[JBoss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Re: EJB-QL query on partial part of a compound key

2006-01-26 Thread DWebster
answering my own question.  Using an alternate annotation approach (@IdClass 
instead of @Embedded in the PK class and @EmbeddedId in the main class) works 
as you have to duplicate the compound primary key members in both the PK and 
the main Entity bean.  The EM query can now recognize the key members.  You 
loose the convenience of the PK mechanism, but it works.

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[JBoss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Re: composite PK/FK

2006-01-26 Thread DWebster
So, for further enlightenment could you provide a code snippet of a stateless 
session bean that contains a method for returning a list of regions from a 
specific country code?  A partial compound key lookup.  I have never gotten one 
of those to work.


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[JBoss-user] [EJB 3.0] - EJB-QL query on partial part of a compound key

2006-01-26 Thread DWebster
I cannot seem to get the syntax down here.  I have a compound primary defined 
something like this:

@Table(name = "Person")
public class Person implements Serializable {
   PersonPk pk;

public PersonPK getPk()
{ return pk; }

public class PersonPK implements Serializable
private String ssn;
private String tshirtsize;

But when I go to do a query on the leading field of the compound key, in this 
case to get all the tshirtsizes associated with a specific ssn in a query like:

public @Stateless class PersonEJBBean implements PersonEJB 

@PersistenceContext (unitName = "Personnel")
protected EntityManager vEm;

List getTshirtsizeBySsn (long ssn) {

List ssnList = Em.createQuery("from Person p where p.ssn = :Ssn)
  .setParameter("Ssn", new Long(ssn))

I get an InvocationException the states:
could not resolve property: ssn of Person [from Person p where ..]


I've tried everything I can think of to execute a query on the leading part of 
a compound key, but cannot seem to come up with an acceptable syntax.

Any ideas?

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[JBoss-user] [JNDI/Naming/Network] - Re: Failed EJB3 JNDI lookup.

2005-11-06 Thread DWebster
Answering my question, but I've got it working now.  Things are a bit pickier 
now in the way one passes a method call via the Proxy now.  The code I was 
using before to call a method taking no parameters was :

InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
Object obj = ctx.lookup(invokeObj.getClassName());


For whatever reason that seemed to work, but the class[0]{void.class} is bad 
unless the method declaration in the EJB is explicitly methodName(void);??  How 
odd is that?  So if you have methodName() remove the void.class from the 
getMethod call and leave it just {}.  Duh  The ProxyDeployer can now find 
the method.

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[JBoss-user] [JNDI/Naming/Network] - Re: Failed EJB3 JNDI lookup.

2005-11-06 Thread DWebster
Actually, it is the FIRST ProxyDeployer message that looks supicious, the one 
about no declared remote bindings

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[JBoss-user] [JNDI/Naming/Network] - Failed EJB3 JNDI lookup.

2005-11-06 Thread DWebster
This used to work just fine but I am suddenly getting a very odd 

java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: $Proxy76.getValidTerrainTypes(void)

$Proxy76 is supposed to be TerrainEJB (an EJB3 bean that returns valid terrain 
types for a mapping application).

This is caused by a SWT based client trying invokde the remote EJB3 interface 
method via a Servlet in a mapping ear application deployed to a JBOSS4.0.3SP1 

Here is snippet from the bean:

public interface TerrainEJB {

public ArrayList getValidTerrainTypes(); 

The TerrainEJBBean has the actual method.  It returns an ArrayList.

The client is an SWT GUI that invokes a Servlet on the JBOSS AS which in turn 
does the usual JNDI lookup stuff(hard coded strings are actually variables 
containing the strings...shown for clarity of the problem):

InitialContext  vCtx = new InitialContext();
Object  vObj = 

return(vObj.getClass().getMethod( "getValidTerrainTypes"
).invoke( vObj

Which results in the error.

JBOSS initialization of the .ear containing the EJB3 beans shows this:

13:20:59,000 INFO  [SessionFactoryImpl] Checking 0 named queries
13:20:59,000 INFO  [Ejb3Deployment] Create EntityManager with JNDI name: MapEdit
13:20:59,015 INFO  [JaccHelper] JACC Policy Configuration for deployment has 
been put in service
13:20:59,015 INFO  [Ejb3Deployment] EJB3 deployment time took: 1828
13:20:59,109 INFO  [ProxyDeployer] no declared remote bindings for : 
13:20:59,125 INFO  [ProxyDeployer] there is remote interfaces for 
13:20:59,125 INFO  [ProxyDeployer] default remote binding has jndiName of 

The second ProxyDeployer message looks suspicious...

This code is a veritable copy of some JBOSS example code, LightMinds 
appletService example (which now suffers from the same error!).

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