[JBoss-user] [Javassist user questions] - Re: Generating source code in adition to class files

2005-07-21 Thread hlovatt
I will keep that in mind, that a decompiler might struggle with a manipulated 
bytecode. Thanks for the advice.

For your interest Dennis Sosnoski, who as written about Javassist - I think you 
reference his articles, is talking about writting a library that can manipulate 
bytecodes and generate source.

His application is the same as mine, i.e. he wants to use apt and has also had 
trouble debugging code for which no source exists.

I think like me he is mainly interested in generating source from classes 
written from scratch, not from existing classes that have had their bytecode 

Also people are developing plug-ins for IDEs that allow source manipulation, 
e.g. JackPot for Netbeans. I think people are working on ones for Eclipse and 
IdeaJ also. I assume all this interest is like myself, because of apt.

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[JBoss-user] [Javassist user questions] - Re: Generating source code in adition to class files

2005-07-20 Thread hlovatt

Thanks for the tip - I will give jode a try

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[JBoss-user] [Javassist user questions] - Generating source code in adition to class files

2005-07-14 Thread hlovatt

Have you ever thought of adding the ability for Javassist to spit out source as 
well as class files? In particular to have in CtClass methods in addition to 
toClass and writeFile that output source. EG toSource and writeSource.

I am looking at using the annotation processing tool (apt) and this would be a 
useful feature since you can write source files with apt. I could then easily 
generate either a class file or a source file depending on what is most 
appropriate. The reason for wanting to produce a source file is that it is 
easier to debug programs when source is available and it is generally easier 
for someone to understand what is going on if they can see the generated 
source. However it is not always appropriate to generate source and therefore 
it would be nice to have the option of generating either.

In the extreme case full decompilation from class to source would be nice, but 
even lesser facilities like only source generation if original source were 
available or only source if it is a new class would still be useful.

Any thoughts of expansion into this area?

Keep up the good work,


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[JBoss-user] [Javassist user questions] - Re: Setting a field in a constructor before super is called

2005-06-23 Thread hlovatt
You can by the way use Javassist to do what I want, but it is a bit of a pain! 
You can write a program that modifies Derived above so that it calls super 
after initializing the field:

  | package examples.vmts.initializationorder.chibaexample;
  | import javassist.*;
  | import javassist.bytecode.*;
  | public class ModifyDerived {
  | public static void main( final String[] notUsed ) throws 
  |  BadBytecode, 
java.io.IOException {
  | final CtClass ctClass = ClassPool.getDefault()
  |  .getAndRename( 
examples.vmts.initializationorder.chibaexample.ModifiedDerived );
  | ctClass.replaceClassName( 
examples.vmts.initializationorder.chibaexample.ModifiedTest );
  | final ClassFile clazz = ctClass.getClassFile();
  | final MethodInfo constructor = clazz.getMethod( MethodInfo.nameInit 
  | final CodeAttribute code = constructor.getCodeAttribute();
  | final byte[] bytes = code.getCode();
  | final CodeIterator codeIter = code.iterator();
  | codeIter.skipSuperConstructor(); // move to super call, this is 
what skipSuperConstructor does!
  | if ( codeIter.hasNext() ) { // need to modify clazz, i.e. super not 
last opcode
  | final int superSize = codeIter.next(); // index of opcode after 
super call
  | final int rest = bytes.length - superSize - 1; // number of 
bytes up to return opcode
  | final byte[] superCall = new byte[ superSize ];
  | System.arraycopy( bytes, 0, superCall, 0, superSize );
  | System.arraycopy( bytes, superSize, bytes, 0, rest );
  | System.arraycopy( superCall, 0, bytes, rest, superSize );
  | }
  | ctClass.writeFile( C:\\Personal\\Java\\ );
  | }
  | }
The above takes class Derived and modifies it, the new class is similar except 

1. Its name is ModifiedDerived
2. Its field and constructor arguments are of type ModifiedTest
3. And this is the important one, it calls super after it has initialized the 

You can test the modified class with:

  | package examples.vmts.initializationorder.chibaexample;
  | public class ModifiedTest {
  | int field = 1;
  | Base base() {
  | return new ModifiedDerived( this );
  | }
  | public static void main( final String[] notUsed ) {
  | new ModifiedTest().base();
  | }
  | }
Which gives the expected result of 1.

