[JBoss-user] [Installation & Configuration] - Re: Debug logging for Hibernate

2004-12-02 Thread analogueboy
not sure if its the best way forward, but we've set the level for the appender 
to debug and then change the categories that we don't want to lower levels, for 
example, org.jboss is at warn.

This works fine for us, it seemed that the appender settings took preference 
over categories. I may need to RTFM tho...

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[JBoss-user] [Installation & Configuration] - Re: Listening on 2 LAN cards

2004-12-02 Thread analogueboy
by default it will bind to so it is available on all interfaces in a 
multi-homed machine, have a look at the console output when you start the 
server for more info. You can bind it to a single interface easily too, but 
I've never tried to bind it to more than one interface where the host had more 
than 2 interfaces.

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[JBoss-user] [Installation & Configuration] - classloader - impact on performance

2004-12-01 Thread analogueboy
We have been working on an application in a standalone version of jboss, but 
when we add additional applications in the same server we hit classloader 
issues so we tried to set UseJBossWebLoader=false in the tomcat settings. 
However, the performance of the application dropped dramatically when changed 
this flag.

Why would this have such a huge impact on performance? Surely a sinlge 
application in a shared classloader would perform the same as multiple 
applications in multiple classloaders?

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[JBoss-user] [Installation & Configuration] - Re: AJP and JMX ordering

2004-09-29 Thread analogueboy
Is this something that was recently fixed in 3.2.5? We are currently using 3.2.1 in 
live, but we are planning to migrate to 3.2.5 in the coming weeks.


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[JBoss-user] [Installation & Configuration] - AJP and JMX ordering

2004-09-29 Thread analogueboy
I'm having a problem on an application which is related to the startup, Tomcat starts 
and opens the AJP port 8009 so the Apache webservers start forwarding new requests to 
it thinking that it is ready. However, my application doesn't deploy in time which 
gives me the folloewing problem "MAPPING configuration error for request URI x".

Does AJP notify the webservers when the port is opened, or will a standard 
load-balancing worker2.properties keep trying every IP adress regardless of the status 
of the box? Has anyone else come across this problem and found a way to prevent the 
application server from serving requests until all services have started? 

Any help would be greatly appreciated because we currenly have to take down the whole 
cluster to restart our application :(

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[JBoss-user] [Installation & Configuration] - jboss 3.2.1 & tomcat 5.0

2004-09-25 Thread analogueboy
I've tried to replace Jetty in Jboss 3.2.1 with tomcat 5.0, but the service won't 
start in the "all" server for me. The first exception it throws it a 
NoClassDefFoundError before proceeding to throw many more which are probably a result 
of the first.

Has anyone else tried to do this successfully? I downloaded 3.2.5 to get the Tomcat 
.sar file, but just dropping it into the all/deploy directory (after removing the 
jbossweb-jetty.sar) didn't seem to work. 

What else do I need to modify to get it to work, or are they incompatible? Should I 
just try and port all the applications to 3.2.5? If so, are there any major 
differences between 3.2.1 and 3.2.5 that could prevent the applications from being 
ported easily?

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[JBoss-user] [Installation & Configuration] - Re: jndi datasource config

2004-08-06 Thread analogueboy
The only advantage is that it starts quicker, though we've never tried a reduce 
version of jboss (i'll try that now). But there is potentially a bigger problem that  
we are having with JNDI, why does JBoss not expose the datasource below comp/env? Is 
that not a more standard location?

Or perhaps we shouldn't be using local-xa-datasource?

Very confused now :(

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[JBoss-user] [Installation & Configuration] - Re: jndi datasource config

2004-08-06 Thread analogueboy
can anyone at least provide a url or document to read because i havent been able to 
find anything after 2 hours on google

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[JBoss-user] [Installation & Configuration] - jndi datasource config

2004-08-06 Thread analogueboy
Our team of developers likes to swap between jboss+tomcat and standalone tomcat whilst 
developing the different modules in our applications (not all applications need jboss 
during development). The problem that we have is that JBoss use a private JNDI space 
for datasouces (java:/MyDataSource) whilst Tomcat tries to prepend "java:comp/env for 
it's initial context. 

How can I set up datasources in jboss and tomcat that will use the same name so that 
the applications don't need to be modified? Perhaps Jetty would (as usual) be better 
for servlet development than Tomcat?

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[JBoss-user] [Installation & Configuration] - Re: startup trouble

2004-07-08 Thread analogueboy
maybe the application server can't access hte sun site? try and telnet to the url on 
port 80 from that machine

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[JBoss-user] [Installation & Configuration] - Re: howto remove tomcat

2004-07-08 Thread analogueboy

Downloaded the .sar from the jetty site, placed it in the deploy directory and 
restarted. Jetty loads fine, begins to load my app and bang, same exception. So this 
time it's jboss not setting up xerces correctly because it is now looking for the dtd 
in the ${jboss_home}/bin directory too. Apologies to the Tomcat people, the problem is 
deeper than that.

So, is there *any* way of specifying a SYSTEM dtd for a web.xml file without putting 
the full path to the file in the DOCTYPE?

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[JBoss-user] [Installation & Configuration] - Re: howto remove tomcat

2004-07-08 Thread analogueboy
i've been investigating the origianl problem again (why tomcat can find system dtds 
correctly) and found  a post suggesting that the xerces should be used instead of 
crimson as the jaxp parser implementation. I swapped the two which helped a little, 
but now it is looking for the dtd in the ${jboss_home}/bin directory (the directory 
where the server is started.

If the dtd is placed there it will work fine, but this still isn;t the correct 
behavior of a parser, the XML I have written is correct, and the position of the DTD 
is correct, but tomcat is not acting correctly in this situation. I've tried the same 
app in jetty which i belive uses xerces too and the app deploys first time, without 
any modification.

Should this be registered as a bug  in tomcat? BTW, it apparently works correctly in 
tomcat4, the issue has arisen in tomcat5.

In regards to moving to jetty instead, I tried the fix suggested, but i still haven't 
managed to get it sorted, hopefully that'll come together soon ;)

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[JBoss-user] [Installation & Configuration] - Re: howto remove tomcat

2004-07-07 Thread analogueboy
was the jdk problem because you were using JDK 1.3? I see that the jetty.sar is 
available from the jetty website so I'll try download it from there. DO you know much 
about the JBossWeb module? From what I gather it is only the HTTP server from Jetty, 
is that correct?

Why do they employ the lead dev of tomcat if it is an Apache project? Plus, don't most 
people use Jetty in production rather than Tomcat?

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[JBoss-user] [Installation & Configuration] - howto remove tomcat

2004-07-07 Thread analogueboy
I've just wasted two hours trying to debug a problem in tomcat which also appeared in 
JBoss 3.2.5 with tomcat as the servlet container. I want to use system DTDs instead of 
public for all xml files so i changed the web.xml to this

But Tomcat (even in stand-alone v. 5.0.25) cannot resolve the DTD correctly. In 5.0.19 
it bombed out with an exception and in 5.0.25 it tried to find the DTD in the 
${tomcat_home}/bin dir!

As most of the serious problems that we have been having have been Jakarta bugs, I am 
keen to move as much as I can away from their libs, and the first port of call is to 
replace Tomcat with Jetty (btw the problem did not occur in stand-alone Jetty). How do 
I go about replace the servlet container so Jetty is servicing HTTP requests and 
servicing requests for servlets/jsps?

As an aside, I notice that hibernate are droping support for DBCP (a jakarta project) 
and are making an effort to drop all dependancies on their libraries.  Is the tomcat 
an endangered species?

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