Re: [JBoss-user] JBoss Entity Bean Transactions

2001-07-19 Thread Georg Rehfeld

Hi Luke,

> Would it be true to say that JBoss implements option A? I am
> certainly seeing this type of behaviour with my session wrapped
> entity beans, i.e. no ejbLoad() called for new Transactions after
> the initial find/ejbActivate combo. ...

Yes, the default configuration for JBoss is commit option A.

> ... Is it possible to configure JBoss to use one of the other
> options mentioned in the spec? I.e. I basically need ejbLoad to
> be called on the entity beans afresh in each transaction.

Yes, have a look into the docs at

and search for . JBoss supports all options from
the spec (A, B and C) plus another JBoss special one.

There are rumors, that option C does not work correctly (it's
told, that the entity bean is not reloaded at start of a new
transaction). I can't believe that, but I havn't tested that
myself. If you plan to use commit option C you must be sure to
declare your methods as transaction required INCLUDING the

But just in case I repeat what others did to ensure reloading:
they have set  and  in the
 to exactly 1 (same document as above).

 ___   ___
| + | |__Georg Rehfeld  Woltmanstr. 12 20097 Hamburg
|_|_\ |___   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   +49 (40) 23 53 27 10

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: More Re: [JBoss-user] When do entity beans commit?

2001-06-13 Thread Georg Rehfeld

Dear Bryan,

> 6. Log messages from server.log - yes this message seemed to
> appear many hundred times in a row, around the time of my
> deadlock:
> [staffBean] LOCKING-WAITING (TRANSACTION) for id com.theApp.ejb.staffPK@73
> ctx.hash 2702560 tx:TransactionImpl:XidImpl
> [FormatId=257, GlobalId=app-web1//188, BranchQual=]

This clearly indicates access to an instance INSIDE a transaction
that already is associated to another TX. Interesting would be to
know if only staffBean with PK 73 is logged, or if other beans
are involved/logged, and then which Transaction Global Id is
shown there.

In a true deadlock scenario you should see one instance logged
with (in your case) 73 + app-web1//188 and at least one other
with some other PK and Global Id (say 42 + app-web1//4711), in
your case I expect both of type staffBean, but in complexer
scenarios it could be of some other type. And the true deadlock
case could even involve more beans cyclic waiting for each other.

If you only see 73 + app-web1//188 LOCKING-WAITING it's more
likely, that the instance is participating in a lengthy
processing, so that TX app-web1//188 finally gives up, although
now true deadlock condition exists.

But having said all this, you told us, that the sessions method
is 'Never' and the entity methods called are 'Supports', so you
are right, there should be no transaction at all. And I assume,
that, while your tests were running no intentional transactional
methods were invoked?

The last idea I can come up with is: might be you have a typo in
your deployment descriptor where you try to set your methods to
'Supports' and thus they are left to the default 'Required'?
Checked the CaSe too? I don't know, if this really is verified at
deployment time.

If this even isn't the case, I would report this as a possible
bug at SourceForge, as nobody else came into this thread of
discussion to help us. Best you would provide more complete
server.log and your relevant deployment descriptor parts and code
samples (i.e. for others to have a true look at case and names of
methods etc.)

Ah, and a final note: the code around the LOCKING-WAITING and the
Exception you receive was just reworked to solve some other
problem. The modifying author (Bill Burke) said, this only is a
partial attempt at the LOCKING-WAITING (he was focused on the
other problem, which he solved) issue, but the JBoss founder Marc
Fleury is just about to rework that code even more.

This modification(s) do nothing about the fact, that you see
transactional behaviour, where it shouldn't be (IMHO), but if the
above guess doesn't hold, you still may want to try the new
version out. It's only checked into CVS, so you had to compile
JBoss yourself for a test.

> 4. Yes, conceivably some of the same entity beans are wanted by
> other threads at the same time as this thread is doing it's
> thing. However I thought that, being non-transactional, there
> wouldn't be any contention problems. Maybe the calls are
> serialized, but at least there wouldn't be any deadlocks. Am I
> wrong?

As far as I understand the code version you are executing (2.2.1
or 2.2.2 I assume, did you tell us?) there could be deadlock with
non-reentrant beans, at least when they actually do a callback
(which would require reentrant to be enabled), but this would be
logged differently, so in your case it doesn't seem to be the

Just to clarify (my favorite Sequence diagram again :-)

sessionentity Aentity B
   I   mA1 |   |
   I   I-->I
   I   I   I
   I   ImA2I
   I   II<-I <<< blocks forever

This is due to a bug (I think) in JBoss in an attempt to be more
wise than the EJB Spec, which requires an EJBException to be
thrown when B calls back A via mA2 while A still is not finished
with mA1 and the bean A isn't reentrant. JBoss instead would go
into a busy waiting loop for mA1 to finish, which doesn't happen.

But I'm not really sure on this, just haven't the old code
around, and, oops, it's already again 5 a'clock in the morning,
much too late to check the old source out and try to verify or do
a test case now. If I turn out to be right, I SHOULD report that
as a bug (that code in EntityInstanceInterceptor is really too
tricky to fiddle with, when unexperienced)!

best regards
 ___   ___
| + | |__Georg Rehfeld  Woltmanstr. 12 20097 Hamburg
|_|_\ |___   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   +49 (40) 23 53 27 10

PS: Bryan, could you please switch to ASCII instead of HTML, it's
preferred/required on this list and by me too.

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] manual

2001-06-13 Thread Georg Rehfeld


note, I'm not complaining about bad JBoss docs, I find them brief
and enhancable but covering most important things yet, but

Scott M Stark said:
> 3. Read the ultimate docs(the source) ...

I don't agree with this, the ultimate doc is the doc! The 
importance of documentation was addressed by SUN with the
JavaDoc tool for low level docs, but the rule applies to high
level docs too.

The 'ultimate docs are the docs' rule especially is true for
Interfaces, which most often is the thing users program
against while getting some or the other implementation at runtime
which might differ greatly while behaving all as specified for
the interface (hopefully). This simply, because for an IF there 
is often no or no single impl to look at.

One heavy pitfall of the 'ultimate doc is the source' rule is code
containing a bug. You never should assume that the existing code
is to be interpreted as the doc, which would declare the bug to
be the intended behaviour. But without docs, how could the bug
ever discovered (except for really obvious ones)? By a human,
often the author himself, knowing or guessing the INTENTION of
the code and comparing the intention <=> documentation to the
existing implementation and discovering, that they differ.

Another example: I once had a *.properties file with duplicate
keys (by intention, don't tell you the whole story here) and
wanted to know how java.util.Properties would deal with that.
The docs for Properties.load() are lengthy about the expected
format, but say nothing about dups. So I looked up the impl and 
found, that the last duplicate key/value pair in the file was the final
result. Should I now use this knowledge and rely on that behaviour?
Never! Because the impl at any time can change without notice,
the behaviour is undefined, so don't use it. Else you would
introduce very subtle and difficult to find bugs whit the next
JDK or with some subclass of Properties, that does other things
and so on.

Having said that back to work.

And please know, Scott has given sooo much source AND documentation 
to JBoss and advice to users on this list that nobody of us avarage 
readers here ever can keep up with him.

Very respectful
 ___   ___
| + | |__Georg Rehfeld  Woltmanstr. 12 20097 Hamburg
|_|_\ |___   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   +49 (40) 23 53 27 10

JBoss-user mailing list


2001-06-13 Thread Georg Rehfeld


ivanhoe Abrahams wrote:
> Could anyone point me in the right direction when it comes to solving
> the LOCKING-WAITING problem
> It hangs my client/keeps the server so busy that everything slows down
> to a snail's pace.

In the current CVS version of JBoss is a partial fix for that and
some developers are just working on the final fix. I didn't try 
the partial fix yet, if you do, it would be nice to report back
to the list (or at least to me) how it changes behaviour.

> Ps. a good explanation of the problem (a deadlock I assume) would be
> interesting to chew on.

Essentially quoting from one of my previous mails:

- begin quote -

simplest deadlock scenario:

timeSession/TX ASession/TX B

T1  access Entity 1

T2  access Entity 2

T3  try access Entity 2,
must wait for TX B
to finish

T4  try access Entity 1,
must wait for TX A
to finish


this deadlocks, each session/Tx 
waiting for the other to complete.

> Is there a nice way to handle this, or an easy way to debug it? Or is 
> this going to be a nightmare to fix?

The only thing to do about that with the current EJB spec is to try
to access ALL deadlock prone beans in the same order (see the 'dining
philosophers problem' in the JAVA tutorial). I.e. you could attempt
to access them in increasing Primary Key order from all clients.
In the above example the session/TX B then would try to get Entity 1
first before accessing Entity 2, waiting there, and session/TX A
could complete.

In real world, this ordered access, even with moderately complex
applications, seems near to impossible to implement, especially
if you allow interactive access to several lock prone resources
in one (long lived) transaction, where you can't control the order.

In such cases there exists a well defined protocol in the
relational world, that has proven to work very well and can be
followed by any client. It's based on locking all deadlock prone
resources before doing any modification and GIVING UP ALL LOCKS,
when one lock can't be obtained, thus allowing other clients to

But the EJB spec is mostly silent about locking, there is no
requirement at all to support lock detection (besides timeout
with distributed TX), thus you can't follow that with EJB.

- end quote -

 ___   ___
| + | |__Georg Rehfeld  Woltmanstr. 12 20097 Hamburg
|_|_\ |___   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   +49 (40) 23 53 27 10

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] I'm I tripping? Or does JBoss 2.2.1 call ejbStore() on my ejb way too often??

2001-06-12 Thread Georg Rehfeld

Hi Robert,

Robert Finneran wrote:

> The JBoss container seems to call ejbStore() on my BMP-style
> entity bean very often.
> This results in multiple unecessary UPDATE's to my base table.
> When does JBoss decide it should call ejbStore()?

It stores at the end of every transaction and is required to do
so by the EJB specification.

RTFM under
the  tag. Besides, interpret F as you want, but
I meant FINE!

 ___   ___
| + | |__Georg Rehfeld  Woltmanstr. 12 20097 Hamburg
|_|_\ |___   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   +49 (40) 23 53 27 10

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] How to use JAWS ?!

2001-06-12 Thread Georg Rehfeld


Lau Chet Hong wrote:

> 1. Do I start JAWS by running 'java -jar ejx.jar' ?

