[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: CMSPortlet issues - JBoss AS 4.0.3RC2 and Portal 2.0.1RC

2005-10-22 Thread sradford
I'm having the same issue.

portal-2.0.1RC1 on jboss-4.0.2

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[JBoss-user] [Security JAAS/JBoss] - Re: DynamicLoginConfig problems

2004-12-29 Thread sradford
I have worked out that the following was happening.

- The xxxRealm was being 'found' from with ear2
- The ServerLoginModule for the xxxRealm was then causing an class not found 
exception (it dynamically loads classes, and the one it required was only in 
- This exception was then being swallowed and the principal=null exception 


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[JBoss-user] [Security JAAS/JBoss] - DynamicLoginConfig problems

2004-12-24 Thread sradford

I have deployed my own ServerLoginModule via the DynamicLoginConfig (in a sar 
within an ear, called ear1). It is deployed as xxxRealm.

When I connect to EJB's deployed withing ear1, secured by the xxxRealm all 
works fine.

I now have a second ear, say ear2, which deploys more ejbs, secured by the 
above xxxRealm.

However, when I try to access the ejbs in in ear2 I get nowhere.

I get the classic [org.jboss.ejb.plugins.SecurityInterceptor] Authentication 
exception, principal=(null or XXX) deplending on wherever I do the client login 
or not.

When accessing these ear2 ejbs my ServerLoginModule does not get initialised 
(no log messages). Any ideas why?



(using Jboss-3.2.6)

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[JBoss-user] [Security JAAS/JBoss] - Re: DynamicLoginConfig problems

2004-12-24 Thread sradford
I guess I should add that both my ears have different loader-repositories 
specified via their jboss-app.xml file.

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[JBoss-user] [Nukes User] - Documentation on 'Forum Security' module

2004-07-04 Thread sradford

Where would I find documentation on the 'Forum Security' module. I'm after what all 
the options mean in both the simple and advanced modes.

I can take a guess at some, but not sure with others. What's the difference between a 
PRIVATE and REG user for instance?



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[JBoss-user] JAWS and multiple tables

2001-09-11 Thread SRadford

Can JAWS handle storing an ejb's fields to multiple tables, or one-to-many



(I know about the Dependant Value Objects)

Dr Sean Radford, MBBS, MSc
Senior Consultant
Agora Professional Services Ltd
Agora Professional Services is an entrepreneurial consulting firm
specialising in e-Business and innovative solutions since 1995.

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Tomcat/Jakarta Struts

2001-06-22 Thread SRadford

Not a solution at all, just a statement.

I deploy Struts WAR's into jboss (Embedded Tomcat) with no problem.


Grim Shieldsson
Sent by:cc:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [JBoss-user] 
Tomcat/Jakarta Struts   
22/06/2001 04:54   
Please respond to jboss-user   

Here's a head scratcher for you.
Take an EAR with accompanying WAR, with Struts properly nestled in the
WAR.  Now, run in jboss, throws classpath errors.. can't find the
struts bits.
Take the SAME WAR, throw in Tomcat without JBOSS embedded.  WAR works.
Please note, not changes, just lifted the WAR out of the EAR.
The struts.jar file is supposed to be in WEB-INF/lib, however JBOSS
does not seem to be allowing tomcat to see that.  When I allow tomcat
to deploy it  it runs fine.
Any ideas on where to go looking for this one?  I would assume that it
is somewhere in the deploy process of JBoss, but will not discount the
possibility of it being inside my code, or setup.
It's only the Struts stuff that's missing.


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[JBoss-user] JAAS with JBoss and Tomcat

2001-06-21 Thread SRadford

I've seen this problem posted but can't seem to find anything that sovles

I am running JBoss 2.2.2 FINAL with Embedded Tomcat.

I have written a JAAS Server login module (to authenticate via a DB) based
on the JBoss tutorial ages ago. To get JBoss to locate the class I HAD to
put the jar containing the class into the classpath via the startup batch
file (even though the jar is reported to have been loaded by the classpath
extension function of JBoss).

That all works fine.