As I said at the start all this is a bit of a pain, any chance that the 
Javassist compiler will relax the restriction that super must be first?

Keep up the good work,


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[JBoss-user] [Javassist user questions] - Re: Setting a field in a constructor before super is called

2005-06-23 Thread hlovatt
My Sun 1.4.2 javac initializes the pointer first. Also see the end of the first 
sub-section in the how it works section of the 1997 specification:


This implies that it is erronous not to initialize this$0 before calling super.

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[JBoss-user] [Javassist user questions] - Re: Setting a field in a constructor before super is called

2005-06-21 Thread hlovatt
I am pretty certain I am right, inner classes initialize their pointer to the 
outer field before calling their own super. EG:

  | abstract class Base {
  | Base() {
  | System.out.println( getField() );
  | }
  | abstract int getField();
  | }
The constructor calls the abstract method getField and if this abstract method 
is implemented with an instance inner class then all is OK, e.g.:

  | public class InnerTest {
  | int field = 1;
  | Base base() {
  | return new Base() {
  | int getField() {
  | return field;
  | }
  | };
  | }
  | public static void main( final String[] notUsed ) {
  | new InnerTest().base();
  | }
  | }
This prints 1 as you would expect. But if you hand code the inner class then it 
won't work, e.g.:

  | class Derived extends Base {
  | final ExternalTest outer;
  | Derived( final ExternalTest outer ) {
  | this.outer = outer;
  | }
  | int getField() {
  | return outer.field;
  | }
  | }

  | public class ExternalTest {
  | int field = 1;
  | Base base() {
  | return new Derived( this );
  | }
  | public static void main( final String[] notUsed ) {
  | new ExternalTest().base();
  | }
  | }
This gives a NullPointerException since the field outer is not initialized when 
 constructor Derived calls its super constructor, Base. Also: you can see if 
you dissassemble the code for InternalTest$1 that it initializes its pointer to 
the outer class, this$0, before calling its super.

What the inner class does is equivalent to:

  | Derived( final ExternalTest outer ) {
  | this.outer = outer;
  | super();
  | }
  | }
Which is illegal in Java because super is always called first.

My question is how can I do this in Javassist which also requires the call to 
super to be the first line.

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[JBoss-user] [Javassist user questions] - Setting a field in a constructor before super is called

2005-06-20 Thread hlovatt
I want to set a field in a constructor before super is called so that the super 
constructor can use the field, e.g.:

  | abstract class Base {
  | Base() { System.out.println( getField() ); }
  | abstract int getField();
  | }
  | class Derived extends Base {
  | int field;
  | Derived() {
  | field = 1;
  | super();
  | }
  | int getField() { return field; }
  | }

The above isn't valid Java (the call to super must be the first line of 
constructor Derived) and it is also not valid in Javassist. Is there a way 
round this in Javassist?

Note: this setting of a field before calling super is similar to how instance 
inner (nested) classes work, they set the field that points to their outer 
class before calling their own super constructor.

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[JBoss-user] [Javassist user questions] - get finds classes it shouldn't

2005-03-31 Thread hlovatt
If a class is compiled that does not have a package statement but is mistakenly 
loaded in Javassist as though it did have a package statement then Javassist 
will not detect this error and find the class and some methods will give 
incorrect results but not thow an exception whilst others will throw an 
exceptoion. EG:

  | // NoPackage.java - note no package statement
  | public class NoPackage {}

  | // NoPackageTest.java - note has package statement
  | package examples.javassisttests;
  | import javassist.*;
  | public class NoPackageTest {
  | public static void main( final String[] notUsed ) throws 
NotFoundException {
  | final CtClass noPackage = ClassPool.getDefault().get( 
examples.javassisttests.NoPackage );
  | System.out.println( package =  + noPackage.getPackageName() );
  | System.out.println( modifiers =  + noPackage.getModifiers() );
  | }
  | }

When run, the above produces:

C:\Personal\Javajava -classpath javassist.jar;. 
package = examples.javassisttests
Exception in thread main java.lang.RuntimeException: NoPackage in 
at javassist.CtClassType.getClassFile2(CtClassType.java:191)
at javassist.CtClassType.getModifiers(CtClassType.java:343)
at examples.javassisttests.NoPackageTest.main(NoPackageTest.java:10)

Showing that get found the class even though it shouldn't, getPackageName ran 
but gave the incorrect package, and getModifiers threw an exception with a less 
then ideal error message.

