[JBoss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - Re: Dynamically create JMS destinations in clustered environ

2006-03-31 Thread chris_pollentier
The queue will be persistent if you configured the JMS provider to use 
persistent queues (the file hsqldb-jdbc2-service.xml in the 
deploy-hasingleton/jms directory configures the persistent storage using 
hypersonic DB)

There is no secondary JMS server where the queue can be added. When deploying 
JMS on a clustered environment,  it is running ONLY on the master node. 
Any node using JMS must connect to this node. If the node goes down, it gets 
redeployed on the newly selected master node (this occurs for all services 
deployed in the deloy-hasingleton directory)

The service described in this thread describes a service that automatically 
detects the master node, and delegates the creation of JMS queues to that node. 
When the master node goes down, and a new node is selected to host the JMS 
provider, then the service will automatically direct the subsequent queue 
creation calls to that new node.

For 'normal' usage of JMS (sending / receiving), use the cluster wide 
jndi-context (listening on port 1100) to get the JMS ConnectionFactories. The 
connection factories will take care of routing the message to the correct node 
The RMIAdapter is intended to be used to invoke a method on an MBean on the 
master node of a cluster (e.g. when trying to create a queue at runtime), 

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[JBoss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - Re: Dynamically create JMS destinations in clustered environ

2005-03-29 Thread chris_pollentier

I did indeed found a solution for this.

Check wiki:

This wiki explains how to deploy an RMI invoker that can be used to invoke 
methods on singleton MBeans from anywhere in the cluster.
This invoker is deployed as a singleton (deploy-hasingleton) on the each node 
in a cluster, and binds itself to HAJNDI, which makes it available 
The invoker will delegate all calls to it's local MBeanServer. Since the 
RMIAdapter is deployed in the deploy-hasingleton directory, this will always be 
the MBeanServer that is also running the JMS DestinationManager MBean

After you deploy this RMI invoker, you can create a queue at runtime by 
invoking the DestinationManager through this rmi-invoker:

// Get HAJNDI InitialContext
Properties env = new Properties();
env.setProperty(Context.PROVIDER_URL, localhost:1100);
InitialContext context = new InitialContext(env);

// Get the RMI Invoker
RMIAdaptor rmiAdaptor = (RMIAdaptor) 

// Create the queue by delegating the call to the 'master' server
// through the RMI invoker
ObjectName objectName = new ObjectName(jboss.mq:service=DestinationManager);
rmiAdaptor.invoke(objectName, createQueue, new Object[] {name}, new String[] 

This solution is working fine for me. Hope it helps you as well.


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[JBoss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - All singleton services on the same JBoss

2005-03-04 Thread chris_pollentier
A question about Singleton services:

Assuming that I put singleton services NOT in the deploy-hasingleton directory, 
but in the deploy (or farm) directory: 
When a master is chosen for the singleton services, is there always one JBoss 
instance chosen as master for ALL singleton services, or can each singleton 
service have it's 'own' master assigned.

E.g. if I configure the following two services SingletonA and SingletonB, each 
with a SingletonController:

  | mbean code=cluster.test.singleton.SingletonA
  | name=cluster.test:service=SingletonA
  | /mbean
  | mbean code=cluster.test.singleton.SingletonB
  | name=cluster.test:service=SingletonB
  | /mbean
  | mbean code=org.jboss.ha.singleton.HASingletonController
  | name=cluster.singleton:service=SingletonAController
  | dependscluster.test:service=SingletonA/depends
  | dependsjboss:service=DefaultPartition/depends
  | attribute 
  | attribute name=TargetStartMethodstartSingleton/attribute
  | attribute name=TargetStopMethodstopSingleton/attribute
  | /mbean
  | mbean code=org.jboss.ha.singleton.HASingletonController
  | name=kiala.singleton:service=SingletonBController
  | dependskiala.test:service=SingletonB/depends
  | dependsjboss:service=DefaultPartition/depends
  | attribute 
  | attribute name=TargetStartMethodstartSingleton/attribute
  | attribute name=TargetStopMethodstopSingleton/attribute
  | /mbean

I deploy these services on multiple JBoss instances in the deploy directory. 
When I startup the cluster, the services are running on only one JBoss.

My question is, will these services always run on the same JBoss. If the 
current master goes down, will there be one new master selected for all 
services, or will one JBoss instance be selected for each service separately, 
possibly causing singletonA and singletonB to run on differnet servers.

I am running JBoss-3.2.4 (will soon upgrade to 3.2.7, so if there is a 
difference related to this question please tell)


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[JBoss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - Dynamically create JMS destinations in clustered environment

2005-03-02 Thread chris_pollentier
Hi all,

I have deployed JMS in a clustered environment, using the 'all' server 
In this configuration, the JMS DestinationManager service is deployed as a 
singleton service.

I want to create queues on demand from within my application. Before we were 
running in a clustered environment, I retrieved the DestinationManagerMBean, 
and called the createQueue(..) method.
Now this poses a problem, because the code that wants to create the queues is 
deployed on both JBoss instances. When I try to create a queue from the JBoss 
instance where the DestinationManager is NOT deployed, I get an exception 
saying that it cannot find the DestinationManager service (which is normal, 
since it is running on the other JBoss).

My question: Is there a way to invoke a method from the singleton service 
(DestinationManager) from anywhere in the cluster, while the code does not know 
if it is running on the master node ?

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[JBoss-user] [JCA/JBoss] - Re: No ManagedConnections available ...

2005-01-14 Thread chris_pollentier
We had the same issue. This is related to a bug in Jboss ConnectionPool.

The bug has been fixed in jboss 3.2.6

For details:

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