I've found a VERY curious concurrency bug in JaasSecurityManager. I'm using 
custom login modules and custom principal and a custom SecurityInterceptor for 
JNDI lookups, this interceptor checks .

My DefaultCacheTimeout value was set to 0 (I wanted to turn off authentication 

My application (remote Swing client) worked fine as long as there was only one 
thread doing JNDI lookups. But sometimes a second application threw exception 
during JNDI authorization, it turned out that authenticated Subject had an 
empty role set. But this is impossible, because my Subjects always have at 
least one role.

After few hours of debugging I've found the problem: my custom login module 
removes its Subject roles during the logout() method. I've found that this 
module is called by JaasSecurityManager$DomainInfo.destroy. And that's a bug.

Suppose we have two threads:

  | Thread 1:                                       Thread 2 (some time after 
  | 1. 'User1' authentication                    1. 'User1' logs in.
  | 2. 'User1' is added to auth cache            2. Auth cache entry has 
  | 3. Doing some lengthy operation              3. Calling .logout() on stale 
  | 4. Checking roles of User1 - WILL FAIL, another thread has called logout()!

This problem may be not evident with the stock JBoss login modules, because 
their logout() methods do not remove subject's roles.

Proposed fixes: 
1. Use deep cloning. That way threads 1 and 2 doesn't share any data, thus no 
2. Use acquire/release semantics in conjunction with SecurityAssociation.
3. Remove logout() from DomainInfo.destroy.

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