[JBoss-user] [Installation, Configuration Deployment] - Installation Frustration

2005-10-27 Thread adcworks

I'm near the end of my sanity with getting JBoss to run, really I am.

I downloaded the AS 4.0.3SP1, basically the latest and greatest.

I unzip this to my C: root and click Run. Every single port that is in the 
jboss service xml is apprently taken. Fair enough. I list my ports with netstat 
-an and it's not the case, but hey, I will humour it.

I change all ports to some random numbers that I know are not bound a la 

Startup, some progress! Must have been bound I guess, but another JVMBind issue 
now with 8080 for Tomcat. No Tomcat is running, no 8080 in netstat, but hey, 
what the hell, i'll believe it.

Change 8080 to 8345, def. not a used port. Start up again.

Every single port I changed before for the RMI and everything else I am told is 
bound again. 

Is this a bug? Is JBoss not unbinding itself from ports when it encounteres 
bind errors on startup? I've changed the port assingments so many times it's 
not funny.


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[JBoss-user] [Beginners Corner] - [ContextConfig] Missing application web.xml, using defaults

2005-04-26 Thread adcworks

I have embarked upon installing JBoss 4 to run our intranet application which 
has been happily running under TC 5 for a year.

I have managed to get as far as configuring our SQL Server datasources and mail 
session for JNDI. 

I have now copied the application iq.war into the deploy folder of the default 
server configuration but when I do so I get this output indicating that it 
could not find the web.xml file.

The war's internal structure contains WEB-INF/web.xml at the top level so I am 
not sure what the issue is - probably a newb issue.

15:46:08,526 INFO  [TomcatDeployer] deploy, ctxPath=/iq, warUrl=file:/D:/jboss-4
15:46:08,745 INFO  [ContextConfig] Missing application web.xml, using defaults o
nly StandardEngine[jboss.web].StandardHost[localhost].StandardContext[/iq]

If anyone has any suggestion how to get me past this issue, it would be 

Cheers, Allistair.

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