we have several Seam apps that will need a security solution involving using AD 
for authentication and authorization.

Authentication is ok (we're using NTLM with IE browsers).

We need advice for authorization.  Our security model involves having the 
owner's of the applications add members (end-users) to AD distribution groups 
via Outlook.

We have a custom Java AD library that allows us to get a list of the groups an 
authenticated user belongs to.  We need to know whether or not it's ok to query 
AD real-time for multiple apps with a potential centralized AD cluster for all 
field sites.  Any performance issues?  This would happen on every JSF page 
load, for example, when a drop down needs to be populated for a particular role 
filter (e.g. only show the list of technicians).

We are considering copying the added/deleted member info from the AD distro 
groups to RDBMS tables but then we have the syncing issue of when/how to do 
this.  We are also considering augmenting our db schema to add user_role info 
to our user table by adding multiple tables (i.e., each user can have multiple 
roles in multiple apps).

Any advice on this authorization portion?  I can't find any best practices 
heuristics from microsoft regarding AD and we need to integrate our security 
framework with Seam ultimately.  What is the JBoss best practice?  The JBoss 4 
official guide doesn't go into authorization in detail.  thx.

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