[JBoss-user] [Installation Configuration] - Database pool only showing half the minimum connections allo

2005-01-18 Thread daorriss
Perhaps I'm misunderstanding something here, but I have the following 
configured for my oracle connection pool - 20 for a minimum pool size and 100 
for a max pool size.  However the DBA is only seeing 10 connections being made 
from JBoss.  What's going on here??.  (code included - trimmed for brevity).  

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
  | datasources
  |   local-tx-datasource
  |   jndi-namejdbc/OracleDS/jndi-name
  |   connection-urljdbc:oracle:oci:@osmv2dev/connection-url 
  | driver-classoracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver/driver-class
  | user-name/user-name
  | password/password
  | prepared-statement-cache-size100/prepared-statement-cache-size
  | min-pool-size20/min-pool-size
  | max-pool-size100/max-pool-size
  | blocking-timeout-millis1/blocking-timeout-millis
  | idle-timeout-minutes15/idle-timeout-minutes
  |   /local-tx-datasource
  | /datasources

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[JBoss-user] [Installation Configuration] - Re: Database pool only showing half the minimum connections

2005-01-18 Thread daorriss
OK after finding the section in the Administrators guide on this.  I find that 
connections aren't created by default until they're needed.  OK.. but what if I 
want to initially create that pool of 20?  Is there any way to configure this?

anonymous wrote : 
  | This element specifies the minimum number of connections a pool should 
hold. These pool instances are not created until an initial request for a 
connection is made.

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[JBoss-user] [Installation Configuration] - Re: HTTP Session Timeout Configuration?

2005-01-17 Thread daorriss
Will setting the timeout in the web.xml file of my WAR override that setting?

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[JBoss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - Rolling updates?

2005-01-17 Thread daorriss
What is your hypothesis of the results of performing a rolling update of the 
JBOSS clustered web servers by shutting down just one JBOSS instance, upgrading 
it and then restarting it and then going to the next??  I m afraid that small 
changes in the structure of the application would make this fail.  The problem 
then is that we have to create a WebUI/MidTier outage for the production 
servers when we push updates.

Any thoughts or ideas on this?

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[JBoss-user] [Installation Configuration] - HTTP Session Timeout Configuration?

2005-01-11 Thread daorriss
Where is HTTP Session Timeout configured in JBoss?  What file needs to be 
edited, etc?

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: Service (SAR file) that relies on an EJB...

2004-11-30 Thread daorriss
pique wrote :  mbean code=com.some.body.class.name 
  |   |  name=ISS:service=UUU
  |   |   dependsjboss.j2ee:service=XXX,jndiName=YYY/depends  
  |   |   /mbean

THAT was was I needed.

THANK you.

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: Service (SAR file) that relies on an EJB...

2004-11-17 Thread daorriss

Still having a hard time getting your suggestion to work.. any example you can 
point out?

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: Service (SAR file) that relies on an EJB...

2004-11-15 Thread daorriss
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote : The ejb container has a jmx name of the form 
  |   | jboss.j2ee:service=EJB + ,jndiName= + jndiName
  |   | 
  | where jndiName is the name of the home interface, or the local home if the 
ejb does not provide a remote home.
  | You can also embed the ejb jar in the sar and use the Russian doll depth 
first deployment order to ensure the ejb is deployed before the containing sar.


Thanks for writing back.  You live in Snoqualmie Pass, eh?  I didn't even know 
they had internet access out there now.. ;)

OK.. the second option you mentioned - I understood.  And that might be doable. 
 But the first one - that threw me off.  You explained the JMX name, but I 
don't see how I would *access* that or why I would use it..

Thanks for your time.


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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Service (SAR file) that relies on an EJB...

2004-11-11 Thread daorriss
I have someone developing a service for me (in a SAR) file that requires access 
to an EJB.  On the surface this isn't a problem, except that SAR files deploy 
*before* EJBs do.  How does he write the service to avoid using the EJB until 
it's deployed???  Seems like it's not possible to make it part of an EAR file 
(but I could be wrong).


P.S. And if there's a better forum here to post this question to please let me 
know..  Thanks..!

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[JBoss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - Re: Local Session Bean Failover

2004-08-31 Thread daorriss
Interesting... I'm actually having problems figuring out how to handle failover in 
JBoss with *remote* access to SFSBs.  Can you point me to a code example somewhere so 
I can try and fix *this* part?  Perhaps we can then put our heads together to solve 
the local interface access problem (tho I think I might already know what your problem 
is - just not sure).

Hope to hear from you soon.

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[JBoss-user] [Installation Configuration] - Re: How do I specify dependency order?

2004-07-18 Thread daorriss
After following the Wiki trail a little more I see where you were going with your tip 

Thank you.  Much appreciated.

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[JBoss-user] [Installation Configuration] - How do I specify dependency order?

2004-07-16 Thread daorriss

I need to specify that certain JAR files be loaded in my web application (including an 
EJB JAR file) *before* a war file deploys.  Now of course, on deploy can specify 
whatever I like.. but on startup, everything seems to 'auto deploy' in alphabetical 
order.  What if I want to override that for an application?  

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[JBoss-user] [Installation Configuration] - Re: How do I specify dependency order?

2004-07-16 Thread daorriss
Interesting.. but where is this modified in a deployment?

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[JBoss-user] [Beginners Corner] - ClassCastException during getCursor with Oracle...

