[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Simultaneous execution of Fork children

2005-12-11 Thread chprvkmr
Hi Jbpm Team,

 Why async behavior implemented in jbpm 3.1 alpha is not 
recommended strongly instead of custom implementation of fork and join nodes. 
Its clear that you people are really working hard on this issue. When we can 
expect highly robust jbpm 3.1. All the best.


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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Simultaneous execution of Fork children

2005-12-09 Thread chprvkmr
HI Sean,

anonymous wrote : parallel1 and parallel2 are designed to go 
into wait states. I then signal their respective tokens which causes parallel1b 
and parallel2b to run. each waits 30 seconds before continuing, so I have time 
to signal the tokens. 

 Can you elaborate on that. If possible provide code snippet.

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Simultaneous execution of Fork children

2005-12-07 Thread chprvkmr

   Yes ofcourse, not specifying in userguide the meaning of concurrent to 
fork node is really misleading. I would have not wasted my time. Nevertheless 
lets hope jbpm will comeup with an alternative approach. As we are not using 
any EJB stuff (only jsps and servlets), this behaviour of fork will be of big 
headache to us.

   I need some clarification to the approach specified by Ralfoeldi, please 
clarify me if possible.

   Lets consider a simple process definition with start-state,  fork node 
with two childs, a join and an end-state.

   After  calling/passing a message to JMS, an action to be executed is 
decided based on parameters passed. thats fine. After that I need to signal 
token to get on to next state (lets say next fork child), right! Until then 
action that is associated with next fork child is not executed. Am I right. 

  Lets go with an eg., it seems to me to make current fork approach(which 
is sequential) to parallel is something like splitting  a sequential program as 

  | step-1
  | step-2
  | step-3
  | ..
  | step-10
  | step-11
  | step-12
  | step-13
  | ..
  | step-20
  |Above steps needs to be splitted in such a manner so that first 10 steps 
and next 10 steps needs to be run parallely (concurrently)! 

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: jBPM 3.1alpha Feedback

2005-12-07 Thread chprvkmr

 While trying for async nodes, actions are passed to MessageService but 
they are not getting executed by Command Executor.

Process definition


Action Handlers

  | package org.jbpm.tutorial.action;
  | import org.jbpm.graph.def.*;
  | import org.jbpm.graph.exe.*;
  | // MyActionHandler represents a class that could execute 
  | // some user code during the execution of a jBPM process.
  | public class MyActionHandler implements ActionHandler {
  |   private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
  |   public void execute(ExecutionContext executionContext) {
  |  System.out.println("**action1 started**");
  |  for(int i=1; i<500; i++){
  |  System.out.println("[action 1] i = " + i);
  |  }
  |  System.out.println("**action1 ended**");
  |  executionContext.leaveNode();
  |   }
  | }

  | package org.jbpm.tutorial.action;
  | import org.jbpm.graph.def.*;
  | import org.jbpm.graph.exe.*;
  | // MyActionHandler represents a class that could execute 
  | // some user code during the execution of a jBPM process.
  | public class MyActionHandler2 implements ActionHandler {
  |   private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
  |   public void execute(ExecutionContext executionContext) {
  |  System.out.println("**action2 started**");
  |  for(int i=1; i<500; i++){
  |  System.out.println("[action 2] i = " + i);
  |  }
  |  System.out.println("**action2 ended**");
  |  executionContext.leaveNode();
  |   }
  | }

