[JBoss-user] [Beginners Corner] - Does JBoss 4.0.0 recognize Class-Path: entries in MANIFEST.M

2004-11-06 Thread joedev42
I am trying to deploy a very simple EAR file which - for the time being - contains 
just one ejb-jar file and a bunch of dependencies. The application.xm dd contains just 
one entry for the ejb module, dependencies on the included libraries are declared via 
appropriate entries in the ejb-jars MANIFEST.MF

  | ...
  | Class-Path: spring-1.1.jar, aopalliance.jar, ...
I find this a very convenient and elegant mechanism of dependency resolution which is 
- to the best of my knowledge and according to the petstore sample app - standardized 
in the EJB spec. 

Yet deploying this EAR file fails with a message to the effect that a class from 
spring-1.1.jar could not be loaded.  Adding an entry

  | module
  |   javaspring-1.1.jar/java
  | /module
resolves the problem, but I think this is a misuse of the java module. Furthermore, it 
would require adding entries for a whole lot of dependencies.

So does JBoss 4.0.0 use the Class-Path attribute from MANIFEST.MF to resolve 
dependencies? Am I wrong in believing that this is a standard means of dependencies 
resolution? What other options do I have?



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[JBoss-user] [Beginners Corner] - [Stupid Me!] Re: Does JBoss 4.0.0 recognize Class-Path: entr

2004-11-06 Thread joedev42
OK, always do your homework before trying to raise an issue. Due to a bug in my build 
system the Class-Path attribute was not written into the Main Section, so JBoss 
rightly ignored it. It now works as expected.



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[JBoss-user] [JBoss.NET] - jbossnet subtask and xdoclet generated value objects

2004-10-01 Thread joedev42
We are trying to deploy some SLSBs as JBoss.NET style webservices - we are not yet 
ready to switch to JBoss 4.0.0 and J2EE style webservices. Our whole toolchain is 
xdoclet centric and thus our value objects are generated by xdoclet as well. Moreover, 
I would be glad if I could use JBoss.NET's xdoclet support which would make for a 
seamless integration into our build environment.
Most of the SLSBs' methods to expose either take a vo as parameter or return one. 
Since these are xdoclet generated I cannot possibly add the @jboss-net.xml-schema tag 
and thus the correct  typemapping elements in web-service.xml won't be generated. Is 
there an elegant solution to this problem or do I have to create those typemappings 
manually? If so, does the jbossnet subtask support merge points so that I could merge 
my manually generated typemappings into the generated web-service.xml?



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[JBoss-user] [Security JAAS/JBoss] - [LdapLoginModule] Problem when principalDNSuffix = rolesCtxD

2004-08-27 Thread joedev42
I have to authenticate and authorize users against the following LDAP schema:

  | o=myCorp,c=DE ---
  | |
  | --- ou=Users,... ---
  |  |
  |  --- uid=joedev...
  | uid: 
  | realName: Joe 
  | memberOf: role1
  | memberOf: role2
  | userPassword: 

What makes this different from the example configuration to be found in 
AdminDevel_323.pdf - which I have been studying inside out - is that a user's roles 
are stored in the same node as the user himself.

My realm definition thus far is

  | login-module code = org.jboss.security.auth.spi.LdapLoginModule flag = 
  | module-option name = 
  | module-option name = 
  | module-option name = 
  | module-option name = principalDNPrefixuid=/module-option
  | module-option name = 
  | module-option name = uidAttributeIDuid/module-option
  | module-option name = matchOnUserDNfalse/module-option
  | module-option name = allowEmptyPasswordsfalse/module-option
  | module-option name = hashAlgorithmSHA-1/module-option
  | module-option name = hashCharsetUTF-8/module-option
  | module-option name = hashEncodingbase64/module-option
  | module-option name = 
  | module-option name = roleAttributeIDmemberOf/module-option
  | /login-module

Using this config under JBoss 3.2.1 I succeeded in authenticating user joedev, but 
failed to assert his roles role1, role2, ... . I have been studying the source code 
for LdapLoginModule and have tracing for org.jboss.security enabled, so I know that my 
module-options are passed in as intended.  Still JBoss fails to find the roles stored 
in the memberOf attribute. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

On a different note: studying the LdapLoginModule source I notice that for the roles 
search to succeed at all the value of the uidAttributeId attribute (uid) must be the 
authenticated user's full DN (principalDNPrefix + joedev + principalDNSuffix), NOT 
just his username (joedev) as I would have expected. Is this behaviour intended?


Olaf Bergner

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[JBoss-user] [Security JAAS/JBoss] - Correction: [LdapLoginModule] Problem when principalDNSuffix

2004-08-27 Thread joedev42
Forget the afterthought about the uidAttributeId's value which must be set to the 
user's full DN. This is of cource only true if matchOnUserDN is set to true.

Still I wonder why authorization fails.


Olaf Bergner

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss.NET SOAP] - JavaBeans with java.util.Collection properties as parameter/

2004-03-24 Thread joedev42
I am trying to deploy some SLSBs of an existing app as web services. My central domain 
object is a tree-like structure where parent nodes keep references to its child nodes 
in implementations of java.util.Set. For various reasons, changing to typed java 
arrays or java.util.List is no option.

I use xdoclet together with the jbossnet subtask to generate the web-service.xml file. 
I am able to deploy the .wsr file, and JBoss.NET will generate a wsdl file, yet issue 
a warning:

[Types] The class java.util.Set is defined in a java or javax package and cannot be 
converted into an xml schema type.  An xml schema anyType will be used to define this 
class in the wsdl file.

I cannot, however, use this file to generate a client stub, since some - not all - of 
those java.util.Set properties are mapped as the type tns3:Set where tns3 is an 
undeclared namespace. Other java.util.Set properties are mapped as xsd:anyType and 
java.util.List properties as soapenc:Array. Running wsdl2java against this wsdl file 
consequently fails with a message to the effect that the type tns3:Set is referenced 
but not declared.

So why are some sets mapped as xsd:anyType, others as tns3:Set? And what are my 
options in this situation? I am pretty much new to web services, so any hints are 


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[JBoss-user] [JBoss.NET SOAP] - Re: JavaBeans with java.util.Collection properties as parame

2004-03-24 Thread joedev42
Thanks for your prompt answer, James.

james.clover wrote : Java Collection classes aren't recommended for SOAP interfaces, 
mostly for interop reasons.  If all you're needing is a list of objects without 
duplicates, then your interface can just be an array of objects.  You can treat is as 
a Set from either side of the interface.

I am afraid I cannot change my domain objects to always use arrays instead of Sets. I 
am using Hibernate as my persistence layer, and Hibernate demands that properties 
mapped as arrays or Lists strictly obey the list semantics, i.e. be indexed. What's 
more, it requires a table column holding the index of each array element, and changing 
the table layout is simply no option.

On the other hand, I am operating in a homogenous java environment, so interop 
concerns are a non-issue. So do I have other options?


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[JBoss-user] [Management, JMX/JBoss] - Re: Generating attribute tags via xdoclet

2004-03-19 Thread joedev42
Done. Overlooked the value-parameter in the @jmx.managed-attribute tag.


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