[JBoss-user] Thank you!

2002-03-03 Thread Eric Jain

Since neither jboss-thank-you nor
[EMAIL PROTECTED] seem to be valid I'll have to
post here...

I just completed a project that involved creating a distributed computing
system for doing large-scale genome analysis. At some point I made a
decision to use an EJB application server. This would however only be
feasible if I could make use of quite a few EJB 2.0 features such as CMR and
MDBs, along with many other requirements. Enter JBoss :-)

Had I gone the conventional bioinformatics way and put together a simple
system with some scripting language or built a more complicated system from
ground up using CORBA and doing all the database stuff by hand, I would
never have been able to achieve anything as scalable within so short a time.

The thesis is available at http://jain.cjb.net/papers/distributed.pdf,
though I must say it's about as up-to-date and comprehensive as the JBoss
3.0 documentation ;-) Just in case anyone lives next door, there will also
be an exhibit in Muttenz, Switzerland. See

Eric Jain

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] JNDI name for datasource in JBoss2.4.4_Tomcat4.0.1 + MySQL

2002-03-03 Thread danch

You're close! See comments inline below.


Christine wrote:

> Sorry for miscopy in my previous email!
> The code in my function is :
>javax.naming.Context ctx = new InitialContext();
>DataSource dbs = (DataSource) ctx.lookup("jdbc/Customer");

the name should be "java:comp/env/jdbc/Customer".

The 'java:comp/env' is the "Environment Naming Context" that the J2EE
spec specifies that the container provide for all components. The
res-ref-name of anything you list in an ejb-ref or a resource-ref gets
put within that.

>Connection aConnection = dbs.getConnection();
>Statement QStatment = aConnection.createStatement();
>ResultSet Result = QStatment.executeQuery("select max(ID) from
> customer");
> And I specified the resource reference in both web.xml and jboss-web.xml
> as following:
> 1. web.xml
>  The default DS 
> java:/DefaultDS

This is where you say 'jdbc/Customer'

> javax.sql.DataSource
> Container
> 2. jboss-web.xml

'jdbc/Customer' again.


And that's where 'java:/DefaultDS' goes.

> 3. the JDBC part in jboss.jcml file is:
>   name="DefaultDomain:service=XADataSource,name=MySQLDS">
> DefaultDS
>  name="DataSourceClass">org.jboss.pool.jdbc.xa.wrapper.XADataSourceImpl
> jdbc:mysql://localhost/Customer
> root
> 4. the jaws.xml file is :
> java:/DefaultDS
> mySQL
> Now, I am getting error: jdbc not bound. Would anyone tell me what
> mistakes I made? Any suggestion will be appreciated!
> Regards,
> --
> Jia (Christine) Li
> 524N ICT Building
> Department of Computer Science
> University of Calgary
> ___
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