[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: can JBossWS help me with WS-Policy part?

2006-06-14 Thread itomer
thanks for the reply.

with the help of WS-PolicyAttachment Impl,
does it mean that i can complete the steps in the first post?
at least from step 1 to step 8?

when will the release of 1.0.3 be available to us?

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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - can JBossWS help me with WS-Policy part?

2006-06-13 Thread itomer
hi, i am now using JBossWS with JBoss 4.0.4 GA(still downloading.)

i have a quick glance at the jbossWS user guide, but i have not read anything 
about WS-Policy except in the feature list of the beginning.

my question is, where is the place for WS-Policy?

it seems that all the WS-Security work is done on the jboss-wsse-server.xml 
configue file.
and in the jboss-wsse-server.xml, we specify the security policy.

will WS-Policy and jboss-wsse-server.xml replace each other or 
complement with each other?

i now want to complete the following steps with some extent of policy enabled.

steps are as below:

1. develop a SEI
2. generate the WSDL files with WStools
3. add the security policy assertions in WSDL file manually, 
 such as something as stated in WS-PolicyAttachment standards
wsp:Policy wsu:Id=X509EndpointPolicy 
   sp:IncludeTimestamp /
   sp:OnlySignEntireHeadersAndBody /
if needed, add jboss-wsse-server.xml file???

4. package all the files in war or ear 
5. register the web service to the uddi
6. search UDDI for the registered service and get wsdlURL info from registry
now we do not have any idea about the policy of the web service, so we will not 
use wsdl and WStools to generate the static stubs.
7. fetch the wsdl file and parse it
8. get the security policy info
9. further . based from the security policy info, invoke the web service
(now work fine with dynamic proxy. Why we can not use static stub is stated in 
7. But if policy is included, how can i specify the security principals in 
dynamic proxy way?)

i can now finish step 1,2,4,5, 6, 7 and maybe
   8(parse an extensible point of wsdl is feasible with wsdl4j).
now i am wondering, with the help of JBossWS 1.0.0 (or 1.0.1)
what can we do about the other steps? especially about WS-Policy part?

best regards


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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: can JBossWS help me with WS-Policy part?

2006-06-13 Thread itomer
well, i just check the supported spec in the FAQ.

WS-PolicyAttachment is not supported in JBossWS.
(it is not required by JavaEE, so jboss is not going to support it ,i think)

well, maybe i will look for some other implementation of WS-PolicyAttachment.


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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - why this exception comes out? org.apache.axis.soap.MessageFa

2006-03-01 Thread itomer
hi, i am following the wiki page about JAXR configuration.

i set up the system properties here.

  | System.setProperty(javax.xml.registry.ConnectionFactoryClass, 
  | System.setProperty(jaxr.query.url,
  | System.setProperty(jaxr.publish.url,  
  | System.setProperty(juddi.proxy.transportClass,
it works fine. i can obtain Connection connection, BusinessQueryManager bqm, 
BusinessLifeCycleManager blcm successfully.

but when i came to this code.

  | BulkResponse response = bqm.findOrganizations(findQualifiers,
  | namePatterns,
  | null,
  | null,
  | null,
  | null);

Exception comes out.
but i would not be so confused if the exception were not about the 
org.apache.axis.soap.MessageFactoryImpl. I have known that JBoss is not using 
Axis anymore.

and what is more, i have nothing about Axis in my PC.

i have included ws4ee-axis.jar in my Eclipse IDE build path.
and org.jboss.axis.soap.MessageFactoryImpl is right there.

it seems that SaajTransport  is sending the right message.
but why comes such an exception about org.apache.axis?

  | [main] DEBUG org.jboss.jaxr.juddi.transport.SaajTransport  - Request 
message:?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
  | find_business generic=2.0 
  | javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: Unable to create message factory for SOAP: 
Provider org.apache.axis.soap.MessageFactoryImpl not found
  | 1734 [main] ERROR org.jboss.jaxr.juddi.transport.SaajTransport  - 
javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: Unable to create message factory for SOAP: 
Provider org.apache.axis.soap.MessageFactoryImpl not found
  | at javax.xml.soap.MessageFactory.newInstance(MessageFactory.java:119)
  | at 
  | at org.apache.juddi.proxy.RegistryProxy.execute(RegistryProxy.java:368)
  | at 
  | at 
  | at TestJAXR.testJAXR1(TestJAXR.java:170)
  | at TestJAXR.main(TestJAXR.java:40)

any help will be much appriciated.

