[JBoss-user] [Nukes User] - Re: Frustrating! What IS JBoss/Nukes?

2005-02-22 Thread gary_kephart
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote : Before yelling, did you even look at the project 
page or datasheet ? 
  | http://www.jboss.com/products/nukesjboss

Yes, I did. They seem to have minimal information.

anonymous wrote : 
  | If you don't know anything about Nukes, you should consider looking at 
JBoss Portal as it is a step further. (And Nukes development is stopped in 
favor of JBoss Portal).
  | http://www.jboss.com/products/jbossportal

Yeah, I saw that, too, but didn't delve into it that much. I was thinking that 
Nukes would be smaller scope and therefore easier to grok.

Like I said, I was venting (and feel much better now!) so don't take what I 
said too literally or seriously. It's just that I didn't find anything to 
answer the question from my first post. Does JBoss Nukes solve my problem? I'm 
not sure.

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[JBoss-user] [Nukes User] - Re: Frustrating! What IS JBoss/Nukes?

2005-02-22 Thread gary_kephart
-sigh- Point proven. You just defined JBoss Nukes in terms of PHP Nukes, which 
I just got through telling you I don't know anything about. Then, you add in 
other terms without explaining them: "applications" and "modules". Or 
explaining the differences between them. As far as I'm concerned, an 
application is a J2EE EAR file or JAR file than has a main() in it.

Here's your homework: create a JBoss Nukes page without referring to/hinting 
at/mentioning PHP Nukes. Tell us the feature list from a user's point of view, 
not a developer's point of view. Explain your special terms.

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[JBoss-user] [Nukes User] - Frustrating! What IS JBoss/Nukes?

2005-02-19 Thread gary_kephart
You know, as astounding as it may seem, there are people out there who've never 
used PHP, much less Nukes. And barely know about CMS. I'm a Java programmer, 
and could take the time to research all of that stuff and I would understand 
it, but that would take a LOT of time, which I don't have.
There's not a damned thing on the web site that actually explains what JBoss 
Nukes really does! All it does is reference other projects. What IS the 
actually functionality? Maybe there's some links hidden around somewhere, but I 
didn't find them. And those links should NOT be hidden! Those should be the 
first thing the user sees when they come to the site. Big friggin neon blinking 
Here's my problem. I've got a couple of thousand HTML files that I'm 
translating to XML files. I want to keep the XML files so that I can create a 
downloadable version of the site by zipping up the files. So, a database is 
right out. When I get the site running, I want a web interface so that my 
content writers can log in and change the files directly. And I want the Wiki 
type of linking inside of the XML files so that the content writers don't have 
to remember the URLs of the files they're referencing. Can JBoss Nukes do this? 
I don't f'ing know! There's nothing that I can find on this site that can help 
me find out! How does it compare to Apache Cocoon, or perhaps JSPWiki? Again, I 
don't know!

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[JBoss-user] [Installation & Configuration] - Re: Multiple log4j files

2004-09-23 Thread gary_kephart
That's exactly what I'm trying to avoid. I already have the log4j.xml files with the 
correct info for each of my web apps. I want JBoss to use them instead of the main 
log4j.xml file.
This is how it works with WebLogic, and I'm trying to make it work the same here.

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[JBoss-user] [Installation & Configuration] - Multiple log4j files

2004-09-23 Thread gary_kephart
Each one of my apps has its own log4j.xml file. However, JBoss seems to be ignoring 
all but the main one. Any clue how to make it work differently?


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[JBoss-user] [Installation & Configuration] - Re: Include external xml file within log4j

2004-09-16 Thread gary_kephart
That is somewhat similar to what I would like to do. I'd like each war or ear file to 
have its own log4j.xml and have JBoss look along the classpath for the correct one. 
Instead, it seems to only look at the main one.
I also use WebLogic, which handles this fine.
Anyone know any differently?

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[JBoss-user] [Security & JAAS/JBoss] - Re: ClientLoginModule & adding Principals to Subject

2004-02-23 Thread gary_kephart
Looks like I made a small mistake. The 'commit' method should do that work, according 

You may want to take a look at my subclass:

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[JBoss-user] [Security & JAAS/JBoss] - Re: ClientLoginModule & adding Principals to Subject

2004-02-22 Thread gary_kephart
Fantastic. What version is/will this be in?


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[JBoss-user] [Security & JAAS/JBoss] - ClientLoginModule & adding Principals to Subject

2004-02-21 Thread gary_kephart
Why doesn't ClientLoginModule.login call subject.getPrincipals().add(principal)? I 
need this to happen for my Swing app security to work correctly. I made my own 
subclass which does do what I want, but it seems like ClientLoginModule should do this.


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