[jboss-user] [Security JAAS/JBoss] - Re: Programmatic Login Advice

2006-12-09 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
You cannot affect the web container security context via programatic login from 
the web component level. If you want to interact with the security context you 
need to integrate with the web container using either a tomcat valve, or a 
custom authenticator.

In general it does not make sense for you do be able to do a jaas login in the 
context of a web app call. Session ids needs to be correlated, and 
authentication mechanisms like CLIENT-CERT and DIGEST require that the 
container interact with the caller side.


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[jboss-user] [Security JAAS/JBoss] - Re: Programmatic Login Advice

2006-12-05 Thread pander

One of the Admins is bound to know what this is given this TRACE output.

Here is where you can clearly see that the programmatic login is working. It's 
calling my DBLoginModule, then calling the ClientLoginModule and finally 
forwarding to the user's homepage.

  | 2006-12-05 16:58:39,703 INFO  [cc.livewire.jboss.login.DBLoginModule] 
Entering DBLoginModule 
  | 2006-12-05 16:58:39,705 INFO  [cc.livewire.jboss.login.DBLoginModule] 
Logged in user paul OK !!
  | 2006-12-05 16:58:39,705 INFO  [cc.livewire.jboss.login.DBLoginModule] 
  | 2006-12-05 16:58:39,725 TRACE [org.jboss.security.ClientLoginModule] 
Security domain: AMIRealm
  | 2006-12-05 16:58:39,725 TRACE [org.jboss.security.ClientLoginModule] 
Enabling restore-login-identity mode
  | 2006-12-05 16:58:39,725 TRACE [org.jboss.security.ClientLoginModule] 
Enabling useFirstPass mode
  | 2006-12-05 16:58:39,725 TRACE [org.jboss.security.ClientLoginModule] Begin 
  | 2006-12-05 16:58:39,728 TRACE [org.jboss.security.ClientLoginModule] 
commit, subject=Subject:
  | Principal: paul
  | Principal: Roles(members:ami.reseller)
  | 2006-12-05 16:58:39,728 TRACE [org.jboss.security.SecurityAssociation] 
pushSubjectContext, subject=Subject:
  | Principal: paul
  | Principal: Roles(members:ami.reseller)
  | , [EMAIL PROTECTED],subject=6592395}
  | 2006-12-05 16:58:39,728 INFO  [org.apache.jsp.test_jsp] Got past the login 
call !!.
  | 2006-12-05 16:58:39,729 DEBUG 
[org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationDispatcher] servletPath=/homePage.do, 
pathInfo=null, queryString=null, name=null
  | 2006-12-05 16:58:39,729 DEBUG 
[org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationDispatcher]  Path Based Forward

However, the next click that is made shows some strange things in the server 
log. It's like the ClientLoginModule never passed on any details at all as when 
I click on the Logindetails.do?action=change link it automatically is refering 
me to login.jsp and booting me back to the login page.

  | 2006-12-05 17:05:50,400 DEBUG [org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter] 
 Requested cookie session id is CC617D5EB33DDF849FCCE011CC7F2661
  | 2006-12-05 17:05:50,401 DEBUG 
[org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[jboss.web].[localhost]] Process 
request for '/AMI/LoginDetails.do'
  | 2006-12-05 17:05:50,401 DEBUG 
[org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[jboss.web].[localhost]]  Checking for 
SSO cookie
  | 2006-12-05 17:05:50,401 DEBUG 
[org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[jboss.web].[localhost]]  SSO cookie is 
not present
  | 2006-12-05 17:05:50,401 TRACE [org.jboss.web.tomcat.security.FormAuthValve] 
Enter, j_username=null
  | 2006-12-05 17:05:50,401 DEBUG 
[org.apache.catalina.authenticator.AuthenticatorBase] Security checking request 
GET /AMI/LoginDetails.do
  | 2006-12-05 17:05:50,401 DEBUG [org.apache.catalina.realm.RealmBase]   
Checking constraint 'SecurityConstraint[Secure Content]' against GET 
/LoginDetails.do -- true
  | 2006-12-05 17:05:50,401 DEBUG [org.apache.catalina.realm.RealmBase]   
Checking constraint 'SecurityConstraint[Secure Content]' against GET 
/LoginDetails.do -- true
  | 2006-12-05 17:05:50,401 DEBUG [org.apache.catalina.realm.RealmBase]   
Checking constraint 'SecurityConstraint[Secure Content]' against GET 
/LoginDetails.do -- true
  | 2006-12-05 17:05:50,401 DEBUG 
[org.apache.catalina.authenticator.AuthenticatorBase]  Calling 
  | 2006-12-05 17:05:50,401 DEBUG [org.apache.catalina.realm.RealmBase]   User 
data constraint already satisfied
  | 2006-12-05 17:05:50,401 DEBUG 
[org.apache.catalina.authenticator.AuthenticatorBase]  Calling authenticate()
  | 2006-12-05 17:05:50,401 DEBUG 
[org.apache.catalina.authenticator.FormAuthenticator] Save request in session 
  | 2006-12-05 17:05:50,402 DEBUG 
[org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationDispatcher] servletPath=/login.jsp, 
pathInfo=null, queryString=null, name=null
  | 2006-12-05 17:05:50,402 DEBUG 
[org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationDispatcher]  Path Based Forward
  | 2006-12-05 17:05:50,402 TRACE [org.jboss.web.tomcat.security.RunAsListener] 
jsp, runAs: null
  | 2006-12-05 17:05:50,402 TRACE [org.jboss.web.tomcat.security.RunAsListener] 
jsp, runAs: null
  | 2006-12-05 17:05:50,409 TRACE [org.jboss.web.tomcat.security.RunAsListener] 
jsp, runAs: null
  | 2006-12-05 17:05:50,409 TRACE [org.jboss.web.tomcat.security.RunAsListener] 
jsp, runAs: null
  | 2006-12-05 17:05:50,409 DEBUG 
[org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationDispatcher]  Disabling the response for 
futher output
  | 2006-12-05 17:05:50,409 DEBUG 
[org.apache.catalina.authenticator.AuthenticatorBase]  Failed authenticate() 
  | 2006-12-05 17:05:50,409 TRACE [org.jboss.web.tomcat.security.FormAuthValve] 
SessionID: CC617D5EB33DDF849FCCE011CC7F2661
  | 2006-12-05 17:05:50,409 TRACE [org.jboss.web.tomcat.security.FormAuthValve] 

