[JBoss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Clean Seam installation - but errors, errors, errors...

2006-07-10 Thread bfo81
I adopted your proposal. And... it works, so thank you very much for the hint.

But, when deploying an example and starting the AS now I still get tons of 
those "java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 
ValidateOnMatch()Z" exceptions. It's really scaring when looking at the console 
and seeing those "at" stacktraces flying by.

Btw: It's a pity that the ZIP-File doesn't contain a complete Eclipse project. 
So I had to import the whole stuff via "... from existing ant file" and it's 
not quite the same like in the CVS version. But it's okay, I can live with that 

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Clean Seam installation - but errors, errors, errors...

2006-07-10 Thread bfo81
Well, I tried running some Seam examples. I proceeded like suggested in the 
getting started section 
(http://labs.jboss.com/portal/jbossseam/gettingstarted/index.html). But it 
didn't work out that easy, cause I'm running from one error into the other.

After installing JBoss 4.0.4 AS via the JEMS installer 
(jems-installer-1.2.0-BETA.jar) with EJB3 profile I deployed some of the Seam 
1.0.1 (fetched via CVS) examples (namely booking and blog - each one 
individually). But after starting the AS I get an exception and deployment 

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Lorg/jboss/ejb3/embedded/EJB3StandaloneDeployer;

So I put jboss-ejb3-all.jar (8.019 KBytes for comparison) from EJB3.0 RC8 into 
$JBOSS_HOME/server/default/lib (as recommended here by Gavin: 
http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&t=85604). Well, now 
there's a new very nice exception:


This one occurs 18 times in the logfile. And I found no solution for that, so I 
decided to ignore it for now.

However, another Exception told me there's no embedded-jboss-beans.xml. So I 
copied it from the Seam directory embedded-ejb/conf to 
$JBOSS_HOME/server/default/conf. After restarting the AS there's a new 

java.lang.RuntimeException: org.jboss.xb.binding.JBossXBException: Failed to 
parse source file: file:/C:/Programme/jboss-4.0.4.GA/server/default/conf/[EMAIL 
  | ...
  | Caused by java.lang.NullPointerException
  | at 

Well, the embedded-jboss-beans.xml looks like this (where *** shows 5,45, the 
position where the error occured)

  |   http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";  
  |   xsi:schemaLocation="urn:jboss:bean-deployer 
  |   xmlns="urn:jboss:bean-deployer">*** 
  | ...

And this is where I'm stuck.

Well, maybe I overlooked something in my procedure, and I must confess I'm not 
a JBoss AS expert... but I think this shouldn't be necessary just to get some 
Seam examples to work.

Maybe someone could tell me what's wrong.

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Clean Seam installation - but errors, errors, errors...

2006-07-10 Thread bfo81
PS: The Seam Hibernate demo works great. So EJB3 is the scapegoat.

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Enable Seam Debug Logging

2006-07-05 Thread bfo81
Tomcat 5.5 with Eclipse. I can see the log in my Eclipse console, but it's only 

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Enable Seam Debug Logging

2006-07-05 Thread bfo81
That would be interesting to me, too. *bump* ;).

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Beginner's question: Simple passing of data from page to

2006-07-04 Thread bfo81
I forgot: I use Tomcat 5.5.17 - not the JBoss AS

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Beginner's question: Simple passing of data from page to

2006-07-04 Thread bfo81
Well, guess that's it. The file isn't in the webapp dir, though I got it in my 
Eclipse project (in /resources dir). Thanks for that hint. I almost threw my 
laptop out of the window as I didn't get the simplest examples to work :D.

Now, I even just saw that hint on page 105 of the 1.0.1 reference 
documentation.anonymous wrote : But there is one final item you need to know 
about. You must place a seam.properties file in the root of any archive in 
which your Seam components are deployed (even an empty properties fiel will do).

Btw, it's funny that I copied build.xml from the registration example (with 
little modifications), and when inserting the registration example files into 
my project... THEY WORK *argh*. Well ok, I think I know why: The registration 
example uses the properties of an EJB3 entity (user), whilst I use properties 
of a Seam component (and as seam.properties misses, those components don't 
work), right?

However, after that long day of irritation and confusion I had a look at my 
build.xml, but I couldn't find out why Ant didn't deploy my seam.properties 
file. Maybe you could have a little look?

