[JBoss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - Re: 2 jboss instances clustered using same server

2005-04-27 Thread alessandro.behling

I still have one problem, I changed the second JBoss instance confs in order to 
use a 'StagingPartition' has its partition name, there are no plances in any 
xml that has a reference to DefaultPartition, but during the startup this 
exception happens.

Any idea? My JBoss version is 3.2.5

Thank you

13:00:34,934 ERROR [HASingletonController] Starting failed jboss.ha:service=HASi
javax.management.InstanceNotFoundException: Failed to find HAPartition with Part
at org.jboss.ha.jmx.HAServiceMBeanSupport.findHAPartitionWithName(HAServ
at org.jboss.ha.jmx.HAServiceMBeanSupport.setupPartition(HAServiceMBeanS

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[JBoss-user] [Advanced Documentation] - Re: 2 instances clustered using same server

2005-04-25 Thread alessandro.behling
Hi Peter,

Thank you very much for your reply.

I've got it working, there were some port conflicts that I set up properly 
after spend some time testing and re-testing all those possibilities.

Sorry if I left my post unclear, anyway, your second assumption is correct.

I've got 2 boxes, each one with those confs set.

At the moment we have: 

www.website1.co.uk  URL used to reach the live JBoss instance (also clustered)

what we are aiming:
www.website1.co.uk/staging/  URL that will be used only internally for tests, 
etc ...  this second environment needs to be clustered as well, and I managed 
to start them properly

At the moment, I'm still with a problem, but I think it is related with my 
loadbalancing confs.

ps: in a further post I want to leave here all changes I've done in order to 
get this working, since it might be usefull to someone else.

Thank you

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JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - Re: 2 jboss instances clustered using same server

2005-04-22 Thread alessandro.behling
Hi Ben,

Thank you for your help, I didn't know about that possibility. I'll keep in my 

But, unfortunatelly I haven't got two IP addresses on my JBoss boxes, I've been 
having some progress, I'm testing a lot of different combinations of 
parameters, I know it sounds crazy, but it's the only way I've seen to try to 
understand how it works.

At this point I'm getting this message:

18:30:38,141 ERROR [URLDeploymentScanner] Incomplete Deployment listing:
MBeans waiting for other MBeans:
ObjectName: jboss.j2ee:jndiName=clustering/HTTPSession,service=EJB
 I Depend On:  jboss:service=StagingPartition

 Depends On Me:  jboss:service=ClusteredHttpSessionStaging

everything else seems to be ok, no port conflicts, etc ...

I'm sure I'm doing a terrible mistake, but I'm at that moment were I should 
have stopped hours ago ... 

Anyway, thanks in advance for any further help

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JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] [Advanced Documentation] - 2 instances clustered using same server

2005-04-21 Thread alessandro.behling

I need to set up an environment which needs to attend a live clustered JBoss 
(tha is already running) and live and another one completely different that we 
are going to use as staging, but even for staging, it needs to be clustered 
(customer requirements).

I've copied the 'all' folder into a new one, and changed some properties 
accordingly the 'JBoss Clustering' doc I've got from the docs section here in 
the JBoss web site. The settings I've changed are related with the partition 
name, because I want to get my 'staging' environment in a different partition 
than 'DefaultPartition' defined in the original conf files

So far, I've got only the live one working fine, and it was quite easy to 
setup. My problem started when I tried to configure the second one, I'm getting 
conflicts between the JNDI ports. It says that that port is already being used.

I've done many different tests, but none of them worked, and at the moment I'm 

I'd really appreciate any help, if someone has gone through this before.

Thank you

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JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] [O'Reilly JBoss 3.0/4.0 Workbook] - 2 jboss instances clustered using same server

2005-04-21 Thread alessandro.behling

I need to set up an environment which needs to attend a live clustered JBoss 
(tha is already running) and live and another one completely different that we 
are going to use as staging, but even for staging, it needs to be clustered
(customer requirements).

I've copied the 'all' folder into a new one, and changed some properties 
accordingly the 'JBoss Clustering' doc I've got from the docs section here in 
the JBoss web site. The settings I've changed are related with the partition 
name, because I want to get my 'staging' environment in a different partition 
than 'DefaultPartition' defined in the original conf files

So far, I've got only the live one working fine, and it was quite easy to 
setup. My problem started when I tried to configure the second one, I'm getting 
conflicts between the JNDI ports. It says that that port is already being used.

I've done many different tests, but none of them worked, and at the moment I'm 

I'd really appreciate any help, if someone has gone through this before.

Thank you

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JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] [JBoss Getting Started Documentation] - 2 jboss instances clustered using same server

2005-04-21 Thread alessandro.behling

I need to set up an environment which needs to attend a live clustered JBoss 
(tha is already running) and live and another one completely different that we 
are going to use as staging, but even for staging, it needs to be clustered
(customer requirements).

I've copied the 'all' folder into a new one, and changed some properties 
accordingly the 'JBoss Clustering' doc I've got from the docs section here in 
the JBoss web site. The settings I've changed are related with the partition 
name, because I want to get my 'staging' environment in a different partition 
than 'DefaultPartition' defined in the original conf files

So far, I've got only the live one working fine, and it was quite easy to 
setup. My problem started when I tried to configure the second one, I'm getting 
conflicts between the JNDI ports. It says that that port is already being used.

I've done many different tests, but none of them worked, and at the moment I'm 

I'd really appreciate any help, if someone has gone through this before.

Thank you

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JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - 2 jboss instances clustered using same server

2005-04-21 Thread alessandro.behling

If someone could give a hand on this: 

I need to set up an environment which needs to attend a live clustered JBoss 
(tha is already running) and live and another one completely different that we 
are going to use as staging, but even for staging, it needs to be clustered
(customer requirements).

I've copied the 'all' folder into a new one, and changed some properties 
accordingly the 'JBoss Clustering' doc I've got from the docs section here in 
the JBoss web site. The settings I've changed are related with the partition 
name, because I want to get my 'staging' environment in a different partition 
than 'DefaultPartition' defined in the original conf files

So far, I've got only the live one working fine, and it was quite easy to 
setup. My problem started when I tried to configure the second one, I'm getting 
conflicts between the JNDI ports. It says that that port is already being used.

I've done many different tests, but none of them worked, and at the moment I'm 

I'd really appreciate any help, if someone has gone through this before.

Thank you

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