[JBoss-user] [Installation & Configuration] - Re: ClassCastException and redeploy--could serialization wit

2005-04-27 Thread erikdhansen
Well, I'm not seeing this in JBoss 3.2.7, so I guess whatever it was has been 
taken care of.

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[JBoss-user] [Installation & Configuration] - Re: ClassCastException and redeploy--could serialization wit

2005-04-26 Thread erikdhansen
I'm seeing this same problem and I was wondering the same thing.

I have a scheduler mbean (in a SAR) that invokes a method in a class which in 
turn looks up a stateless session bean and executes some methods.  The first 
time I run it after deployment, everything works as expected.  If I redeploy, I 
get ClassCastExceptions when I cast the LocalHome interface returned from my 
naming context lookup to the corresponding LocalHome interface.

Most of the other references to this problem that I've found suggest packaging 
the SAR inside the EAR so that they use the same classloader.  This is exactly 
what I'm doing -- but I still get the ClassCastExceptions.

This was working, but I recently switched to secured EJBs and login using the 
LoginInitialContextFactory to get the Naming context for the EJBs -- instead of 
just using the name lookup methods created in the XxxEjbUtil classes generated 
via XDoclet.  Is there some problem with the way the LoginInitialContextFactory 
works that's causing this?  Looking at the source, it doesn't appear so.

If I'm packaging the SAR inside the EAR file (that contains the JAR with the 
EJBs) why am I still getting ClassCastExceptions after redeployment?  I should 
be using the same classloader...

Jboss 3.2.3/Java 1.4.2

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: unable to passivate due to ctx lock

2004-04-14 Thread erikdhansen
It's inevitable -- once I post, I find something...

Bug: 780746 mentions a lock being created in Handle.getEJBObject that is never 
released.  As it turns out, I need to navigate at least one page in order to see this 
problem -- which involves retrieving the EJB Handle from the HTTP session and 
performing a getEJBObject.


I hope someone else finds this useful.

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - unable to passivate due to ctx lock

2004-04-14 Thread erikdhansen
I'm running into a problem since upgrading from JBoss 3.2.1 to 3.2.3 with warnings: 
Unable to passivate due to ctx lock.  I've seen a lot of other people with questions 
about this, but haven't been able to find much in the way of answers, yet.

I have a stateful bean which acts as a page iterator for entity beans.  The client 
creates the stateful bean which calls methods on a stateless bean which in turn uses a 
finder method to retrieve a collection of entity beans.  

The stateless bean then returns to the stateful bean a collection of data objects 
which the stateful bean holds onto.

The client then invokes methods in the stateful bean to navigate through the 
collection of data objects.

If the passivation time expires for the stateful bean, I can see JBoss trying to 
passivate the stateful bean, but fails: Unable to passivate due to ctx lock and 
references the stateful bean (id=).

If my stateful bean is holding data objects copied from entity beans by the stateless 
bean (session facade for the entites) why is the stateful failing to passivate?  
Shouldn't the entity beans retrieved by the stateless bean be released when the 
stateless bean invocation completes?

Any information would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.

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[JBoss-user] [Security & JAAS/JBoss] - exclusions to in web.xml

2004-03-05 Thread erikdhansen
Is there a way to exclude certain items from the  of a web-resource 

I was trying to include some images in my login page, but because my  for 
my web app is /* the folder (and thus the images in it) are protected, the login page 
loads, but the images do not.

I could change all of the servlets to map to something underneath root (e.g. 
/webapp/ ) and protect only webapp, but I'd rather have all of the servlets map 
directly under /.

Also, is there a reason why mapping all servlets directly under / might not be a good 

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[JBoss-user] [Security & JAAS/JBoss] - Re: redirect to favicon after login?

2004-03-03 Thread erikdhansen
Some more information...

After the initial login and getting the 404, if I logout and log back in, I am 
correctly redirected to the protected page.  This appears to happen after the initial 
deployment only.

I also tried two other browsers (Safari and Camino) and didn't see the problem 
(although Camino doesn't support favicons) -- so this happens with Mozilla Firefox.

I tried 3 different scenarios (w/Mozilla):

1) No html link for favicon.ico and no favicon.ico file present:

After the 1st login,  I get a 404 for favicon.ico.
Subsequent logins work correctly until redeployment, where I get another 404 for the 
first login after deployment.

2) favicon.ico in / with no link

After the 1st login, I get a "Save To.../Open with..." dialog box for favicon.ico.
Subsequent logins work correctly.

3) favicon.ico in / with link (pointing to /favicon.ico)

Same results as #2.

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[JBoss-user] [Security & JAAS/JBoss] - Re: redirect to favicon after login?

2004-03-03 Thread erikdhansen
If it's not already obvious, I'm using OS X...as the server and client.

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[JBoss-user] [Security & JAAS/JBoss] - Re: redirect to favicon after login?

2004-03-03 Thread erikdhansen
I'm using jboss-3.2.1/tomcat 4.1.24.  I don't have an image tag for the favicon.ico.

I wasn't planning on adding a favicon.ico (so didn't have the tag) and got the 404.  
To try and remedy that, I added a favicon.ico in / and then jboss/tomcat found the 
favicon.ico, but my browser loaded it as if it was redirected to the .ico file instead 
of a web page.

I had a similar situation when I tried to include a CSS in my login.html form login 
page -- after authenticating, rather than getting the protected page, I got the CSS 
loaded in the browser as a text file.

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[JBoss-user] [Security & JAAS/JBoss] - redirect to favicon after login?

2004-03-02 Thread erikdhansen
I set up user authentication through the database login module which appears to be 
working correctly in that the users are authenticated properly.  

However, after logging in, instead of being redirected to the original protected page 
(index.jsp) I started getting errors from Tomcat because of a missing favicon.ico file 
(404 - /favico.ico).  Without authentication, this doesn't happen.

I tried adding a favicon.ico (even though I don't really want one) and now my browser 
prompts me to save the favicon.ico file, but never redirects me to the original 
intended target page.

If I edit the URL in the location bar to be the intended target (/index.jsp) after 
authenticating, I do get the correct page.

Why does authentication bring out this problem, and why is JBoss/Tomcat delivering a 
404 error for a non-mandatory file like favicon.ico?

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