Process definition gets loaded nicely

  | 14:36:44,527 DEBUG [HibernateSessionFactoryInterceptor] fetching hibernate 
SessionFactory from JNDI 'java:/jbpm/SessionFactory'
  | 14:36:44,621 DEBUG [SchemaValidationHelper] activating schema validation...
  | 14:36:48,505 DEBUG [HibernateSessionFactoryInterceptor] placed hibernate 
session factory in context key 'org.hibernate.SessionFactory'
  | 14:36:48,505 DEBUG [HibernateSessionInterceptor] opening a hibernate session
  | 14:36:48,505 DEBUG [HibernateSessionInterceptor] storing hibernate session 
in context key 'org.hibernate.Session'
  | 14:36:48,521 DEBUG [HibernateSessionInterceptor] storing the jdbc 
connection created by hiberante in context key 'java.sql.Connection'
  | 14:36:48,521 DEBUG [JbpmSessionInterceptor] storing jbpm sessions in the 
  | 14:36:48,521 DEBUG [HibernateTransactionInterceptor] beginning hibernate 
  | 14:36:48,521 DEBUG [SchedulerThread] checking for timers
  | 14:36:48,521 DEBUG [HibernateTransactionInterceptor] committing hibernate 
  | 14:36:48,521 DEBUG [JbpmSessionInterceptor] removing jbpm sessions from the 
  | 14:36:48,521 DEBUG [HibernateSessionInterceptor] removing hibernate session 
from the context
  | 14:36:48,521 DEBUG [HibernateSessionInterceptor] removing connection from 
the context
  | 14:36:48,521 DEBUG [HibernateSessionInterceptor] closing hibernate session
  | 14:36:48,521 DEBUG [HibernateSessionFactoryInterceptor] removing hibernate 
session factory from context
  | 14:36:48,583 WARN  [JpdlXmlReader] process xml warning: warning: no 
swimlane or assignment specified for task '
  |   |   
  |   | 
  |   | 
  |   | 
  |   |   
  |   | '
  |   | 
  | 14:36:48,599 DEBUG [FileDefinition] preparing file 
'classes/org/jbpm/tutorial/action/MyActionHandler.class' for storage in the 
  | 14:36:48,599 DEBUG [FileDefinition] preparing file 
'classes/org/jbpm/tutorial/action/MyActionHandler2.class' for storage in the 
  | 14:36:48,599 DEBUG [FileDefinition] preparing file 'processimage.jpg' for 
storage in the database
  | 14:36:48,599 DEBUG [FileDefinition] preparing file 
'classes/org/jbpm/tutorial/action/ActionTest.class' for storage in the database
  | 14:36:48,599 DEBUG [FileDefinition] preparing file 'gpd.xml' for storage in 
the database
  | 14:36:48,708 DEBUG [PersistenceContext] committing transaction
  | when state-2 is signalled it goes to asnc node, state-3 but not executing 
  |After this, there is no polling done for fetching new commands
  |   | 14:38:51,936 DEBUG [LogFilter] request 

[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: jBPM 3.1alpha Feedback

2005-12-06 Thread chprvkmr

 It seems console output during transitions/events disabled in this version 
eg. while node-enter,node-leave etc.. How to enable them?

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JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Simultaneous execution of Fork children

2005-12-05 Thread chprvkmr

Anyone using jbpm 3.0.2 ? Please state how to make children under fork 
to be executed parallely. I tried in many ways, not succeeded. Its urgent. 

   Also it seems to me that at a time only one timer gets executed. 
(especially if transition from timer goes to some node, which executes so long) 
.  It seems to me that everything in jbpm is sequential apart from having 
multiple tokens. Having multiples tokens, which indicates different states 
[some states may require to run parallely - ;) ]  is good but wholeprocess is 
going in a single thread!?. May be my interpretation is wrong or Iam confused. 

Please assist me in accomplishing execution of  children under fork 


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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Simultaneous execution of Fork children

2005-12-03 Thread chprvkmr
 Based on the above experimentation, we tried to introduce timers that can pass 
control to next transition once it got triggered.

 It worked fine, but net result was only one process got executed at a time.  
Eventhough here action logic is not clubbed with any timer's event, Why 
schedular not triggered another timer?How it's different from previous 
approach. Please help.

