[JBoss-user] [Beginners Corner] - Some general question about jboss

2004-06-26 Thread connecstasy

I had been testing JBoss 3 years ago, when setting up a transport market platform with 
messagedriven beans. It worked well, however, what I was missing was :

Imagine the scenario of a network of JBoss instances running on different hosts 
interconnected by the internet:

a) I missed means to declare an EJB as distributed - meaning - running on this or that 
instance of the server, on this or that host, or having data deployed redundantly, 
defining degrees of redundance, defining propagation methods of updates to these 
objects, aso. - the whole distributed object handling which I - for now - only know 
from a product called corso - which is extremely expensive, was missing
b) resource control: I want to be able to specify which EJB is authorized to which 
resources, and to what amount. E.g: "all of the EJBs modeling workflow between 
transport service providers should get just about 50% of total cpu resources 
available, etc."
c) I want to define some extremely cpu-hungry EJBÃÂs as running distributedly, on 
different machines, at the same time : I do not mean distribution at the 
instance-grained level (meaning one instance here, one instance on the other server), 
I mean the possiibility not to cre about WHERE actually the ejb is consuming ejb 
ressources - but knowing that it is benefiting from the pool of all EJB servers who 
are registered to _share_ cpu resources for given instances of EJBÃÂs, which - for 
each instance - run distributedly.
d) distributed transaction handling.

Can I find these features in JBoss ?
If not - where can I find them ?
Are these features non-J2EE compliant ?



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JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] Is JBoss/JBoss MQ XA-compliant ?

2001-07-10 Thread connecstasy


I have a slight problem involving message driven beans here :

"ReaderMDB" listens on topic "Magazine" for messages containing "Reader" in the 
message-property "Receiver-Classes". 
It is a messagedriven bean able to handle state information in a database.

onMessage() does the following : 
- reads message-property "Reader-ID" to know which customer the ReaderMDB represents. 
- reads from table "readers-desk" : if the appropriate record is showing "instance 
activated", then it must die and the message must remain in the topic for consumption 
! (the purpose is not to have 2 ReaderMDBs representing the same "Reader" updating 
their state at the same time !!)

- updates table "readers-desk" with "instance activated" 
- does some message postings to the topic. 
- does some other database reads and updates 
- updates appropriate record in table "readers-desk" with "no instance activated". 

Well, from what I understood from the specification of MDBs and JMS, it is possible to 
do all this atomically.

Imagine an exception is thrown in the onMessage method :
1) updates to databases will BE rolled back if an exception occurs within this - is 
this true for JBoss/JBossMQ ? 
2) consumption of the message will be "rolled back", so that another instance may 
consume this message later from the topic "Magazine".
3) message postings done within onMessage will also be rolled back. 

Am I right here ? The problem is : we cant afford commercial products to support this. 
I hoped this was supported by JBoss and JBossMQ.

4) what happens if the MDB issues a message to the topic it had consumed from ? will 
this be rolled back ? will this be possible at all ? 
5) what happens if the MDB issues a message to the topic it had consumed from, and 
this message may be a message to itself. Does this open up any conflicts ? 

Best regards, Jubin 

When you have ejb-ref's you will also need a 
jboss-web.xml (for the war file) and possibly jboss.xml if you have ejb-ref's in 
your bean jars.

  - Original Message - 
  G.L. Grobe 
  Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2001 3:09 PM
  Subject: [JBoss-user] 's 
  If I put the  tag in, I get errors 
  when the war loads upon initialization of JBoss. If I leave it out, it loads 
  successfully. But still doesn't work once I browse the servlet. I get 'ejb not 
  bound' errors.
  It's been suggested to me both ways and I just 
  wanted to get a more concrete answer on a 
  servlet that does a lookup to an ejb in the web.xml file.

[JBoss-user] Stateful Session beans : how long can state be preserved ?

