[JBoss-user] rmh - enterprise javabeans, 4th ed. exercise 15.1 doesn't work on my jboss4 installation

2004-09-10 Thread Daniel Mettler
hi all,
recently, i bought enterprise javabeans, 4th ed by richard
monson-haefel, bill burke and sacha labourey.
i have installations of jboss 3.2.3 (java 1.4.1) on my gentoo
linux server and jboss 4.0.0 rc2 (java 1.5.0-rc-b63) on windows
xp sp2 on my tabletpc/localhost. i strongly prefer to use the
jboss4 server as this is a) the future and b) i do prototyping
only (stability isn't an issue for me right now).
on jboss4/localhost i checked out most of the examples in the
jboss workbook included with rmh-ejb. however, the one i needed
most, exercise 15.1: web services and ejb 2.1 doesn't seem to
work on my local jboss4 server. first it failed to build,
probably due to deprecated/missing jboss.net support in jboss4.
so i tried to replace
fileset dir=${jboss.home}/server/default/deploy/jboss-net.sar
fileset dir=${jboss.home}/server/default/deploy/jboss-ws4ee.sar
on line 15 in ex15_1\build.xml
using this, ant didn't complain when building the server-side of
the example ('ant wsdl', 'ant ejbjar'). however, when restarting
jboss4, the server log reads:
12:00:09,420 INFO  [EJBDeployer] Deployed:
12:00:09,621 ERROR [ServiceDeployer] Cannot startup webservice
for: titan.jar
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The wsdl file should be
located in: META-INF
my questions:
how can i make this example work (nicely) with jboss4? if the
example, as downloaded from
http://examples.oreilly.com/entjbeans4/workbook.zip, doesn't work
with jboss4 indeed, i'd kindly ask to release an update of it as
quickly as possible. jboss4 is suggested in the workbook and i
believe most people prefer a web service example using
jboss-ws4ee (j2ee 1.4 compliant) instead of jboss-net (the axis
way, deprecated).
apart from the problem described above, running the client of
exercise 15.1 threw some exceptions. do you have any idea what's
wrong here and how i can make it work in my environment (jboss4,
java 1.5.0-rc-b63, windows xp sp2)?
the following steps worked fine:
'ant clean.db'
'ant createdb'
the following threw exceptions:

1 106 1 5000.00
Buildfile: build.xml
 [java] Exception in thread main java.rmi.ServerException:
RemoteException occurred in server thread; nested excep
tion is:
 [java] java.rmi.ServerException: EJBException:; nested
exception is:
 [java] javax.ejb.EJBException: failed
 [java] at
 [java] at
 [java] at
java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
 [java] at
 [java] ... 25 more
 [java] Java Result: 1
Total time: 3 seconds

any help appreciated, regards
p.s. it can be safely assumed that line wrappings are correct,
despite of wrong appearance above.
Daniel Mettler http://www.numlock.ch/
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[JBoss-user] presentation level integration using jboss: how? (web services/soap, xml/xslt, xhtml, xul, ..)

2004-09-10 Thread Daniel Mettler
(view using mono-space font for proper ascii-art display ;)
hi all,
i'd like to write a presentation level integration prototype 
using jboss (4.0, if possible). therefore, the presentation layer 
(to be implemented) needs to provide the following different 
services to a client (browser and/or rich client):

* a soap interface (i.e. the client must be able to access a web 
service using soap. the web service should be provided):

client  soap  presentation layer (server-side)
* apart from providing a soap interface, the presentation layer 
(pl) should also be able to transform xml-data into various other 
xml formats (xhtml, xul, wml, ..) using a server-side xslt 

client  http  presentation layer (server-side)
{xhtml, xul {xml} transformation using xslt
 wml, ..}

* the whole thing should be *as simple as possible* as it only 
serves as a *demonstration prototype*.

* the other layers (business logic tier, data tier) of this 
n-tier architecture don't matter for the prototype (of course 
they matter for presenation level integration, but this prototype 
is supposed to show only few aspects of presentation level 
integration). whatever is the simplest to understand and implement.

* the presentation layer should preferably use session beans 
mainly (eventually an entity bean to hold the xml data)

* as a design pattern for the presentation layer i'm thinking 
about using a model-view-controller (mvc) pattern or a business 
delegate pattern (see: matjaz b. juric professional j2ee eai)

* how can i implement an xml to xyz transformation using xslt in 
jboss? (i.e. how can i apply a xslt sheet on xml using jboss? is 
this done using a servlet? how?)

* how should i combine/couple the soap interface component(s) and 
the xml/xslt transformation component(s)?

* is there any example code showing this or aspects/parts of it?
* am i totally wrong in choosing jboss for this purpose? would 
another technology/product (e.g. axis, tomcat or a java mvc 
framework like http://www.springframework.org/) be better 
suitable to implement a presentation level integration prototype?

* any suggestions or recommendations on the topic (presentation 
level integration) or my intentions as explained? i.e. do you 
have any better ideas to showcase presentation level integration 
using jboss (or an alternative product/technology)?

any hint/tip/recommendation is welcome!
Daniel Mettler http://www.numlock.ch/
This SF.Net email is sponsored by: YOU BE THE JUDGE. Be one of 170
Project Admins to receive an Apple iPod Mini FREE for your judgement on
who ports your project to Linux PPC the best. Sponsored by IBM. 
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