May I ask:

1. Is a known bug?
2. Is there a fix?
3. Any suggestions on how to code round the problem?

Keep up the good work, Howard.

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[JBoss-user] [Javassist user questions] - Re: Array Class Literals

2005-03-30 Thread hlovatt
First two appologies: I don't seem to be able to watch this thread so I missed 
your post and secondly my test class is a little long :( . Take a look at lines 
75 to 90 which demonstrate the problem I am having with array class literals 
and also with testing for null on primitive arrays (see seperate post to this 
forum for null problems).

  | package examples.javassisttests.poolget;
  | import javassist.*;
  | import pec.compile.*;
  | import java.io.*;
  | import java.lang.reflect.*;
  | public class Test {
  | static class Y {}
  | static class X extends Y {}
  | public static void main( final String[] notUsed ) throws Exception {
  | // Test of assignment compatability
  | final X[] xs = new X[ 1 ];
  | final Y[] ys = xs;
  | ys[ 0 ] = new X(); // OK
  | // ys[ 0 ] = new Y(); // ArrayStoreException
  | final ClassPool pool = ClassPool.getDefault();
  | final CtClass intClass = pool.get( int );
  | final CtClass longClass = pool.get( long );
  | System.out.println( Class:  + long.class.isAssignableFrom( 
int.class ) );
  | System.out.println( CtClass:  + longClass.subtypeOf( intClass ) );
  | // get classes
  | System.out.println( int =  +  intClass );
  | final CtClass intArrayClass = pool.get( int[] );
  | System.out.println( int[] =  +  intArrayClass );
  | final CtClass objectArrayClass = pool.get( java.lang.Object[] );
  | System.out.println( Object[] =  +  objectArrayClass );
  | // class definition (AbstractTest)
  | final CtClass clazz = pool.makeClass( 
examples.javassisttests.poolget.AbstractTest );
  | clazz.setModifiers( javassist.Modifier.ABSTRACT );
  | clazz.setModifiers( javassist.Modifier.PUBLIC );
  | // protected constructor definition
  | final CtConstructor constructor = 
  |   clazz );
  | constructor.setModifiers( javassist.Modifier.PROTECTED );
  | clazz.addConstructor( constructor );
  | // abstract method definition
  | final CtClass[] arguments = new CtClass[] { intClass, 
intArrayClass, objectArrayClass };
  | final CtMethod method = CtNewMethod.abstractMethod( 
  | intClass, 
  | f, 
  | arguments, 
  | null, 
  | clazz );
  | clazz.addMethod( method );
  | // write the abstract class
  | clazz.writeFile( C:\\Personal\\Java );
  | // print the abstract class
  | final Class classOfClazz = Class.forName( 
examples.javassisttests.poolget.AbstractTest );
  | System.out.println();
  | Utilities.printSignature( classOfClazz, null );
  | // class definition (DerivedTest)
  | final CtClass derivedClass = pool.makeClass( 
examples.javassisttests.poolget.DerivedTest, clazz );
  | derivedClass.setModifiers( javassist.Modifier.PUBLIC );
  | // public constructor definition
  | final CtConstructor derivedConstructor = 
  |   derivedClass );
  | derivedClass.addConstructor( derivedConstructor );
  | // method definition
  | final CtMethod derivedMethod = CtNewMethod.make( 
  | intClass, 
  | f, 
  | arguments, 
  | null, 
  | /*{\n +
  | if ( $2 != null )\n +
  | return $2.length;\n +
  | if ( $3 instanceof 
Object[].class )\n +
  | return $3.length;\n +
  | return $1;\n +
  | },*/
  | {\n +
  | if ( System.identityHashCode( 
$2 ) != 0 )\n +
  | return $2.length;\n +
  | Class array = 
java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance( Object.class, 0 ).getClass();\n +
  | if ( array.isInstance( $3 ) 
)\n +
  | return $3.length;\n +
  | return $1;\n +
  | },

[JBoss-user] [Javassist user questions] - Re: Array Class Literals

2005-03-13 Thread hlovatt
3 couldn't when I tried the above example.