No, with that command line you start a GUI tool that is able to
edit some XML files related to J2EE/JBoss bean development, amoung
them also the jaws.xml file, that contains the CONFIGURATION for
your CMP beans.

JAWS is integrated into JBoss and you haven't to start it separately,
it does it's job silently as the JBoss CMP engine, looking at 
standard-jaws.xml for defaults and your deployed jaws.xml files 
for specifics. It isn't possible to start JAWS independently from

> 2. After starting JAWS, can I open an existing ejb-jar.xml or
>jboss.xml or jaws.xml? I keep getting error box saying 'Could
>not load file:null' when I try to open the above .xml files, even
>the sample source code I downloaded are giving the same problem.
> 3. If I want to create a new .xml file from JAWS. All I see are
>some dialogs which doesn't allow me to type in much things.

Replace 'JAWS' with 'EJX' and I confirm to have experienced this
same behaviour. EJX for sure isn't user friendly at all, when it
has problems! (And again, it is UNFRIENDLY SHOUTING by intention).

Some day, and I'm really sorry beeing unable to tell you the reason,
EJX suddenly worked for me, opening files nicely that I was unable
to open before and creating new *.xml files, which didn't work

Sorry again, but the behaviour was almost as if the coder of EJX
had built in some counter: "let that stupid users hit me 10 times
and then I'll start to be usefull".

I promise to look into that code and at least come up with more
helpfull error messages.

 ___   ___
| + | |__Georg Rehfeld  Woltmanstr. 12 20097 Hamburg
|_|_\ |___   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   +49 (40) 23 53 27 10

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] (no subject)

2001-06-12 Thread Georg Rehfeld

Dear Pete,

Pete Bastawros, Technical Director, MOYES & CO., INC. wrote:

> In dire straits. Not much experience with Perl. I would like to
> read record IDs either in text (below) or a variable from ASP
> into a Perl script. Can anyone help me?
> ASP query result looks as so:
> 122736122733122740122742122743122770
> (with html tags before)

cut off your HTML tags somehow until the string shown above is
left in some variable, (i.e. $id_strings), then simply do:

@ids = split(/\/, $id_strings);

and you have a list (array) of all your ids in @ids stripped from
the  and ready to be processed.

Besides, you are on the wrong list, the 'jboss' mailing list is
not meant to help out 'bosses' (or managers or directors) with
their problems, whatever they are. But then you might find many
'boss' level developers and project managers around here, so you
are welcome to check back and read one or the other.

And it might be better for you and your company to switch from
ASP to JSP and EJB, especially JBoss bundled with TomCat or
Jetty, have a look at and direct your
'staff' to it, maybe, they already told you about and you didn't
know it?

have a nice day

 ___   ___
| + | |__Georg Rehfeld  Woltmanstr. 12 20097 Hamburg
|_|_\ |___   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   +49 (40) 23 53 27 10

PS: If you continue to use Perl (not a bad decision) you really
should consider reading 'Programming Perl' completely, it's
ally fun! 
Authors: Larry Wall, Tom Christianson and Randal L. Schwartz
O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
ISBN: 1-56592-149-6

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: More Re: [JBoss-user] When do entity beans commit?

2001-06-12 Thread Georg Rehfeld

Hello Bryan,

> In the scenario in which I describe below, I just got another
> deadlock error from within a "read-only" method. The transaction
> exception details are:
> Name: javax.transaction.TransactionRolledbackException
> Message: Transaction marked for rollback, possibly a timeout; 
>   nested exception is: (omitted...)
> I thought that in the below scenario, there are no transactions
> at work -- so how could it result in a deadlock, or be rolled
> back? Help would be appreciated,

Difficult to guess from what you tell us. Do you use select for
update, so that the DB causes deadlocks? Are there other
resources you try to access concurrenty? Is it possible that some
bean does lengthy operations (or hangs) while others try to
access the same bean instance? With non reentrant beans (default)
no two clients can enter the same instance concurrently even outside 
of a transaction.

Are there any log messages before the
TransactionRolledbackException in the server.log that might
indicate whats going on?

> Your state charts of I's and dashes are awesome!

Actually I tried to draw Sequence Diagrams, I find them helpful

> What I've done is mark all my Entity beans as "Supports", rather
> than "Requires".
> Furthermore, at the session bean level, my read-only methods are
> marked as "Never", while my read/write methods are marked as
> "Requires".
> In this way I get good read-only performance for my read methods,
> and data integrity for my read/write methods.
> I am aware that marking my entity beans as "Supports" ventures
> into "unspecified" behavior, but in the above scenario, it
> appears to work in a good way.
> If I am making a poor assumption here then I would appreciate
> your further comments.

I think, you do it, as I would have done it, as long as you are
aware of the dirty/invalid data status and do not try to modify
anything based on it.

 ___   ___
| + | |__Georg Rehfeld  Woltmanstr. 12 20097 Hamburg
|_|_\ |___   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   +49 (40) 23 53 27 10

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] When do entity beans commit?

2001-06-12 Thread Georg Rehfeld

Hi Bryan,

> In the "Never" session bean methods, when exactly are my entity bean's 
> transactions ENDED (committed)?

As of the EJB spec 1.1 section 11.6.2 they are ended on return
from the Entities method set to Requires. I crosschecked the code
in org.jboss.ejb.plugins.TxInterceptorCMT and it behaves as specified.

session1session2entityA entityB
--- ---
|  I TX.begin  |   |
|  I-->I   |
|  I TX.commit |   |
I  I   | TX.begin  |
I  I   | TX.commit |
I  I   |   |
I  I   | TX.begin  |
I  I-->I
I  I   | TX.commit |
I  I TX.begin  |   |
I->I   |
I  I TX.commit |   |

Thus you should see no deadlock caused.

 ___   ___
| + | |__Georg Rehfeld  Woltmanstr. 12 20097 Hamburg
|_|_\ |___   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   +49 (40) 23 53 27 10

- Original Message - 
From: "Bryan Field-Elliot" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2001 11:06 PM
Subject: [JBoss-user] When do entity beans commit?

> I am using jBoss 2.2.2.
> My clients access a stateful session bean, and my session bean's methods 
> in turn access CMP entity beans.
> All my entity beans are marked as "Requires" transactions; in my session 
> bean, some methods are marked as "Never", while others are marked as 
> "Requires".
> In the "Never" session bean methods, when exactly are my entity bean's 
> transactions ENDED (committed)? These are essentially read-only methods 
> in my session bean. They use entity beans to gather data, but they 
> aren't making any changes. Nonetheless, they are causing me some 
> deadlock problems. Will these entity beans not be released until after 
> my session bean method returns, even though my session bean method is 
> not transactional?
> Help would be appreciated.
> Regards,
> Bryan
> ___
> JBoss-user mailing list

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Re: Primary Key Error? (was Re: OutOfMemoryError)

2001-06-11 Thread Georg Rehfeld

Hi danch,

this is an excellent description, that should make it into the JBoss

 ___   ___
| + | |__Georg Rehfeld  Woltmanstr. 12 20097 Hamburg
|_|_\ |___   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   +49 (40) 23 53 27 10

- Original Message - 
From: "danch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2001 9:26 AM
Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] Re: Primary Key Error? (was Re: OutOfMemoryError)

> Nicolai P Guba wrote:
> > Simple question (I hope):
> > 
> > If I'd like to use CMP for a project.  mySQL supports auto-generating
> > the primary key for an inserted row (AUTO_INCREMENT).  Is this feature
> > supported by jboss?  
> > 
> > If not, what strategy would you recommend for handling primary keys
> > (never done it any other way but to rely upon the database to generate
> > the value).
> Ah! I think I may have tried answering this, but had problems with 
> outbound mail from work.
> auto_increment is not supported by JBoss at this time - there are way 
> too many different syntaxes, and in some databases it isn't possible for 
> the container to get the key value back, which is a Bad Thing.
> I would reccommend that you use a database sequence facility, if 
> available (I'm not a mySQL user). You can lookup your datasource and 
> make your call to get the key value just as you would in a BMP bean 
> (don't do the insert!, just get the key value and assign it to your key 
> field and return it)
> You might want to take a further step and put the call to the sequence 
> into a stateless session bean's method and mark that method as 
> RequiresNew transaction. This way you'll release any locks on the 
> sequence quickly (though you might have unused numbers in your PK - if 
> that's a problem you're probably doing something unwise)
> If mySQL doesn't have standalone sequences, you can construct a table 
> with a key-name column and a key-value column, then get the values out 
> of that by calling another bean with RequiresNew transactions. The 
> RequiresNew is very important here if you expect to require any 
> conncurrent inserts.
> -danch

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] jBoss 2.0 Final: Has anybody the original zip-file??

2001-06-09 Thread Georg Rehfeld

Hi Daniel,

> for some tests I need the original zip-file of jBoss 2.0 FINAL.
> Have anybody of you have that file?
> If you have it, please send it to me or send me a link where I can get it.
> The link on is dead!

I have it bundled with tomcat. But before sending 8.7 MB around
multiple times to you, shall I send it really?

 ___   ___
| + | |__    Georg Rehfeld  Woltmanstr. 12 20097 Hamburg
|_|_\ |___   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   +49 (40) 23 53 27 10

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Seeking advice on deadlock problem

2001-06-08 Thread Georg Rehfeld

Hi Bryan,

> I have an application, in which every client access is done through a 
> Stateful Session bean, which internally manages the Entity beans 
> (Session Facade pattern).
> Every single method of my session bean is marked as "Requires" a 
> transaction. I realize that this can be a performance hit when it's used 
> unnecessarily. However, I did NOT think that it could lead to deadlock 
> problems! Nowhere do I explicitly create transactions, and no 
> transactions are long-lived (between session bean calls). I THOUGHT 
> (evidently incorrectly) that where concurrent threads need access to the 
> same entity beans, they would be serialized in time.

They ARE serialized and thats your problem, serialization basically
means 'blocking all others from access, until the first one is done',
simplest scenario:

timeSession/TX ASession/TX B

T1  access Entity 1

T2  access Entity 2

T3  try access Entity 2,
must wait for TX B
to finish

T4  try access Entity 1,
must wait for TX A
to finish


this deadlocks, each session/Tx 
waiting for the other to complete.

> However, instead, I'm getting fairly frequent deadlocks, a total 
> surprise to me.

No surprise anymore?

> Is there a nice way to handle this, or an easy way to debug it? Or is 
> this going to be a nightmare to fix?

