[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - JBoss Portal 2.0 - User Authentication

2006-03-24 Thread deidlk
Hi all,

Can some one plz tell me how to login to the portal using the user names and 
passwords stored in oracle database(the default is to use the file system) from 
the user portlet.

plz let me know all the files i hv to configure.
I have followed all the steps described in the manuals.


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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Jboss Portal 2.0 Security

2006-03-22 Thread deidlk
Hi all

Iam using
jboss portal 2.0
Jboss AS 4.0.2

I want to athunticate the users for the jboss portal using the oracle database. 
I have created tables, Principals and Roles and Iam using 
DatabaseServerLoginModule in my Login-config.xml(default/conf/login-config.xml).

I have done all the steps as mentioned in the jboss Portal manual and Jboss AS 
manual;and also read the fourums.But couldn't find a solution. I am trying this 
for 3 weeks.

Can anyone plz give me the steps to do the above configuration.


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