Process definition

  |   Action node Triggered For Reading File state-3
  |   Action node Triggered For Reading File state-5

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Simultaneous execution of Fork children

2005-12-03 Thread chprvkmr

Thanks for your reply. We tried to execute 2 processes parallely with below 
process definition.

After fork1, state-2 and state-4 were assigned to users, praveen and 
siddarth respectively. Once they 
closed their respective task(clicking 'save and close' button), both states 
state-3 and state-5 (equipped with actions) started running parallely and the 
process instance ended fine.

Here we noticed that along with 2 parallel process even SchedulerThread is 
going fine, checking for timers

NOTE:: ->Here action class, com.sample.webapp.demo1.ReadFile simply reads a 
file and displays it in console
   ->Input file contains numbers 1 to 65536 serially, each in a 

  |  Input file
  |  1
  |  2
  |  .
  |  65536
  | Process Definition
  |   | 
  |   | 
  |   | 
  |   | 
  |   |   
  |   |   
  |   | 
  |   |   
  |   |   
  |   |   
  |   | 
  |   |   
  |   | 
  |   |   
  |   | 
  |   |   
  |   | 
  |   |   
  |   | 
  |   |   
  |   | 
  |   |   
  |   | 
  |   |   
  |   | 
  |   |   
  |   | 
  |   | 
  |   | 
  |   |   
  |   | 
  |   | 
  |   |   
  |   |   
  |   |   
  |   | 
  |   | 
  |   |   
  |   | 
  |   |   
  |   | 
  |   |   
  |   | 
  |   | 
  |   |   
  |   | 
  |   | 
  |   |   
  |   | 
  |   |   
  |   | 
  |   |   Action node Triggered For Reading File state-3
  |   | 
  |   | 
  |   |   
  |   | 
  |   |   
  |   | 
  |   |   
  |   | 
  |   | 
  |   |   
  |   | 
  |   | 
  |   |   
  |   | 
  |   |   
  |   | 
  |   |   Action node Triggered For Reading File state-5
  |   | 
  |   | 
  |   |   
  |   | 
  |   |   
  |   | 
  |   |   
  |   | 
  |   |   
  |   | 
  |   |   
  |   | 
  |   | 
  |   | 
  |   | 
  |   |   
  |   | 
  |   | 
  |   |   
  |   | 
  |   |   
  |   | 
  |   | 
  |   | 
  | Console Output
  |   | ...
  |   | 17:03:36,895 INFO  [STDOUT] 12211 -> One process started executing 
  |   | 17:03:36,895 INFO  [STDOUT] 12212
  |   | 17:03:36,895 INFO  [STDOUT] 12213
  |   | 17:03:36,895 INFO  [STDOUT] 12225
  |   | 17:03:36,895 INFO  [STDOUT] 12226
  |   | 17:03:36,895 INFO  [STDOUT] 12227
  |   | 17:03:36,895 INFO  [STDOUT] 12228
  |   | 17:03:36,895 INFO  [STDOUT] 12229