The only thing to do about that with the current EJB spec is to try
to access ALL deadlock prone beans in the same order (see the 'dining
philosophers problem' in the JAVA tutorial). I.e. you could attempt
to access them in increasing Primary Key order from all clients.
In the above example the session/TX B then would try to get Entity 1
first before accessing Entity 2, waiting there, and session/TX A
could complete.

In real world, this ordered access, even with moderately complex
applications, seems near to impossible to implement, especially
if you allow interactive access to several lock prone resources
in one (long lived) transaction, where you can't control the order.

In such cases there exists a well defined protocol in the
relational world, that has proven to work very well and can be
followed by any client. It's based on locking all deadlock prone
resources before doing any modification and GIVING UP ALL LOCKS,
when one lock can't be obtained, thus allowing other clients to

But the EJB spec is mostly silent about locking, there is no
requirement at all to support lock detection (besides timeout
with distributed TX), thus you can't follow that with EJB.

And, so sorry to have to tell you, JBoss has no reliable deadlock
detection yet, neither to detect potential local deadlocks
immediately (as good databases can do) nor the required timeout
deadlock detection. But there are 2 developers working on the
timeout variant, JBoss will have that soon.

> Here's to hoping the "Magic of EJB" will again come to my rescue...

So sorry again, deadlock really isn't addressed at all in the 
EJB specs, there isn't any magic, it really sucks.

And then I'm sure, the JBoss developer team just is about to
recognize the locking/deadlock problem in the context of bad
performance in real world apps, maybe they need 2 days or a week
or so to really accept the need, and maybe another week, until
someone will be able to jump into that issue, but then they'll
show the world, how a good EJB server plays with that, blaming
all others.

my best regards
 ___   ___
| + | |__Georg Rehfeld  Woltmanstr. 12 20097 Hamburg
|_|_\ |___   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   +49 (40) 23 53 27 10

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] ./conf directory location

2001-06-08 Thread Georg Rehfeld

Hi Julian,

> The point (IMHO) is that whilst mulitple users should
> be able to share a JBoss installation, they will want
> to run it with their own configurations. Otherwise he
> would have stuck the whole lot in his home dir.
> Q1. Can I e.g. run multiple JBoss instances from the
> same installation via different configs (provided of
> course they have different DBs etc and don't blat all
> over each other).

This should work, be carefully to change all communication ports
likewise (see docs, there are several of them) and have some
central person/script manage all those unique port numbers
and resources, to avoid strange testing behaviour.

> Q2 How ?
> I had a quick look at the code. The decision about
> where to find the conf dir is made in org.jboss.Main
> around line 135. You call e.g. ./ jetty and the
> code will figure the conf dir to be ../conf/jetty
> (this is relative to the bin dir).
> I tried copying the jetty dir to /tmp/foo and trying
> various incantations such as ./
> ../../../../../../tmp/jetty - but no dice. Maybe I
> missed something.

Your change will not work, as you have to have the conf directoy 
in your classpath (in jboss.jcml).

But I would suggest just the other way round:

keep the different user configs in $JBOSS_HOME/conf/,
change the permissions, so that JBoss can read, but only the
user can write (except for jboss-auto.jcml, which must be
writable by JBoss) and have a link from each users home
to his config directoy.

 ___   ___
| + | |__Georg Rehfeld  Woltmanstr. 12 20097 Hamburg
|_|_\ |___   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   +49 (40) 23 53 27 10

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Differences in ejb methods called for BMP beans

2001-06-08 Thread Georg Rehfeld

Hi Mark,

> Orion 2nd request - returns 1 -row
> MVSBase()
> MVSBean()
> setEntityContext()
> ejbFindByServerName()
> Begin Time: 2001.06.08 at 09:00:13.440 AM EDT
> End   Time: 2001.06.08 at 09:00:13.590 AM EDT
> ejbActivate()
> ejbLoad()
> ejbStore()

> JBoss 2nd request - returns 1 -row
> [MVS_BMP] ejbFindByServerName()
> [MVS_BMP] Begin Time: 2001.06.08 at 09:02:54.692 AM EDT
> [MVS_BMP] End   Time: 2001.06.08 at 09:02:54.832 AM EDT

looks to me, as if you only do the finder, but don't access
the bean with some getter/setter. If so, I'm not sure, why Orion
does all the other calls, may be, they preload the bean instances
when the finder executes, but then, why ejbStore()? JBoss does
not preload the beans, someone is working on caching the complete 
bean data with JBoss CMP at finder time, but I think, this will 
not instantiate the beans, but cache the raw data elsewhere.

The JBoss way is more effecient, don't you think so? And Orion
seems to instantiate the beans on demand, as can be seen from
the constructor msgs, whereas JBoss pools unused bean instances,
again a better solution.

But, if you actually DID execute some business method on the
found beans, something must be wrong with your logging.

 ___   ___
| + | |__Georg Rehfeld  Woltmanstr. 12 20097 Hamburg
|_|_\ |___   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   +49 (40) 23 53 27 10

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] RE: JBoss-user digest, Vol 1 #711 - 10 msgs

2001-06-08 Thread Georg Rehfeld

Dear mohan,

> Can any one clear the following my doubt:
> where I have to keep my java bean to use with my jsp or servlet, please?

Sorry, if you find this impolite, but did you recognize, that you
sent 833 lines of irrelevant stuff to all of us, just to ask a two
line question?!! That's disrespectful.

Please either learn how to use your mailer or simply use it i.e.
by cutting off unneccessary tails and giving a reasonable subject
line. And besides, you didn't answer to anything, what made you 
think you should reply to some message, especially a digest? Just 
to save you some few klicks or keystrokes to get the right mail
address allows you to flood us with junk? Never!

So, I'm calming down again, back to your question, I think you
at least should have a brief look at the JBoss docs located at, skip, what
seems to be too complicated at the first glance, and look out
for the magic words JAR, WAR, EAR and JNDI lookup.

 ___   ___
| + | |__Georg Rehfeld  Woltmanstr. 12 20097 Hamburg
|_|_\ |___   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   +49 (40) 23 53 27 10

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Version control

2001-06-08 Thread Georg Rehfeld

Hi Paula,

> To try to clarfiy, my data will be stored in a yet I don't
> which one. I guess I was trying to figure out if given multiple clients
> manipulating data via EJBs, is there anyway to have one of these clients
> with administrator 'rights' who can rollback changes made by any of the
> others, at anytime. Those changes could have happened two days ago
> potentially. I was thinking along the lines of sourcesafe's

JBoss can't help and it isn't it's responsibility at all IMHO.

What comes to mind would be a database with some history functionality.
As far as I know Postgres had/has such a feature, but seemed to
be a little bit buggy and wasn't used widely, so they have taken
it out or will so in the future.

And even with that it could be difficult to take out single
transactions without violating consistency of following transactions.
As a sample, consider some salesman increasing his sales erroneously
and committing. Next day another transaction gives him commission
on sales effected. Just another transaction books taxes based
on the sales under error. And still other transactions do
bookkeeping, reporting to the management and so on. Now the faulty
sales increment will be taken out by an admin, how do you think
all the following transactions, that based on the committed, but
wrong sales value, should be corrected?

 ___   ___
| + | |__Georg Rehfeld  Woltmanstr. 12 20097 Hamburg
|_|_\ |___   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   +49 (40) 23 53 27 10

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] question about bug: LOCKING-WAITING (TRANSACTION) ...

2001-06-07 Thread Georg Rehfeld

Dear Gianluca,

sorry for the delay, I was busy.

> In the jboss mailinglist archive I found the mail Georg Rehfeld mail (08
> 2001) with subject: Transaction blocks forever, LOCKING-WAITING
> > > ...
> > > I can access several beans in the first
> > > place, but after a short while I again get a block in the JNDI
> > > lookup() method followed by a transaction timeout message but
> > > with no exception raised. The entity bean remains associated
> > > with the transaction for ever; the next access to it again
> > > produces the millions of 'LOCKING-WAITING (TRANSACTION)'
> > > messages and only a server shutdown helps. ...
> I read the Bordet Simone reply that this is a bug and it has to add on the
> SourceForge site...

In my case the problem was really a JNDI lookup. Another user
(Max Du Prel) had a similar problem and could solve it, in his
case someone broke his network configuration, see his bug report

Until today I believed, that the JNDI lookup on my machine was
not related to network config problems, so I did work around the
problem by implementing a JNDIHelper class, that does the lookup
in a seperate thread, kills that thread when not responding in
time, does the lookup again and caches the result for later use.
If you would be interested, I can send the code.

But today I was able to resolve another issue (could not start JBoss
CVS built from source, problem reportet, I'll report the solution
separately) and I think (but havn't tested yet) this could be
the reason for the lookup problem too:

My ISDN card (AVM Fritz! card) had installed a 2nd (pseudo) network
device. Today I recognized, that pinging myself (via my official
name, not localhost) resolved to the ISDN pseudo interface instead
of the primary interface. I disabled that ISDN interface and, voila,
JBoss CVS started up cleanly. Please note, that all obvious network
settings including winnt/system32/drivers/etc/hosts were perfectly
ok, but W2K did the resolving wrong. And, except with JBoss, all
my networking seemed to be unproblematic. What I think is going on
is, that resolving names sometimes gets one interface and sometimes
the other so that reliable communication can't be done.

So, please, triple check, that your W2K really, really, really
behaves as you expect it to behave and as you think you have it

> I have the same (or similar) problem:
> I'm using CMP entitys and after a while I'm using the entitys by a session
I get
> a lot of this log message (millions):
> [Scenario] LOCKING-WAITING (TRANSACTION) for id 1 ctx.hash 8040172
> tx:TransactionImpl:XidImpl [FormatId=257, GlobalId=byrne//801,

This problem [the repeating messages and the tight loop stressing
CPU] just was heavily addressed yesterday at the jboss-dev
mailing list and it seems that 2 developers decided to cooperate
on a solution for it, Bill Burke, who said he would do the initial
coding (in context of just another problem he has detected) and
Dan Christopherson, reviewing the change; thanks to both of them.

> and some time between the message log before in the log file I found:
> [ScenarioShp] Transaction XidImpl [FormatId=257, GlobalId=byrne//799,
> BranchQual=] timed out. status=STATUS_ACTIVE
> ...
> [ScenarioShp] Transaction XidImpl [FormatId=257, GlobalId=byrne//801,
> BranchQual=] timed out. status=STATUS_ACTIVE
> ...
> [ScenarioShp] Transaction XidImpl [FormatId=257, GlobalId=byrne//803,
> BranchQual=] timed out. status=STATUS_ACTIVE
> ...

