On Tue, 2001-11-27 at 03:43, John LYC wrote:
> HI ,
> i'm running JBoss-2.4.3_Tomcat-3.2.3 on redhat linux 7.1.
> Jdk1.3.1_01 with j2sdkee1.2.1.
> I realized there seem to be a memory leak.
> i have not been able to pinpoint exactly where the leak is coming from at
> this point of time and am still investigating...
> currently, my application uses Jakarta Struts as well.
> the memory usage will slowly increment thru the weeks.....
> at one point of time, the memory used by jboss was at 100MB!
> the java garbage collector seem to be working..
> the memory did get restored back whenever the collector is working...

If the memory gets returned to the pool when the GC runs, then it's not
a memory leak. The problem is maybe that you need to change the settings
for the GC - how often it runs and all that? There are command line
flags to your java runtime that can do this stuff...

> at one point, after many weeks of not restarting Jboss, halfway thru a
> deployment, i encounter a out of memory exception.

That's not so good. They should only happen if the GC hasn't been able
to reclaim any memory. If you say the GC is successfully reclaiming
memory, then something strange is up if you get an out of memory

> thanks
> John


Alaric B. Snell, Developer

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