  |   | 17:03:36,895 INFO  [STDOUT] 12230
  |   | 17:03:36,895 INFO  [STDOUT] 12231
  |   | 17:03:36,895 INFO  [STDOUT] 12232
  |   | 17:03:36,973 INFO  [STDOUT] 36217 -> Another process running parallely
  |   | 17:03:36,973 INFO  [STDOUT] 36218
  |   | 17:03:36,973 INFO  [STDOUT] 36219
  |   | 17:03:36,973 INFO  [STDOUT] 36220
  |   | 17:03:36,973 INFO  [STDOUT] 36221
  |   | 17:03:36,973 INFO  [STDOUT] 36222
  |   | 
  |   | (2 process running parallely running)
  |   | 
  |   | 17:03:48,020 INFO  [STDOUT] 36393
  |   | 17:03:48,020 INFO  [STDOUT] 36394
  |   | 17:03:48,098 DEBUG [SchedulerThread] found timer 
timer(Timer1,17:03:35,000) ->Schedular also running
  |   | 17:03:48,098 DEBUG [SchedulerThread] executing timer 
  |   | 17:03:48,098 INFO  [STDOUT] Hibernate: select events0_.TASK_ as 
TASK8___, events0_.ID_ as ID1___, events0_.EVENTTYPE_ as EVENTTYPE2___, 
events0_.ID_ as ID1_0_, events0_.EVENTTYPE_ as EVENTTYPE2_7_0_, events0_.TYPE_ 
as TYPE3_7_0_, events0_.GRAPHELEMENT_ as GRAPHELE4_7_0_ from JBPM_EVENT 
events0_ where events0_.TASK_=?
  |   | 17:03:48,098 INFO  [STDOUT] 36395
  |   | 17:03:48,098 INFO  [STDOUT] 36396
  |   | 17:03:48,098 INFO  [STDOUT] 36397
  |   | 
  |   | (2 process running parallely running)
  |   | 
  |   | 17:03:48,098 INFO  [STDOUT] 12456
  |   | 17:03:48,098 INFO  [STDOUT] 12457
  |   | 17:03:48,098 INFO  [STDOUT] 12458
  |   | 17:03:48,098 INFO  [STDOUT] 12459
  |   | 17:03:48,098 INFO  [STDOUT] Hibernate: select 
runtimeact0_.PROCESSINSTANCE_ as PROCESSI5___, runtimeact0_.ID_ as ID1___, 
runtimeact0_.PROCESSINSTANCEINDEX_ as PROCESSI7___, runtimeact0_.ID_ as 
ID1_11_, runtimeact0_.EVENTTYPE_ as EVENTTYPE2_22_11_, runtimeact0_.TYPE_ as 
TYPE3_22_11_, runtimeact0_.GRAPHELEMENT_ as GRAPHELE4_22_11_, 
runtimeact0_.PROCESSINSTANCE_ as PROCESSI5_22_11_, runtimeact0_.ACTION_ as 
ACTION6_22_11_, action1_.ID_ as ID1_0_, action1_.NAME_ as NAME3_8_0_, 
REFERENC5_8_0_, action1_.ACTIONDELEGATION_ as ACTIONDE6_8_0_, action1_.EVENT_ 
as EVENT7_8_0_, action1_.PROCESSDEFINITION_ as PROCESSD8_8_0_, 
action1_.EXPRESSION_ as EXPRESSION9_8_0_, action1_.TIMERNAME_ as 
TIMERNAME10_8_0_, action1_.DUEDATE_ as DUEDATE11_8_0_, action1_.REPEAT_ as 
REPEAT12_8_0_, action1_.TRANSITIONNAME_ as TRANSIT13_8_0_, 
action1_.TIMERACTION_ as TIMERAC14_8_0_, action1_.class as class0_, 
action2_.ID_ as ID1_1_, action2_.NA
  |   | ME_ as NAME3_8_1_, acti

