[JBoss-user] [Installation & Configuration] - finding the number of active users

2005-06-27 Thread hmae
To all:
Is there a way to find out how many active users are currently logged into an 
application using jmx-console?  Or do you need to create a program that will 
keep track of the number of users?


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[JBoss-user] [Persistence & CMP/JBoss] - Optimizaed loading question

2005-04-20 Thread hmae
To all:
System: JBoss 4.0, EJB 2.0
On a customer's database I was testing out an EJB bean for a view.  I noticed 
that the transaction was timing out because it took too long to get the data 
(there is about 4,000 records for the table).  On the test servers where the 
data is smaller the beans work fine.  I tried using load groups and on-load 
strategies introduced in the Administration document (Chapter 11).  But that 
did not improve performance at all.  
I also tried using normal PreparedStatments instead of EJB and this took too 
long too.

The following is a code snippet from my jbosscmp-jdbc.xml.  Did I miss anything?







In my local test server the server log did indicate that the load group did get 
the primary key fields and the fields defined by the load group.  

Please let me know if I missed anything.

Thank you.


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[JBoss-user] [Persistence & CMP/JBoss] - Re: Why the multiple sql select for findByPrimaryKey JBoss

2005-04-20 Thread hmae
By setting read-ahead strategy to none you default it to the lazy-loading and 
it will do the multiple select statements.  
Try checking Chapter 11 "Optimized Loading" of the Administration document.  
This chapter explains the loading optimization.

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: accessing different instances of a database

2005-04-08 Thread hmae
Thank you for your replies.
I tried deploying two different EAR files with two different datasources.  The 
two EAR file has one bean that have the same name.  When I tried to deploy it 
on the same machine, it returned an error 
For my problem, since the database schema is the same, I would need to rename 
all my beans and this could easily lead to maintenance issues.
For now, I asked my manager if there was another machine where I can install 
JBoss and keep the EAR files separate.  This way the URL would become:

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - accessing different instances of a database

2005-03-29 Thread hmae
To all:
System information: JBoss-4.0.0, Windows XP Pro,   Database: Oracle 9i
I apologize in advance if I posted this in the wrong forum.
I?m trying to solve a problem where I have a web application that needs to 
access two different instances of a database (ex. we call the instances dwm1 
and dwm2) that reside on the same machine.  These two databases have the same 
exact database schema but the data might be different.  The reason why there 
are two different instances is because a company was acquired and the database 
is kept on the same machine but the data is kept separate.  The data that I 
would get from my web application has to be kept separate.
Since the database schema is the same, I have one application EAR file which I 
would like to reuse for the two instances. 
To make a distinction between the two, I was thinking of having two different 
contextroot so it would access the two different instances.  

Is there a way to do this?   If I were to make different EAR files and deploy 
it, it will probably cause conflict due to duplicate beans.  

Thanks you.

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: JBossQL, XDocletTags, and Date fields

2005-02-15 Thread hmae
Thank you for replying.
I'm using Oracle9i.
My problem is that whenever we tried to do a search based on a date field (ex. 
1/27/2005).  It works if the time was 00:00AM but it will not work if the time 
was 03:59AM.  
For testing purposes, we set up a dummy database table with a bunch of date 
fields (Date, TimeStamp).  And for my EJB I tried to use java.sql.Timestamp, 
java.util.Date, java.lang.Long.  When we tried to make a straight forward 
EJB-QL (select object(c) from TestDateSchema as c where c.tstampDate =?1) JBoss 
had problems parseing it.  We also tried to see if it would work for dynamic 
queries but that didn't work either.
Next, we thought it might work with JBoss-QL since it supports time 
information, so we changed the XDoclet tag from @ejb.finder => @jboss.query  
and this time it could not find the finder method.  When we checked the 
ejb-jar.xml the finder method was empty and jbosscmp-jdbc.xml had the finder 

For your database do you have two date fields for start and end date/time?  
Have you ever tried searching based on a single date field?
Since we do our search based on one date field we tried doing:
select object(c) from TestDateSchema as c where c.dummyDate between ?1 and ?2
where ?1 and ?2  is equal to 1/27/2005 00:00AM and 1/27/2005 23:59PM so we 
would get data for that date.  

Thanks for all your help.