[jboss-user] [Security JAAS/JBoss] - Re: Programmatic Login Advice

2006-12-04 Thread jbouchair
I have tried this before with jaas automatic login and was able to login, but 
after the login and the redirection the security modules loose the information 
and the user is essentially logged out. I worked with this for about a month 
and finally gave up and just wrote my own security system then use jboss jaas 
with non public systems. If any knows how to get this working I would love to 
hear as well.

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[jboss-user] [Security JAAS/JBoss] - Re: Programmatic Login Advice

2006-12-01 Thread jaikiran
Have a look at Q3 at:

See if it helps.

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[jboss-user] [Security JAAS/JBoss] - Re: Programmatic Login Advice

2006-12-01 Thread pander

ok, I did what Q3 in the security FAQ suggested and put in the following entry 
within my authentication realm

  | !-- Add this line to your login-config.xml to include the 
ClientLoginModule propogation --  
  |   login-module code=org.jboss.security.ClientLoginModule 
flag=required /

Unfortunately this did not seem to make any difference. Here is some debug from 
the server log. It's the following 2 lines which I think are a hint that 
something is still not right.

  | [org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationDispatcher]  Disabling the response 
for futher output
  | 2006-12-01 15:03:47,174 DEBUG 
[org.apache.catalina.authenticator.AuthenticatorBase]  Failed authenticate() 

Here is the full debug output I've taken it from the redirect to /homePage.do 
in test.jsp (which is performing the programmatic login) . 

Any ideas?

  | 2006-12-01 15:03:47,157 INFO  
  | 2006-12-01 15:03:47,157 INFO  
  | 2006-12-01 15:03:47,157 INFO  
  | 2006-12-01 15:03:47,157 INFO  
  | 2006-12-01 15:03:47,158 INFO  
  | 2006-12-01 15:03:47,158 INFO  
  | 2006-12-01 15:03:47,158 INFO  
header=Expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:00:00 GMT
  | 2006-12-01 15:03:47,158 INFO  
header=X-Powered-By=Servlet 2.4; JBoss-4.0.5.GA (build: CVSTag=Branch_4_0 
  | 2006-12-01 15:03:47,158 INFO  
  | 2006-12-01 15:03:47,158 INFO  
  | 2006-12-01 15:03:47,158 INFO  
  | 2006-12-01 15:03:47,158 INFO  
  | 2006-12-01 15:03:47,158 INFO  
  | 2006-12-01 15:03:47,168 DEBUG [org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter] 
 Requested cookie session id is 9DE0C12CF880EEFBDB9282AD73EB67FA
  | 2006-12-01 15:03:47,168 INFO  
[org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[jboss.web].[localhost]] REQUEST URI
  | 2006-12-01 15:03:47,168 INFO  
  | 2006-12-01 15:03:47,168 INFO  
  | 2006-12-01 15:03:47,168 INFO  
  | 2006-12-01 15:03:47,168 INFO  
  | 2006-12-01 15:03:47,168 INFO  
  | 2006-12-01 15:03:47,168 INFO  
  | 2006-12-01 15:03:47,168 INFO  
header=accept=image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, 
application/x-shockwave-flash, application/vnd.ms-excel, 
application/vnd.ms-powerpoint, application/msword, */*
  | 2006-12-01 15:03:47,168 INFO  
  | 2006-12-01 15:03:47,168 INFO  
  | 2006-12-01 15:03:47,168 INFO  
header=accept-encoding=gzip, deflate
  | 2006-12-01 15:03:47,168 INFO  
header=user-agent=Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 
1.0.3705; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; Media Center PC 4.0; InfoPath.1; .NET CLR 
  | 2006-12-01 15:03:47,169 INFO  

[jboss-user] [Security JAAS/JBoss] - Re: Programmatic Login Advice

2006-12-01 Thread pander

OK, we have a little progress, but there is still a problem.

I changed the 

c:redirect url=/homePage.do/

to a 

jsp:forward page=/homePage.do /

and now it does go from test.jsp to the user's homepage within my webapp. Also, 
things such the user's account balance etc along with various other beans I am 
putting into the users session all seem to be there, so it does seem to be 
doing at least some part of the login correctly. However, ALL of the images on 
the user's homepage do not come through, they are just placeholders. Also, and 
perhaps a little stranger given the fact that at least some portion of the 
login process seems to have worked, when you click on a link from the homepage, 
say /Account.do?action=view it again takes me straight back to the login page.

There must be some information that is somehow not making it through to all 
parts of the webapp as some things are working and others are not.

Any ideas?


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