[jboss-user] [jBPM Users] - Re: EventListener questions

2009-11-13 Thread jbarrez
@Sebastian: I'm not sure if this is the intended behaviour. Can you create an 
issue with your process + unit test and assign it to me? This way I can pick it 
up later.

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[jboss-user] [jBPM Users] - Re: EventListener questions

2009-11-13 Thread sebastian.s
Hello Joram,

I created a task and I attached the files for the test case. I cannot assign 
tasks or bugs to you since I haven't got the permission to do this. So you have 
to do this:


By accident I uploaded the files to the wrong issue at first. Can you please 
delete the attached files here?


Thank you.

P.S.: Have you read my message for you on the mailing list?

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[jboss-user] [jBPM Users] - Re: EventListener questions

2009-11-13 Thread saraswati.santanu
Hi Sebastian,
   Its a nice tricky point that you pointed out.

   I was trying to follow the behaviour after reading your post. The following 
things happen in sequence when transition happens from one activity to another

  1. End event fires for the source node
  2. Destination activity is set on the execution
  3. Start event is fired on the destination node
  4. execute method of destination activity behaviour is called

  For task node the TaskImpl is saved in db at the fourth step. But the start 
event is fired before that. And activity name is set before that. So it creates 
the trap you figured out.

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[jboss-user] [jBPM Users] - Re: EventListener questions

2009-11-13 Thread sebastian.s
Hi Santanu,

good to now that someone else took a deeper look at this and thanks for your 
valueable feedback.

I don't know if the order of no. 3 and no. 4 has been chosen for some reason or 
not. To me it makes clearly sense for automated activities but causes the 
described problem for user activities.

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[jboss-user] [jBPM Users] - Re: EventListener questions

2009-11-06 Thread sebastian.s
I just tried it. I put a breakpoint and used the HSQL's DatabaseManager to have 
a look at the database. There is no task persisted yet.

However I could not find a statement INSERT INTO ..  for the task table in 
the Hibernate debug output before my query for the task. I put an additional 
breakpoint after the EventListener's notify()-method is completed and then the 
task is found in the database.

So it seems that when the EventListener is notified of the activity's start the 
task has not been created yet although the activity is already the active one 
in the execution.

Hibernate queries are hard to log in a readable way. I can still post them but 
if you need them you could easily reproduce them with the supplied unit test.

I've got 2 questions in mind:

How can I achieve the thing I'm aiming for? Should I change to the activity's 
end event? But then I would need to use a custom Hibernate Query since I have 
no criteria to be used for the HistoryTaskQuery.

And is this a bug or just a specific behaviour of jBPM? An unwanted or wanted 
one? If this is unwanted and the task should to be found already in the task 
could this behaviour be changed?

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[jboss-user] [jBPM Users] - Re: EventListener questions

2009-11-05 Thread kukeltje
have you tried running this in debug mode? And e.g. log the hibernate queries? 
Could be that something is not persisted yet. 

I noticed the processInstanceId vs executionId to once in a different place. 
Has been some renaming long ago, maybe these slipped through.

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[jboss-user] [jBPM Users] - Re: EventListener questions

2009-11-04 Thread jbarrez
Getting the previous task is indeed tricky. Because it depends on what you call 
'previous'. The previous one in the process, transition-wise (as you state). Or 
is it the previous task that has been done by the same assignee (easy to 
retrieve) in potentially some parallel path?

For me it is the latter, but for you obviously it isn't.

A easy workaround is using an eventlistener and storing the 'previous task' as 
a process var ... (or only the id of the historyTask) ... albeit this is just a 
very quick workaround.

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[jboss-user] [jBPM Users] - Re: EventListener questions

2009-11-04 Thread sebastian.s
Of course you're right and one could easily argue about the definition and yes 
I am talking about the last task in an transition-wise way.

I have to say that I don't understand the workaround you have proposed. I've 
been re-thinking this and it came to my mind that thinking in a transition-wise 
way actually I would have to get the activitiy the transition originates from 
and than retrieve the corresponding task since it's an activity of type task, 

Could you try to explain your proposition a bit more? Thank you very much, 

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[jboss-user] [jBPM Users] - Re: EventListener questions

2009-11-04 Thread jbarrez
anonymous wrote : I have to say that I don't understand the workaround you have 
proposed. I've been re-thinking this and it came to my mind that thinking in a 
transition-wise way actually I would have to get the activitiy the transition 
originates from and than retrieve the corresponding task since it's an activity 
of type task, right? 

Yes, you're correct. But this doesn't simplify the problem

anonymous wrote : Could you try to explain your proposition a bit more?

I was thinking something simple: attach an eventlistener to the task-end event. 
When the eventlistener is called, it simply sets the current task 
name/id/whatever as a process variable.

In the next task you can use this variable. 

Like a said, this is a quick hack-aroo solution which can work until we enlarge 
the history event capabilities

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[jboss-user] [jBPM Users] - Re: EventListener questions

2009-11-04 Thread sebastian.s
Thanks for clarifying this. The review of the JIRA issues regarding the history 
API is taking place during the next days, right? Maybe this could also be taken 
into account.