2001-05-30 Thread connecstasy


in my application I have a messagedriven bean connected to a topic. The bean gets a 
message, extracts some information, and then calls up it's servant, a stateful session 
bean. This stateful bean will execute some actions, have some state changes, and then 

One hour later, the messagedriven bean calls the stateful session bean again : is the 
state still there or will it be lost ? 

What about 2 days later ? 

How can I "tune" this ? 

Please, if you have advices, I need those who are not specific to one application 

Best regards, Jubin 

JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] Benchmark Results BEA/JBOSS for Asynchrnous Applications

2001-05-23 Thread connecstasy

Hi people,

here are results for the messaging benchmarks, for BEA and JBoss.
First, a little description of the scenario.

We decided for this simple scenario to benchmark :

PostingClient posts to Topic1.
MDB1 (a message driven EJB) is listening on topic1, gets the message, puts
its time of receipt in the message, and sends it to topic2.
MDB2 (a message driven EJB) is listening on topic2, gets the message, puts
its time of receipt in the message, and sends it to topic3.
MDB3 (a message driven EJB) is listening on topic2, gets the message, puts
its time of receipt in the message, and sends it to topic4.
MDB4 (a message driven EJB) is listening on topic2, gets the message, puts
its time of receipt in the message, and sends it to topic1.
and when the message is posted to topic1, MDB1 regets the message.
There is another listener on topic1 --> MonitoringClient.
MonitoringClient gets the messages arriving there, and reports the times the
message took between the 4 MDBs.

Summary : the messages sent into the EJB Server remain in there, and make
loops from MDB1 to MDB4 and back again, endlessly.

Hardware : Pentium II, 400 Mhz, 256 Megs of RAM.
OS : Windows NT4
VM : Sun 1.3

Benchmark Testing Series :

Weblogic Benchmarks:
VM : 64MB heapsize.
Configurations :
1) max-beans-in-free-pool : 50initial-beans-in-free-pool : 6 (in the
entries in weblogic-ejb-jar.xml, for each of the 4 message beans)
2) max-beans-in-free-pool : 500initial-beans-in-free-pool : 62
3) max-beans-in-free-pool : 2000  initial-beans-in-free-pool : 250

for each configuration we tested (with 1 KB messagesize):
50 msgs, 500 msgs, 5000msgs, and infinite (until server crash - maximum time
waiting for crash 30 minutess)

On JBoss :
VM: 64MB heapsize.
(in jboss.xml)
1) container-invoker : maximumsize 50,maxmessages 1 - container-pool:
maximumsize 50 minimumsize 6
2) container-invoker : maximumsize 500,maxmessages 1 - container-pool:
maximumsize 500 minimumsize 62
3) the maximum jboss could handle even with 128mb ram for the heapsize of
the VM was :
container-invoker : maximumsize 500,maxmessages 1 - container-pool:
maximumsize 500 minimumsize 100

for each configuration we tested (with 1 KB messagesize):
50 msgs, 500 msgs, 5000msgs, and infinite (until server crash - maximum time
waiting for crash 30 minutes)


Results for Weblogic :
this server is very fast and stable. With 5000 Messages, we had a crash at
configuration 1, at 1800 Messages sent.
With configuration 2, it crashed at 3300, and with configuration 3 we had a
crash as early as with 500 messages - but that was due to the low heapsize
of the VM.
When we raised the heapsize to 128Megs, the server ran good with 1
Sending times : we mesaured the times needed for a message to be sent
between to consecutive MDBs - for weblogic it was all around 0,1 secs.
At 1 messages, average sending time was 1,4 seconds.
For 5000 messages, even with config 3, we had 0,8 seconds.
All other results were very acceptable, average times of 0.01 to 0.2.

If you need any more details, contact me.

JBoss :

config 3,2 : 3 seconds average with 50 messages.

Well, to be very honest : perhaps I m doing something fundamentally wrong,
and I dont know exactly what strategy JBoss is pursuing in its kind of
message delivery, but JBoss crashed at every config with 500 messages.