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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: why this exception comes out? org.apache.axis.soap.Messa

2006-03-01 Thread itomer
i see JaxrBaseTestCase.java in 4.04 source under 

there is one different thing.

  | String transportClass = System.getProperty(juddi.proxy.transportClass,
  | org.jboss.jaxr.juddi.axis.JBossJuddiAxisTransport);

it is org.jboss.jaxr.juddi.axis.JBossJuddiAxisTransport
not org.jboss.jaxr.juddi.transport.SaajTransport.

my code and in wiki also:

  | System.setProperty(juddi.proxy.transportClass,

i could not find this class anywhere in the jar class file.
is this the reason why i got the Unable to create message factory for SOAP: 
Provider org.apache.axis.soap.MessageFactoryImpl not found exception?

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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: why this exception comes out? org.apache.axis.soap.Messa

2006-03-01 Thread itomer
well, i answered my own question.

the root cause of such exception is the using  Web Services 1.0 Library which 
comes with  JBoss-IDE.

there is 4 jar files under Web Services 1.0 library.
the problematic one is saaj-api.jar, under 

for example, 

  |  try {
  | return (SOAPConnectionFactory) FactoryFinder.find(SF_PROPERTY,  
  | } catch (Exception exception) {
  | throw new SOAPException(Unable to create SOAP connection 
  | + exception.getMessage());
  | }

this code seems normal. but under this,  it declares two String constants.

  | private static final String DEFAULT_SOAP_CONNECTION_FACTORY =
  | org.apache.axis.soap.SOAPConnectionFactoryImpl;
  | private static final String SF_PROPERTY =
  | javax.xml.soap.SOAPConnectionFactory;

got it?
that is why the application continuously looking for the AXIS stuff.

there is another 2 places, including:
javax.xml.soap.SOAPFactory javax.xml.soap.MessageFactory.

i remove the Web Services 1.0 library in Eclipse.
and import jboss-saaj.jar in JBoss installation package.

then this exception is gone.

at last, there are some confusing things here, why is the library coming with 
JBoss-IDE still looking for the Axis stuff. or is my Jboss-Ide too old?

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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: about juddi-service.sar in 4.0.3SP1, is it missing or el

2006-01-08 Thread itomer
thanks a lot.
this post is closed.

it is really my wrong.

maybe it would be better if there can be some notes about this, for some JBoss 
newbie lke me. such as, Warning! JBoss EJB 3 build may not contain all the 
standard services.

when i used the run installer and choosed All,  i assumed that it would 
install all the standard services by default. but clearly i was wrong. :-)

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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: about juddi-service.sar in 4.0.3SP1, is it missing or el

2006-01-07 Thread itomer
many thanks for the reply.
i must say it is very very wired indeed. :-(
i double check my server/all/deploy, and it looks like the following.

  | sqlexception-service.xml
  | [http-invoker.sar] jdbc-metadata-service.xml
  | [jboss-aop.deployer]   jmx-invoker-service.xml
  | [jboss-bean.deployer]  jsr77-service.xml
  | [jboss-ws4ee.sar]  jta-service.xml
  | [jms]  invokers-service.xml
  | [jmx-console.war]  mail-service.xml
  | [jbossweb-tomcat55.sar]mail-ra.rar
  | [management]   naming-service.xml
  | [ejb3.deployer]properties-service.xml
  | xmlresolver-service.xmlscheduler-service.xml
  | attrpm-service.xml schedule-manager-service.xml
  | binding-service.xmlsecurity-service.xml
  | bsh-deployer.xml   uuid-key-generator.sar
  | cache-invalidation-service.xml tc5-cluster-service.xml
  | client-deployer-service.xmlmonitoring-service.xml
  | dynclassloader-service.xml ejb3-clustered-sfsbcache-service.xml
  | ear-deployer.xml   ejb3-entity-cache-service.xml
  | ejb-timer-service.xml  ejb3-interceptors-aop.xml
  | ejb-deployer.xml   cluster-service.xml
  | hsqldb-ds.xml  mysql-ds.xml
  | jboss-ha-local-jdbc.rar
  | jboss-ha-xa-jdbc.rar   
  | jboss-local-jdbc.rar
  | jboss-xa-jdbc.rar
i installed 4.0.3SP1 from the run installer from JEMS product download page.
and my two teammates downloaded 4.0.3SP1 from run installer too, and they do 
not have juddi-service.sar package either and have the same directory like me.