[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Simultaneous execution of Fork children

2005-12-02 Thread chprvkmr
Hi Koen,

 You saved my life.

anonymous wrote : accomplishing parallel execution is simple using states, 
process-states or task-nodes

Thats really great. It would be fine if this illustrated with some simple 
examples. This is the area where  many people have lots of confusions. Actually 
by seeing this long discussion [2 pages ;)- ] it gives an impression that 
accomplishing parallel execution is difficult.

 anonymous wrote : Remember that jBPM is not a thread manager, it is a workflow 

What I feel is in business process management, executing concurrent processes 
(simultaneously) is also of primary concern.

Thanks in advance,

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Jbpm in websphere - How ?

2005-12-02 Thread chprvkmr
In jboss we are using jbpm and hibernate as service archives (.sar). So my life 
is easy here. But in websphere how to use them in similar manner or do we got 
any alternative approach. If anyone tried jbpm in websphere please share your 

Thanks in advance.

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JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Simultaneous execution of Fork children

2005-12-01 Thread chprvkmr

  General impression that everyone get on fork is multiple elements of it 
would run parallely. But lack of such support is a big drawback.. In jbpm 3.0.2 
whether using fork-join combination is equivalent to have multiple states put 
together one after another, executing serially one after another!. How to 
accomplish this parallel execution pattern in jbpm 3.0.2

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Jbpm in websphere - How ?

2005-12-01 Thread chprvkmr
Hi All,

 Iam unable to deploy jbpm web-app in websphere. Right know Iam using 
jboss only. We need to deploy application in websphere. Can anyone share their 
experience in this regard. Are there any docs/links stating deployment of jbpm 
in websphere. Availibility of such docs will enable many users to use jbpm in 
wide variety of servers.

Thanks in advance,

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Assigning a task to->{group, rolebased,...}

2005-12-01 Thread chprvkmr
HI Koen,

  Do you have any alternatives for role-based assignment or an idea 
how to do it.

Thanks and Regards,

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Assigning a task to->{group, rolebased,...}

2005-12-01 Thread chprvkmr

  What I undestood is we can't depond on expression assignment handler. Is 
there any work around for role-based assignment. 

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Not getting latest Process definition

2005-12-01 Thread chprvkmr
Anyone can listout the situations where 
graphSession.findLatestProcessDefinitions() fails to fetch latest definitions. 
For a particular processdefinition Iam getting old version being listed instead 
of latest one.

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: ActionHandler - new class

2005-12-01 Thread chprvkmr
Visit this topic,may be helpful



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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: First jpdl, help

2005-11-30 Thread chprvkmr
Hi Sharma,

It will be better if you start with jbpm starters kit. To get 
an overview you can go through java programs in src/java.examples folder of 
jbpm. For sample webappplication, src.java.webapp folder. For more stuff go 
through src/java.jbpm.test folder

Best Regards,

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Assigning a task to->{group, rolebased,...}

2005-11-30 Thread chprvkmr
Hi Koen,

 By using setPooledActors() command, Iam able to assign task to 
multiple users. My question is by using assignment expression whether we can 
asssign a task to multiple users like this.

I think test-1 is working fine as a row is created in jbpm_pooledactor and 
jbpm_taskactorpool  tables  as follows::

  | jbpm_pooledactor 
  | 1231dummy   
  | jbpm_taskactorpool  
  | - 
  | 1225 1231
  | test-2
  | group(dummy) --> member(teammember)
  |   |  This expression is assigning task sometimes to praveen and sometimes 
to siddarth but not to both even though both  are teammembers. Here Iam confused
  |   | 
  | Also is there is any command that can show all the pooled tasks for an 
user(actor), I mean tasks that are assigned to groups or roles for which user 
is associated with should also get extracted.
  | Thanks in advance.

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Not getting latest Process definition

2005-11-30 Thread chprvkmr
Hi Kukeltje,

  My par file contains below contents::

