
I have been using Jetty for serving JSP's and Servlets  however I now want
to use EJB's as well, hence the move to JBoss and Jetty

My question is - 

My servlets and other classes are located under the webapps structure within
Jetty. JBoss fails to find these classes. I don't want to be creating war's
or ear's as I am still developing the code and don't want to be creating
archives each time I change something. How can I configure JBoss to
recognise the servlets and other classes located under the
jboss_jetty\Jetty-3.0.2\webapps structure ?

I am using JBoss version PRE 2.1 final and Jetty version 3.0.2 on a Windows
2000 box


Paul Fallowfield

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