This looks to me, as if 3 (or more?) beans are deadlocked, because
of the 3 different GlobalID's 799, 801 and 803, this should be
reflected also in the LOCKING-WAITING messages. Bill and Dan for
sure will solve the deadlock problem (via timeout) as this issue
was discussed yesterday too.

> Another similar problem I think is the following:
> I have 2 application deployed in jboss:
> - application A: datasource DA, database DBA
> - application B: datasource DB, database DBA
> In both applications I'm using some entity CMP and a session (stateless).
> Application B in a session bean (stateless) uses some entity of
application A,
> because need to make a copy in the application B. So it get information
> application A by entity, create new entity in the application B and make a
> After a while my application don't give me any answer, but I didn't get
> exception (like a loop).
> After some time in the log file I get the message:
> [Emergenza] Transaction XidImpl [FormatId=257, GlobalId=byrne//441,
> timed out. status=STATUS_ACTIVE
> but the application still blocked and I have to 

Re: [JBoss-user] Re: [JBoss-dev] Serious Bug? EntityBean out of synch with database.

2001-06-06 Thread Georg Rehfeld

Hi awc (?),

> May be this is your problem.  I had dataHolder bulk accessor object that
move out
> data in one shot. If you do have one like that, set it to null in
> Otherwise if you call entity bean 1,2,3 and recall 3,2,1 you will get the
> results.
> If you recall 2,1,3 you will get 3,2,1.

Could you please explain why this happens? I'm just not aware if
one should consider it a bug or a feature.

 ___   ___
| + | |__Georg Rehfeld  Woltmanstr. 12 20097 Hamburg
|_|_\ |___   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   +49 (40) 23 53 27 10

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Using a new JDBC datasource

2001-06-06 Thread Georg Rehfeld

Hi Justin,

> javax.ejb.EJBException
> org.jboss.ejb.plugins.BMPPersistenceManager.storeEntity
> org.jboss.ejb.plugins.EntitySynchronizationInterceptor

The code at calls your beans
ejbStore() method, catches a RuntimeException thrown from it
and repackages it inside an EJBException, so the real cause
can't be seen without retrieving it from the EJBException with
getCausedByException(). But in your stacktrace there is no good
place for you to catch the EJBException and retrieve the real
cause (all methods are container internal). Maybe it would help
to put your complete ejbStore() methods code into a try/catch
block where you catch Exception, print a stack trace and rethrow
the Exception, so you can see what's really going wrong?

If you wonder at ejbStore() beeing called after a getter method
please read comments in
under the label .

 ___   ___
| + | |__Georg Rehfeld  Woltmanstr. 12 20097 Hamburg
|_|_\ |___   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   +49 (40) 23 53 27 10

PS: I believe, the container should have handling for extracting
the real cause from an EJBException somewhere.

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Using a new JDBC datasource

2001-06-04 Thread Georg Rehfeld

Hi Justin,

> id : XidImpl [FormatId=257, GlobalId=justin//0, BranchQual=1]
> twoPhase : true
> active : false
> current : XidImpl [FormatId=257, GlobalId=justin//0, BranchQual=1]
> Con transaction isolation level : 1
> Con is closed : false
> Con is read only : false
> Con is auto commit : true
> Throw XA_HEURCOM exception

The autocommit is the problem. The connection is definitely
set to autocommit(false) in

The HeuristicCommit Exception is thrown by minerva, because
it can't control the transaction anymore, when the underlying
driver/connection commits automatically.

Might be, your driver accepts setAutoCommit(false) without
throwing an exception, but silently ignores it and remains
in autocommit mode? Is Cobol transactional at all?

 ___   ___
| + | |__Georg Rehfeld  Woltmanstr. 12 20097 Hamburg
|_|_\ |___   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   +49 (40) 23 53 27 10

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Commit option "C" in standardjboss.xml not working?

2001-06-04 Thread Georg Rehfeld

Hi Brian,

> Rather than implement my own custom container configuration, I'm just 
> trying to change the default setting for all entity beans from "A" to 
> "C". In the conf/tomcat/standardjboss.xml file, I changed the commit 
> option to "C" in both the Standard CMP Entiity Bean as well as the 
> JDK1.2.2 CMP Entity Bean sections (I am using CMP beans).

Should work.

> Still, when I test by updating my database directly, and then having my 
> jBoss application display an entity bean's contents, I am not finding 
> the two in-sync.

this sounds VERY strange, are you sure, that you execute your methods
inside a transaction (i.e. the transaction attributes set to
Required, RequiresNew or Mandatory). If so, could you please
put debug output in the ejbLoad() and ejbStore() and some test methods
of a test bean and verify, that ejbLoad() really is called before
every business method as given in the following diagram:

All methods declared as TX 'Required'!

entity   entity bean
clientsession bean remote IF impl DB
   | rw_val()  |   |  |   |
   I-->I   read_val()  |  |   |
   I   I-->I  | get state |
   I   I   I  ejbLoad()   I<--I
   I   I   I->I   |
   I   I   I  read_val()  I   |
   I   I   I->I   |
   I   I  write_val()  I  I   |
   I   I-->I  I   |
   I   I   I  write_val() I   |
   I   I   I->I   |
   I   I   I  ejbStore()  I   |
   I   I   I->I put state |
   I   I   I  I-->I
   |   |   |  |   |
   | inc_val() |  |   |
   I-->I  | get state |
   I   I  ejbLoad()   I<--I
   I   I->I   |
   I   I  inc_val()   I   |
   I   I->I   |
   I   I  ejbStore()  I   |
   I   I->I put state |
   I   I  I-->I
   |   |  |   |

Setting the  option to true in (standard)jaws.xml will
show the get_state/put_state SQL.

Another thing to note is: without true XA compliant JDBC drivers
there will be no DB locks set when reading data from the DB, thus
another app may change the DB in the time between get_state and
put_state, resulting in synch errors. You might want to set
the  option in jaws.xml or standardjaws.xml
to true, see

 ___   ___
| + | |__Georg Rehfeld  Woltmanstr. 12 20097 Hamburg
|_|_\ |___   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   +49 (40) 23 53 27 10

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] minerva connection pools

2001-06-02 Thread Georg Rehfeld

Hi Doug,

> I need to provide fail over for my database.
> ... replica ... only contains report tables.

I don't think, minerva (jbosspool) will give you a connection to
a database, that is down (didn't check the code, but seems to be

In your case, where the replica is readonly (and not might have
all tables/columns of the original) it seems, you are better off,
when minerva/jbosspool throws the exception before you attempt
to do updates. This way you can have an 'intelligent' getConnection()
implementation (in every bean, or a superclass, or a collaborator)
that cycles through available DB's and sets a flag in the bean
if updates are allowed or not, easily to be recognized in ejbStore()
(and ejbLoad/Create/Remove(), if neccessary).

Hmmm, this looks like 'design by Exception', generally a bad design,
but I don't know of a way to ask minerva/jbosspool beforehand,
so I think, it's ok this time.

Oops, this advice only holds for BMP, no idea how to proceed
for CMP.

 ___   ___
| + | |__Georg Rehfeld  Woltmanstr. 12 20097 Hamburg
|_|_\ |___   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   +49 (40) 23 53 27 10

PS:  exeptional quoting the whole original message
PS2: cutting tails is fun

- Original Message -
From: "Ferguson, Doug" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, June 02, 2001 10:42 PM
Subject: [JBoss-user] minerva connection pools

> Hi,
> I need to provide fail over for my database.
> We have a replica of our database that doesn't contain stored procedures
> and of the mechanisms for data loading.
> It only contains report tables.
> The idea is that if the main database goes down, even for maintenece we
> fail over to the mini DB.
> I was planning on implementing a try/catch on the connection to the
> connection pool and wasn't sure if minerva
> would just spit out a connection even if there were issues with the
> database. If that is the case then I won't see
> the SQLException until I actually do something with the connection which
> more of a bitch to deal with.
> Any suggestions on how to deal with this sort of issue?
> Thanks,
> d.

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] How to flush entity bean cache?

2001-05-31 Thread Georg Rehfeld

Hi Bryan,

> From the document you sent me, it looks like I have to set up
> an entirely custom configuration, just to change the commit
> option. I'd rather just use the default container configuration
> and only change the commit option (to "C").

If all your data is accessed from other applications it would be
best to change the commit options for all container configurations
in standardjboss.xml and you are done.

If only the data for a few beans is concurrently accessed from
other apps, it would be better to have custom additional 
configurations for them in jboss.xml (which is put into the
jar where the beans live). Elsewhere the docs say, that jboss.xml
is interpreted as a 'diff' to standardjboss.xml, so that you
may easily still use a standard configuration, but provide
the other commit option in jboss.xml as in this example:

- jboss.xml 


  Standard CMP EntityBean


-- end -

> However, if I absolutely must set up a custom configuration,
> then, how do I know what settings to give it for all the other
> entires? The document doesn't list the default settings for
> "Standard CMP EntityBean"; if I knew what those were, then I'd
> just make a duplicate of it and change the commit options.
> But as it stands, I don't know how to keep it identical in
> every other sense.

Simply copy over a complete container configuration from 
standardjboss.xml to your jboss.xml, rename it as you want
and change any setting as appropriate. Don't forget to associate
your bean(s) with the custom configuration(s). Reread the given
doc reference from the beginning, it's all there.

 ___   ___
| + | |__Georg Rehfeld  Woltmanstr. 12 20097 Hamburg
|_|_\ |___   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   +49 (40) 23 53 27 10

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] How to flush entity bean cache?

2001-05-31 Thread Georg Rehfeld

Hi Bryan,

> I am using JBoss 2.2.1 and lots of entity beans. Sometimes I like to go 
> directly to my database (PostgreSQL) and make some changes. But I seem 
> to be unable to do this if jBoss has some beans cached; my changes get 
> ignored, and eventually overwritten (in some cases).

You should use commit option B or C in your container configuration
instead of the default A. Migth be commit option D (JBoss specific)
would be the right choice for you, but it comes in a future release.
Review for
container configurations and the tag .

 ___   ___
| + | |__Georg Rehfeld  Woltmanstr. 12 20097 Hamburg
|_|_\ |___   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   +49 (40) 23 53 27 10

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] manual build fails

2001-05-30 Thread Georg Rehfeld

Hi Tahir,

> Just tried to checkout/build manual module and it fails
> with the following exception. (target printablehtml) ...
> anybody tried this bofore with any luck?