  | gpd.xml
  | processdefinition.xml
  | processimage.xml
  | I have created a new process project using eclipse plugin, 
which created by default sample.par folder with above contents. Later I 
modified the processdefinition.xml file, adjusted the image [ as boxes are 
overlapped], checked whether processimage.jsp reflects my processdefinition or 
not. If everyting is fine then compressed sample.par folder and renamed it to 
  | Iam loading this par file through a jsp page
  |   | <%@ page language="java" %>
  |   | <%@ page 
  |   | 
  |   | <%
  |   |  UserBean objUserBean = (UserBean)  session.getAttribute("userBean");
  |   |  if(objUserBean == null)
  |   |  {
  |   | %>
  |   |
  |   |  <%
  |   |  }
  |   | 
  |   |  String processDefPARPath = request.getParameter("xmlPathProcessDef");
  |   |  if(processDefPARPath == null || processDefPARPath.trim().equals(""))
  |   |  {
  |   |  %>
  |   |  
  |   |Please select process definition path to continue .
  |   |Home
  |   | <%
  |   |return;
  |   |  }
  |   | %>
  |   | 
  |   | <%
  |   |   // Get process definition
  |   |ProcessDefinition processDefinition = null;
  |   |try
  |   | {
  |   |   processDefinition = 
  |   | }
  |   | catch(Exception fne)
  |   | {
  |   | %>
  |   |Error:: <%= fne.getMessage() %>
  |   |Failed to start process.
  |   |Home
  |   | <%
  |   |   fne.printStackTrace();
  |   |return;
  |   | }
  |   | 
  |   | // Save process definition in db.
  |   | JbpmSession jbpmSession = 
  |   | 
  |   | GraphSession graphSession = jbpmSession.getGraphSession();
  |   | 
  |   | graphSession.saveProcessDefinition(processDefinition);
  |   | %>
  |   | 
  |   |Started process with Id, <%= processDefinition.getId() 
%> successfully
  |   |Home
  |   | 
  |This way Iam able to store par file in database. Later I can get the 
processdefinitions with graphSession.getLatestProcessDefinitions() method.
  |If I try to deploy another/modified processdefinition with the same 
name as that of already existing process definition[old one], its getting 
loaded successfuly. But while fetching process definition 
list[graphSession.getLatestProcessDefinitions()], instead of modified process 
definition, old process definition is fetched. 

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JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Not getting latest Process definition

2005-11-30 Thread chprvkmr
Hi All,

  I have created a par file that contains processdefinition.xml(say 
with name pdefTest1.xml), processimage.jsp and gpd.xml. I deployed it and able 
to create process instances on it. But when I updated processdefinition.xml 
(pdefTest1.xml) and redeployed that par file, it got loaded successfully in 
database but its not there in the list fetched by 
graphSession.findLatestProcessDefinitions() [getting old processdefinition id 
only] . Whenever I modified processdefinition, I need to give it a new name in 
 tag so as to obtain it from 
graphSession.findLatestProcessDefinitions(). Is there any workaround for this

Thanks in advance

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JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Assigning a task to->{group, rolebased,...}

2005-11-30 Thread chprvkmr
Hi All,

 Right now Iam playing with assignment handlers and I have many 
 What will happen when we assign a task to
 [1] group
 [2] role {member ship name}

 what I expected is task should be assigned to all members of group/who 
matched role. But here when task is assigned to group, its not getting assigned 
to any user and if task is assigned based on role then its getting assigned to 
only one user even there exists many users with that role.

Process Definition


Assignment Handler -> Swimlanetest2AH1

  | package com.sample.workflow.assignments;
  | import org.jbpm.graph.exe.*;
  | import org.jbpm.taskmgmt.def.*;
  | import org.jbpm.taskmgmt.exe.Assignable;
  | import org.jbpm.identity.assignment.*;
  | public class Swimlanetest2AH1 extends ExpressionAssignmentHandler {
  |   private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
  |   public void assign(Assignable assignable, ExecutionContext 
executionContext) {
  |   System.out.println("*Inside Swimlanetest2AH1");
  |   String strExpression = 
  |   System.out.println("Got expression as " + strExpression);
  |   System.out.println("*Assigning based on assignment expression");
  |   super.expression = strExpression;
  |   super.assign(assignable, executionContext);
  |   System.out.println("***Finished Swimlanetest2AH1*");
  |   }
  | }


  | **
  | 959 M   960 958
  | 957 M   leaderofthegang 956 958
  | 960 M   teammember  4   959
  | 961 M   teammember  5   959
  | 962 M   projectleader   6   959
  | 963 M   technicalleader 7   959
  | *
  | 958 G   hellsangels hierarchy
  | 959 G   dummy   project
  | --
  | 3   U   bert[EMAIL PROTECTED]   
  | 956 U   john
  | 960 U   bill
  | 4   U   siddarthsiddarth
  | 2   U   ernie   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
  | 5   U   praveen praveen
  | 6   U   rajeev  rajeev
  | 7   U   shaileshraval   shaileshraval