Average sending times at 50 messages were 3 seconds, regardless of the
configuration used, the parameters showed little or no effect.

I know that these parameters should tune throughput, I know, and I know that
with 4 topics and 4 MDBs, we are not simulating a true asynchrnously
designed application, meaning : with asynchronous components only.

But regardless of the throughput, no one wants to wait 12 seconds for a
Even with 30 messages in the system, the average was 2 seconds, meaning 8
seconds in total to wait for a response : and this with only 4 asynchronous
At 10 messages, we got average times of 0,7 seconds - meaning a response
time of 3 seconds in total, which could be acceptable.

It is also strange that weblogic showed significant CPU usage when
increasing the JMS load, while JBoss stayed very happy with around 10%, not
caring about any optimization in speed, it seems.

Have we forgotten any parameters to SPEED up sending times, message
delivery, or MDB invocation for JBoss ?

I am really wondering.

For precise details, contact me.

Best regards, Jubin Zawar

JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] Benchmark results for MDBs - are we doing something wrong ?

2001-05-17 Thread connecstasy

Hi list,

we were testing jboss for its performance in a messagedriven design.

A client was sending 500 messages in a period of 50 seconds to topic 1.

Messagedriven bean 1 captured the message, and sent it to topic 2.
Messagedriven bean 2 captured the message, and sent it to topic 1.

On topic 1, there were 2 subscribers : messagedriven bean 1, and a monitoring client.
So messages sent to the system were tripping around in a loop, and the monitoring 
client could listen to whats going on.

Well, here is what the monitoring client told us :
after 500 messages, the time a message took between MDB1 and MDB2 was 30 seconds, and 
jboss was unstable, we never saw the last messages coming back, and waited for somehow 
5 minutes to see them. 

So we decided to stop sending in new messages at only 50 messages.

There we could observe that the delay a message took between bean 1 and bean 2 was 
around 7 seconds.

We enlarged the heap size of the VM to go between 128 and 196MB. 

The results for 50 messages stayed the same.

Well, then we decided to increase the number of beans and topics from 2 to 4.

So now instead of having messages taking their way between MDB1 and MDB2 continuously, 
we had 4 beans, and 4 topics between them.

We measured the time again, the time a message took while traveling between all 4 

Here we got the following results :
MDB1 - MDB2 : 16 seconds.
MDB2 - MDB3 : 5 seconds.
MDB3 - MDB4 : 5 seconds.

In all the above cases the CPU usage was VERY low.
Hardware : Pentium II 400Mhz, 256 MB RAM, Windows NT4.
JVM : Sun JVM 1.3.0rc3, heap size 128-196MB RAM.

Message size was one parameter to be tested too - well, here we the following results :
when increasing the message size in the above cases, we got MORE CPU usage, and 
slightly more traveling times for the messages.

But hey well, I don't know what to think about it :

I envisaged a totally asynchronous and decoupled design for my project : and now I see 
that at 50 messages circulating in the system, my components can't handle requests at 
less than 50 requests, I get unacceptable response times !

Am I right here ? What are we doing wrong ? 
In the design I hoped to realize for my project, every component would be loosely 
coupled - everything independent, and communicating and cooperating via messages, to 
handle requests.
I would surely have had 100 topics in my system, with around 20 different beans 
listening for them.

But with delivery times of 16 seconds per message, at only 50 messages circulating 
around (with less than 5 KB each), and only 4 topics, I cant even THINK about 
implementing this way.

Well, damn.

Best regards, 

Jubin Zawar

JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] Resource Management

2001-05-15 Thread connecstasy


well pardon me if I completely lack of knowledge about jboss here, but : is it 
possible to write an EJB application in JBoss where it is possible to dynamically 
manage an EJB's resources.
Say "Paul" is an EJB component.

