[JBoss-user] New JBoss 3.0 Quick Start Guide: Draft 4

2002-08-21 Thread Andreas Schaefer

Hi Geeks

Just uploaded Draft 4 of the JBoss 3.0 Quick Start which
only contains some typos fixed and Marc's introduction.

Thanx to Gernot Starke for the review of Chapter 2 and 3.

Have fun

Andreas Schaefer
Senior Consultant
JBoss Group, LLC

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JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] Updated JBoss 3 Quick Start Guide and new Example

2002-07-14 Thread Andreas Schaefer

Hi Geeks

I just uploaded the draft 2 version of the JBoss 3 Quick Start Guide
and the updated Template and Transaction Example.

Beside adding more documentation how to setup a DB datasource
the content will most likely (for this release) not change. But I welcome
any suggestions, improvements or bug reports. This said I want
to thank Maris Orbidans, Mary Roderick, James, Ole Husgaard for
their feedback for Draft 1.

Have fun

Andreas Schaefer
Senior Consultant
JBoss Group, LLC

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[JBoss-user] JBoss 3.0 Quick Guide

2002-07-08 Thread Andreas Schaefer

Hi Geeks

I am going to finish the JBoss 3.0 Quick Guide that
can be found under

So if you have feedback for it please send it directly
to me. Note that the template project is a separate
download just underneath the Quick Guide.

Have a nice day

Andreas Schaefer
Senior Consultant
JBoss Group, LLC

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[JBoss-user] PostgreSQL Boolean-Support in JBoss 2.4.x

2002-06-12 Thread Andreas Schaefer

Hi Geeks

ATTENTION: Only applies to 2.4 because in 3.0 this
is already fixed.

A while ago I enountered a problem with PostgreSQL
and the support for java.lang.Boolean.
When I define a PostgreSQL table attribute with
data type Bool the mapping in standardjaws.xml is
not working.
Therefore I would like to change from:




Any objects ? At least I want to document why using


Andreas Schaefer
Senior Consultant
JBoss Group, LLC


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JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] Talk @ LA-JUG is on 4th of June 2002 in Pasadena

2002-05-31 Thread Andreas Schaefer

Hi Geeks

The date on the www.jboss.org/talks.jsp for
LA-JUG isn't correct. The talks is at the first
Tuesday of the month meaning at:
4th of June 2002 on 7pm in Pasadena

For mor info have a look at www.lajug.org

See you there

Andreas Schaefer
Senior Consultant
JBoss Group, LLC


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Re: [JBoss-dev] Re: [JBoss-user] Open-Source Fight Flares At Pentagon

2002-05-23 Thread Andreas Schaefer

Hi Geeks

I funny to see that the more M$ is bitching about open-source the more
people notice open-source and at starting to evaluate it.
Most people, I think, realized that M$ with its history of buggy and un-
secure software is not reliable or at least giving the impression of the
need for a backup if M$ application fails.

M$ started a trend (killing competitors with free software) which is going
to hurt, maybe kill themself because open-source is not only free but
also increase trust by providing the code.

So, hopefully, M$ is going on with this smear campain and we can take
advantage out of it.

Have fun - Andy


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[JBoss-user] JBoss WL Emulator

2002-05-15 Thread Andreas Schaefer

Hi Geeks

Let's go and kick some ass with our project kick-ass.
First can everyone (even when you already did) send ME
an email when you are interested in spending some time or
resources towards this project.

This is my design I came up with:
- New deployer (FoeDeployer) which works
   like an EJBDeployer
- Main or EJB-Deployer figures out that this
   archives isn't off JBoss type and hand it over
   to the Foe-Deployer
- The Foe-Deployer reads the DDs, converts them to
   the JBoss DDs
- Then the Foe-Deployer hands it back to the EJB-
   Deployer and off we go

If somehow possible I would like to have an implementation
running in a month, plain and stupid. So we should take the
most simple case and write the deployer for it. That is what
I would like to have covered:
- JNDI names
- Resources and Resource Managers
- 1 to 1 CMP tables
- Transactions
- Finders
- Message Driven Beans

Until the end of the week I will start creating the Foe-Deployer
and add the code to JBoss.

Have fun

Andreas Schaefer
Senior Consultant
JBoss Group, LLC


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[JBoss-user] Your chance to work on JBoss

2002-05-13 Thread Andreas Schaefer

Hi Geeks

I am trying to create a BEA Weblogic emulator therefore
that a BEA Weblogic client can drop its JAR/WAR/EAR
(before running it through ejbc) in JBoss and it would
deploy like a JBoss archive.
Imagine a developer can go to his/her boss and show
him/her that their developed application runs under JBoss
like under BEA WL w/o any adjustments. This would
make it even more easy to switch to JBoss.