Below are sample assignment tests that are performed.

  | (test-1)
  | data given=
  | initiatorname::rajeev
  | assignmentexpression::group(dummy)
  | console output=
  | 20:51:47,833 INFO  [STDOUT] Hibernate: select hibernate_sequence.nextval 
from dual
  | 20:51:47,848 INFO  [STDOUT] *Inside Swimlanetest2AH1
  | 20:51:47,848 INFO  [STDOUT] Got expression as group(dummy)
  | 20:51:47,848 INFO  [STDOUT] *Assigning based on assignment expression
  | 20:51:47,848 DEBUG [ExpressionAssignmentHandler] resolving first term 
  | 20:51:47,848 INFO  [STDOUT] Hibernate: select hibernate_sequence.nextval 
from dual
  | 20:51:47,848 INFO  [STDOUT] Hibernate: select group0_.ID_ as ID1_, 
group0_.NAME_ as NAME3_2_, group0_.TYPE_ as TYPE4_2_ from JBPM_ID_GROUP group0_ 
where group0_.NAME_=?
  | 20:51:47,864 INFO  [STDOUT] ***Finished Swimlanetest2AH1*
  | 20:51:47,864 DEBUG [GraphElement] event 'task-create' on 
'Task(tmp1swimlanetest-2-state-2)' for 'Token(/)'
  | 20:51:47,864 INFO  [STDOUT] Hibernate: select events0_.TASK_ as TASK8___, 
events0_.ID_ as ID1___, events0_.EVENTTYPE_ as EVENTTYPE2___, events0_.ID_ as 
ID1_0_, events0_.EVENTTYPE_ as EVENTTYPE2_7_0_, events0_.TYPE_ as TYPE3_7_0_, 
events0_.GRAPHELEMENT_ as GRAPHELE4_7_0_ from JBPM_EVENT events0_ where 
  | 20:51:47,864 DEBUG [GraphElement] event 'after-signal' on 
'StartState(tmp1swimlanetest-2-state-1)' for 'Token(/)'
  | 20:51:47,864 DEBUG [TaskBean] assignmentlogs: []
  | 20:51:47,864 INFO  [STDOUT] Hibernate: select hibernate_sequence.nextval 
from dual
  | 20:51:47,864 INFO  [STDOUT] Hibernate: select hibernate_sequence.nextval 
from dual
  | 20:51:47,864 

[JBoss-user] [Beginners Corner] - Jboss 3.2.3 not starting with jdk1.5.0

2005-11-24 Thread chprvkmr

 Iam using jboss 3.2.3 with jdk1.4.1 set as JAVA_HOME. When I pointed 
JAVA_HOME to jdk1.5.0, server is not starting.