juddi-service.sar is indeed missing in my 4.0.3SP1 build, and there are some 
other places that do not  match the list in your post, such as 
jsr77-service(yet jsr88-service in your post)

but i download the whole zip from download link, and choose the biggest zip 
file jboss-4.0.3SP1.zip. now it looks fine and juddi-service.sar is in it.

that is why i feel so wierd.  is there something wrong with the installer? 

if the correct build is what i get from the download zip file, then what is the 
jboss 4.0.3SP1 build that we have been using for about 3 months from the run 

i check the cache file, RMjboss-4.0.3SP1-installer.jar, it is about 47.059kb 
and date is 12-18-2005, under 
C:\Documents and Settings\x(name omitted)\Application 
when i run the installer again, it did say checking for the newest version, 
but no additional jars are downloaded.

i do not know why, this question is totally beyond me. :-(

anyway, the problem is clear and juddi-service.sar is found.
i will tell my teammates to change the server platform tomorrow, and i would 
start my own work soon.

thanks again :-)

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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: about juddi-service.sar in 4.0.3SP1, is it missing or el

2006-01-07 Thread itomer
just one more thing, 

i see the JEMS download page. 
anonymous wrote : NOTE: EJB 3.0 can be installed by choosing Run Installer or 
by downloading and running jboss-4.0.3SP1-installer.jar.

if use run installer method, ejb3.deployer is coming with 4.0.3SP1 build as 
but juddi-service.sar is missing in this 4.0.3 build. 

so i am wondering whether this run installer build is for ejb3 development 
only and is not supposed to support some other services, such as juddi-service, 
or jsr88-service?

if that is it, i think it is my fault not to understand installation 
instruction correctly. :-(

now, what i need to do is following the EJB 3 installation instructions and put 
the ejb3.deployer and some other xml conf files in deploy directory of the 
newly 4.0.3SP1 build with juddi-service.sar, right? if i want to use both EJB 3 
and juddi.

sorry for the inconvenience caused by me.

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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - about juddi-service.sar in 4.0.3SP1, is it missing or else?

2006-01-06 Thread itomer
hi, i now need some function about web service registry.

and i found that juddi-service.sar is integrated in my 4.0.2/all, and there are 
some posts about how to configure it in JBoss forum.

but in 4.0.3SP1, juddi-service.sar is missing, under server/all/deploy, and i 
could not find it in a clean build either.

what happened to juddi-service.sar?

will it be ok if i just copy the juddi-service.sar in 4.0.2 and put it under 

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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: about juddi-service.sar in 4.0.3SP1, is it missing or el

2006-01-06 Thread itomer
thanks for the reply.  I have seen those pages.

anonymous wrote : 
  | The UDDI v2 jUDDI service you will find in all/juddi-service.sar

but my question is:  i could not find the juddi sar package coming along with 
my 4.0.3SP1 build.  yet i do can find it coming with 4.0.2.

now where should i find one juddi sar to put it under 4.0.3 server/all/deploy?
1)  will i just copy the sar package from 4.0.2 to 4.0.3?  will that be 
ok?cause i saw in the wiki page that juddi sar work fine in 4.0.2 but throws 
exception in 4.0.3 rc2

2) i also notice that there is one juddi-service.sar.zip file attached in wiki 
page. would that one be the right sar pack?  