- percentage of container cpu time consumed by Paul : the container consumes its own 
cpu time. Now I want that Paul, who is an EJB, consumes a max of 20% of the 
container's cpu time.
- percentage of memory consumed.

Best regards, 


JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] Benchmarking Messaging in JBoss

2001-05-15 Thread connecstasy

hi list !

we are going to benchmark jboss for messaging.

scenario is the following :

PostingClient thread posts messages to Topic 1, with a key as identifier and some junk 
data variable in size (Testing Parameter 1).
Messagedriven Bean 1 listens on topic 1, writes the current time to 
"lastTimeReceivedMDB1" in the message, increases the "howManyTimesSent" counter and 
posts it to topic 2.

Messagedriven Bean 2 listens on topic 2, writes the current time to 
"lastTimeReceivedMDB2" in the message and posts it to topic 1.

MonitoringClient thread listens on topic 1.

MDB1, also listening on topic 1, will recapture the message and then increase counter, 
write time, and post it to topic 2, etc. etc.

PostingClient will continuously bring new messages to the system.

MonitoringClient has facilities for identifying the messages in topic 1 and will care 
about :

- time difference between MDB1 and MDB2

and other parameters.

We are probably going to benchmark weblogic's newest app server version as well.

Best regards, jubin

JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] OO Design in Java : a tough question

2001-05-10 Thread connecstasy

Hi userlist, hi David Jencks.

Well I think I have sufficiently done research now to come up with a complete 
description of the problem and ask precise questions.

Try not thinking about jboss or any ejb server here. Here is what I try to implement, 
how it will be realised best, is treated in a section further below.

1) the problem :

several organizational units have to be running a giant enterprise. These units can be 
seen as humans. Each of them has a profession, and an office. 
Together they all form a big enterprise. The structure of the enterprise is the best 
an enterprise can have : every "employee" sees himself as an enterprise within the 
enterprise. An "intrapreneur".
So every employee has its office, it's communication channels, it's decisive power, 
and it's own "personality" – try not to focus on the “personality” 
here, peronality will not be implemented, don’t worry.
Example : Paul is an employee who gets a regular salary and enjoys a sure job: he 
takes decisions in favor of the enterprise as a whole. Whereas Tom is a guy who may 
profit from the enterprise's growth, but is more independent than Paul. He needs big 
deals, and he's paid by the number of deals he is making, and the size of his deals.
If Paul is getting the following requests within the time of 1 hour: 
1) +10:00AM "I need a big machine with great CPU Power"
2) +10:30AM "I need a small machine affordable for less than 1000$",

he will chose the small request and handle it. Why ? Because Paul knows that Marc is 
an expert for big machines, and he will be able to handle the request better. So he 
will chose request 2 and communicate request 1 to Marc.

Whereas if Tom would have gotten this requests, his behaviour would have been :
1) +10:00AM "I need a big machine with great CPU Power"

Tom accepts it - it's his BIG Deal man !! 

2) +10:30AM "I need a small machine affordable for less than 1000$",

Tom is busy and refuses the order, communicates it to Paul.

These guys react upon messages that may be interesting to them. Additionally, they may 
have "deadlines" - like - Tom needs to make at least one decision every hour.

If at 11:00AM there's no deals, he may set some actions.

So Tom will "activate" himself hourly and see for a decision, if none has been made - 
am I right here ? Well - I even think there would have to be some activation 
scheduling mechanism here or what would you say ?

I could have realised an enterprise scenario in a synchronous way with classic EJB.

I chose async for reasons of load balancing and because of more independence between 
the objects, which are not just "slaves", but maybe later will get their own "life" in 
there, and act as masters AND slaves.

The questions are :

1) what about transactions in a message driven solution ? suppose we have a request 
which needs the acknowledgement of 10 employees who could complete the task together 
for the customer. We could implement transactions in including the "OK"'s in the 
message or issuing "Acknowledge" requests to every employee involved. But maybe there 
is already a transaction mechanism more simple and efficient within the EJB2.0 
specification for a message-oriented application.