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - JBossQL, XDocletTags, and Date fields

2005-02-14 Thread hmae
To all:
System: JBoss-3.2.4, Eclipse 2.1.3, Lomboz 2.1.3
I was trying to create a finder method for a date field using JBoss-QL,  since 
EJB-QL's support for date is restricted (problems with time information).  I 
thought I could create the finder method using Xdoclet's @jboss.query tag but 
the compiler returned an error saying that the query method can not be found.  
I checked ejb-jar.xml and jbosscmp-jdbc.xml.  It looks like the finder is put 
in jbosscmp-jdbc but ejb-jar.xml no longer has the finder method defined.  Is 
there something I need to do?

Thanks for all your help.

Snippet of error message
org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException: Query method not found: 

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: EJB QL and time comparison

2005-02-10 Thread hmae
Thank you for the replies.
The application that I am working on tries to do a search by the name of the 
table fieldname and the value.  I discovered that when I try to do a search on 
a date (ex. 01/27/2005),  I will get data for 01/27/2005 00:00:00AM.   And it 
did not get data for other times (ex. 01/27/2005 15:59:00 PM).  Which is why I 
needed to pass time stamp information.  When data get inserted, the time 
information must be kept so that we can calculate how long it took for the job 
to be completed.  
I will try the java.sql.Timestamp.
Worst comes to worst I think the other option would be to get all the data 
first and iterate it in a loop, get the date fields and convert it to a string, 
and compare the string values.  

Thank you for all your help.

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: EJB QL and time comparison

2005-02-03 Thread hmae
The EJB QL I posted was incorrect.  It should have read:
select object(c) from tableschema as c where c.start_date between ?1 and ?2

This is what I have, and I still need a way to pass hours and minute 

Thanks for any help you can give me.

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - EJB QL and time comparison

2005-02-03 Thread hmae
To all:
I am trying to do a comparison for a date field.  My EJB QL is:
select object(c) from tableschema as c where start_date between ?1 and ?2

The dates are: 01/05/2005 00:00AM and 01/05/2005 11:59 PM.
I am trying to find all data that have a start_date of 1/05/2005. 
My program is using a dynamic query so I need to pass the parameters.
Before, I passed java.sql.Date but I can not specify the hours and minutes for 
Is there a way to do this?

Thank you.

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[JBoss-user] [Installation & Configuration] - Upgraded from JBoss3.2.4 to JBoss4.0

2004-11-29 Thread hmae
To all,
System: JBoss 4.0, Lomboz 2.1.3, Eclipse 2.1.3, WinXP Pro
I was using JBoss3.2.4 and upgraded to JBoss4.0.  When I tried to 
rebuild/deploy with the new JBoss I was able to deploy without any errors.  
When I try to run my web application thru the run.bat the application does run 
correctly. When I try to use the debugger on Eclipse and when I start my web 
application I get an error message:
Unable to find a javac compiler;
com.sun.tools.javac.Main is not on the classpath.
Perhaps JAVA_HOME does not point to the JDK
at org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Javac.compile(Javac.java:929)

I did not change my JAVA_HOME at all and it was working fine before I updated 
to JBoss 4.0.  Is there some additional stuff I need to set up so that JBoss 
4.0 will work with Eclipse?  Am I missing something?

Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Transaction XAOracleDS vs OracleDS

2004-11-09 Thread hmae
To all:
Before I posted a topic:
where I was having a problem where transactions did not update the database 
I solved the problem by using OracleDS (the usual Oracle driver) instead of the 
recommended XAOracleDS (the XA Oracle driver) mentioned in the document 
"Getting Started with JBoss".  Once I started using the usual Oracle driver the 
database did get updated instantaneously.
I tested insert and rollback and both worked.  
If I use OracleDS instead of XAOracleDS will it cause any performance problems? 
 Right now I'm in a test environment so I am about the only person using it.  I 
don't know if it will still work well in a production environment where there 
are hundreds of people using it.
If anyone can point me to any other documents, web-sites that explain the 
differences I would really appreciate it.

Thanks in advance for all your help.

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[JBoss-user] [Persistence & CMP/JBoss] - transaction does not commit after server shutsdown

2004-11-04 Thread hmae
To all:
I use:
JBoss 3.2.4, Lomboz 2.1.3, Oracle 9i, WinXP
I have web page project that adds data to a database table and show the contents of 
the table in the web page.  I used CMP beans and I used CMT for my transactions.  I 
tried to test what would happen if I shutdown JBoss.  I did the following:
1.  Add data.  Once everything goes well I display the table in a web page.
2.  I confirmed that the data shows up in the table.
3.  I turn the JBoss server off.
4.  Turn JBoss back on, and access the web page again and the data that I added is no 
longer shown.
Shouldn't the transaction survive the server shutdown?
If I let the server keep on running the web page will show the new data and the 
database will get updated.
Also, I noticed it takes a long time for the database to get updated (~30minutes).  
Does this have an effect on whether or not the transaction survives a server shutdown?

Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: concurrency issue NoSuchEntityException

2004-10-13 Thread hmae
To all,
I might have fixed the problem.  However, I don't know why it worked.  For my facade I 
put a xdoclet tag:
This was something I found in a book "Enterprise JavaBeans" by Richard Monson-Haefel.
Also, instead of using findByPrimaryKey() I created another finder method that will 
find data by the primary key.  For example, the primary key was "geoUnitKey" and I 
created a finder method called findByGeoUnitKey().  I was just experimenting and it 
Has anyone else experienced this kind of problem and did something similar?  Can 
anyone tell me the technical reason why this works?  I haven't figured it out yet.

Thanks in advance for any information you can give me.

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - concurrency issue NoSuchEntityException

2004-10-12 Thread hmae
To all,
I created a web application where I add a new data using CMT.  The web page has a 
table where I can click on a link so I can edit the data.  (I'm sure alot of people 
have done something similar).  
I have Servlet->Facade->CMP.
My web page has a table with a link which contains the primary key to the data.  In my 
facade I use findByPrimaryKey() so I can edit the data.  However, I get the error:
javax.ejb.NoSuchEntityException: Entity not found: primaryKey=14154
Basically, I can not edit data that was recently added.  Also, sometimes I am able to 
add/edit without a problem.
I've looked up some web sites regarding the error but was unable to find a solution 
that was good.
Has anyone else got this kind of problem?  How did you fix it?

Thanks in advance.

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Forcing a commit for a Container Managed Transaction

2004-08-20 Thread hmae
Is there a way to force an CMT entity bean to commit to a database without caching?  
Is there some setting that I need to edit?

Thanks in advance.

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: JBossQL and DynamicQL

2004-08-03 Thread hmae
Thank you for your replies.  I tried both suggestions and it works now.

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - JBossQL and DynamicQL

2004-08-02 Thread hmae
To all,
I was trying to implement a generic finder method that I found in :
http://www.mailarchive.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg05474.html
The goal was to pass select statements that you define yourself.  (My code is at the 

When I deploy it, I get the error: 
11:04:49,055 WARN  [verifier] EJB spec violation: 
Bean   : DWMUsrAdmin
Method : public abstract Collection findGeneric(String, Object;) throws 
FinderException, RemoteException
Section: 10.5.6
Warning: Every finder method except findByPrimaryKey(key) must be associated with a 
query element in the deployment descriptor.

Since @jboss.query is set to dynamic I thought that the query will be overridden and 
having an empty query will not cause a problem.  I checked the ejb-jar.xml and the 
only thing that might be a problem was: 
Is there something I am doing wrong?

I am using JBoss 3.2.4.

Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.

I have the following in my Bean:
/* @ejb.select
 *  signature="java.util.Collection ejbSelectGeneric(java.lang.String query, 
java.lang.Object[] params)"
 *  result-type-mapping="Local"
 * @jboss.query
 *signature="java.util.Collection ejbSelectGeneric(java.lang.String query, 
java.lang.Object[] params)"

  * @jboss.dynamic-ql
public abstract java.util.Collection ejbSelectGeneric ( java.lang.String jbossQl, 
java.lang.Object[] arguments ) throws FinderException;
* @ejb.home-method
*   view-type="local" 
public java.util.Collection ejbHomeFindGeneric(java.lang.String jbossQl, 
java.lang.Object[] parameters) throws FinderException{ 
 return ejbSelectGeneric(jbossQl, parameters); 


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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - EJBQL and EJB 2.0 and Order By

2004-07-23 Thread hmae
To all,
I'm using JBoss 3.2.4 and EJB 2.0.  I have a EJBQL statement:
"select distinct object(usr) from DWMUsrAdminSchema as usr, in (usr.userComp) as uComp 
where uComp.componentKey =?1 order by ?2 ".  I read in another thread that JBoss 
extends EJBQL so that "order by ?2" would be legal even though it is EJB 2.0.  When I 
deployed it, it returned errors.  I also tried @jboss.query tags but it returned the 
same errors.  The select statement worked only if I specify the field name for "?2".  
Is there a way to update EJB 2.0 to EJB 2.1 so that "order by ?@" works?  
Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.

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