PS: The registration example doesn't deploy seam.properties either. Ok, it 
seems like the example doesn't need it. But when someone uses this one as a 
template for his own project (as suggested) and tries to extend it then he will 
surely go mad ;).

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: problem with running a Seam application

2006-07-04 Thread bfo81
Why is  empty in the JSP? Maybe you should put the rest (from 
username to commandButton) in it.

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Beginner's question: Simple passing of data from page to

2006-07-04 Thread bfo81
Sorry, I do mean "chat" instead of "talk" in the above post. My fault, please 
don't get confused ;).

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Beginner's question: Simple passing of data from page to

2006-07-04 Thread bfo81
I tried the following annotations:

  | @Scope(ScopeType.EVENT) // @Scope(ScopeType.CONVERSATON) // 
  | @Name("ping")
  | public class PingBean {
  | @In(required=false) @Out(required=false)
  | private String talk = "";
  | @In(required=false) @Out(required=false)
  | private String line = "";
  | ...
  | // means that I tried all those Scopes.

Well, and still I can't even get #{ping.line} resolved in the JSP, though the 
bean is stateful (I do know that stateless beans can't provide properties to 
JSF) and has getters/setters (which are also defined in the Local Interface).

And talk still is "Ping: null null"

Only the getTalk-method gets called, but there's no call on set/getLine or 
setTalk (found out via @AroundInvoke and logging).

This just doesn't make sense to me...

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: problem with running a Seam application

2006-07-04 Thread bfo81
J2EE Exceptions for themselves are not very informative (that's why debugging 
really s). Please post some of your code ;).

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Beginner's question: Simple passing of data from page to pag

2006-07-04 Thread bfo81

I have a general question that maybe even others might have ;).

I work with JSF + Spring + Hibernate + ADF Faces, but since JSF + Seam + EJB3 
is so much easier, I wanna know it better ;). But what confuses me (even when 
looking at the documentation - which is not complete yet - or the examples) are 
the different scope types of JSF beans (application, session, request), the 
Seam stuff (Event, Conversation, ...) and EJB beans (stateful, stateless).

I'd like to implement a simple example for learning Seam, but I wasn't able to 
make it work, though trying every combination of Annotations (Scope, Stateful, 
Stateless, In, Out, ...) that seemed sensible to me.

Maybe you could give me a hint, what to do with the following code to make it 
work. Let me explain you the example. I call it "ping pong". A user enters 
something into a textfield on a page called ping.jsp. After that, he's being 
led to a page called pong.jsp. There is another textfield and the user enters 
something in it. After that, he's being taken back to ping.jsp and so on. 
Everything the user types shall be shown under the textfields, with a remark on 
which page he entered it. It should look a little like a chat:

[_Textfield__]   [__Send button__]

Ping: Hello
Pong: Hello, too
Ping: Test
Pong: Lala

Now here's the code:

PingBean.java (I think I don't need to post the Local Interface here ;))

  | @Name("Ping")
  | public class PingBean implements Ping {
  | //That's the line the user enters
  | private String line; 
  | //That's the whole chat
  | @In(required=false) @Out
  | private String chat; 
  | //This one is being called after the user clicks send
  | public String send() {
  | //The line the user typed in is being attached to the whole chat
  | chat += "Ping: " + line + ";
  | //And the outcome to navigate to pong.jsp is being returned
  | return "pong";
  | }
  | //getters and setters
  | //...
  | }

PongBean.java is the same, just replace pong by ping and vice versa ;)


  | ...
  | ...

pong.jsp is similar, and the navigation rules should be clear (no redirect) ;).

Now: How to annotate the example to make it work?

At the moment:
- chat is always "Ping: null null" or "Pong: null null"
- the textfield says #{ping.line} (so the variable isn't being resolved :() 
(this explains the first null)
or in a nutshell: I can't bind the line-String to the JSF file and I can't pass 
the chat-String to the other page. Only the call of the action method works.

Please keep in mind that I just want to pass the chat variable from one page to 
the other. And as I want to have multiple instances of this "dialog" open, 
there shouldn't be any use of sessions. Just passing from one page to another 
(just like ADF Faces' "process scope", if you maybe know it).

I'd be thankful for any help :).

PS: If you wonder what this example is good for: There are many applications 
where to pass something from one page to another. E.g. if you have a list of 
customers. You select one and you want to navigate to his orders to create a 
new one. Then the software should be aware of which customer you want to add 
this order to.

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