Just tried it on my W2K box with the latest CVS version, works
OK for me, except that I get repeated:

| Call to extension function failed: com.nwalsh.xalan.Table

messages, but the generated HTML looks good.

 ___   ___
| + | |__    Georg Rehfeld  Woltmanstr. 12 20097 Hamburg
|_|_\ |___   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   +49 (40) 23 53 27 10

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] JBoss Manual

2001-05-30 Thread Georg Rehfeld

Hi Simon,

> I am new to using JBoss, and was just wondering if there is any
> way I can download the JBoss documentation rather than having to
> view it online (using the "Manual - online HTML version" tab on
> the JBoss Documentation page).

Simply follow the instructions given in:
under "Manual - CVS module for contributors"

 ___   ___
| + | |__Georg Rehfeld  Woltmanstr. 12 20097 Hamburg
|_|_\ |___   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   +49 (40) 23 53 27 10

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] " [mysql] no transcation right now", what does it mean?

2001-05-30 Thread Georg Rehfeld

Hi wizard,

>  I try to use a new version of mysql that supports transaction .
> I can do some transaction operation on BDB and InnoDB table type
> with  command BEGIN ,COMMIT and ROLLBACK successfully.

Nice to hear that! I'm VERY interested in your further results,
especially performance and reliability. Would you care to report
to this list, please?

> I got one line in the log file,
> " [mysql] no transcation right now",
> what does it mean?

The message comes from org.jboss.pool.jdbc.xa.XAConnectionFactory
in the method prepareObject. The code tries to assign a connection
to a transaction, if one exists, but seems to allow usage of
the connection outside a transaction.

I guess, you are getting a connection in a beans method with a
transaction attribute of Supports, Never or Notsupported, do you?
Or might be, you get a connection somewhere in your test code,
where no transaction at all is established (i.e. from a servlet)?

Hope this helps
 ___   ___
| + | |__Georg Rehfeld  Woltmanstr. 12 20097 Hamburg
|_|_\ |___   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   +49 (40) 23 53 27 10

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] help needed!! Can't create Primary Key class

2001-05-30 Thread Georg Rehfeld

Hi Malia,

> I am getting error when trying to run a session bean that 
> creates an entity bean. ...

> java.rmi.ServerException: Could not create primary key;
>  nested exception is:
> java.lang.InstantiationException: ScheduleBeanPK

The java.lang.InstantiationException is

| Thrown when an application tries to create an instance of a 
| class using the newInstance method in class Class ...

The JavaDocs for Class.newInstance() state:

| Throws ... InstantiationException - if this Class represents an 
| abstract class, an interface, an array class, a primitive type, 
| or void; or if the instantiation fails for some other reason.

I guess, your 'other reason' is, that you have no public no arg
constructor in your PK class, as required by EJB specs 1.1 section (read also 9.2.9).

Hope this helps

 ___   ___
| + | |__Georg Rehfeld  Woltmanstr. 12 20097 Hamburg
|_|_\ |___   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   +49 (40) 23 53 27 10

JBoss-user mailing list


2001-05-29 Thread Georg Rehfeld

Hi Windows users,

> When I trying to start server by executing run.bat
> file ,it does start but it gives syntax error twice
> before giving various pages of output.

I've seen similar questions on this list. First thing to do
with syntax errors or 'command not found' or similar messages
from the batch files is to comment out / remove the initial
'@echo off', so that you can see which batch line produces
the error, then often only some intuition is neccessary to
correct the problem.


 ___   ___
| + | |__Georg Rehfeld  Woltmanstr. 12 20097 Hamburg
|_|_\ |___   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   +49 (40) 23 53 27 10

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] no transaction right now

2001-05-28 Thread Georg Rehfeld

Hi again Marcel,

now being able to look at your code I can add some comments:

>ResultSet resultSet = null;
>String insertStatement =
>m"INSERT INTO formulier (invoerdatumtijd, voorletters, " +
>"tussenvoegsel, naam, adres, postcode, woonplaats, " +
>"telefoonDag, telefoonAvond, geboortedatum, geslacht, " +
>"email, groep, vrijeInvoer) " +
>"VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
>PreparedStatement prepStmt =
>prepStmt.setTimestamp(1, invoerdatumtijd);
>prepStmt.setString(14, vrijeInvoer);
>resultSet = prepStmt.executeQuery();
1) --^
2) --^
>catch(SQLException e){
>if (DEBUG) {
>System.out.println("SQLException in FormBean.insertRow");
>} // end of if (DEBUG)
>throw e;
>return new Long(resultSet.getLong("id"));
3) --^
>   }

1) your query is a simple INSERT, the only result from an insert
   with ANY relational DB is the count of rows inserted. Typically
one would use prepStmt.executeUpdate() which returns int (the count
of rows affected by insert, update and delete, 0 otherwise). You
CAN use executeQuery and the statement will be executed against
the DB (and even successfully, as you see), the method is defined
to return a not null ResultSet, so it will do so ... but no DB
will give back a row from an insert, so the ResultSet you get
will be empty ( will return false)!

2) prepStmt.close() will close the resultSet too, as you migth
   easily read from the JavaDocs.

3) before accessing a ResultSet you MUST do a
   and only if it returns true you are allowed to do a getWhatever
on it. And, as the finally block even is executed in case of
an Exception, how do you expect the ResultSet then to contain
usefull contents? At this place some RuntimeException will be
thrown in every case (probably NullPointerException) in your
code, as the ResultSet's position is before the first row.
Typical idioms for working with ResultSet are:

// build a query returning rows from the DB
// i.e. a SELECT or a stored procedure ...
resultSet = prepStmt.executeQuery();
// ... then, when expecting 0 to many rows ...
while ( {
// ... or, when expecting exactly one row ...
if ( {
else {
// handle error

The close of ResultSet, Statement and Connection typically are
done in the finally block, so they get closed even in case of
an error. Have a look at the JDBC tutorial from SUN.

I still guess, you are using MySQL's AUTO_INCREMENT and expecting
it somehow to be returned automagically. As I mentioned before,
you have to do it by hand, after inserting your row into a table
with an AUTO_INCREMENT column via executeUpdate() do something
similar to:

  String query = null;
  try {
// do your insert stuff here with executeUpdate()
// retrieve the auto incremented value
prepStmt = connection.prepareStatement(query);
resultSet = prepStmt.executeQuery();
if ( {
  return new Long(resultSet.getLong(1));
else {
  throw new Exception("Expected one row, didn't get it!");
  catch (SQLException se) {
throw new Exception("Could not execute '" + query + "': " + se);
  finally {
try {
  if (prepStmt != null) {
  // close connection to give it back into the pool
  // to save resources
//if (connection != null) {
//  connection.close();
catch (SQLException sqlex) {
  // empty by intention

And a final note: it is good practice to close the connection
when done with the work, connections are a very expensive
resource and are tight, you can't have a connection in every
bean instance for it's whole lifetime, which may be weeks. The
connection.close() in JBoss pooled connections actually does
NOT close it really, but instead returns it into the pool to
be available for the next bean instance, that needs one. Be
aware though, between your INSERT and the corresponding
SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() you must NOT close the connection, as
the last_insert_id() in MySQL is connection based and will
not work properly with different connections.


 ___   ___
| + | |__Georg Rehfeld  Wolt

Re: [JBoss-user] no transaction right now

2001-05-28 Thread Georg Rehfeld

Hi Marcel,

> I have a question regarding an error I get. In a JSP page I use a
> regular Java bean. Some properties are set and at the end I call the
> bean's create() methode to actually create a new EJB Entity bean.
> Creating the EJB fails: I get the error attached to the end of this
> message. Now the funny part is that the database contains the new EJB
> data. The question I would like to ask you: where to look for the
> ...
> I have a feeling that my mySQL transaction management is not
> configured properly. These are my mySQL settings in jboss.jcml

If you are using mySQL's default with ISAM or MyISAM table types,
there is NO transactional support, the MySQL docs tell in length
about that issue, why they don't do it and how to code apps that
don't require transactions and still try to be safe. It's not,
that I agree with all their arguments, I think, transactions are
important, especially in the EJB context (where all the tricks,
they give, can't be done), but one has to accept that. Having
no transactions (and no referential integrity) at the DB level
is one reason for MySQL beeing very fast.

So, when your error in the EJBean happens AFTER the DB has done
a successfull INSERT, it isn't funny at all that the record
exists in the DB, even when JBoss does a rollback.

But since version 3.23.15 (2000/05/09) they have the BDB table
type (quote from the MySQL docs):

| 8.5.1 Overview over BDB tables
| Berkeley DB ( has provided MySQL with a
| transaction-safe table handler. This will survive crashes and
| also provides COMMIT and ROLLBACK on transactions.

And lastly they adopted just another table type 'InnoDB', looking
very promising to me, which is transaction safe and seems to
be very fast too, see

I didn't try one or the other up to now, please do it and report
us about robustness and speed :-)

> ...
> [Form] javax.ejb.EJBException: ejbCreate: null
> [Form] at

A blind guess is, that you don't return a valid primary key from
your ejbCreate(...) method, as it is neccessary with BMP, so the
insert already is done, when the container realizes an error.

And another blind guess is, you use the MySQL AUTO_INCREMENT
feature with your primary key column. With BMP you might do
that, but you have to fetch the auto incremented value back
into your bean (MySQL 'select LAST_INSERT_ID()') and return
it as a primary key class instance. Instead of that, consider
some sort of KeyGenerator, see other threads on this list.

Hope this helps

 ___   ___
| + | |__Georg Rehfeld  Woltmanstr. 12 20097 Hamburg
|_|_\ |___   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   +49 (40) 23 53 27 10

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] CMP and CMT: when does the commit happen?

2001-05-22 Thread Georg Rehfeld

Hi Roman

> When does the commit happens in case of container managed transaction 

> Required: ?

Depends on the caller/client already having a transaction or not.
If it has, the method executes in that TX context and there is
no commit at method return time. If the client has no TX the
container creates one, executes the method and just before
returning to the client commits.

> RequiredNew: ?

Ever on method return time, since, when the client already has
a TX, the container suspends it, creates a new one, executes
the method in that new TX and commits it at return time, but
resumes the old clients TX. If the client has no TX, the container
behaves as with Required.