Now I need to integrate with Tomcat using form based authentication. For
that I'm using a class from Dain Sunstrom as a Tomcat RealmInterceptor to
authenticate via JAAS.
With everything set up the Embedded Tomcat won't start as it can't find
BaseInterceptor (which is in web-server.jar) which is loaded by the
Classpath extension.

And if I take out my Jaas jar from the bat file the server boots fine but
when I go to authenticate from Tomcat or a Java Client again the JAAS
Server login module is not found

Anyone sorted this?

Thanks in advance,


JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] log4j+JBoss

2001-05-24 Thread SRadford

The log4j setup is in jboss.conf (to be uncommented)? Not in my version
(JBoss 2.2.0 FINAL) - Just checked my older versions (2.1 and 2.0) and
neither do they.

(I don't think I deleted them)


Dr Sean Radford, MBBS, MSc
Senior Consultant
Agora Professional Services Ltd

Guy Rouillier
Sent by:cc:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] 
24/05/2001 00:44   
Please respond to jboss-user   

I have a grand total of about 18 hrs experience  with log4j, so put the
following remarks in that context, but what you discuss  below doesn't put
the power and flexibility to maximum use.  Here is the  total of the
statements needed in the EJB code:

import org.apache.log4j.Category;

public class OurBean implements  SessionBean
   private final Category log =  Category.getInstance(getClass().getName

   public void ourMethod()
    log.info(ourMethod called);

Everything else you show below can be configured in  log4j.properties in
the jboss/conf directory.  That way, your logging code  is independent of
its final format and destination.  You can change the  format and
destination without making a single change to your source  code.

To the original appender, log4j is already  installed.  Just use the above
statements in your source.  Then  configure how you want your output to
look and where you want it to go in  log4j.properties.  The existing one
will get you started.  Finally,  you need to update jboss.conf to disable
consolelogging and filelogging and  enable log4j.  All  the statements are
already in the file, just  comment and uncomment.  From trial and error,
you can't comment by just  surrounding the block of statements with !--
and --.  The  statements are executed anyway.  You need to remove the
starting  .

Documentation for log4j can be found at
http://www.apache.org/foundation/projects.html.   Look for log4j and follow
the links.

- Original Message -
From:  Jaime, Paul
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2001 9:46  AM
Subject: RE: [JBoss-user]  log4j+JBoss

You should be able to use log4j the same way as you do for any  class. See
the examples on the Log4J docs.

This is my code on a state-full session bean,

file://*** IMPORT AS NEEDED  ***//
import org.apache.log4j.Category;
import org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout;
import org.apache.log4j.Layout;
import  org.apache.log4j.FileAppender;
import  org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator;

//** ON MY ejbCreate **//

    //set logging options
  Layout layout = new  PatternLayout(%d{HH:mm:ss,SSS}%r [%t] %c %x -
  cat.addAppender(new  FileAppender(layout,C:/temp/your.log,true));
  cat.info(Started Log for EJB);
    } catch(IOException e){
  isDebug = false;

Paul  Jaime

 -Original Message-
From:    Isidoro Fernandez Diaz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Wednesday, May 23, 2001 9:03  AM
Subject:    [JBoss-user]  log4j+JBoss


         I need to download  log4j for JBoss... Can help me
         Also I need to learn  how to install and to configure
log4j for JBoss.

    Thanks folks.  Bye.

Isidoro Fernández Díaz
Software Engineer
TELENIUM, The New  Millennium Telecom Company
Agustín de Foxá, 25, plta.  13
28036 MADRID
Tel. +34 91  315 85 62
Fax +34 91 315 63 

[JBoss-user] security question (network encryption)

2001-04-18 Thread SRadford


I haven't used JBoss much recently but did play around with JAAS and wrote
a class for authentication and access control using an RDB in version 2.0
(it of course still works in 2.2). I'm now about to look into PKI (Public
Key Infrastructure) and its usage with JBoss and have seen some references
to SRP (Secure Remote Passwords) but my question is this:

What about all the network traffic between the client and the server (over
RMI). Is there any implementation at present to encrypt this (per session
keys)? And if not could anyone point me in the direction to look into it
and do some coding?

Thanks in advance,


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