With JAVA_HOME=C:\jdk1.4.1

  | .
  |   JBoss Bootstrap Environment
  | .
  |   JBOSS_HOME: D:\jboss-3.2.3\bin\\..
  | .
  |   JAVA: C:\jdk1.4.1\bin\java
  | .
  |   JAVA_OPTS:  -Dprogram.name=run.bat
  | .
  |   CLASSPATH: ;C:\jdk1.4.1\lib\tools.jar;D:\jboss-3.2.3\bin\\run.jar
  | .
  | .
  | 11:21:58,073 INFO  [Server] Starting JBoss (MX MicroKernel)...
  | 11:21:58,073 INFO  [Server] Release ID: JBoss [WonderLand] 3.2.3 (build: 
CVSTag=JBoss_3_2_3 date=200311301445)
  | 11:21:58,073 INFO  [Server] Home Dir: D:\jboss-3.2.3
  | 11:21:58,073 INFO  [Server] Home URL: file:/D:/jboss-3.2.3/
  | 11:21:58,073 INFO  [Server] Library URL: file:/D:/jboss-3.2.3/lib/
  | 11:21:58,073 INFO  [Server] Patch URL: null
  | 11:21:58,073 INFO  [Server] Server Name: default
  | 11:21:58,073 INFO  [Server] Server Home Dir: D:\jboss-3.2.3\server\default
  | 11:21:58,073 INFO  [Server] Server Home URL: 
  | 11:21:58,088 INFO  [Server] Server Data Dir: 
  | 11:21:58,088 INFO  [Server] Server Temp Dir: 
  | 11:21:58,088 INFO  [Server] Server Config URL: 
  | 11:21:58,104 INFO  [Server] Server Library URL: 
  | 11:21:58,104 INFO  [Server] Root Deployment Filename: jboss-service.xml
  | 11:21:58,104 INFO  [Server] Starting General Purpose Architecture (GPA)...
  | 11:21:58,370 INFO  [ServerInfo] Java version: 1.4.1_01,Sun Microsystems Inc.
  | 11:21:58,370 INFO  [ServerInfo] Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM 
1.4.1_01-b01,Sun Microsystems Inc.
  | 11:21:58,370 INFO  [ServerInfo] OS-System: Windows XP 5.1,x86
  | 11:21:58,495 INFO  [ServiceController] Controller MBean online
  | 11:21:58,620 INFO  [MainDeployer] Started jboss.system:service=MainDeployer
  | 11:21:58,682 INFO  [MainDeployer] Adding deployer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  | 11:21:58,682 INFO  [JARDeployer] Started jboss.system:service=JARDeployer
  | 11:21:58,698 INFO  [MainDeployer] Adding deployer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  | 11:21:58,714 INFO  [SARDeployer] Started 
  | 11:21:58,714 INFO  [Server] Core system initialized

With JAVA_HOME=C:\jdk1.5.0

  | .
  |   JBoss Bootstrap Environment
  | .
  |   JBOSS_HOME: D:\jboss-3.2.3\bin\\..
  | .
  |   JAVA: C:\jdk1.5.0\bin\java
  | .
  |   JAVA_OPTS:  -Dprogram.name=run.bat
  | .
  |   CLASSPATH: ;C:\jdk1.5.0\lib\tools.jar;D:\jboss-3.2.3\bin\\run.jar
  | .
  | .
  |   | 11:26:37,407 INFO  [Server] Starting JBoss (MX MicroKernel)...
  |   | 11:26:37,438 INFO  [Server] Release ID: JBoss [WonderLand] 3.2.3 
(build: CVSTag=JBoss_3_2_3 date=200311301445)
  |   | 11:26:37,438 INFO  [Server] Home Dir: D:\jboss-3.2.3
  |   | 11:26:37,438 INFO  [Server] Home URL: file:/D:/jboss-3.2.3/
  |   | 11:26:37,438 INFO  [Server] Library URL: file:/D:/jboss-3.2.3/lib/
  |   | 11:26:37,438 INFO  [Server] Patch URL: null
  |   | 11:26:37,438 INFO  [Server] Server Name: default
  |   | 11:26:37,438 INFO  [Server] Server Home Dir: 
  |   | 11:26:37,438 INFO  [Server] Server Home URL: 
  |   | 11:26:37,438 INFO  [Server] Server Data Dir: 
  |   | 11:26:37,454 INFO  [Server] Server Temp Dir: 
  |   | 11:26:37,454 INFO  [Server] Server Config URL: 
  |   | 11:26:37,454 INFO  [Server] Server Library URL: 
  |   | 11:26:37,454 INFO  [Server] Root Deployment Filename: jboss-service.xml
  |   | 11:26:37,454 INFO  [Server] Starting General Purpose Architecture 
  |   | Failed to boot JBoss:
  |   | javax.management.InstanceNotFoundException: 
  |   | at 
  |   | at 
  |   | at 
  |   | at 
  |   | at 
  |   |