2) suppose we realise this scenario in message-driven EJB : then I would have to have 
a messagedriven bean acting as request handler for Paul e.g. The messagedriven 
"PaulSecretary" bean consumes a request message for Paul, and invokes the method 
"checkYourDesk" for Paul. Paul is a stateful session bean, which has gathered state 
information over time. It's "checkYourDesk" method brings Paul back to life, he checks 
the new state and makes decisions. The decisions taken are returned to PaulSecretary, 
and the secretary will then write a response to a topic or queue, or maybe do nothing, 
based upon Paul's answer. 
So far, so good. But now comes the big deal : Paul needs to check his desk every hour 
at least. No matter if anything in the outside world has changed or not, no matter if 
any new message of interest for him pending, he needs to get back to life every hour, 
and check his situation : why ? Because his state has changed ? Why has his state 
changed.  Because one hour has passed and nothing's been published. He will have to 
take a decision now, and maybe he will do nothing, or maybe he will contact somebody 
and tell him "there's nothing going on, what should I do ?"
So - I guess what I would need know for Paul would be a SchedulingManager which 
activates Paul every hour e.g. The SchedulingManager would contact Paul's Secretary by 
generating a message directed to Paul every hour. This would wake up his secretary who 
would wake up Paul etc.

Additionally : Paul is an employee, he acts like 100 other employees in the enterprise 
who are active all day. Those employees of his department inherit from a general 
employee class. But TOM is a company within the company. He has a very specific 
behaviour, but inherits behaviour from Paul's department too

AW: Re: [JBoss-user] Advice wanted : Messagedriven Design

2001-05-08 Thread connecstasy

Hi David,

> I don't have practical experience with what you are suggesting, but are
> sure javaspaces/jini is not a more appropriate framework for your system?

Well, I doubt it. I am currently making my way through the documentation of
messagedriven EJBs, and I m pretty much disappointed they are stateless in
fact - state information - if required - would have to be engineered
"artificially". The system is pretty much in a "vision" phase.
I have to clear one thing first : I am not a developer anymore, but I was.

I am revising the document I have about messagedriven beans right now, and
will come up with a couple of more concrete questions lateron.

The worry I have with Javaspaces etc., is that it maybe does not provide
such a robust environment as an EJB server for all that - and this
application is required to be high-available as hell !!
JavaSpaces is something completely new to me, are you familiar with it ?

Ciao, Jubin

- Original Message -
From: "David Jencks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2001 3:14 PM
Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] Advice wanted : Messagedriven Design

> Hi,
> I don't have practical experience with what you are suggesting, but are
> sure javaspaces/jini is not a more appropriate framework for your system?
> thanks
> david jencks
> On 2001.05.08 06:46:11 -0400 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I have some questions for experienced jBosS or maybe just ejb experts
> > here, having implemented systems with lots of asynchronous messagedriven
> > components.
> >
> > The thing I want to design in here is a network of objects communicting
> > with each other. The concept of message-driven components is just
> > fantastic.
> >
> > I will describe what's going on in my zoo :
> >
> > we have lots of objects in there - lets call them beings. These beings
> > communicate with each other, have different interests, and the whole
> > system is going to serve people in the physical world with different
> > intentions. However it is clear that the objects in the server have one
> > working field - lets say the food industry.
> >
> > The objects in there gather data from different datasources : databases,
> > incoming messages, or even clients connecting to the objects. Paul, a
> > food deliverer, may have his own EJB in there gathering requests for him
> > and managing them in a way that is most economic for him when he drives.
> > His EJB is autonomous, answers requests from other EJBs and just gives
> > them information, and makes deals for Paul, or even IS Paul, whenever he
> > is logged in into his EJB.
> >
> > Well - I know thats quite a sick vision.
> >
> > We have lots of objects in there who wont ever be the representation of
> > real-life person. But now come the design issues for this system :
> >
> > I decided to design every object in there like "Paul". So everything in
> > there, or almost everything, will be asynchronous.
> > And every EJB will be able to communicate with nearly every other,
> > asynchronously.
> >
> > Has anyone in here ever put up something similar ?
> >
> > Is there a big trade-off in performance ?
> > (whenever, in a synchronous design, there are several method calls
> > waiting on one object, the ejb server is surely handling them in a queue
> > also - so there are surely queues in synchronous as in asynchronous
> > design).
> >
> > What should I watch out for ?
> >
> > My main worry is the performance of a message-driven design. But the
> > possibilities are just fantastic.
> >
> > So my questions are :
> > - how would you see the performance issue ?
> > - if performance is acceptable, do you have any design tips for an
> > asynchronous design ?
> > - have you ever implemented and been running such a system with jboss ?
> > - with a large number of messagedriven objects floating around (the
> > number of objects is larger in the messagedriven design of the system,
> > than in a synchronous design)
> >
> > What would you say ?
> >
> > Best regards, Jubin
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > JBoss-user mailing list
> > http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jboss-user
> >
> ___
> JBoss-user mailing list
> http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jboss-user

JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] Advice wanted : Messagedriven Design

2001-05-08 Thread connecstasy


I have some questions for experienced jBosS or maybe just ejb experts here, having 
implemented systems with lots of asynchronous messagedriven components.

The thing I want to design in here is a network of objects communicting with each 
other. The concept of message-driven components is just fantastic.

I will describe what's going on in my zoo :

we have lots of objects in there - lets call them beings. These beings communicate 
with each other, have different interests, and the whole system is going to serve 
people in the physical world with different intentions. However it is clear that the 
objects in the server have one working field - lets say the food industry.

The objects in there gather data from different datasources : databases, incoming 
messages, or even clients connecting to the objects. Paul, a food deliverer, may have 
his own EJB in there gathering requests for him and managing them in a way that is 
most economic for him when he drives. His EJB is autonomous, answers requests from 
other EJBs and just gives them information, and makes deals for Paul, or even IS Paul, 
whenever he is logged in into his EJB.

Well - I know thats quite a sick vision.

We have lots of objects in there who wont ever be the representation of a real-life 
person. But now come the design issues for this system :

I decided to design every object in there like "Paul". So everything in there, or 
almost everything, will be asynchronous. 
And every EJB will be able to communicate with nearly every other, asynchronously.

Has anyone in here ever put up something similar ?

Is there a big trade-off in performance ?
(whenever, in a synchronous design, there are several method calls waiting on one 
object, the ejb server is surely handling them in a queue also - so there are surely 
queues in synchronous as in asynchronous design).

What should I watch out for ?

My main worry is the performance of a message-driven design. But the possibilities are 
just fantastic.

So my questions are :
- how would you see the performance issue ?
- if performance is acceptable, do you have any design tips for an asynchronous design 
- have you ever implemented and been running such a system with jboss ?
- with a large number of messagedriven objects floating around (the number of objects 
is larger in the messagedriven design of the system, than in a synchronous design)

What would you say ?

Best regards, Jubin

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Callbacks with MessageDrivenBeans

2001-05-07 Thread connecstasy


I've got a rather conceptual problem regarding Message-driven Beans.

I basically want to realise the following :
We have the two EJBs : ejbA ejbB and ejbC

ejbA has been asked by a client to execute its "askejbB" method.

ejbB is messagedriven, is notified of the request from ejbA, and finds out
that it needs information from ejbC.
It then contacts ejbC, which is also messagedriven.
ejbC may have to wait very long to provide the information, up to 30
there are 3 instances from ejbB active at the moment, each of them is
respectively waiting for answer from 3 instances from ejbC.

so ejbB1, ejbB2, ejbB3, are waiting for ejbC1, ejbC2, ejbC3

the problem I have is with the notion of "topic" :
suppose ejbB1 is listening for the topic "order", to which the ejbC's are
writing to.