 ___   ___
| + | |__    Georg Rehfeld  Woltmanstr. 12 20097 Hamburg
|_|_\ |___   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   +49 (40) 23 53 27 10

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] multiple key

2001-05-22 Thread Georg Rehfeld

Hi Andrea,

> I want to use a beans who maps a table on a relational db which haS a
> primary key composed by two colomns of this table, or eventually a column
> this table and a column which is a foreign key which point on another
> This is may little problem; I don't understand if with JAWS I may do this,
> or I has to use a BMP.

We currently use BMP only and havn't touched JAWS yet, so I tried
a search in the JBoss docs, on the JAWS mailing list archive
and in the JBoss code. Neither in the docs nor in the archive I
could find a clear answer (though in the archive there are similar
questions -- unanswered :-( ).

In the code I found
(in org.jboss.ejb.plugins.jaws.jdbc.JDBCCreateEntityCommand) handling
for a 'composite key' while creating an EntityBean. So I assume
that JAWS is able to work with composite keys.

I think it works as follows: when you want to have a composite key
you must have a handmade primary key class, which must follow the
EJB spec 1.1 section (and 9.2.9). Important is to have
each PK class field public and with the same name and type in
both, the PK class and the bean. In ejb-jar.xml do NOT
fill in the primkey-field element of the deployment descriptor,
but the FILL in the prim-key-class element.

The rest should be handled automatically by JAWS.


 ___   ___
| + | |__Georg Rehfeld  Woltmanstr. 12 20097 Hamburg
|_|_\ |___   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   +49 (40) 23 53 27 10

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] mySQL auto increment and CMP entity beans

2001-05-22 Thread Georg Rehfeld

Hi Paul,

> The code I am using is as follows, I had thought of creating an additional
> bean to do this but was wondering if there was an easier way.
>[code cut, see Pauls mail]

> [Section] java.lang.Error: id may not be null
> [Section]   at org.jboss.ejb.CacheKey.(
> [Section]   at
> .java:47)
>[rest of trace cut]

This exception is thrown in the container, not in JAWS. So you
only have the chance to use a KeyGenerator().

And again reading the EJB spec 1.1 section 9.4.2 paragraph six
I found:

| The container may create the representation of the entity in the
| database immediately after ejbCreate(...) returns, or it can defer it to
| a later time (for example to the time after the matching
| ejbPostCreate(...) has been called, or to the end of the transaction).

So, to remain portable to other EJB implementations, you even
havn't the chance to use ejbPostCreate to access the autoincrement
value, as the DB access might have not been done already (though
with JAWS the insert is done between ejbCreate and ejbPostCreate).


 ___   ___
| + | |__Georg Rehfeld  Woltmanstr. 12 20097 Hamburg
|_|_\ |___   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   +49 (40) 23 53 27 10

PS: In one of my earlier mails (on another but similar thread in
this list) I argued against Marc Fleurys proposal of a 'mixed mode'
entity bean, where the bean is essentially CMP but the create methods
(and finders) are BMP. I must have been too tired at the time of
writing that, a 'mixed mode' would help a lot with autoincrements
and sequences. See

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Re: Multiple Remote EJB Requests Bombs JBoss

2001-05-21 Thread Georg Rehfeld

Hello Guy, Toby, Jonathan, and all other users/developers,

Jonathan said:

>>> ..., many other application servers automatically
>>> return the connection to the pool at the end of a transaction.
>>> I would like to see this implemented by JBoss, since it kinda
>>> of makes sense.

Toby promised:

>> And see it you will. This is on my todo list, albeit at low priority.

Guy finally argued:

> Hmm, I see a potential problem with this.
> What if I have logic like this:
> Get a whole bunch of data from somewhere.
> Get a database connection.
> For each record
>   Do a whole bunch of database work
>   Commit
>If database work failed
> Log an error
> This is a pretty common scenario.  If you return the connection
> to the pool once the transaction is finished, this code won't
> work.

I agree with Guy, invalidating a connection at the end of a
transaction without request seems to be bad behaviour, especially
in case the transaction commits successfully. If the bean throws
some exception, I'm sure to have seen at least one place, where 
the EJB spec _requires_ the bean to be operational even after
the failure, letting the bean implementor do appropriate
corrections (that simple 'Continue' above). I'm too tired
to look it up right now, just let me remember, that it depends
on the Exception type, if the beans instance should be thrown away
or left alive. And 'left alive' clearly means all state, not
directly concerned with the failure, must survive.

On the other hand, I know of many database systems, that are
unable to keep statements (so called cursors) in progress open 
spanning a transaction boundary (in fact, Oracle is the only DB 
I know of for sure to be able to do that), may be, that is the
reason to end all things at transaction end time? But then, this 
should be handled behind the scenes in JAVA EJB, hiding
DB implementation details. May be, the whole thing is tied
to the lack of true XA compliant JDBC drivers?

Have a nice day

 ___   ___
| + | |__Georg Rehfeld  Woltmanstr. 12 20097 Hamburg
|_|_\ |___   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   +49 (40) 23 53 27 10

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Interesting test of JDBC pooling

2001-05-21 Thread Georg Rehfeld

Hi Brian,

> Here is the source for the session bean using connection pooling:

as others pointed out and you confirmed them to be right,
giving back the connections into the pool by executing
connection.close() speeds up your processing essentially.

But you not only test the speed of the connection pool, but
at the same time the speed of a JNDI lookup: your getName()
calls getConnection() which in turn not only gets the connection
but also creates a new InitialContext and does a lookup of
your datasource.

I would do the InitialContext.lookup() thing only once and
cache the DataSource to avoid further lookups. Pooled are
the Connections, that is the tight resource, not the DataSource.

And I would be very interested in your test results after that
modification, so we all can better see the overhead of lookup
vs. connection pooling.

 ___   ___
| + | |__    Georg Rehfeld  Woltmanstr. 12 20097 Hamburg
|_|_\ |___   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   +49 (40) 23 53 27 10

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] mySQL auto increment and CMP entity beans

2001-05-21 Thread Georg Rehfeld

Hi Paul,

> I am using jboss 2.2.1 to create a simple CMP entity bean that has two
> properties, id and name. In the database the id is an auto increment
> column. In the bean managed version of this bean I had a second sql
> (select ns.section_id from nh_section ns where ns.section_id is null)
> call to get the id of the row just added. In the CMP version I am not
> setting the id so on return from the ejbCreate method the container
> gives an exception saying the id cannot be null. Is there a way in
> container managed persistance beans to get jaws to find out the id of
> the inserted row and set the id property to this value.

Without a stack trace, I can't decide, if this really is the
container complaining about a NULL or if it is JAWS having
problems to insert the NULL.

But even without knowing that you might have a problem. JAWS seems
currently not to be able to do more than the default in create methods
(extracting the beans fields and executing a SQL insert from it), which
is a pitty. 

As of the EJB spec 1.1 section 9.5.2 figure 27 the CMP container
extracts the beans fields, stores them to the DB and constructs the
EJBObject (and thus the primary key object) immediately after return
from ejbCreate and before calling ejbPostCreate and so it only has the
opportunity to extract your beans public pk field at that point to fill
in the primary key classes field, which yields a NULL setting in the PK.

So ejbCreate with CMP is too early to access the DB for retrieval of
your autoincrement value (nothing is stored at that time) and
ejbPostCreate is too late, as the primary key object already is created.

If the exception is really thrown at the return of ejbCreate and isn't a
JAWS exception but a conainer exception, you don't have the opportunity
to try to set the autoincrement in ejbPostCreate into both, your beans
field and the PK objects field. Else you might try that (though I'm
totally unaware of the consequences, that looks not to be spec conform
to me).

What you might try is another approach (we use that with BMP): in
ejbCreate use some key generation mechanism to set your beans PK field,
a simple one, similar to your current approach, is to use a sequence
table with MySQL autoincrement values. The table has essentially 2
columns, one for the table name you want a new sequence value for and
another one defined to be autoincrementing and holding the next key to
use. This could be nicely hidden in some KeyGenerator class with some
method like getNextKey(String tableName). As of the EJB spec this should
be allowed, as the ejbCreate method may execute everything as a business
method may execute (except accessing EJBObject and the Primary Key).
Besides, have a look at for different key generation

This key generator could be written as a BMP or as a stateless
session bean or even as a simple class.


 ___   ___
| + | |__Georg Rehfeld  Woltmanstr. 12 20097 Hamburg
|_|_\ |___   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   +49 (40) 23 53 27 10

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] multiple key

2001-05-21 Thread Georg Rehfeld

Hi Andrea,

> question:There is a way to map a primary key over multiple
> tables in a db?

I'm not quite sure, what you mean:

- having the same primary key _column_ name/type in different
  tables? This is definitely allowed in SQL.

- using the same primary key _class_ in different beans?
  This is allowed, see EJB spec 1.1 section 8.5 and illustratet
  by the fact, that i.e. java.lang.Integer is a valid primary
  key class.

- having one bean stored 'horizontally' splittet over several
  tables, which share the primary key (i.e. so, that heavily used
  fields/columns are stored in a fast DB and others in a slower
  (remote) one)? I don't think, you can do this currently with
  JBoss CMP (using JAWS), but I may be wrong (we use BMP here).
  Others may correct this statement. With BMP you can do this
  split easily, and in ejbLoad either join the data together
  to fetch them in just one JDBC call, or only load the important
  fields from the fast DB lazily loading the rest from the slow
  DB in the apropriate business methods.

- having one bean stored in different tables 'vertically' i.e.
  depending on some type field (so as to store old data into
  a DB on a cheap slow server with high data capacity and actual
  data into a DB on an expensive fast server with limited data
  capacity)? Again I believe, this is currently impossible with
  JAWS CMP. And again, you may easily do that with BMP, if you
  have your tables in one DB you might use the SQL UNION syntax
  to access all tables with only one SQL statement in ejbLoad,
  or query all tables until you've found your row back (if you
  can't decide from the primary key, where to search for the data).

If I misunderstood you completely, please clarify.


