[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: possible memory leak in long lived transaction ?

2004-03-25 Thread idxp
Actually I am using MS Sql server and the DB is on another server. 

"Grzegorz GÅ‚owaty" wrote : Here your problem is different. Probably it is caused 
by use of Hypersonic db as beans storage which (as you probably know) is normally 
configured to be in-memory db (so everything is stored in the memory). Try to switch 
to postgres or mysql and see if the problem persists.
  | My problem is completelly different.

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[JBoss-user] [Persistence & CMP/JBoss] - Re: Entity Bean Explosion?

2004-03-22 Thread idxp

If this is what Jboss does, I will feel comfort using it in my project. 

Thanks a lot! 

"loubyansky" wrote : > I think the instance will be returned to pool. But where is the 
context of the instance?
  | It is thrown away.
  | > Question is, where the app server gets the context for the bean?
  | Just creates a new instance.

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: possible memory leak in long lived transaction ?

2004-03-22 Thread idxp
Hi, All.

I think, the problem is caused not only by long transaction. Anything that lives long 
may cause problem since they occupy resources. For example, long-lived session beans & 
eneity beans will do even they are not involved in transactions.

Take my project as an example, there will be handerds of thousand entity beans, which 
will NEVER be removed once created. that is, every entity bean will live for ever.  
There will be one entity bean handling transactions. Each transaction is short. And I 
also encountered the "out of memory" problem.

What I am going to say it that, EJB model is not suitable for those projects, which 
are database centric, because that will make app server demand storage resources as 
much as DB server, something is a mirror.

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[JBoss-user] [Persistence & CMP/JBoss] - Entity Bean Explosion?

2004-03-16 Thread idxp
The project I am handling has the following features:

1. Quite a lot(hundreds of thousand) entity beans will be created 
2. And they will NEVER be removed

The project is to enhance a legacy project which used JDBC directly to persist data. 

I also understand that EJB will be passivated and be put into the pool so that App 
Server will not be out of memory. 

The question is that, even if an EJB is passivated, will it still occupy some 
resources on App Server? If yes, what kind of resource is occupied? If there are 
several million EJBs created and then passivated, will they exhaust resources of App 
Server since they will never be removed? 

In the legacy system, this is not the problem. Because it used JDBC, all data only 
exists in DB, not App Server. I am going to enhance it using EJB. But due to the above 
considerations, I am hesitating whether to use it or not since it may require a huge 
amount resource to be added to App Server. (BTW, I am using JBOSS as App Server)

Any suggestions? 

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This SF.Net email is sponsored by: IBM Linux Tutorials
Free Linux tutorial presented by Daniel Robbins, President and CEO of
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JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Entity Bean Explosion?

2004-03-16 Thread idxp
The project I am handling has the following features:

1. Quite a lot(hundreds of thousand) entity beans will be created 
2. And they will NEVER be removed

The project is to enhance a legacy project which used JDBC directly to persist data. 

I also understand that EJB will be passivated and be put into the pool so that App 
Server will not be out of memory. 

The question is that, even if an EJB is passivated, will it still occupy some 
resources on App Server? If yes, what kind of resource is occupied? If there are 
several million EJBs created and then passivated, will they exhaust resources of App 
Server since they will never be removed? 

In the legacy system, this is not the problem. Because it used JDBC, all data only 
exists in DB, not App Server. I am going to enhance it using EJB. But due to the above 
considerations, I am hesitating whether to use it or not since it may require a huge 
amount resource to be added to App Server. (BTW, I am using JBOSS as App Server)

Any suggestions? 

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This SF.Net email is sponsored by: IBM Linux Tutorials
Free Linux tutorial presented by Daniel Robbins, President and CEO of
GenToo technologies. Learn everything from fundamentals to system
JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] [O'Reilly JBoss 3.0 Workbook] - "CustomerEJB has no local home interface" (Ex12_1)

2004-02-05 Thread idxp
View the original post : 

Reply to the post : 

I tried to deploy titan.jar for ex12_1 and I encountered the exception:

"CustomerEJB has no local home interface" .

I read through the forum and found that other people also encountered the same problem 
for other exercises.

Actually CustomerEJB does not have any local home interface nor local interface. 
Nothing about local (home) interface is described in ejb-jar.xml, too. Why will jboss 
try to find a local home interface for it? 

One thing in common for all those exercises with this deployment problem is that, EJB 
with only remote interface tries to access EJB with only local interface. I suspect 
this is the cause of the problem.

So I remove the AddressEJB which has only local interface (of course, CustomerEJB will 
change some code) and redeploy again. This time no error!!!

Then I tried to use session bean to access entity beans which has only local 
interface, there is also no problem. 

So the conclusion I made is that, in a jar, if both entity beans with only remote 
interface and entity beans with only local interface are used together, jboss will 
have problems in deploying this jar. 

Any other suggestion? 

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