How can I guarantee that it will be instance-specific ?

Bye, Jubin

JBoss-user mailing list

AW: RE: [JBoss-user] easy to implement Informix Support ???

2001-04-11 Thread connecstasy

Hello Marc,

I wanted to ask you directly, as you are one of the main developers on jboss

1)is EJB 2.0 supported yet ?
 2)   are message-driven beans supported and tested yet ?
3) what about the external persistence manager ?

Best regards,


> Von: "marc fleury" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Datum: 2001/04/11 Wed AM 03:36:01 CEST
> Betreff: RE: [JBoss-user] easy to implement Informix Support ???
> |-Original Message-
> |[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of David Jencks
> |Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2001 9:24 PM
> |Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] easy to implement Informix Support ???
> |
> |
> |Hi,
> |
> |Have you tried using the JCA jbosscx framework with the blackboxDS example
> |adapter?  I'm not quite sure but I think all the configuration of this
> |stuff is not hard coded but works from properties in the pool
> |configuration.  Right now its a bit unpleasant in that you have to start
> |the ds by hand every time you start jboss...but this will probably be fixed
> |soon.
> nothing prevents you from calling the MBeanServer or the configuration
> service for that matter and passing it the relevant xml stuff,  heck
> I bet you could do it from the web.
> amrc
> |
> |David Jencks
> |On 2001.04.10 05:51:39 -0400 "Schneider, Joerg (Zentrale Frankfurt)" wrote:
> |> Hello everybody,
> |>
> |> after reading all the messages in this mailing-list regarding support of
> |> Informix databases, i've the impression, that supporting this database
> |> should be easy and could be done with small efforts.
> |>
> |> First of all, i want to state what is working (in my opinion) by now
> |> (jboss
> |> 2.1) :
> |>
> |>Establishing connections, if the minerva-class XADataSourceImpl
> |> is
> |> used.
> |>Database operations, if transaction and persistent type is bean
> |>
> |> Second, here's what is not working (in my opinion) by now (jboss 2.1) :
> |>
> |>If the IfxXADataSource class is used, an exception is thrown
> |> while
> |> starting jboss with message "wrong argument" (please review older
> |> messages
> |> in this mailing-list describing the exact stack-trace).
> |>If transactions should be handled by the container, an
> |> runtime-exception is thrown with message "xares not enlisted".
> |>
> |> In my opinion, the informix-jdbc driver 2.20JC1 (type 4, XA implemented)
> |> works fine, except it is missing the methods "setURL" and
> |> "setProperties",
> |> which are used by jboss to configure the XADataResource.
> |> According to previously sent mail's, the way to configure a XADataSource
> |> is
> |> not part of any specifications, so any vendor can implement whatever
> |> methods
> |> he wants to do configuration. The informix jdbc-driver offers a lot of
> |> methods to use for config issues (setUser, setPassword, setProperties,
> |> setDatabase) and is well documented to.
> |>
> |> So, a slight change of the jboss config-procedure could make this
> |> database
> |> easily available :-).
> |>
> |> For developing and testing purposes, one can obtain all informix-products
> |> for all platforms from "www.informix.com/evaluate/ after registering
> |> free-of-charge for a limited period of time.
> |>
> |> If anyone has successfully configured an informix database-environment
> |> (which means, i'm wrong with all my conclusions) with jboss 2.1, please
> |> let
> |> me know.
> |> Otherwise, i would suggest to enhance jboss the way i mentioned above
> |> (this
> |> is far more easy for a active member of the development community, as it
> |> is
> |> for me, isn't it ?).
> |>
> |> Kind regards
> |>
> |> Joerg Schneider
> |>
> |> Voice: +49 (69) 263 - 7918
> |> Fax:   +49 (69) 263 - 11877
> |>
> |>
> |> ___
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> |> http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jboss-user
> |>
> |
> |
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