[JBoss-user] [HTTPD, Servlets JSP] - Allowing easy customizations for a web app

2005-02-03 Thread big_main
  Right now, I'm working on a jboss/struts application that I hope to GPL 
within the next year.  It is geared for non-profit organizations, and I was 
thinking it would be helpful if the organizations could customize the look and 
feel.  Right now, the presentation is coded using JSP, and I don't want to make 
people change the JSPs.  That seems too.. clumsy.

  To me, this seems like a perfect XML + XSL situation, but I read that 
solutions that use XSL are often slow.  Anyone out there have experience 
allowing people to customize a web app??  What technology do you recommend?  


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[JBoss-user] [Security JAAS/JBoss] - Re: Entity Beans for DatabaseLoginModule

2004-10-26 Thread big_main
  Scott, I thank you very much for your help on this issue!!  Your responses on this 
forum are one of the main reasons I have been able to create a successful jboss 
application.  I'm sure many others are in this boat too...

  Security was so easy to set up this way, I almost feel dirty. :)  

  In case anyone wants to know, I'm running only two security entity beans: Role and 
Principal.  I'm using CMR to set up a many to many relationship between them, so 
there is a Role_Principal table in the middle.  

The principalQuery runs off of the Principal table.
The rolesQuery runs off of the middle Role_Principal table.

  I just set up a simple session bean to allow creation/changing of users and roles, 
and everything is working sweetly.  Initially, as Scott mentioned, you have to create 
an administrative account manually.  I just set up a quick SQL query to create a 
password changer account that my users can run on install.

Thanks again!

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[JBoss-user] [Security JAAS/JBoss] - Entity Beans for DatabaseLoginModule

2004-10-21 Thread big_main
  Please excuse me if this has been asked before, but can someone tell me if it is ok 
to control the Principals and Roles tables (for the DatabaseLoginModule) with entity 

  My current application needs to manually change user roles quite often, so it needs 
to be done through the web.  I did a few quick tests and it looks like I can just 
create a PrincipalBean and RoleBean and everything will work- even with CMP.  This 
would be nice and easy...

  Is there any security problem with this approach?  I'm a newbie with all of this, so 
please be gentile. :)  I appreciate your help - this forum rocks!


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