 ___   ___
| + | |__Georg Rehfeld  Woltmanstr. 12 20097 Hamburg
|_|_\ |___   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   +49 (40) 23 53 27 10

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Overriding CMP entity creation

2001-05-18 Thread Georg Rehfeld

Hi Dan,

> If all you need to do is get your primary key from the autoincrement, 
> you can simply put the code to fetch the value in ejbCreate and return 
> that value as your primary key. Or am I missing something?

yes, I think so, Ray has essentially a CMP bean, and EJB spec 1.1
in section 9.5.2 figure 27 shows, that ejbCreate() is called before
the container accesses the DB; section 9.4.2 additionally says,
that ejbCreate(...) should be DECLARED to return the PK class but
actually to return null, as the container is required to ignore
that return value. If a DB autoincrement mechanism is desired at all
JAWS has to handle that (i.e. with JRun's EJB part, formerly known as
Ejipt, it is possible to configure many SQL statements to be executed
for every CMP action instead of only one, thus allowing an 'insert ...'
followed by a 'select ...' or a '...CURVAL...' or a stored procedure).

But from previous messages I believe, Ray was pointed to (and there to something like the High-Low
key generating pattern) and interpreting Marcs answer in this
thread I'm pretty sure, this is the intention: the bean itself
creates a new key 'magically'.

What I think isn't needed for Rays problem is Marcs suggestion 
of a 'mixed mode'. SUN clearly has intended the ejbCreate(...)
method for proper initialization of all bean fields (section
9.4.2, 3rd paragraph) and has allowed ALL access as for every 
business method (EXCEPT ctx.getEJBObject() and 
ctx.getPrimaryKey(), which don't make too much sense here 
[section 9.1.6, Table 4]) in ejbCreate(). Thus Ray is free to 
implement whatever he needs to compute a primary key and 
assign it to his PK field(s), including access to some
DataSource and incrementing/reading DB values from it, as some
key generating mechanisms require (section 9.1.6, Table 4 
definitely allows 'JNDI access to java:comp/env')!

But may be, I'm missing the point, do I?

my very best regards

 ___   ___
| + | |__Georg Rehfeld  Woltmanstr. 12 20097 Hamburg
|_|_\ |___   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   +49 (40) 23 53 27 10

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] ejbFinder problem

2001-05-18 Thread Georg Rehfeld

Hi Jim,

> Yes, exactly so. I should have made it clear, sorry. The naming
> convention is XXXHome and XXX are the home and remote interfaces, and
> XXXBean is a value object that conforms to the JavaBean spec (required
> further on in the app).
> The id field is constrained as a primary key - I was under the
> impression that this implied that nulls were not permitted. 

I assume you mean in the database: not neccessarily, a 'primary
key constraint' usually implies a 'unique constraint' on the
primary key columns, thus, with one column only in the PK, one
NULL PK row migth be allowed; with a 2 column PK 'NULL, NULL'
'x, NULL' and 'NULL, x' might be all interpreted different as
unique PK values, will depend on the DB used, Oracle i.e. accepts
NULL values in PKs.

But this seems not to be the problem at all ...

> So the problem seems to be that the remote interfaces in the collection
> returned by findAll seem to have lost their record of the id of the bean
> they represent.  Is this to do with my use of value objects? Is it
> necessary to have a simple getter for the primary key on the remote
> interface?

No, neither with CMP nor with BMP (which you told us to use);
though, with CMP you had to have a public PK field, which the
container accesses to read and write. But with BMP YOU are
responsible to load and store the bean instances state, whether
you use simple fields only in your bean or a value object or both.

In your original message you've given neither a stack trace nor
indications of your ejbLoad()/ejbStore()/ejbFindAll() methods,
you didn't show us the constructors of your value object. Is it
a true value object (no setters)?

Consider giving us more precise information, then it might be
someone sees the error and we haven't to guess most of your


 ___   ___
| + | |__Georg Rehfeld  Woltmanstr. 12 20097 Hamburg
|_|_\ |___   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   +49 (40) 23 53 27 10

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] JBoss hangs ...

2001-05-18 Thread Georg Rehfeld

Hi Ray,

> I've tried to execute a context.getEJBObject and a context.getEJBHome >
within an ejbPostCreate call
> But for some reason, this hangs JBoss.
> According to most stuff I've read, I should be able to use the
> context inside ejbPostCreate.

You are right, according to EJB spec 1.1 section 9.1.6
'Operations allowed in the methods of the entity bean class'
you are definitely allowed to call both methods from

Could you post your code, please (ejbCreate, ejbPostCreate).

If you are absolutely sure to do it the right way, consider
reporting that as a bug at SourceForge:


 ___   ___
| + | |__Georg Rehfeld  Woltmanstr. 12 20097 Hamburg
|_|_\ |___   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   +49 (40) 23 53 27 10

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] CMP and auto_increment

2001-05-17 Thread Georg Rehfeld

Hi Ray,

> I have a table which has an auto incrementing field, and I'm accessing it
> using a Contaimer Managed Bean
> If I want create a new record, I just call rec.create("title"); I don't
> bother with setting the id number because it's generated automatically.
> Now I reckon that I still need a setID method, so that the bean can
> retrieve the number when I do a findBy  but how do I stop others from
> calling the setID, and messing up the id number?

make the setId() method private or protected, as you only access
it from ejbFindBy from inside the bean; don't expose it into
the remote interface of your bean -- or even simpler, directly
assign to your CMP field 'id'. This way 'official' spec conform
clients can't write access your bean's id field.

Note however, that write access from some arbitrary helper classes
running on the EJB server side can't be restricted, as CMP fields
must be declared public as of the EJB specification 1.0 and 1.1
(that changes in 2.0)!


 ___   ___
| + | |__Georg Rehfeld  Woltmanstr. 12 20097 Hamburg
|_|_\ |___   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   +49 (40) 23 53 27 10

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] EJB 1.1 throws RemoteException deprecated

2001-05-09 Thread Georg Rehfeld

Hi list,

> Hi Toby,  ...  read it again CAREFULLY please:

Sorry, sorry, I meant Norton.

best regards

 ___   ___
| + | |__    Georg Rehfeld  Woltmanstr. 12 20097 Hamburg
|_|_\ |___   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   +49 (40) 23 53 27 10

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] EJB 1.1 throws RemoteException deprecated

2001-05-09 Thread Georg Rehfeld

Hi Toby,

> You're right.  I should have looked up the EJB 1.1 spec,
> but I was lazy.  Since you called me on it, I looked
> up the spec. ... (See section 12.3.7. ...

Here is the quote from the spec, read it again CAREFULLY please:

| 12.3.7 Support for deprecated use of java.rmi.RemoteException
| The EJB 1.0 specification allowed the business methods, ejbCreate,
| ejbPostCreate, ejbFind, ejbRemove, and the container-invoked
| callbacks (i.e. the methods defined in the EntityBean, SessionBean, and
| SessionSynchronization interfaces) implemented in the enterprise bean
| class to use the java.rmi.RemoteException to report non-application
| excep-tions to the Container.
| This use of the java.rmi.RemoteException is deprecated in EJB
| 1.1 -- enterprise beans written for the EJB 1.1 specification should
| use the javax.ejb.EJBException instead.
| The EJB 1.1 specification requires that a Container support the
| deprecated use of the java.rmi.RemoteException. The Container should
| treat the java.rmi.RemoteExcep-tion thrown by an enterprise bean method
| in the same way as it is specified for the javax.ejb.EJBException.
| Note: The use of the java.rmi.RemoteException is deprecated only in the
| above-mentioned methods. The methods of the remote and home interface
| still must use the java.rmi.RemoteException as required by the EJB
| specification.

> So my question now changes to:  Is the requirement
> that is specified by JBoss 2.2.1 (...) upon deployment
> a design decision or an oversight?

It is correct behaviour (as Lennart Petersson already pointed out):
the BEAN must NOT throw RemoteException,
the REMOTE and HOME interface MUST throw it.


 ___   ___
| + | |__Georg Rehfeld  Woltmanstr. 12 20097 Hamburg
|_|_\ |___   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   +49 (40) 23 53 27 10

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] CMP persistance after shutdown

2001-05-08 Thread Georg Rehfeld

Hi Steve and Phil,

Steve wrote:

> The  tag must be set to Required, RequiresNew, or
> Mandatory or JBoss won't persist your beans. ...

IMHO you are right.

> the EJB 1.1 spec isn't
> trmendously clear how this should be handled. Change the transaction
> attribute + things should work fine.

I think the spec is VERY clear, here is the quote:

| ejbLoad and ejbStore with the NotSupported transaction attribute
| The use of the ejbLoad and ejbStore methods for caching an entity
| object's state in the instance works well only if the Container can use
| transaction boundaries to drive the ejbLoad and ejbStore methods. When
| the NotSupported transaction attribute is assigned to a remote interface
| method, the corresponding enterprise bean class method executes with an
| unspecified transaction context (See Subsection 11.6.3). This means that
| the Container does not have any well-defined transaction boundaries to
| drive the ejbLoad and ejbStore methods on the instance.
| Therefore, the ejbLoad and ejbStore methods are 'unreliable' for the
| instances that the Container uses to dispatch the methods with an
| unspecified transaction context. The following are the only guarantees
| that the Container provides for the instances that execute the methods
| with an unspecified transaction context:
| - The Container invokes at least one ejbLoad between ejbActivate and the
|   first business method in the instance.
| - The Container invokes at least one ejbStore between the last business
|   method on the instance and the ejbPassivate method.
| Because the entity object's state accessed between the ejbLoad and
| ejbStore method pair is not protected by a transaction boundary for the
| methods that execute with an unspecified transaction context, the Bean
| Provider should not attempt to use the ejbLoad and ejbStore methods to
| control caching of the entity object's state in the instance. Typically,
| the implementation of the ejbLoad and ejbStore methods should be a no-op
| (i.e. an empty method), and each business method should access the
| entity object's state directly in the database.


 ___   ___
| + | |__Georg Rehfeld  Woltmanstr. 12 20097 Hamburg
|_|_\ |___   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   +49 (40) 23 53 27 10

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Looking up a certain StateFul Session Bean

2001-05-08 Thread Georg Rehfeld

Hi Kris,

> The problem I encountered was that a specific StateFul session
> bean had to be called from more than one other bean/application.

The EJB Spec definitely does not allow access from more than one
application to a stateful session bean instance:

| EJB spec 1.1
| Chapter 6  Session Bean Component Contract
| 6.11.6 Non-reentrant instances
| The container must ensure that only one thread can be executing
| an instance at any time. If a client request arrives for an
| instance while the instance is executing another request,
| the container must throw the java.rmi.RemoteException to the
| second request.
| Note that a session object is intended to support only a single
| client. Therefore, it would be an application error if two clients
| attempted to invoke the same session object.
| One implication of this rule is that an application cannot make
| loopback calls to a session bean instance.