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[jboss-user] [jBPM Users] - Re: EventListener questions

2009-11-04 Thread sebastian.s
But how to access the current task-object from within the EventListener firing 
on the task-end event? I just have access to execution which is of type 

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[jboss-user] [jBPM Users] - Re: EventListener questions

2009-11-04 Thread sebastian.s
I decided to use the start event because so I can use a TaskQuery instead of 
HistoryTaskQuery. I just want to gain access to the properties of the task the 
transition originates from.

process definition:

  | ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
  | process name=process xmlns=http://jbpm.org/4.0/jpdl; key=process 
  |start name=start1 g=74,95,48,48
  |   transition name=to task1 to=task1 g=1,-23/
  |end name=end1 g=73,270,48,48/
  |task name=task1 g=215,141,92,52 assignee=alex
  |on event=start
  |  event-listener class=listeners.TaskEventListener /
  |   transition name=to task2 to=task2 g=-50,-21/
  |task name=task2 g=214,270,92,52 assignee=mike
  |   transition name=to end1 to=end1 g=-48,-21/
  | /process


  | package listeners;
  | import java.util.Set;
  | import org.jbpm.api.Configuration;
  | import org.jbpm.api.ProcessEngine;
  | import org.jbpm.api.TaskService;
  | import org.jbpm.api.listener.EventListener;
  | import org.jbpm.api.listener.EventListenerExecution;
  | import org.jbpm.api.task.Task;
  | public class TaskEventListener implements EventListener {
  | private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
  | private ProcessEngine processEngine;
  | private TaskService taskService;
  | public TaskEventListener() {
  | processEngine = Configuration.getProcessEngine();
  | taskService = processEngine.getTaskService();
  | }
  | @Override
  | public void notify(EventListenerExecution execution) throws Exception {
  | SetString activities = execution.findActiveActivityNames();
  | String activityName = activities.iterator().next();
  | // this works: task1 (= the name of the activity is shown)
  | System.out.println(activityName);
  | // this does not work, getting null here
  | Task task = 
  | System.out.println(task);
  | }
  | }

Unit test:

  | package tests;
  | import java.util.List;
  | import org.jbpm.api.Configuration;
  | import org.jbpm.api.ProcessEngine;
  | import org.jbpm.api.ProcessInstance;
  | import org.jbpm.api.task.Task;
  | import org.jbpm.test.JbpmTestCase;
  | public class TaskEventListenerTest extends JbpmTestCase {
  | String deploymentId;
  | protected void setUp() throws Exception {
  | super.setUp();
  | ProcessEngine engine = Configuration.getProcessEngine();
  | deploymentId = 
  | }
  | public void testTaskEventListener() {
  | ProcessInstance processInstance = 
  | ListTask tasks = taskService.findPersonalTasks(alex);
  | taskService.completeTask(tasks.get(0).getId());
  | tasks = taskService.findPersonalTasks(mike);
  | taskService.completeTask(tasks.get(0).getId());
  | }
  | protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
  | repositoryService.deleteDeploymentCascade(deploymentId);
  | super.tearDown();
  | }
  | }

Why is the task not found using the TaskQuery?

My second question would be: Why is there a citeria called processInstanceId 
although as far as I recall the class Task has a member variable called 
executionId and so is associated with its execution and not with its process 
instance, right?


Anyway the activityName is a better criteria because I might have several tasks 
active at the same time.

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[jboss-user] [jBPM Users] - Re: EventListener questions

2009-11-03 Thread sebastian.s
This works for me. Note that I am using the process engine built by the default 
configuration which is stored in a static field in Configuration.

  | public class ApprovalListener implements EventListener {
  |   private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
  |   @Override
  |   public void notify(EventListenerExecution execution) throws Exception {
  | ProcessEngine processEngine = Configuration.getProcessEngine();
  | HistoryService historyService = processEngine.getHistoryService();
  | HistoryTask task = 
  | // now I can retrieve the information I wanted ..
  | task.getAssignee()
  | task.getCreateTime()
  | ..
  |   }
  | }

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[jboss-user] [jBPM Users] - Re: EventListener questions

2009-11-03 Thread sebastian.s
I haven't found a way to achieve this using the HistoyTaskQuery. I would like 
to retrieve the task where the transition originates from.

  | HistoryTask task = 

worked fine for me as long as I just had one task in the process definition. Am 
I missing anything or is this really as tricky as it seems to be to retrieve 
the previous task?

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[jboss-user] [jBPM Users] - Re: EventListener questions

2009-11-02 Thread jbarrez

anonymous wrote : I have got a question regarding jBPM's behaviour. Assuming I 
have a transition coming from a user task and I put an EventListener on this 
transition: When the transition fires and the EventListener is notified and 
executes is the task already to be found as a HistoryTask? I am asking because 
I would like to access the task object to retrieve some information. 

Conceptually I would say yes: it is only when the task is completed (and 
history is saved) that the transition is taken. Since the same Hibernate 
session is used when taking the transition, it could be not yet persisted but 
you'll find it anyway through the session.

However, I did not test this, the only thing you can try is test it :-)

anonymous wrote : My second question: Is there a way to obtain a reference to 
the HistoryService or TaskService? Or is there a different way to access the 
task object? 

The easiest would be to inject the ProcessEngine or to store the ProcessEngine 
somewhere application-wide to retrieve the services.

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[jboss-user] [jBPM Users] - Re: EventListener questions

2009-11-02 Thread sebastian.s
Hello Joram,

thank you very much for your explaination. I guess I'll try to inject the 


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