Re: [JBoss-user] mailing list and forums

2004-02-11 Thread Thomas Hentschel Lund

Also please shorten then extra info tags in the subject. I work on a
laptop running 1024x768 and evolution email client. When making
evolution as wide as possible I see a subject like:

[Jboss-user][Jboss Getting Started Documentation] - Jboss 3.2...

And I even made the subject field as wide as possible

Extremely hard to know if this is an email I want to read or not.


tir, 2004-02-10 kl. 20:42 skrev Vladyslav Kosulin:
 Hi all,
 After we united forums with mailing list, the mailing list became almost 
 unreadable. No quotes, not tree structures. It is very hard to follow 
 discussions for those who use mail clients.
 Is it possible to modify the forum software so it preserves the traditional 
 mailing list attributes, such as quote and correct header info for reply?
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Re: [JBoss-user] jboss 3.2.3 + jetty X

2003-12-22 Thread Thomas Hentschel Lund

Hear hear

We got a commercial product developed using JBoss/Jetty, and a shift to
Tomcat would be unnecessary QA for us and a huge risk for us that we are
not willing to take at this point (risk in that we need to allocate
developers to port + maintain possibly 2 branches of the product).

IMHO its all fine with JBoss mainly using Tomcat now and the developer
onboard. But having a lng history of bundling with both (even jetty
as main) puts a responsibility on the Jboss group to keep all this
professional by supporting old customers.

You guys promised us a JBoss/Jetty release - and it might come - but
dont do it like 2 month behind the JBoss/Tomcat one. Its simply not


man, 2003-12-22 kl. 02:54 skrev Mark Lassau:
 Has JBoss actually made an announcement of whether they will be 
 releasing Jetty bundles from now on?
 Either I have missed something, or we are seeing a lapse in 
 Professional Open Source.
 There are definitely a lot of users who want to continue to use 
 Jetty/JBoss for a number of valid reasons
 (eg being able to server static web content as well as HTTPS on Windows 
 platforms, keeping pure-Java platform neutral solution, known Tomcat bugs,
 or those of us who have already invested a lot of time developing and 
 testing for JBoss/Jetty etc.).
 I realise we can all go and build our own by removing tomcat SAR, and 
 dropping in Jetty SAR, but this will lead to version fragmentation.
 It is much better for the whole JBoss community if they know everyone on 
 (eg) JBoss/Jetty 3.2.3 is using the exact same setup.
 Rod Macpherson wrote:
 BCS poll shows Jetty winning however of the 18 million daily downloads
 of JBoss that majority now use Tomcat. 
 We resisted moving to Tomcat because our stuff would break horribly on
 it. When the powers that be started steering the herd toward tomcat we
 decided to put the cart before the horse and jump on the bandwagon
 before the fat lady sung. The problem turned out to be non-compliant JSP
 tags that were exposed when we moved to Tomcat. After those were fixed
 up we had no further issues to speak of. 
 -Original Message-
 From: Mike Moulton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2003 8:38 AM
 Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] jboss 3.2.3 + jetty X
 I would also like to see regular Jetty releases, despite the fact that 
 it is no longer the container of choice. However I am not holding my 
 breath, as previous post seem to indicate that politics come before 
 Mike Moulton
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Re: [JBoss-user] JBoss 3.2.4 ...

2003-12-12 Thread Thomas Hentschel Lund


3.2.3 was just released 1-2 days ago. Talk about being impatient ;-)


fre, 2003-12-12 kl. 11:18 skrev Rafal Kedziorski:
 when will be JBoss 3.2.4 released?
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Re: [JBoss-user] JBoss 3.2.4 ...

2003-12-12 Thread Thomas Hentschel Lund


Announcement was made on december 10th (2 days ago) - are you sure that
you are not running on a release candidate?


fre, 2003-12-12 kl. 11:53 skrev Rafal Kedziorski:
 At 11:31 12.12.2003, Thomas Hentschel Lund wrote:
 3.2.3 was just released 1-2 days ago. Talk about being impatient ;-)
 no, but I will not work with buggy JBoss 3.2.3.
 :) JBoss 3.2.2 was released on 1st december (I'm looking on ftp for 
 download), but I found some bugs, which is impossible for me to switch to 
 this version.
 fre, 2003-12-12 kl. 11:18 skrev Rafal Kedziorski:
   when will be JBoss 3.2.4 released?
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Re: [JBoss-user] lazy loading CMR collections

2003-09-11 Thread Thomas Hentschel Lund
You should look into the value object pattern. It allows you to retrieve 
only specified fields from beans.

If you are using xdoclet to generate your beans, then putting this into 
your code is trivial. Check out for more info


Matthew Hixson wrote:

I have a ContractBean which contains a CMR collection of 
ContentBeans.  I have a few pages that deal strictly with the 
ContractBean data, that do not need the ContentBeans' data.  However, 
when this page loads JBoss is asking the database for not only the 
information in the Contract, but also every field for every Content in 
every collection.  This is unneeded work and causes the page to take 
minutes to load.  Do I need to specify a load group in my deployment 
descriptor so that JBoss only loads the collection when


has been called?

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Re: [JBoss-user] Who is using JBoss in production?

2003-06-21 Thread Thomas Hentschel Lund
Hi Danilo (and everyone else)

More details - sure :-)

The product as such is a tool that can create ISO standard compatible 
it-security policies, and then auto generates PDF, HTML version for it. 
The policies are based on database objects rather than your typical 
Word policy. Its called SecureAware and available at 
(shameless plug - sorry ;-)

This means that we can generate automated surveys based on the policy to 
quiz the employees of companies in the policy + give feedback to the 
security manager about results etc. There is then e-learning lessons 
about security issues on top of this if you fail a quiz.