This also explains, why there is no lookup() for a specific
stateful session bean instance. Though you could try to pass
a reference or a handle to the instance around, be aware of
the quoted implication (no loopbacks).

You didn't explain, why your stateless session instance wants
to access the statefull one. If it is not interested in client
specific state kept in the stateful instance, but needs some
service, consider extracting the service methods into a normal
class (i.e. a Singleton) or a stateless session bean and use
the service from both beans.

If it is the clients state, you are interested in, you must
redesign, so that the statfull instance is the 'driving' part
and reaches in the neccessary state as parameters.


 ___   ___
| + | |__Georg Rehfeld  Woltmanstr. 12 20097 Hamburg
|_|_\ |___   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   +49 (40) 23 53 27 10

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Transaction blocks forever, LOCKING-WAITING

2001-05-07 Thread Georg Rehfeld
at org.apache.tomcat.service.TcpWorkerThread.runIt(

Thanks and regards

 ___   ___
| + | |__Georg Rehfeld  Woltmanstr. 12 20097 Hamburg
|_|_\ |___   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   +49 (40) 23 53 27 10

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Transaction blocks forever, LOCKING-WAITING

2001-05-07 Thread Georg Rehfeld

Hi all,

since my original posting I upgraded from 2.1 BETA binary
distribution to the 2.2.1 binary distribution of JBoss and
testet again:

The problem essentially remains, the sequence of accesses has
changed a little, I can now access several beans in the first
place, but after a short while I again get a block in the JNDI
lookup() method followed by a transaction timeout message but
with no exception raised. The entity bean remains associated
with the transaction for ever; the next access to it again
produces the millions of 'LOCKING-WAITING (TRANSACTION)'
messages and only a server shutdown helps.

Are we doing it wrong, is a JNDI lookup inside a transactional
business method forbidden? Any other suggestions?

Thnaks in advance
my best regards

 ___   ___
| + | |__Georg Rehfeld  Woltmanstr. 12 20097 Hamburg
|_|_\ |___   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   +49 (40) 23 53 27 10

- Original Message -----
From: "Georg Rehfeld" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, May 07, 2001 4:36 AM
Subject: [JBoss-user] Transaction blocks forever, LOCKING-WAITING

> Dear Helpers,
> while testing JBoss 2.1-BETA we experience this problem:
> the second sequence of calls (non concurrent) from a servlet to a
> bean blocks forever, the servlets doGet() Method never returns.
> - scenario (environment and config see below), shown is part of
>   the servlet doGet() method sequence (and the 1:N association
>   between Profile and Area)
> servletbean(BMP)   bean(BMP)
> +-+   +-+ 1  * +--+
> | ProfileTest |   | Profile |--| Area |
> +-+   +-+  +--+
>   #|  |
>   # findByPrimaryKey() |  |
>   #--->#  |
>   #|  |
>   # getData()  |  |
>   #--->#  |
>   #|  |
>   # getAreas() |  |
>   #---># jndiCtx.lookup("Area")
>   ##->
>   ##  |
>   ## findAreas()  |
>   ##->#
>   #|  |
>   # *getData() |  |
>   #-->#
>   ||  |
> First time the doGet() method completes fine and displays the one
> Profile and all the Areas associated, and so there should be no
> transaction open at all. However, when the servlet is invoked again
> (to access a different Profile) the call blocks in
> Profile.getAreas()-->jndiCtx.lookup("Area"), which is totally
> unexpected for us. Neither should be any transaction pending,
> since the first doGet() and all invoked bean methods completed
> successfully, nor we expected the JNDI context to be a transaction
> aware resource, at least the lookup() method is readonly.
> Nevertheless, we get, after a while, this log entry:
>  [Profile] Transaction XidImpl [FormatId=257, GlobalId=reathome//5,
>  BranchQual=] timed out. status=STATUS_ACTIVE
> But even after that message the Profile instance hangs waiting for
> the AreaHome reference from JNDI, the servlets doGet() method
> doesn't complete and the second Profile instance remains associated
> to a transaction. No exception is thrown, JBoss simply hangs around.
> When we after that try to access the first Profile bean again or
> some other Profile bean, surprise, surprise, all works fine again,
> all calls complete nicely, if there are associated Area instances
> or not and how many Profiles we try to access.
> But when we attempt to access the second Profile instance another
> time, we get that infamous 'LOCKING-WAITING (TRANSACTION)' log
> message with all the bad consequences (CPU usage > 90%, server.log
> grows immediately to tons of megabytes until out of disk space, only
> a JBoss shutdown helps, as this lock seems never to be released, but,
> please, don't focus your answers on this, there is help underway
> already, see this mailing list's archive and the PS2).
> Anyone out there, who can help or suggest? Thank you!
> --
> - relevant code:
> public class ProfileBean {
> ...
> /** Returns a Collection of Area beans. */
> public Collection getAreas() throws RemoteException {
> debug("getAreas()");
> if (areas == null) {
> AreaHome areaHome = null;
> try {
> Context ctx = new I

Re: [JBoss-user] Anyone know how to federate across multiple jnp ...

2001-05-07 Thread Georg Rehfeld

Hi all,

Guy Rouillier wrote:

> Scott, thanks very much for the explanation.  The reason I am doing this
> that for security purposes, we want to move as much as possible off the
> standard ports (we'll have a firewall.)  Is there anywhere an
> list of the ports that JBoss uses (out of the box - er, zip - I realize
> JBoss allows additional functionality to be plugged in), and how to change
> them? ...

A list of used ports can be found in the JBoss online docs at


 ___   ___
| + | |__Georg Rehfeld  Woltmanstr. 12 20097 Hamburg
|_|_\ |___   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   +49 (40) 23 53 27 10

JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] Transaction blocks forever, LOCKING-WAITING

2001-05-06 Thread Georg Rehfeld
[Profile] ==> DEBUG(ProfileBean)[prf_pk:206] getAreas()
[Profile] ==> DEBUG(ProfileBean)[prf_pk:206] getAreas(), looking up AreaHome
[Profile] ==> DEBUG(ProfileBean)[prf_pk:206] getAreas(), finding areas for
[Area] ==> DEBUG(AreaBean)[] setEntityContext()
[Area] ==> DEBUG(AreaBean)[] ejbFindAreasForProfile(int profileId)
[Profile] ==> DEBUG(ProfileBean)[prf_pk:206] ejbStore() skipped
[EmbeddedTomcat] >>> (ProfileTest) DEBUG: doGet() END =

### second access, no associated Areas, HANGS
[EmbeddedTomcat] >>> (ProfileTest) DEBUG: doGet() START ==
[EmbeddedTomcat] >>> (ProfileTest) DEBUG: doGet() FINDING PROFILE BY PK
[Profile] ==> DEBUG(ProfileBean)[] setEntityContext()
[Profile] ==> DEBUG(ProfileBean)[] ejbFindByPrimaryKey()
[EmbeddedTomcat] >>> (ProfileTest) DEBUG: doGet() GETTING PROFILE DATA
[Profile] ==> DEBUG(ProfileBean)[prf_pk:600] ejbActivate()
[Profile] Activated bean Profile with id = prf_pk:600
[Profile] ==> DEBUG(ProfileBean)[prf_pk:600] ejbLoad()
[Profile] ==> DEBUG(ProfileBean)[prf_pk:600] ejbStore() skipped
[EmbeddedTomcat] >>> (ProfileTest) DEBUG: doGet() GETTING AREAS
[Profile] ==> DEBUG(ProfileBean)[prf_pk:600] getAreas()
[Profile] ==> DEBUG(ProfileBean)[prf_pk:600] getAreas(), looking up AreaHome
### time passes ...
[Bean Cache] Scheduling for passivation overaged bean Profile
with id = prf_pk:206 - Cache size = 2
[Bean Cache] Aging out from cache bean Profile
with id = prf_pk:206; cache size = 2
[Container factory] Scheduled passivation of bean Profile
with id = prf_pk:206
[Container factory] ==> DEBUG(ProfileBean)[prf_pk:206] ejbPassivate()
[Container factory] Passivated bean Profile
with id = prf_pk:206
[Bean Cache] Scheduling for passivation overaged bean Profile
with id = prf_pk:600 - Cache size = 1
[Bean Cache] Aging out from cache bean Profile
with id = prf_pk:600; cache size = 1
[Container factory] Scheduled passivation of bean Profile
with id = prf_pk:600
[Container factory] Postponed passivation of bean Profile
with id = prf_pk:600
### last 4 messages repeated 2 times
[Profile] Transaction XidImpl [FormatId=257, GlobalId=reathome//5,
BranchQual=] timed out. status=STATUS_ACTIVE
[Bean Cache] Scheduling for passivation overaged bean Profile
with id = prf_pk:600 - Cache size = 1
[Bean Cache] Aging out from cache bean Profile
with id = prf_pk:600; cache size = 1
[Container factory] Scheduled passivation of bean Profile
with id = prf_pk:600
[Container factory] Postponed passivation of bean Profile
with id = prf_pk:600
### last 4 messages repeated forever

- relevant environment and configuration:

[Info] Java version: 1.3.0,Sun Microsystems Inc.
[Info] Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM 1.3.0-C,Sun Microsystems Inc.
[Info] System: Windows 2000 5.0,x86
[Default] JBoss 2.1-BETA Started in 0m:7s [binary distribution]

Tomcat is jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1

standardjboss.xml  modified to use MySQL datasource

All beans use BMP, all methods are marked as transaction CM and

No 'jboss.xml' used.

Servlet(s) and beans are packed in jar/war/ear and deploy without
warning or error.

The behaviour is repeatable anytime with our current code, I'll
freeze it, in case someone needs access to it for analysis.

Thanks in advance for your help,


 ___   ___
| + | |__Georg Rehfeld  Woltmanstr. 12 20097 Hamburg
|_|_\ |___   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   +49 (40) 23 53 27 10

PS:  We are happy to have JBoss and all it's developers,
 contributors and helpfull users, you all are doing nice work!

PS2: For the LOCKING-WAITING problem there were 2 corrections
 proposed, both to org.jboss.ejb.plugins.EntityInstanceInterceptor:
 one beeing a task sleep, which reduces CPU usage essentially,
 and the other one (published on this list) reporting only
 the start and the end of a lock synchronization instead of
 every failed lock attempt. In the current CVS (May 7th 2001)
 I can't find neither of them. Does somebody know, when these
 corrections will be made public?

JBoss-user mailing list