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[JBoss-user] [Javassist user questions] - Array Class Literals

2005-02-27 Thread hlovatt

The following code fails in the Javassist compiler:

if ( $3 instanceof Object[].class )
  | return $3.length;

Instead I have to use:

Class array = java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance( Object.class, 0 ).getClass();
  | if ( array.isInstance( $3 ) )
  | return $3.length;

Are there plans to add array class literals?

Is there a better work around?

Keep up the good work - Howard.

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[JBoss-user] [Javassist user questions] - Primitive arrays compared to null

2005-02-27 Thread hlovatt

The following code fails in the Javassist compiler when $2 is a primitive array:

if ( $2 != null )
  | return $2.length;

Instead I have to use:

if ( System.identityHashCode( $2 ) != 0 )
  | return $2.length;

Are there plans to add support for comparing primitive arrays to null?

Is there a better work around?

Keep up the good work - Howard.

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[JBoss-user] [Javassist user questions] - Re: Array Class Literals

2005-02-27 Thread hlovatt
Ignore - I forgot to watch the topic :)

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[JBoss-user] [Javassist user questions] - Re: Primitive arrays compared to null

2005-02-27 Thread hlovatt
Ignore - I forgot to watch the topic :)

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[JBoss-user] [Javassist user questions] - Re: Bug in getDeclaringClass in 3.0RC1

2005-01-23 Thread hlovatt
chiba wrote : I have implemented getEnclosingClass().
  | The source is in CVS HEAD.

Thanks - I look forward to the next release

Keep up the good work

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[JBoss-user] [Javassist user questions] - Re: Bug in getDeclaringClass in 3.0RC1

2005-01-06 Thread hlovatt
I think I can answer my own question :)

In java.lang.Class the method getDeclaringClass returns null for an anonymous 
class because the Java Language Specification doesn't list anonymous classes as 
members of a class (but strangely does list named classes as members). I 
suspect therefore that CtClass's getDeclaringClass is mimicing this behaviour 
when it throws a NotFoundException for an anonymous class.

Sun have introduced in J5 a new method, getEnclosingClass, which works with 
anonymous and named classes and gives the outer class. Therefore, are there 
plans to add getEnclosingClass to Javassist?

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[JBoss-user] [Javassist user questions] - Bug in getDeclaringClass in 3.0RC1

2004-12-30 Thread hlovatt
There is a bug in the getDeclaringClass method of CtClass when you try and get 
the declaring class of an anonymous inner class it throws 
FileNotFoundException. EG:

package examples.javassisttests.declaringclasses;
import javassist.*;
public class Test {
public static void main( final String[] notUsed ) throws NotFoundException {
new Object() {}; // annonymous inner class
final CtClass inner = ClassPool.getDefault().get( 
examples.javassisttests.declaringclasses.Test$1 );
System.out.println( Inner class =  + inner.getName() );
System.out.println( Outer class (direct) =  + 
ClassPool.getDefault().get( examples.javassisttests.declaringclasses.Test 
).getName() );
System.out.println( Outer class (from inner) =  + 
inner.getDeclaringClass().getName() );


Inner class = examples.javassisttests.declaringclasses.Test$1
Outer class (direct) = examples.javassisttests.declaringclasses.Test
at javassist.ClassPool.get(ClassPool.java:295)
at javassist.CtClassType.getDeclaringClass(CtClassType.java:412)
at examples.javassisttests.declaringclasses.Test.main(Test.java:9)
Exception in thread main

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