2004-06-21 Thread daorriss
Subject says it all...  What am I doing wrong here?  Apparently the 
WrappedCallableStatement implementation that JBoss uses is doing something to prevent 
the casting, but what do I do to get around that?

  connection = getConnection(OracleDS);
  |   logger.finer(Calling request_list.get_default_request_list);
  |   cst = connection.prepareCall({call request_list.get_default_request_list 
  |   cst.setInt(1, 1);
  |   cst.setInt(2, 1);
  |   cst.registerOutParameter(3, OracleTypes.CURSOR);
  |   cst.execute();
  |   rs = ((OracleCallableStatement)cst).getCursor(3);

And getConnection is implemented as:
  private java.sql.Connection getConnection (String resourceName)
  |   throws NamingException, SQLException {
  | logger.finer(Obtaining JNDI context.);
  | //Obtain the JDNI context
  | Context context = new InitialContext();
  | logger.finer(JNDI Lookup to get the resource manager connection factory 
  | //JNDI Lookup to get the resource manager connection factory reference
  | javax.sql.DataSource ds = (javax.sql.DataSource) context.lookup(java:/jdbc/ 
+ resourceName);
  | logger.finer(Invoke factory to obtain a connection and return connection to 
calling environment);
  | //Invoke factory to obtain a connection and return connection to calling
  | //environment
  | return ds.getConnection();
  |   }

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - ClassCastException during getCursor with Oracle...

2004-06-21 Thread daorriss
Subject says it all...  What am I doing wrong here?  Apparently the 
WrappedCallableStatement implementation that JBoss uses is doing something to prevent 
the casting, but what do I do to get around that?

  connection = getConnection(OracleDS);
  |   logger.finer(Calling request_list.get_default_request_list);
  |   cst = connection.prepareCall({call request_list.get_default_request_list 
  |   cst.setInt(1, 1);
  |   cst.setInt(2, 1);
  |   cst.registerOutParameter(3, OracleTypes.CURSOR);
  |   cst.execute();
  |   rs = ((OracleCallableStatement)cst).getCursor(3);

And getConnection is implemented as:
  private java.sql.Connection getConnection (String resourceName)
  |   throws NamingException, SQLException {
  | logger.finer(Obtaining JNDI context.);
  | //Obtain the JDNI context
  | Context context = new InitialContext();
  | logger.finer(JNDI Lookup to get the resource manager connection factory 
  | //JNDI Lookup to get the resource manager connection factory reference
  | javax.sql.DataSource ds = (javax.sql.DataSource) context.lookup(java:/jdbc/ 
+ resourceName);
  | logger.finer(Invoke factory to obtain a connection and return connection to 
calling environment);
  | //Invoke factory to obtain a connection and return connection to calling
  | //environment
  | return ds.getConnection();
  |   }

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[JBoss-user] [Beginners Corner] - Re: ClassCastException during getCursor with Oracle...

2004-06-21 Thread daorriss
I figured out how to do it..  For posterity I'll post it here...

  |   cst = connection.prepareCall({call request_list.get_default_request_list 
  |   cst.setInt(1, 1);
  |   cst.setInt(2, 1);
  |   cst.registerOutParameter(3, OracleTypes.CURSOR);
  |   cst.execute();
  |   rs = (ResultSet) cst.getObject(3);
Note that using getCursor doesn't work BUT getObject does provided I tell the output 
parameter it's a oracle cursor.

Go figure - the one thing I didn't try was the way to fix it..

The reason for this is that JBoss called statements are implemented via a 
WrappedCallableStatement (a JBoss object) and that can't be cast to the 
OracleCallableStatement (which makes sense after I thought about it a bit).  However, 
you can register the output parameter as an oracle type and then cast *that* to the 
result set.

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: ClassCastException during getCursor with Oracle...

2004-06-21 Thread daorriss
I figured out how to do it..  For posterity I'll post it here...

  |   cst = connection.prepareCall({call request_list.get_default_request_list 
  |   cst.setInt(1, 1);
  |   cst.setInt(2, 1);
  |   cst.registerOutParameter(3, OracleTypes.CURSOR);
  |   cst.execute();
  |   rs = (ResultSet) cst.getObject(3);
Note that using getCursor doesn't work BUT getObject does provided I tell the output 
parameter it's a oracle cursor.

Go figure - the one thing I didn't try was the way to fix it..

The reason for this is that JBoss called statements are implemented via a 
WrappedCallableStatement (a JBoss object) and that can't be cast to the 
OracleCallableStatement (which makes sense after I thought about it a bit).  However, 
you can register the output parameter as an oracle type and then cast *that* to the 
result set.

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: Exceptions on redeploy of EJB Jar

2004-06-17 Thread daorriss
Just an FYI for posterity...

After reading and finding that a LinkageError is basically reported when there's a 
object loading error I found that there was overlap between two libraries containing 
the same objects.  After I reorganized the projects to make sure they didn't load 
overlapping class dependencies into their own WAR/JAR files everything works fine and 
JBoss hot deploys like a dream

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Exceptions on redeploy of EJB Jar

2004-06-11 Thread daorriss

When I start Jboss with an ejb JAR file and a servlet WAR file that accesses a bean in 
the EJB file, everything works fine.  However if I redeploy the EJB JAR file I'm 
getting either a java.lang.ClassCastException *or* I'm getting the following (I've 
included a partial stacktrace):

javax.ejb.EJBException: Unexpected Error
java.lang.LinkageError: loader constraints violated when linking 
com/arevatd/osm/common/RequestListData class
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:324)

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[JBoss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - Any special hardware requirements?

2004-04-15 Thread daorriss

I'm looking to cluster JBoss between to Win2k servers.  I've read the clustering JBoss 
document, and I'm aware of the MediaSense issue.  However, I'm still curious: are 
there any other special hardware requirements to cluster JBoss between two Win2k 
servers?  I've got two CISCO LocalDirector load balancers to handle requests and 
failure-over on connections.  Anything else I should be aware of?


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