way of doing it.
You can either pick-up the WMD we already create
and fill it with your info.
Or you can have Rails predetermined WMD
and then check what exactly we do with merging.

"BobMcWhirter" wrote : 
  | 2) If I can create a WebMetaData, what stage should it occur?  My 
RailsDeployer basically parses a deploy/myapp.rails file, and I've tried the 
PARSE stage.
As long as it's soon enough.
Dunno what soon enough is in your case.
But definitely before WMD get's used in REAL stage. ;-)

"BobMcWhirter" wrote : 
  | 3) If I should create a WebMetaData, should I attach it as an attachment to 
the VFSDeploymentUnit my RailsDeployer is handed?
But, like I already said, you have different scopes of attachments.
Pick the one that suites your purpose best.
e.g. predetermined, transient, transient-managed, ...

"BobMcWhirter" wrote : 
  | 4) Can you point to information about classpath semantics between deployers 
and things-they-deploy?  My jboss-rails.deployer deployer jarfile contains a 
jruby.jar, which I'd like to be available to anything it deploys.  I was hoping 
I could provide it (and other jars) via the MetaData.  This is one of the bits 
I feel I'm missing by calling MainDeployer.deploy(...) and process() directly, 
instead of using the MetaData functionality.
This looks to me like Seam-int functionality I just did:

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[jboss-user] [Microcontainer] - Re: Alternate .war deployment

2008-09-12 Thread bob.mcwhirter
"alesj" wrote : 
  | "BobMcWhirter" wrote : 
  |   | 3) If I should create a WebMetaData, should I attach it as an 
attachment to the VFSDeploymentUnit my RailsDeployer is handed?
  |   | 
  | Yes.
  | But, like I already said, you have different scopes of attachments.
  | Pick the one that suites your purpose best.
  | e.g. predetermined, transient, transient-managed, ...

Much appreciated, Ales--

At this point, my web.xml is super-easy, and my code just programmatically 
assembles it.  I also an building a ClassLoadingMetaData (well, a 
VFSClassLoaderFactory...), and have setOutput( ClassLoaderingMetaData.class ).  
I'm figuring (?) that's how I setup my effective classpath for the deployed 
web-app, and it's there I can jack in my paths to jruby.jar and friends.  That 
sound about right?

For the scope of attachments... got a pointer for the differences?



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[jboss-user] [Microcontainer] - Re: Alternate .war deployment

2008-09-12 Thread alesj
"bob.mcwhirter" wrote : 
  | At this point, my web.xml is super-easy, and my code just programmatically 
assembles it. 
Does this mean you're assembling WMD or web.xml?
I guess WMD should do it.

"bob.mcwhirter" wrote : 
  | I also an building a ClassLoadingMetaData (well, a 
VFSClassLoaderFactory...), and have setOutput( ClassLoaderingMetaData.class ).  
I'm figuring (?) that's how I setup my effective classpath for the deployed 
web-app, and it's there I can jack in my paths to jruby.jar and friends.  That 
sound about right?
It's the CL deployers that pick this up.
Or you can hack something up, like I do it in my Seam-int.
e.g. adding custom jar if deployment is Seam app

"bob.mcwhirter" wrote : 
  | For the scope of attachments... got a pointer for the differences?
Not really. :-)
Basic point is that some attachments are available to client,
some are just server side info, e.g. temp info passing around.

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[jboss-user] [Microcontainer] - Re: Alternate .war deployment

2008-09-12 Thread bob.mcwhirter
"alesj" wrote : "bob.mcwhirter" wrote : 
  |   | At this point, my web.xml is super-easy, and my code just 
programmatically assembles it. 
  |   | 
  | Does this mean you're assembling WMD or web.xml?
  | I guess WMD should do it.

Yes, a WebMetaData is what I'm building, not a web.xml file. 

"alesj" wrote : 
  | Yup.
  | It's the CL deployers that pick this up.
  | Or you can hack something up, like I do it in my Seam-int.
  | e.g. adding custom jar if deployment is Seam app

Those exist by default, looking for any CLMD to deploy into my unit?  I noticed 
an explicit WarClassLoaderDeployer in the codebase.  Was not sure if I needed 
to mirror that for my own, or if I can count on a standard CLDeployer in the 
mix with the 'default' config.

"alesj" wrote : 
  | "bob.mcwhirter" wrote : 
  |   | For the scope of attachments... got a pointer for the differences?
  |   | 
  | Not really. :-)
  | Basic point is that some attachments are available to client,
  | some are just server side info, e.g. temp info passing around.

  | unit.addAttachment( WebMetaData.class, md);

That should ultimately be visible to the kernel to act upon?

Thanks muchly,


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[jboss-user] [Microcontainer] - Re: Alternate .war deployment

2008-09-12 Thread alesj
"bob.mcwhirter" wrote : 
  | Those exist by default, looking for any CLMD to deploy into my unit?  I 
noticed an explicit WarClassLoaderDeployer in the codebase.  Was not sure if I 
needed to mirror that for my own, or if I can count on a standard CLDeployer in 
the mix with the 'default' config.
There is ClassLoadingDefaultDeployer that creates 'empty' CLMD, if there is 

For WCLD, I don't have enough info to know if you should mirror that.
But most of the times it's about providing right CL metadata
as we tried to do it as flexible as possible - to avoid n different CL 
deployers impls. ;-)

"bob.mcwhirter" wrote : 
  |   | unit.addAttachment( WebMetaData.class, md);
  |   | 
  | That should ultimately be visible to the kernel to act upon?
It's one of the deployers that should pick it up and act upon it.
And kernel can be injected into deployers,
as MC eats it's own dog food. :-)

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