I am looking for an example of how one might set different CachePolicies, or at 
least different timeouts, for different application-policies.  I am unable to 
find anything other than a brief mention of AuthenticationCacheJndiName in the 

My main application-policy governs web user access using a subclass of 
HttpServletRequestLoginModule.  At the same time I have an application-policy 
using SecureIdentityLoginModule to allow encrypted passwords for each of my 
datasources.  The user authentication policy needs to have a very short timeout 
so changes to user rights are reflected rather quickly.  However, the database 
passwords won't change outside a server restart so theoretically I should never 
expire them.  

Stress testing is showing problems with JaasSecurityManager.updateCache when 
the datasources are under load; even with the fix for 
http://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBAS-3141  in place.   Tuning the caching 
seems like a good option. 

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