The product uses hypersonic as the database (default with JBoss, easy to 
install and run for non-tech people, fits our purpose). The application 
has approx 40-50 CMP beans.

On top we use Jetty with Cocoon to generate the interfaces both for the 
security manager and the end users. So all access is through web browsers.

To create the install disc we took a totally standard JBoss 3.0.4 
(latest and greatest at the time of last release), and ripped out all 
the services we didnt need like JMX and similar.This speeds up things on 

We then downloaded a Sun 1.4 JRE and installed it next to the other dirs 
in our product tree.

Then we modified the run.bat and changing the JAVA_HOME to 
hardcoded use that JRE to start the product. This means the customers do 
not have to separately install a JRE + it gives us control of the JRE 

As most people want to install this as either a service on Win or on 
unix, we implemented the javaservice.exe  + a bat file to install it. 
And we modified the contributed sysv startup scripts for to start up our 
software using the JRE we got.

Last but not least we copy our product ear file into the deploy dir, as 
well as copying the default database files into the 
server/default/db/hypersonic dir

We now got a complete product tree. It can be installed anywhere on 
Win+Linux and then run as both service and stand alone.

All we now needed was a installer. There are several options, but 
basically all we needed was to copy the product tree onto customer disks 
and put a few icons to the run.bat and install-as-service.bat in the 
Start menu (on Windows)

We took Zero-G's ( Install Anywhere in the Now! edition, 
as it is free and easy to use. It can also produce installers that run 
on both Win and Linux. The Now! edition is exactly what we need - copy 
stuff onto a disk and create a few icons.

So thats basically it. If you need more details, then buzz me again!

Problemswell - the only problem we have is that Sun 1.4 has a 
problem with dirs/folders with space in it. On windows almost everyone 
installs into program files. So we had to install into 
c:\SecureAware as default.

Other problems almost do not exist. We have almost no support cases at 
all - not about install issues or the product. Performance is not 
fantastic on low end machines - so our minimal requirements are P3 800 
and 256 RAM. On just slightly larger machines the software runs 
perfectly - start up in 30 secs and all pages take ~1 sec to generate.

One issue is not related to JBoss as such, but we run out of memory once 
in a while due to the Sun JRE 1.4.1 StringBuffer mem-leak. We try to go 
around this by enabling more mem to the JVM - but I cant wait to 1.4.2 
is out.


Danilo Luiz Rheinheimer wrote:

Hello Thomas,

THL We use it as base for our company product, that is sold on CD as any
THL other off-the-shelf software.
THL We got 30-40 + a uncounted number of demo installations out there that
THL are running with almost no problems, and they are all installed using a
THL standard installer - no consulting on top.
 Can you please give more datails about this ?
 I am doing a software on JBoss, and I want to sold it on CD. And I
need to make a demo cd to be installed by very non technical people.
 So this standard installer - no consulting on top is what I really
 Your demo works on Windows (and linux) ? What it installs ? The
JBoss server runs as a service on windows (or it show the DOS
screen) ?
 What problems did you have on creating this ? Can you share more
datails about the installer ?

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Re: [JBoss-user] Who is using JBoss in production?

2003-06-19 Thread Thomas Hentschel Lund
We use it as base for our company product, that is sold on CD as any
other off-the-shelf software.

We got 30-40 + a uncounted number of demo installations out there that
are running with almost no problems, and they are all installed using a
standard installer - no consulting on top.


tir, 2003-06-17 kl. 17:35 skrev [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Hi all,
 I went to the Sun JavaOne conference in the Netherlands yesterday.
 I talked to a lot of people, and noticed that not many people are using 
 JBoss in a production environment.
 I was wondering? How many of you are actually running production systems 
 on JBoss?
 Harm de Laat
 The Netherlands
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Thomas Hentschel Lund [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[JBoss-user] Dirs with spaces, 3.0.0 and the FAQ

2002-07-12 Thread Thomas Hentschel Lund
org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException: url file:/C:/tmp/Secure%20Aware/server
/default/conf/jboss-service.xml could not be opened, does it exist?
at org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentInfo.init(
at org.jboss.deployment.MainDeployer.deploy(
at org.jboss.deployment.MainDeployer.deploy(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAcces
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at org.jboss.system.server.ServerImpl.doStart(
at org.jboss.system.server.ServerImpl.start(
at org.jboss.Main.boot(
at org.jboss.Main$
11:50:48,716 INFO  [Server] JBoss (MX MicroKernel) [3.0.0RC3 Date:200205201554]
Started in 0m:0s:541ms
11:50:48,716 INFO  [Server] undeploying all packages
11:50:48,726 INFO  [MainDeployer] Undeployed 0 deployed packages
11:50:48,726 INFO  [Server] Shutting down all services
11:50:48,726 INFO  [STDOUT] Shutting down
11:50:48,726 INFO  [ServiceController] Stopping 3 services
11:50:48,726 INFO  [SARDeployer] Stopping
11:50:48,726 INFO  [MainDeployer] Removing deployer: org.jboss.deployment.SARDep
11:50:48,726 INFO  [SARDeployer] Stopped
11:50:48,726 INFO  [JARDeployer] Stopping
11:50:48,726 INFO  [JARDeployer] Stopped
11:50:48,726 INFO  [MainDeployer] Stopping
11:50:48,726 INFO  [MainDeployer] Stopped
11:50:48,726 INFO  [ServiceController] Stopped 3 services
11:50:48,726 INFO  [Server] Shutdown complete
11:50:48,726 INFO  [STDOUT] Shutdown complete

C:\tmp\Secure Aware\bin

Thomas Hentschel Lund

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