[JBoss-user] Security and C# clients

2004-05-07 Thread JAYARAM, Sujay, FM

Hi all,

We are currently exposing session beans within JBoss as web services (using
axis) to C# clients. We want to use the declarative syntax provided by J2EE
within our beans' deployment descriptors and to use JAAS/JBoss security
features - the problem is that there seems to be no standard mechanism for a
C# client to provide it's credentials (that we know of) so that any beans
with restricted role access can never be called (or rather these calls will
return with security exception).

Have other people solved this problem in any form? One thing we have looked
at is writing an Interceptor which uses known 'user'/'password' parameters
from the C# client and attempts to do a JAAS logon at a point in the call
stack prior to the SecurityInterceptor, so as to assume the roles required
by the bean we mean to call. However this still seems to fail :-(

Any help with this would be appreciated.


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[JBoss-user] [Security Role Matching Warning]

2004-04-01 Thread JAYARAM, Sujay, FM

Hi all,

I'm currently receiving the following warning within my JBoss log file:

11:16:49,272 WARN  [EnterpriseContext] no match found for security role
TestUser in the deployment descriptor.

and I'm struggling to understand why! Background info follows, I hope
someone can tell me if I've done something wrong.

Many Thanks
Sujay Jayaram

IT: Interest Rate Derivatives
Royal Bank of Scotland
135 Bishopsgate

- Background Info --

1. This warning occurs when I call
sessionContext.isCallerInRole(TestUser) on a session bean called

2. The logged in user is given the TestUser role by my custom JAAS login

  protected Group[] getRoleSets() {

Group[] groups = {new SimpleGroup(Roles)};
if( (getUsername() != null) 
  SimplePrincipal role = new SimplePrincipal(TestUser);
return groups;

3. ejb-jar contains the following lines:



!-- Assembly Descriptor --
 description![CDATA[description not supported yet by

 description![CDATA[Authenticate the supplied


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[JBoss-user] JBossCache

2004-03-23 Thread JAYARAM, Sujay, FM
Hi all,

I've been looking at incorporating caching into our middleware, and I wanted
to ask a very naive question about the JBossCache product:

Does incorporating JBossCache have to involve code modification in all cases
- the examples I've seen require that code is aware of the
TreeCache/TreeCacheAOP classes, however is there a way to get caching to
occur transparently (as happens with products such as LiveStore???) 

I get the impression that transparent caching is not yet supported but I
just wanted to be sure.


Sujay Jayaram
IT: Interest Rate Derivatives
Royal Bank of Scotland
135 Bishopsgate

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[JBoss-user] JBoss/Axis Clustering

2004-02-24 Thread JAYARAM, Sujay, FM
Hi all,

We are having problems when using Axis to invoke on an EJB (from a java
webservices client) when the bean is setup to run in a clustered

Although a specific bean is invoked upon, it is always the (same) bean in
the same VM as the Axis invoker (i.e. we get no load-balancing at all, even
though a stand-alone java test client is able to contact each instance of
the clustered bean on successive invocations, just as we would expect)

It seems as though Axis avoids using HA-Jndi, and just uses the local jndi
tree instead, and hence no load balancing occurs. I am wondering if we need
to specify the bean as clustered with a special @jboss-net tag as well as
the usual @jboss.clustered tag??

The other thing we looked at to get round this problem was to run two
partitions, one for just the webserver(s) and one for the clustered bean but
we can't seem to get HA-Jndi to work across multiple partitions, and we also
had problems getting two partitions up and running (something which others
seem to have had trouble with also)

We are using jboss 3.2.3 on Linux - any help appreciated.


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