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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - problem in

2006-01-03 Thread itomer
hi, i am new in jbossWS.
i followed the hello world tutorial in wiki, but i could not work it out.

i think it would be some mis-config in my xml descriptor files.
cause i could deploy the war with the example, and see it listed under 

My steps are as follows:
1. create HelloIF.java, for the interface
package itomer.hello;
  | import java.rmi.Remote;
  | import java.rmi.RemoteException;
  | public interface HelloIF extends Remote{
  | public String getHello(String name) throws RemoteException;
  | }

2. HelloImp.java
package itomer.hello;
  | public class HelloImp{  
  | public String getHello(String name) {   
  | return Hello + name + from web service;
  | }
  | }

3. add a  in web.xml
  |   servlet-nameHelloWorldWS/servlet-name
  |   servlet-classitomer.hello.HelloImp/servlet-class
  | /servlet
  | servlet-mapping
  |   servlet-nameHelloWorldWS/servlet-name
  |   url-pattern/Hello/url-pattern
  | /servlet-mapping
4. config.xml
?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
  | configuration xmlns=http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jax-rpc/ri/config;
  | service name=HelloService
  |  targetNamespace=urn:FOO
  |  typeNamespace=urn:FOO
  |  packageName=itomer.hello
  | interface name=itomer.hello.HelloIF /
  | /service
  | /configuration 

4. then i use wscomplie to generate the mapping.xml and helloService.wsdl
wscompile -cp myclasses -d destination -gen:server -f:rpcliteral 
-mapping mapping.xml config.xml

it generates two files.
HelloService.xml, under /WEB-INF/wsdl
?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
  | definitions name=HelloService targetNamespace=urn:FOO 
xmlns:tns=urn:FOO xmlns=http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/; 
  |   types/
  |   message name=HelloIF_getHello
  | part name=String_1 type=xsd:string//message
  |   message name=HelloIF_getHelloResponse
  | part name=result type=xsd:string//message
  |   portType name=HelloIF
  | operation name=getHello parameterOrder=String_1
  |   input message=tns:HelloIF_getHello/
  |   output 
  |   binding name=HelloIFBinding type=tns:HelloIF
  | soap:binding transport=http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http; 
  | operation name=getHello
  |   soap:operation soapAction=/
  |   input
  | soap:body use=literal namespace=urn:FOO//input
  |   output
  | soap:body use=literal 
  |   service name=HelloService
  | port name=HelloIFPort binding=tns:HelloIFBinding
  |   soap:address 

mapping.xml, under /WEB-INF
?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
  | java-wsdl-mapping xmlns=http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee; 
xmlns:xsi=http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance; version=1.1 
  | package-mapping
  | package-typeitomer.hello/package-type
  | namespaceURIurn:FOO/namespaceURI
  | /package-mapping
  | package-mapping
  | package-typeitomer.hello/package-type
  | namespaceURIurn:FOO/namespaceURI
  | /package-mapping
  | service-interface-mapping
  | service-interfaceitomer.hello.HelloService/service-interface
  | wsdl-service-name 
  | port-mapping
  | port-nameHelloIFPort/port-name
  | java-port-nameHelloIFPort/java-port-name
  | /port-mapping
  | /service-interface-mapping
  | service-endpoint-interface-mapping
  | wsdl-port-type 
  | wsdl-binding 
  | service-endpoint-method-mapping
  | java-method-namegetHello/java-method-name
  | wsdl-operationgetHello/wsdl-operation
  | method-param-parts-mapping
  | param-position0/param-position
  | param-typejava.lang.String/param-type
  | wsdl-message-mapping
  | wsdl-message 
  | wsdl-message-part-nameString_1/wsdl-message-part-name
  | parameter-modeIN/parameter-mode
  | /wsdl-message-mapping
  | /method-param-parts-mapping
  | wsdl-return-value-mapping
  | method-return-valuejava.lang.String/method-return-value
  | wsdl-message 
  | wsdl-message-part-nameresult/wsdl-message-part-name
  | /wsdl-return-value-mapping
  | /service-endpoint-method-mapping
  | /service-endpoint-interface-mapping
  | /java-wsdl-mapping

5. wrap all of them up with a webservice.xml
?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
  | webservices 

[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: problem in

2006-01-03 Thread itomer
this post is closed.
it should be webservices.xml, not webservice.xml

now it works fine.

Stupid mistypings

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