Whatever works for M$ and Linux (Wine) can work
for us, too.

So I need some volunteers to start with (you, you and
you ;-). Note, this is your chance to get involved and
to kick some butts especially the ones from BEA grin/.

Have fun

Andreas Schaefer
Senior Consultant
JBoss Group, LLC


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Re: [JBoss-user] Your chance to work on JBoss

2002-05-13 Thread Andreas Schaefer


 Would be cool, but how would you handle CMP-related issues?  For example,
 my project uses WebGain TopLink (*shiver*) and last I checked it didn't

Good question and currently I don't know. For now
I just want to make the easiest way happening:
- WL JAR files with WL own CMP implementation

Later on I guess we will go one step at the time by either emulating WebGain
or using it.
I don't want to create a 100% emulation (at least not for now) but a good



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Re: [JBoss-dev] Re: [JBoss-user] Your chance to work on JBoss

2002-05-13 Thread Andreas Schaefer

Hi Sean

 Might it not make more sense to make a tool to extract the contents of the
 modify them to run on jboss, and produce a new jboss compatible jar? That
 way the
 jboss code base wont get bogged down with a load of stuff a lot of users
 will never
 go near. (don't take it as a criticism, the idea is brilliant, I just
 thought this
 approach could work well)

Maybe we can provide both but I really want to have this on the fly
because that is what makes it cool (like the Hot Deployment etc.).

I don't see that this will need much code (right now) as long as we
focus on WL.



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[JBoss-user] Re: [JBoss-dev] Your chance to work on JBoss

2002-05-13 Thread Andreas Schaefer

Hi Alex

 Won't it make development for WL more preferable?

I don't think so. I think this tool is our second chance.
After a stupid manager decide to use WL just because
to protect his job we can go during or after development
and show him in seconds that this works with JBoss the
same way.

When you use XDoclet you can create multiple-deployable
application already. I don't think that someone would like
to develop under WL and at the end switch to JBoss, doesn't
make sense, does it.



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[JBoss-user] Re:Your chance to work on JBoss

2002-05-13 Thread Andreas Schaefer

Hi Geeks

That is my last post to User-List so everyone
interested in creating a WL-emulator please
register (if not already done) to the developer-list
(see www.sf.net/projects/jboss).

Design ideas:
- JBoss deployer (not quite sure yet which one)
  figures out that this is not a JBoss application
  (JAR,WAR,EAR) and call the appropriate
  deployer (emulator) for now WL
- WL deployer transforms the vendor specific
   deployment descriptors (DD) to the JBoss
- WL deployer deployes application throug the
   JBoss deployers

Currently we are looking into using XSLT to
convert the vendor specific DDs to JBoss specific

Challanges are:
- WL CMP mapping
- Security
- Third party O/R mappers

First Step:
- finish the design
- create a simple WL deployer for JAR files
  with basic support (straight forward CMP,
  ignoring settings which does not apply for
  JBoss or aren't essential)
- made it available for JBoss 3.1 release



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[JBoss-user] Re: [JBoss-dev] MBeans problem in JBoss

2002-02-08 Thread Andreas Schaefer


 I have two MBeans(only mbeans, not services)
 AxielleConfiguration, AxielleTest1.
 I registered these two beans with the server.
 when i query mbeanserver it is giving all the MBeans in the server.
 i am querying like this
 ObjectName obj = new ObjectName(AxielleDomain:service=* );

You cannot search inside a key-value pair. Use an object name like this
ObjectName obj = new ObjectName( AxielleDomain:* );
ObjectName obj = new ObjectName( AxielleDomain:service=mine,* );

 Set set = mbeanServer.queryMBeans(obj, null);
 if i use the above code, it is giving malformed exception.
 At the * what i need to pass, so that i can get above two beans
 I tried by using queryexp  as follows
 QueryExp qexp = Query.match(Query.attr(ObjectName),

I think you should add a colon before the *

 Set set = mbeanServer.queryMBeans(null,qexp);
 now i am getting set size as zero.
 Is it properway of creating queryExp ?
 If not what is the properway

Hope this helps


JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] Using of JBoss in the real world

2001-05-31 Thread Andreas Schaefer

Hi Geeks

Lately I was trying to convince colleques to use 
JBoss instead
of the other App. Servers and most of them just 
asked me who
does use JBoss in production (and I had no 

Therefore my call to all of you please tell who is 
using JBoss in
production. Thus we maybe can use this on the JBoss 
(if we get the OK from Marc) tell me also if this 
could be listed
on the JBoss website (if not mentioned I will 
assume that you
don't want it).

Have fun - Andy